My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 326 Arrival in 3 months

The huge altar was dark and glowing, and it seemed to be filled with green blood, and there were layers of sticky liquid, emitting a strong stench.

For this stench, the half-human mother star alien life seems to enjoy it, and they think this is the smell closest to the soul.

One of them, a half-human alien life form about two meters tall, began to chant, and he had words in his mouth, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

Next, the remaining figures followed suit.

With the sound of the sound, the light above the black altar began to brighten, and a special energy emerged spontaneously.

At this moment, the altar seemed to come alive.

Countless green liquids began to flow, and the mucus became more stinky, and began to spread towards the top of the altar from bottom to top.

On the top of the altar is a huge bronze tripod with special patterns carved on it, which looks simple and mysterious.

The next moment, the bronze cauldron boiled, and there seemed to be a mysterious liquid rippling inside.

At the same time, a vast and vicissitudes of life sounded suddenly, causing the altar to emit a special vibration.

The vibration is extremely rhythmic, and every time it vibrates, a special energy pulse will be emitted.

After repeated vibrations, a special ripple suddenly appeared on the altar, and it shot directly into the void.

This kind of ripple is extremely terrifying, like a blue beam of light, directly shattering the void and blasting a big hole in the sky.

The alien life guarding the altar suddenly looked up, shouting some mysterious and ancient spell, as if calling for a child who had left home.

Suddenly, the space in the sky became abnormally distorted, and this blue beam of light directly opened the portal of space, connecting to an infinite place.

At the same time, on the Chihuang Continent tens of billions of light-years away, above the area that originally belonged to the Banhuman Continent, the space was suddenly torn apart, and a blue beam of light burst out directly from the void .

This blue beam of light looks extremely domineering, but it doesn't have any lethality.

To be precise, this blue beam of light is more like a source of information transmission,

When the blue beam of light reached the sky over Banhuman Continent, it rippled in all directions like ripples.

Suddenly, a special buzzing sound resounded throughout the entire Chihuang Continent.

The wavelength of this buzzing sound is extremely special, and ordinary creatures can't detect it at all. Only species with half-orc blood genes can hear it.

According to the previous plan of the half-human home planet, the Chihuang Continent should have been occupied by the orcs at this time, and the information light waves they sent from the distant outer space should receive a response.

But the strange thing is that this special light wave of energy information seems to have never appeared, and no life can hear it.

Gradually, the disparity between the alien life forms on the half-human mother planet is not right.

Such a long time has passed, but there is no response at all.

Under normal circumstances, when the space portal is opened, the species with the half-orc blood gene will be locked after receiving the blue ripple, and then automatically walk towards the torn space portal.

All life forms with this gene will automatically enter the space portal, so as to directly shuttle through the space barrier and reach the half-human mother star, so as to achieve the purpose of harvesting.

But it lasted for half an hour, and there was no response at all.

On the altar, many alien life forms were sweating profusely, feeling a strong sense of unease.

It takes a huge amount of energy to open a space portal, and it doesn't matter if you can harvest life spirits, but if you haven't received any, the loss is too heavy.

In desperation, many alien beings finally stopped the summoning ceremony and closed the space portal.

Immediately, the blue beam of light disappeared, and the light on the altar gradually weakened.

One of the alien species quickly left the altar and reported the situation here to the alien king.

After the Alien King learned of this, he was furious, and pointed out that a satellite surrounding the half-human mother star was directly blasted by him.

In the tall and luxurious palace, countless high-tech equipment can be seen everywhere, and a fat man wearing a black mech sits high and high on the hall.

He was the one who broke a satellite in the universe just now.

He is the alien king on the half-human mother planet.

There is a blue void screen in front of the Alien King, which records the wandering trajectory of the half-human home planet, as well as the consumption of spirits on the entire half-human home planet.

"Has the investigation been clear? How many usable spirits are there on that planet?"

The alien king's cold and gloomy eyes were fixed on the void panel, with extreme anger on his face.

Originally, according to the plan, today was the day of harvesting the souls of Chihuang Continent, but nothing was obtained, and a lot of souls were consumed instead.

The alien warrior who went to the altar immediately responded: "It is a life planet rated as excellent. There are a lot of advanced life forms, and it can harvest hundreds of billions of spirits, but there is a small problem."

Listening to the other party's words, the alien king leaned a sharp sword in front of him, and stared at the other party with icy eyes.

"I know what you said, and I hope you can share some valuable information."

While speaking, the big knife in the alien king's hand trembled, and the sharp light of the knife sprayed around the blade, and the void was continuously split and collapsed and restored, producing a series of teeth-stinging sounds.

The alien warrior was so frightened that he hurriedly responded, "I don't think such high-quality resources should be wasted. They must be sacrificed to the king."

The Alien King suddenly bent down, and the tyrannical momentum immediately overturned the soldiers below to the ground.

He stared at the other party with burning eyes, and said with a bad look: "Why, do you want to start the seed project again?"

The alien warrior got up in a hurry, knelt down and shouted: "No, I mean our home planet directly descends to that star field!

The nearby star fields have been harvested by us. If we want to develop, we must change to another star field.

And that piece of star field with countless superior beings is a very good choice. "

The alien warrior swallowed hard, and was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat, and his dark mechanical skin was covered with crystal drops of water.

In fact, the Xeno Warrior really didn't have a better excuse to answer.

Although this answer may be a bit ridiculous, but if Lord Alien King is not satisfied, he will be killed on the spot.

Hearing the other party's answer, the Alien King unexpectedly did not get angry, but narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the blue light curtain in the void.

Looking at the dwindling spirits above, the alien king suddenly asked, "How long will it take for the mother planet to descend to that star field?"

Hearing these words, the alien warrior suddenly felt delighted, and responded, "About, about three months."

"Three months?"

The alien king inquired about the remaining resources on the mother planet, and finally nodded.

"Okay, let's go to that star field, kill all the life there, and replenish the spirit of the mother star!"

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