My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 291 Shatter the dantian, explode!

Zhou Liang is dead.

The voice and smile of the past are still in front of my eyes, and I have died in the blink of an eye.

All the pictures were frozen, and now there was only a smear of bright red blood left in front of my eyes.

Peng Zhongjie's face was extremely ferocious, and his childish face suddenly became distorted, and an extremely ferocious aura rose leisurely from the deepest part of his body.

There was a sound of air breaking, and something seemed to rupture in Peng Zhongjie's lower abdomen, and an incomparable and tyrannical breath erupted like a blowout.

Broken Dan!

Peng Zhongjie actually directly detonated his dantian, bursting out his life force in an instant, making his strength reach an unprecedented intensity.

"Even if the Dawn Warrior dies in battle, he will never allow the enemy to step into China!"

Before he finished speaking, Peng Zhongjie's breath was surging, and the majestic force directly exploded his battle suit, and blood oozed from the pores all over his body, making him look like a blood man.

The horror is boundless!

"team leader!"

Behind Peng Zhongjie, many Shuguang soldiers saw such a terrifying change in Peng Zhongjie, and they all roared anxiously.

Seeing the opponent's blood dripping all over his body, the soldiers remembered a joke not long ago.

At that time, everyone finished their practice and exchanged their practice experience with each other.

At that time, the captain Peng Zhongjie joked that all the strength of the warrior was concentrated in the dantian of the lower abdomen, and this dantian was the engine of the warrior.

If one day the dantian is broken and all the power gathered inside overflows, the warrior may be blown to death by himself.

In other words, each martial artist is actually a moving human bomb.

At that time, everyone laughed and said that it was impossible, even if he went mad, it would not detonate his dantian.

But now it seems that the captain actually detonated his dantian in anger.

Everyone is a martial artist, and everyone knows the consequences of detonating the dantian.

The point is, the pain required to detonate the dantian is simply more terrifying than dying ten times.

When Peng Zhongjie saw Zhou Liang die in front of him just now, he felt extremely sad, and felt lost at his own weakness. All kinds of complicated emotions prompted him to take this step.

Detonating his dantian became the only way for him to become stronger in a short time.

However, from now on, he will be in a state of eternal doom.

There is no going back.

Peng Zhongjie didn't regret it, whether it was to protect China or to avenge his comrades.

It's all worth it!


The blood in Peng Zhongjie's eyes was boiling sharply, and the sword in his hand was suddenly stained with blood.

Originally it was a blood-colored figure, but at this time, coupled with the blood-colored sword light, the whole world was a little more blood-colored.

The temperature in the air dropped by a few points.

On the opposite side, Ekda noticed this physical change in Peng Zhongjie, and his complexion changed drastically in vain.

"What's going on? Why do people on Earth have so many innate skills?"

Ekda murmured in his heart, after a brief battle, the fighting methods of the people on Earth refreshed his cognition over and over again.

You must know that no matter whether it is an orc member or a half-orc member, there is generally only one talent skill. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

Some members of the proud generation,

Occasionally may have two natural skills.

After they came to the earth, they fought with the human warriors here.

Ekda felt the strength of these people in detail, but they were actually very average, that is, the level of the elementary vacant realm.

Many people are even unstable, obviously they have just broken through.

But why is it that a person with such weak strength can unleash such a sharp attack?

Isn't their swordsmanship a natural skill?

Isn't their palm technique a natural skill?

What about boxing?

What about legwork?

What are all the energy light prints?

What is the current bloody sharp light?

A series of questions flooded Ekda's mind, and he, who originally planned to charge out directly, felt a little hesitation in his heart.

Facing the bloody and fierce attack, Ekda had no choice but to hold the lion-headed saber in front of him, constantly resisting Peng Zhongjie's attack.

Ekda, who was rushing forward the most, was blocked by Chu Ming alone.

Seeing this scene, both the enemy and us were shocked.

The sphinx warriors were amazed that the strength of the earthlings could soar so fast in a short period of time, which is unprecedented in any race.

For example, the berserk transformation of sphinx warriors can increase their own strength by more than 20%, which is already a very abnormal talent skill among all races.

Unexpectedly, human beings can increase their own strength several times.

It's just scary!

The Dawn Warriors were also shocked. They were shocked that detonating their dantians could gain such a powerful force.

Although everyone knows that this sudden increase in power is only a flash in the pan, but if it doesn't explode at this time, the orc army will kill it.

If it doesn't explode at this time, what will the soldiers use to protect Huaxia?

Although the power obtained by detonating the dantian can only last for a short time, as long as everyone can last until the reinforcements arrive, then all the efforts are worthwhile. First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

In any case, the enemy will never be allowed to break into Huaxia.

"We are Dawn Warriors. We will never repeat the mistakes made by Hongmeng Warriors back then."

"Guard Huaxia, even though he died nine times, he still has no regrets!"

"If it doesn't explode now, when will it be!"




The soldiers roared wildly, and the remaining less than 500 people detonated their dantians almost at the same time, and the blood-colored stern light swept the entire battlefield in an instant like a stormy sea.

In an instant, the aura of everyone in the Dawn Warriors soared, from the early stage of the Soaring Realm to the late stage, and the whole world was filled with explosive power.

The half-orc warriors were all shocked. Unexpectedly, the earthlings became stronger collectively.

"This is their secret method of self-destruction. As long as we block their attack, we can kill them all. Go!"

Ektar saw this situation of the soldiers, and he, being well-informed, discovered that this was a secret method to squeeze his own potential.

Although this kind of secret method is very strong, the sequelae are also very obvious.

As long as you block this wave of attacks from the opponent, it will be very easy for the sphinx warriors to kill them all.

The sphinx warriors who originally planned to escape all stopped. At this time, following the order of Captain Ekda, they began to do their best to resist the attack of the earthlings.

The offensive and defensive sides changed instantly. At this time, the earthlings were the main attackers, and the orcs were the main defenses.


Five hundred Shuguang warriors detonated their dantians at the same time, and their strength reached an unprecedented height. The full blow of all of them made the whole world full of sword lights.

In the blink of an eye, the sphinx warrior was covered by endless sword light, and wave after wave of energy frenzy washed over the battlefield like a storm.

A dull sound came from under the sword light, and a large number of sphinx warriors were injured by the sword light, and their blood continued to soar.

And the breath of the Dawn Warriors, who had sent out the most powerful blow, began to weaken rapidly.

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