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Chapter 311 Destruction of the Defense Fortress

On the golden grassland, the bitter wind kept howling, and a terrifying force descended from the sky.

Chu Ming slapped it with a palm, without using any martial arts, the pure energy was already earth-shattering.

This time, under the palm print is a defensive fort built by the earthlings.

Faced with such terrifying pressure, this tall and magnificent building began to make a bleak sound at this moment, and it might collapse at any time.

It was at this moment that Chu Ming showed a little hesitation.

After all, this defensive fortress is a human construction, and a lot of materials and painstaking efforts have been spent in it.

It can be said that after the dawn organization took control of the world, the most important contribution was the construction of five defensive fortresses.

The defensive fortress is a symbol of human beings against other worlds, and a bridgehead for human beings to fight against other worlds.

Now that the defensive fortress was about to be destroyed by his own hands, Chu Ming really couldn't bear it.

However, the entire defensive fortress was polluted by those nasty orcs. Even if the entire building survived, it would still be a stain.

It's better to just destroy it and build a more magnificent defensive fortress later.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming began to increase his strength slowly. He wanted to directly use endless energy to shock all the orcs inside to death.

At the same time, within the defensive fortress, hundreds of thousands of orcs were struggling.

There are hundreds of unfinished altars in various parts of the defensive fortress, and a large number of half-beast deformed babies are placed on the ground, some of them screamed, and some let out bursts of tooth-piercing cries. Somewhat weird.

Orcs have a quick way of raising babies, and that's by spawning altars.

After the big horse egg and the little horse egg occupied the defensive fortress, in addition to assimilating all humans into half-orcs, the first thing they did was to build the spawning altar.

As long as the birth altar is built, the half-orcs can continuously train new half-orc warriors.

With such a strong defensive fortress as their support, the big horse egg and the little horse egg have already risen completely.

but did not expect,

Chu Ming came so fast.

Not long after the big horse egg and the little horse egg were exposed, the other party unexpectedly appeared here.

According to the previous half-human king's plan, the big horse egg and the little horse egg will develop in peace in the lair of the earthlings, and at the same time look for opportunities to sneak into the top of the dawn, quietly assassinate and assimilate the strong players of the dawn army.

And the strongest among the Dawn Warriors was held back by the Half-Human King himself.

According to the Half-Human King's plan, Chu Ming shouldn't come back here so soon.

In fact, the half-human king did not expect that Chu Ming's strength had become so powerful, and this matter was beyond the scope of the half-human king's plan.

Therefore, when the half-human king found out that Chu Ming had broken through to the extraordinary realm, he ran away decisively.

The big horse egg and the little horse egg became abandoned children.

No matter how high their achievements are, they cannot change the situation of the battle.

Because the half-human king also knew that after Chu Ming stepped into the extraordinary, no matter how big and small horses were tossing about, they couldn't hurt him at all.

On the city wall, the big horse egg and the little horse egg stood on a solid granite. They trembled all over, and the strong oppressive force made their figures a little unstable.

The solid granite on the ground had already exploded, and the clothes they were wearing had also exploded.

When the shoes burst, a pair of black and thick horse hooves were exposed.

These two horseshoes stepped firmly on the ground, as if they could draw boundless power from the ground.

Da Madan's veins were exposed all over his body, and his combat power kept soaring, trying hard to resist the strong pressure in the sky.

Not to be outdone, the little horse egg stood beside the big horse egg, and the two fought together against the terrifying palm prints that appeared in the sky.

In fact, the birth time of the big horse egg and the little horse egg is still very short, and they have such powerful strength in such a short period of time, no matter they are placed in any ethnic group, they are enough to be called the proud sons of heaven.

But it is a pity that their appearance is destined to become Chu Ming's enemies, and their fate and fate are also doomed.

Under Chu Ming's terrifying pressure, Pony Dan couldn't hold on at first. The blood vessels all over his body burst suddenly, blood spurted wildly in all directions, and his breath languished instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the big horse egg opened its mouth and sprayed out a ball of blood, which turned into a sharp arrow and bombarded the city wall in front of it.

With a loud bang, the city wall collapsed.

Amidst the huge roar, endless smoke and dust soared into the sky.

But the bodies of the big horse egg and the little horse egg fell down weakly.

The sand and dust danced wildly in the sky, and then was pressed down by the terrifying pressure. The boulder continued to shatter, turned into sand and was pressed to the ground again.

Layer by layer, piece by piece.

This terrifying roar lasted for half an hour.

When the roar ended, the energy palm prints in the sky also disappeared.

What used to be a defensive fort is gone, replaced by a flat, sandy expanse.

Different from the big hole in the palm print before, this time Chu Ming controlled his strength very well.

There used to be unevenness on the ground, but now it has been completely leveled by Chu Ming.

It was as if Chu Ming had laid the foundation for a new fortress ahead of time.

As for the original defensive fortress and the orcs inside, they were crushed into powder by Chu Ming at the same time, and pressed firmly into the ground.

Chu Ming's face was as calm as water, and his heart was calm.

Life and death have long been underestimated. Since you want to fight in another world, you must be prepared to die at any time.

Chu Ming looked calmly at the defensive fortress that had turned into powder, and swept his mental power to the surroundings at the same time, imprinting the Dawn Warrior stationed here into his mind.

The number of people is not very large, it should be that they have guarded the defensive fortress, preventing the half-orcs inside from going out.

In fact, Chu Ming knew that the reason why they could hold on was because the orcs were busy giving birth to offspring and were not in a hurry to expand outward.

Otherwise, with the amazing fighting power of the big horse egg and the little horse egg, these people would not be able to stop them at all.

Of course, Chu Ming didn't mean to blame these people. After all, under such circumstances, it was already very good to be able to make such a decision.

Waiting for reinforcements to arrive is better than dying foolishly.

Chu Ming's eyebrows glowed, and his majestic spiritual power spread in all directions.

In an instant, Chu Ming sent out hundreds of orc strongholds.

These strongholds originally belonged to the Dawn Legion. After the big horse egg and the little horse egg came here, it was through them that they approached and broke into the defensive fortress step by step.

Such a large defensive fortress has suffered, and those occupied strongholds are of course no exception.

At this time, among the hundreds of strongholds, more than half of the strongholds had half-orcs fleeing.

After seeing the terrifying handprints appearing above the defensive fortress, they realized something was wrong, so they planned to escape.

They are just the most junior half-orcs, and their strength is not even as good as before. It is wishful thinking to escape from Chu Ming, who is in the transcendent realm.

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