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Chapter 310 I Can't Stay Here Anymore

Inside the tall city wall, there are ruins everywhere, a lot of blood flows here, and the whole fortress has become a Shura hell.

In the main hall, two thin children sat high on the high platform, exuding a terrifying evil spirit all over their bodies.

These two are the big horse egg and the little horse egg who successfully invaded the defensive fortress.

Because of their human appearance, no one could see their identity except a pair of horseshoes.

So they easily invaded the stronghold outside the defensive fortress.

Then, with the stronghold as the core, the two continued to spread towards the surroundings.

In a very short period of time, the two achieved their goal of surrounding the defensive fortress with strongholds, and then slowly invaded and eroded.

When the dawn fighters guarding the fortress realized something was wrong, it was too late to resist.

Fortunately, they sent out the news here in time, making other parties ready.

Dawn warriors from other places also came to the rescue several times, but they couldn't beat the half-orc warriors stationed here.

Especially the big horse egg and the little horse egg. Although they look thin and thin, they are like teenagers.

But that terrifying combat power is extremely frightening, even the Twilight Warriors in the middle of the Soaring Realm are no match for it.

According to a rough estimate, the combat power of these two little guys has at least reached the late stage of Vaulting Realm.

For the human race, the two little guys are definitely talented.

In fact, no matter which race they belong to, even in the half-human race, the two little guys can be regarded as outstanding talents.

Otherwise, when the half-human king saw the qualifications of the two little guys, he would not have been so crazy to invade the earth.

Outside the defensive fortress, there is also an endless golden grassland.

On the grassland, all the Shuguang soldiers stationed here are ready to block the entire defensive fortress firmly.

Although the Twilight Warriors couldn't break into the defensive fortress, they would definitely not let the orcs inside come out.

Now everyone understands that the human warriors inside are no longer human beings, but have become terrifying half-orcs.

As much as everyone hates to admit it, it's the truth.

The soldiers have no better way, they can only guard this place all the time.

Under the banner of the Combat Department, a tall and straight middle-aged man stood proudly, holding a huge long sword in his hand, looking solemnly at the defensive fortress ahead.

This person's name is Su Ping, a captain of the Dou Zhan Department, and a warrior in the mid-stage of Tengkong Realm.

"Is Minister Xiaoya here?"

Su Ping asked a Shuguang warrior beside him.

The man responded immediately after hearing this: "We have already notified the Intelligence Department of what happened here, and Minister Xiaoya must have known about it.

If there is no accident, the boss should also know. "

Hearing the word "boss", Su Ping couldn't help but shrink his eyes, with a look of self-blame on his face.

"We can't even do this well, how can we face the boss in the future!"

Su Ping was sad, and his right hand was holding the hilt of the sword tightly, his joints turned white.

The deputy captain took a step forward, and said with resentment in his heart: "Captain Su Ping, the boss will definitely know about this matter, we can't wait here stupidly.

In my opinion, we should bring people to kill them and kill all the orcs in the defensive fortress!

We have to make amends as soon as possible, otherwise when the boss comes back, we will all be felonies. "

Hearing the vice-captain's words, many people immediately raised their heads, fighting in their hearts.

The Dawn Warrior doesn't have any cowards, even if he dies in battle, it's better than being stuck here.

However, some people frowned slightly.

Because not long ago, the fighters of the Combat Department launched several attacks, but they were all killed by the opponent every time. In terms of high-end combat power, they were no match for the opponent at all.

If you attack rashly at this time, you can only fearlessly increase casualties.

Su Ping snorted coldly and said, "Do you think I don't want to show my face in front of the boss?

It's not like you haven't seen the battle just now. Our soldiers suffered countless casualties, and suffered heavy losses after several rounds of charges.

If we continue to charge, all of us may have to fold here. "

While speaking, Su Ping was shocked, looked at the deputy captain with scorching eyes, and said in a cold voice: "We stay here, at least the orcs in the defensive fortress can't come out.

In this way, we can at least ensure that other places are not infringed, and by controlling the source, our losses can be minimized.

Once we are all dead, these half-orcs will drive straight in, and other defensive fortresses will also fall.

What if the orcs rush into the earth?

The strong men in our Dawn Legion have all gone to the frontline battlefield, what can we use to resist them?

rely on us!

Only us!

Sometimes, honor is not important, responsibility is the most important!

For the responsibility on our shoulders, even if I am scolded as a coward in the future, I am willing to do so! "

Hearing Su Ping's words, there was no sound on the battlefield.

Yes, everyone has a passion and wants to rush up to serve the ancestor of Gu Wu.

However, such a death is of no value at all. Instead, your own corpse will become the nourishment for the other party to nourish their offspring.

How about just like what Captain Su Ping said, everyone stays here and waits until the strong man of the Shuguang Legion returns.

Leave the honor of destroying the enemy to others, and stick to your own responsibility to prevent the spread of half-orcs.

Just when everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts, a special spatial fluctuation suddenly came from the sky, as if there was an energy ripple rippling in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the void quickly twisted and collapsed, and the entire space became extremely unstable.

The next moment, a powerful sonic boom sounded, and a familiar figure jumped out of the void, directly smashing the space barrier.

Seeing this figure, the Shuguang warriors guarding the golden grassland were stunned for a moment, and then showed great joy.

It turned out to be the ancestor of Gu Wu!

"Congratulations to the Patriarch Guwu!"

Captain Su Ping took the lead and knelt down on one knee, presenting the most noble warrior etiquette to Chu Ming.

Tens of thousands of Shuguang warriors stationed here knelt down on one knee, shouting the name of Patriarch Guwu.

Chu Ming stepped out of the void, his sharp eyes did not look at the many Shuguang soldiers who were kneeling on the ground, but looked at the defensive fort leisurely.

At this moment, the defensive fortress was full of evil spirits, filled with endless karma, as if this place was a hell cave.

Chu Ming looked at the defensive fortress that had been surrounded by strong karma, and couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

There's no other way, we can't stay here anymore.

How powerful Chu Ming's mental power is, he already knew with a cursory glance that there was no human breath in the defensive fortress.

Instead, it was filled with the scent of orcs.

While shaking his head secretly, Chu Ming raised his hand and slapped towards the defensive fortress.

In an instant, a terrifying and boundless big handprint covering the sky appeared, instantly covering the entire defensive fortress below.

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