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Chapter 312: Kill all of them, leaving no one behind!

Chu Ming stood proudly in the void, his body didn't move, but his mental strength was unprecedentedly active.

His eyebrows glowed, and his majestic spiritual power enveloped the whole world, covering all the orcs.

It was at this moment that Chu Ming's eyes that had been closed all the time opened in vain, and a terrifying murderous intent suddenly burst out.

"Being caught by a half-orc in this life can only be regarded as your fate. If there is an afterlife, I hope you will have more luck."

Chu Ming snorted coldly in his heart, and immediately his eyebrows lit up in vain, the dusk between heaven and earth shook, and the whole world seemed to quiet down in an instant.

At the same time, far away in all directions on the golden grassland, the orcs who were running wildly suddenly felt a shock in their minds, as if struck by lightning, and there was a loud roar in an instant.

The next moment, the heads of all the orcs exploded suddenly, forming a blood mist on the spot.

Some half-orcs were still running for their lives, and when their heads exploded, they were still running desperately forward.

While running, his limbs suddenly became uncoordinated, and then he fell heavily to the ground.

So far, the half-orcs infected by the big horse egg and the little horse egg are now all dead.

Chu Ming was not at all happy to remove the dangerous factors at once.

On the contrary, his heart was extremely heavy.

You know, the hundreds of thousands of people who were killed just now were members of the Shuguang Warriors not long ago.

Just because they were forcibly invaded by the half-orc gene, they couldn't even keep their own race.

The group of half-orcs is really hateful, just like the zombie virus in the last days, once it spreads, there is no way but to kill them all.

Chu Ming clenched his fists with both hands, and the killing intent in his heart became stronger.

The more so, the more determined Chu Ming was to destroy the orcs.

Even if there is no half-human mother planet coming, Chu Ming will kill all these hateful guys.

After Chu Ming killed all the orcs, his aura gradually subsided, and he looked calmly at the Shuguang Warrior who was stationed not far from the defensive fortress.

His eyes finally settled on the captain Su Ping.

Chu Ming nodded to Su Ping, and said: "You are very good, work hard, the Shuguang Legion needs soldiers like you."

Before the words fell, Chu Ming's body was filled with energy, and the space began to distort and deform, and finally collapsed.

Chu Ming took a step forward, his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes, and he directly used the teleportation technique to leave.

Chu Ming was determined to destroy the half-human continent. This time he went, he would lead the Shuguang army and the orc army to completely sweep the half-human continent and kill all the half-orcs.

After Chu Ming left, the Shuguang warrior who had been stationed here finally let out a long breath.

Although Chu Ming's appearance was particularly exciting, the terrifying aura emanating from the other party was really terrifying and frightening.

Even though everyone knew that Chu Ming was the Patriarch of Gu Wu and the patriarch of everyone, they were still suppressed by the other party's aura.

This is the suppression of ordinary people by the superiors.

Although people are infinitely respectful to Chu Ming, when they feel the breath of the other party, their bodies will involuntarily disobey.

Even breathing became difficult.

After Chu Ming left, the soldiers found that the blood flow in their bodies became smooth again, and everyone's spirits also became excited.

Su Ping was overjoyed, and he said to the Shuguang warrior beside him: "Did you hear that? The boss praised me just now!"

The deputy captain laughed loudly when he heard this, "Captain, you may have misheard, the boss was clearly praising me just now."

"Shit, just now the boss pointed at me and said I'm pretty good."

"Don't be naive, the boss clearly meant me just now, if you don't believe me, ask the brothers!"

The captain Su Ping and the vice-captain were jealous, and they both looked at the other soldiers around them at the same time, and asked together: "Tell me, who is the boss praising just now?"

A sturdy Shuguang warrior scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Two captains, I think you may have misunderstood. The boss was actually praising me just now."

"I go……"

Su Ping was speechless. It was obviously the boss who was praising him. Why do these bastards have such a strong sense of substitution?

Su Ping looked at the others again, and found that everyone seemed to have received endless encouragement, and it was them who the boss praised just now.

In fact, Su Ping didn't know that when his mental strength reached Chu Ming's level, he spoke to everyone, and for everyone present, it was equivalent to talking directly to them face to face.

Only in this way did the soldiers have this illusion.

But this is also a good thing. Everyone has been encouraged by the boss, and they will practice harder in the future, and their loyalty to the Shuguang organization will definitely increase.

Su Ping had a clear understanding in his heart, and immediately led the soldiers to get busy.

The defensive fortress here has been destroyed. At this time, we must notify the intelligence department as soon as possible, and the intelligence department will notify the Shuguang logistics department to see how to deal with it then.

However, judging from the situation on the battlefield, the boss has laid the foundation well, and in the future, the defensive fortress will definitely continue to be built here.

After thinking about this, the soldiers immediately started to act.

The Dawn Legion is fighting in the front, and the rear must be safe. Their responsibilities are also very heavy.

At the same time, Chu Ming spent half an hour going back and forth.

When he appeared above the Buzhou battlefield again, the battle had already come to an end.

The rich and famous families in the Half-Human Continent have all been defeated by the Dawn Legion and the Orc Allied Forces. The strength of the half-orc warriors of other major races is uneven and not very strong.

In addition, their formation had already been disrupted by Chu Ming, and they were led by the four holy beasts, who quickly wiped out most of the orcs.

The remaining half-orcs began to flee frantically, heading towards the Far West.

It's really like a bereaved dog.

On the battlefield, the four holy beasts are particularly comfortable.

Although they all became Chu Ming's servants, which made them not in a good mood, the record of killing so many orcs still made them extremely excited.

The previous battle with the orcs has never been so hearty as it is now, nor has it achieved such rich results.

After this battle, the half-orcs could not stand up for at least hundreds of years, and could no longer threaten the Holy Beast Continent in a short time.

After the victory, the Four Great Sacred Beasts stopped their pursuit immediately.

As the saying goes, the poor should not chase after them. Now that the human race and the orc race have achieved excellent results, if they continue to pursue, they may be counterattacked because they pursue too deeply.

At that time, it would be a bit ugly to be defeated by the opponent.

However, just when the four holy beasts wanted to order to stop chasing the enemy, Chu Ming suddenly tore through the void and came to the front of the army.

Chu Ming held the Youlong Zhantian Sword in his hand, with a murderous intent in his heart, and shouted: "Kill me, kill them all, leave no one behind!"

Before the words fell, Chu Ming's figure flashed immediately, and he chased after the fleeing orc.

After receiving Chu Ming's order, the human and orc armies were shocked and chased in the direction where the orcs were fleeing.

The four holy beasts looked at each other without thinking too much.

Since the master wants everyone to rush, they can only follow suit.

Kill them all, leave no one behind!

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