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Chapter 327 Extraordinary Lake

Time flies, time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

During this month, the Golden Grassland has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Under the leadership of Huaxia Infrastructure Maniac, the Super Spirit Gathering Formation was finally completed.

When the last piece of ground vein was successfully connected, the spiritual energy in the whole world seemed to undergo a special change. All the spiritual energy seemed to have life, and they all gathered in the same direction.

If you look at it from a high altitude, the aura of Chihuang Continent seems to have eyes, and it automatically wanders in the direction of the golden grassland.

In fact, it was because of the Super Spirit Gathering Formation that appeared on the Golden Grassland that the aura in this world was drawn.

In the core area of ​​the Super Spirit Gathering Formation, the aura is so thick that it cannot be melted away.

Under Chu Ming's arrangement, a big hole was dug in this position.

After the countless auras were extremely concentrated, they condensed into water, turned into energy liquid and dropped into the big pit.

Gradually, the energy liquid in the big pit became more and more, gradually turned into a pond, and then slowly evolved into a super large lake.

This big lake is amazing, the water in it is all aura liquid, and you can improve your cultivation by leaps and bounds by taking a sip.

Chu Ming gave this big lake a famous name: Chaofan Lake!

Any warrior who is stuck at the bottleneck of the peak of the soaring realm can enter the extraordinary lake and use the super rich aura inside to make a breakthrough.

At the same time, Chu Ming arranged for people to build a barrier around Chaofan Lake, so that people outside could not see the situation inside, which also played a certain role in safety.

The first person to enter Chaofan Lake was naturally Wu Xi, who had the closest relationship with Chu Ming.

After Wu Xi stepped into the peak of the Soaring Realm, it was very difficult to break through the last step.

Now that there is Chaofan Lake, it shouldn't be too difficult to break through the Chaofan Realm.

In fact, there are already many fighters at the peak of the sky in the Dawn Legion. If you want to make a further breakthrough, you can only enter Chaofan Lake.

So, Chu Ming arranged the order for everyone.

The first one is Wu Xi, and the second one is naturally Chu Tiankuo.

Unexpectedly, the third person was not from the Dawn Legion, and his name was Chu Jianghe.

At the beginning, Chu Jianghe ranked third, and many veteran fighters in the Shuguang organization felt dissatisfied.

But when they learned of Chu Jianghe's identity, they were all convinced.

He is Chu Ming's father, an identity that no one can match.

It's just that no one of them expected that Chu Jianghe would quietly break through from a mortal to the peak of the Vaulting Realm.

It seems that Chu Ming gave his father a lot of benefits by keeping his mouth shut.

After the top three are arranged, the next ones are Lightning Sect Master, Zhou Motou, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, Qi Shenglong and others.

In addition to them, there are also the head of the Wuyue Sword Sect and Chu Tiankuo's good brothers Yu Chengfu and Cheng Ergang.

In addition to these strong men of the older generation, Shao Chen, Han Fangkun, Lu Zhiming, Yang Guangqiang, Tang Yulan and others among the younger generation are in the next echelon.

Of course, Xu Mingliang, Zhou Zhihao, Pang Quanyong, Murong Xue, Xiao Ya and others who have been following Chu Ming are naturally indispensable.

As the Spirit Gathering Formation continues to function, the aura of the entire Chihuang Continent is almost drawn, and it is continuously transported towards the Golden Grassland along the veins of the earth.

Gradually, Chaofan Lake can not only carry one person's breakthrough, but can even meet the needs of multiple people to break through at the same time.

As a result, Chaofan Lake was divided into separate areas one after another, becoming holy places for peak fighters in the Soaring Realm to break through.

As Wu Xi and others broke through to the extraordinary realm one after another, the Huaxia people kicked off the prelude to stepping into the extraordinary.

Looking at this scene in the eyes of the four holy beasts, it really didn't feel good in my heart.

You know, they have practiced hard for endless years, and until now they still haven't been able to break through the Tao Transcendent Realm. On the contrary, these earthlings have begun to break through one after another.

The latecomers prevail.

However, since Chaofan Lake was built, Chu Ming disappeared, and no one knows where he went.

Therefore, even if the Four Great Sacred Beasts want to enter Chaofan Lake, they don't know who to discuss with at this time.

I can only wait.

At the same time, in a barren land in Chihuang Continent, Chu Ming sat cross-legged on a bluestone of a barren mountain alone, surrounded by mist, practicing alone.

A month ago, Chu Ming got a reminder from the Guwu system that the half-human mother planet would arrive in three months.

Calculating the time, there are still two months left.

Chu Ming didn't know how the half-human mother planet would descend, but he knew that there would definitely be a fierce battle at that time.

At that time, it may be related to the survival of human beings.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess that the alien life on the half-human mother star must be very strong.

They just randomly left the seeds of life in the Chihuang Continent, and they were able to generate a race of half-orcs, which almost wiped out the native orcs.

With such a great ability, his strength must not be underestimated.

Chu Ming felt that even if he stepped into the extraordinary realm, he might still be no match for the enemy.

Chu Ming suspects that the powerhouse above the half-human mother planet may have reached the higher realm of the extraordinary realm.

Therefore, Chu Ming has to continue to practice and use the remaining time to make himself stronger.

The way to become stronger is simple and crude, that is to use the power of all human beings.

Since the ancient martial arts system was distributed to all the people, all warriors will have a part of their power to Chu Ming when they practice.

There are so many human fighters, even if they are one person, it is quite huge when they gather together.

Especially after setting up the Super Spirit Gathering Formation, the martial artist's practice speed became faster, which made Chu Ming's strength also improve by leaps and bounds.

Chu Ming sat cross-legged in the clouds and mist, and the body refining technique of gods and demons was rolling, constantly crushing and reorganizing his own cells.

The process may be a bit painful, but the evolution rate is really fast.

Every time his own cells are crushed, broken, and reorganized, his strength will double, and he doesn't know where the limit is, so he keeps adding up and climbing.

And the source of power that supports Chu Ming's crushing cells is the power generated by all warriors in their practice.


A thunder sounded from Chu Ming's body, and Chu Ming's face straightened immediately, and his expression became dignified.

Because he knew that someone had broken through to the extraordinary realm again.

The Transcendent Realm is so powerful that ordinary warriors can't break through with their own strength, they can only do so with the help of the energy in the Transcendent Lake.

Every time someone breaks through to the extraordinary realm, Chu Ming will get an extremely huge force, which is enough to support him to crush his own cells once.

After getting this power, Chu Ming's expression froze immediately, and the majestic power burst out, directly shattering all his limbs and bones.

The body refining technique of gods and demons runs leisurely, and the broken cells automatically reorganize, making Chu Ming recover instantly.

At the same time, in the process, Chu Ming's body gained extremely powerful strength.

Even Chu Ming didn't notice that his bones gradually began to glow with golden light, and a special rhythm was automatically generated from the blood vessels.

It seems that he is not far from the final realm.

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