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Chapter 286 Sphinx Warrior

The scenery of Mount Penglai is beautiful, and there is a strong aura everywhere.

There are clouds and mist floating in the sky, and white clouds on the top of the mountain, which already has the charm of a fairyland.

As soon as Chu Ming landed, he was shocked by the strong aura here.

After just a few breaths, Chu Ming felt refreshed.

At the same time, Chu Ming could feel every cell in his body beating, as if he was particularly eager for the density of spiritual energy here, and wanted to swallow all the spiritual energy into his body.

Chu Ming took a few deep breaths to temporarily suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Time was urgent, Chu Ming didn't take care of admiring the beautiful scenery of Mount Penglai, but directly chose a place with a wide view to practice.

In fact, Chu Ming didn't know if there were any creatures on Penglai Mountain.

If it was in the past, Chu Ming might have started practicing directly after coming here.

After all, Mount Penglai at that time was still an ordinary mountain, even if there were any creatures inside, it was not worth making a fuss about.

But now it is different, Penglai Mountain has become so huge that it can almost be called a piece of land.

In such a huge place, Chu Ming is not sure whether there is any kind of powerful existence here.

What if a huge ancient beast rushed out of the mountain and swallowed him in one bite?

After the scene seen by the aircraft carrier at sea just now, Chu Ming felt that he could not get too close to the sea.

For a long time, for human beings, the sea has been an unknown and mysterious place.

Even in the mundane period, human beings still can't figure out what is in the sea with the help of high-tech equipment.

Let alone now.

Any kind of evolutionary mutation of sea creatures would have dire consequences.

After all, creatures in the ocean generally have extremely strong vitality. Most of the species are very ancient, and once they evolve and mutate, they will become extremely powerful.

In order not to risk myself,

Chu Ming decided that the place of practice must be as far away from the coastline as possible.

When all the conditions were met, Chu Ming finally started to practice.

Of course, Chu Ming's so-called starting practice refers to setting up the practice site.

First of all, the Da Geng sword array must be arranged in advance.

When Chu Ming practiced, he would stay in one place. If a powerful creature came to attack him, Chu Ming would be a living target.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Chu Ming directly set up the Great Geng Sword Formation within a radius of one kilometer around him.

Soon, dense threads of sword energy appeared, forming a safe nest like a spider web, wrapping the area where Chu Ming practiced safely.

These golden threads quickly disappeared into the void, without any traces on the surface.

Once a strange creature breaks into this area, the Da Geng Sword Formation will be activated immediately, and the fierce sword energy will cut it to pieces in an instant.

In addition to the Great Geng Sword Formation, Chu Ming also laid down the protective mask of Haoran Tiangang in advance.

Of course, the protective mask of Haoran Tiangang needs to input skills all the time to maintain its complete form, otherwise it will be exhausted soon.

But what Chu Ming has more is skill.

He exchanged some top-level source stones in the system, which can contain aura and skills.

Chu Ming injected two thousand years of skill into the source stone, and embedded this source stone containing two thousand years of skill in the core of Haoran Tiangang.

In this way, with the release of the energy in the source stone, the Haoran Tiangang will always exist, forming a powerful protective layer.

After doing all this, Chu Ming finally relaxed a little.

Youlong Zhantianjian automatically flew into the air, suspended quietly in the void, guarding all directions for Chu Ming.

With the defensive means deployed by Chu Ming, even if the half-human king and the four holy beasts attack at the same time, they can resist the opponent for a while.

And this time was enough for Chu Ming to wake up from the state of practice.

After doing all this, Chu Ming checked and found no mistakes, and immediately started his own practice.

Chu Ming directly exchanged a large number of spiritual fruit treasures from the system mall, and placed them all around him.

Although the aura density here is extremely strong, Chu Ming is not sure how much aura he needs to absorb to break through the sky.

To be on the safe side, he'd better exchange some natural materials and earthly treasures.

In case the concentration of aura here is not enough, he had better quickly take some nourishing herbs to make up for it.

"God and Demon Body Refining Technique Ninth Floor, come out!"

Chu Ming's heart moved, and his spiritual consciousness entered the ancient martial arts system.

Next, Chu Ming began to practice according to the ninth level of the Divine Demon Body Refining Technique, and a special energy trajectory began to wander in his body.

With the wandering of this energy, a powerful attraction formed around Chu Ming's body, and the rich spiritual energy from the outside world began to enter the limbs and bones along with Chu Ming's breathing and pores.

At the same time, Chu Ming's breath began to become long and mellow, and his momentum became stronger and stronger.

In this way, Chu Ming entered the stage of accumulating energy and spirit at the ninth level of True Vessel Realm.

Once he has accumulated enough aura, he will launch an attack on the sky.

While Chu Ming's strength continued to improve, the half-human warriors far away in the other world had quietly touched near the passage between the earth and the other world.

Chu Ming carried out a massacre in another world, directly killing the half-orc army.

Especially the last volcanic eruption caused heavy casualties to the soldiers on both sides.

In order to take revenge, the half-human king ordered to send sphinx warriors to the earth to wash away the shame of the half-orcs with blood.

The sphinx is one of the half-orcs. They have tyrannical temperament and strong fighting power. They are the most powerful generals under the half-human king with one hand.

This time the half-human king sent sphinx warriors, which is enough to prove that the half-human king was really anxious to be killed by Chu Ming.

The leader of the sphinx warrior is named Ekda, a peak powerhouse in the Sky Realm, and one of the top ten powerhouses among the half-orc tribes.

Ekda led five hundred sphinx warriors quietly through the Holy Beast Continent and directly entered the golden grassland.

However, the sphinx warriors are very good at scouting, especially on this golden grassland, their arrival is like returning home.

They can completely merge with the entire Golden Grassland, as long as they don't take the initiative to expose, nothing can be seen from the outside.

They first looked at the Huaxia Defense Fortress, where 50 million Air Realm fighters were training.

When the sphinx warriors noticed such a terrifying human army, they all shrank their necks in fright.

Therefore, the sphinx warrior explored from several other space passages, and the results of the investigation were not optimistic.

Because there are too many fighters in China's soaring realm, some experts have suggested that if so many strong people all live on the earth, the earth will be overwhelmed sooner or later.

This is also what the Dawn Legion is worried about. For the sustainable development of the earth, the Dawn Warriors encourage those who are strong in the sky to go to another world to continue their practice.

As a result, the Chinese defense fortresses, North American defense fortresses, South American defense fortresses, African defense fortresses, and European defense fortresses were all filled with Chinese people.

The number of all high-flying realm experts is around 50 million.

Seeing this scene, the sphinx warrior was almost desperate.

The half-human king asked everyone to attack this kind of existence?

Is our king crazy?

After some investigation, there are already hundreds of millions of people on earth who are strong in the sky. If they get angry, the entire half-human continent will not be able to withstand it.

what to do?

Do you want to go back?

For a while, the sphinx warriors fell into a tangle.

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