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Chapter 290 The Fierce Battle

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Blood stained the earth, and the battlefield in northern Xinjiang was full of blood.

Under the leadership of Peng Zhongjie, the soldiers stationed in northern Xinjiang fought bloody battles and tried their best to stop the enemy.

However, the enemy is too strong, they are powerless to stop.

Dawn warriors continued to fall, their blood stained the snow on the ground red, and the whole area was filled with a strong bloody atmosphere.

In just two minutes of fighting, more than 300 of the 1,000 Shuguang fighters had died.

The sphinx warriors only killed three people.

The death rate on both sides has reached a terrifying one-to-one ratio.

Prior to this, whether the Dawn Legion encountered orc warriors or half-orc warriors, Chu Ming took action alone, and it was easy to handle.

After a long time, everyone gradually became numb, thinking that strange beasts or half-orcs were like this.

However, when Chu Ming was away, the soldiers faced these enemies in person, only to find that the enemies were simply powerful and terrifying.

Only then did they realize that it was not that the enemy was too weak, but that Chu Ming was too strong.

Compared with the enemy, the Dawn Warrior himself seemed too weak, and the gap between the two sides immediately became apparent when they fought.

In other words, the Dawn Warrior is really very weak, far from being as strong as imagined.

A battle woke up the soldiers, but the soldiers did not retreat.

Although many soldiers have just joined the Aurora Legion, as long as they become soldiers of the Aurora Army, no one will become a deserter.

Peng Zhongjie was covered in blood, and the right hand that swung the long sword trembled a little, but he refused to take half a step back from the beginning to the end.

Because he knew that China was thousands of miles away, and once he retreated, these half-orcs would drive straight in and cause huge damage to China.

So he would rather die in battle than let the sphinx break through the defense line of the battlefield.

On the opposite side, five hundred sphinx warriors all passed through the space channel and came to the battlefield in the northern border of Huaxia.

Originally, they thought that the human fighters stationed here must be very strong, so they were fully prepared.

But I didn't expect that these human beings' combat power is very average, and it seems that they have just broken through to the Vaulting Realm not long ago.

In fact, the sphinx warriors are also very curious, why so many earthlings suddenly entered the air realm.

What about the strong men of the older generation?

Could it be that these earthlings in the vacated realm just appeared?

In the past, there were no strong people in the sky realm here?

A series of questions flooded the Orcs' minds. As time went on, they found that there was not much danger, and gradually became bolder.

It seems that the earth is not as strong as imagined, but a group of paper tigers with strong outsiders and dry insiders.

If the other party hadn't mastered several powerful sword techniques, they would have rushed over.


Ekda let out a roar, the yellow halo on his body suddenly swelled, and an extremely strong momentum burst out.

At the same time, nearly 500 sphinx warriors broke out in unison, and their fighting power rose to the extreme in an instant.

Originally there were not many Dawn Warriors stationed here. After more than 300 people died in battle, there were only less than 700 Dawn Warriors left alive.

The advantage in numbers was basically gone. With the full-scale outbreak of the half-orc army, the soldiers of the dawn could not stop the opponent's footsteps even with their mysterious sword moves.

A huge sphinx warrior suddenly pounced, like a lion preying on prey, and instantly threw a dawn warrior to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the broadsword in the hands of the sphinx warrior slashed horizontally, cutting the dawn warrior into two pieces.

The blood spurted out immediately, and the scalding blood fell on the battlefield, and the bloody atmosphere enveloped all directions.

Seeing this scene, Peng Zhongjie's canthus cracked in anxiety, his heart soared with anger, and he immediately stabbed at the sphinx warrior with a long sword in his hand.

Immediately, a sharp sword light appeared, stabbing the sphinx's upper body precisely, piercing it with a sword.

The sphinx warrior was still thinking about fighting back, Peng Zhongjie's inner strength erupted, and thousands of rays of light shot out from the long sword in his hand.

Countless sword qi raged wildly, piercing the upper body of the sphinx warrior in the blink of an eye.

Blood sprayed Peng Zhongjie's face, and his eyes were filled with endless hatred.

"Your opponent is me!"

At this moment, a huge lion-headed saber angrily slashed down from the sky, and the blazing sword had an extremely terrifying aura, instantly covering Peng Zhongjie.

Peng Zhongjie thumped in his heart, secretly thinking it was over.

He had been fighting with Ekda, but when he saw his teammate was killed by the enemy, he suddenly lost his mind and rushed to the sphinx warrior immediately.

However, when Peng Zhongjie made a move, Ekda seized the opportunity in the battle, and immediately raised his knife to slash.

Today's Peng Zhongjie cannot escape, it is too late to escape, so he can only resist.

However, with his strong resistance, he couldn't stop Ekda's terrorist attack at all.

For a moment, Peng Zhongjie seemed to see death.

He knew that he would soon die under the powerful killing of the orc warriors like other warriors.

But he was really not reconciled.

He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that after his death, the orc army would march straight into China.

At that time, I will be China's sinner.

I have the entrustment of the ancient martial arts ancestor!

Just when Peng Zhongjie was about to do his best to resist the opponent's attack, a familiar figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of him.

"Go, remember to avenge me!"

Zhou Liang looted from a distance, stabbing towards Ekda with a long sword in his hand.

His whole body was shining brightly, and the sharp sword light filled his whole body, making him look like a sword, unparalleled in sharpness.

At this moment, Zhou Liang used the skill of combining human and sword, and tried his best to launch a fatal blow to Ekda.

This sword exhausted all Zhou Liang's strength. If Aikeda continued to attack Peng Zhongjie, he would suffer his fatal blow.

Only when the opponent gave up attacking Peng Zhongjie, could he fully defend himself against his own attack.

Ekda, who was attacking, couldn't help but his eyelids twitched wildly, and a strong warning rose in his heart.

In his opinion, his own sword can definitely kill the enemy, but if he continues to attack, he will suffer another fatal sword from another person.

The opponent's sword light was so sharp that even if he couldn't kill him, it was enough to injure him severely.

Almost without thinking too much, Ekda immediately turned around, and slashed that terrifying knife towards the other side angrily.

Immediately, the blazing knife gang collided with Zhou Liang's sharp sword energy, followed by a terrifying explosion.

In an instant, blood splattered, and Zhou Liang, who was united with sword and man, collided with Ekda's sword, and died on the spot by the opponent's sword.

Although the power of the unity of man and sword is extremely strong, the disadvantages are also obvious.

The sword is with the people, and the sword is dead and the people are dead!


Seeing this scene, Peng Zhongjie yelled crazily, and a strange bloodshot instantly flooded his eyes, making his eyes look blood red.

A terrifying force erupted in his body, and in an instant, a monstrous wave was set off!

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