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Chapter 47 Unforgivable

Outside the gate of the Chu family, the second aunt became more and more angry with her scolding, feeling that the whole world owed their family.

After patting for a long time, no one opened the door, and the second aunt couldn't help feeling angry, and the evil turned to the guts. She used all her strength and kicked on the door of Chu's house.


After a loud bang, the gate of the Chu family was kicked over, the metal gate was severely deformed, and it fell off the door frame and fell to the ground.

Like everyone else, the second aunt's family also practiced the ancient martial art of body training, and everyone has the power of a second-rank warrior.

This full-strength kick has 4K power, which is equivalent to four times the strength of an adult, and ordinary doors cannot withstand such an impact.

Seeing this scene, the second aunt was shocked at first, and then showed great joy.

I didn't expect that I have so much strength now.

Heh, Chu Jianghe, aren't you hiding inside and not coming out?

Well, I'll go in by myself!

Second Aunt looked proudly at the children behind her, snorted coldly, and said, "Let's go in and look for him, and see how long he can hide."

While speaking, the second aunt snatched the fruit basket from her son and threw it directly into the ditch by the roadside.

This time she is not going to be polite to the other party, and give some fruit basket.

The three of them walked into the courtyard of the Chu family angrily, and bumped into Chu Ming who had just come down from the third floor.

Chu Ming stared at the three of them unkindly, and the anger in his heart had climbed to the extreme.

Some people are really arrogant.

The second aunt couldn't help showing surprise when she saw that Chu Ming was also at home.

However, she didn't pay much attention to it. In her opinion, Chu Ming was a useless piece of wood, and it didn't matter whether he was at home or not.

"Chu Ming, where is your dad, let him come out to see me!"

The second aunt said domineeringly, her sinister eyes seemed to be breathing fire, and her tone was as sharp as a knife.

Chu Ming took a deep breath, and responded in a bad tone: "It seems a little unreasonable for you to break into private houses in broad daylight."

The second aunt never put Chu Ming in her eyes, nor would she take what he said to heart, immediately snorted angrily, and pushed towards Chu Ming.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way, I'm going to go in and talk to your dad!"

The strength of her push is really not small, the door has been smashed with all her strength just now, in her opinion, her push should be able to push Chu Ming to the ground.

She has already thought about it, and today she will be strong to the end, and first give the father and son a blow.

On the opposite side, Chu Ming's frown deepened. When you meet someone who is unreasonable, there is really no need to waste your time talking to him.

Chu Ming raised his sword fingers together, and pointed at the second aunt's palm fiercely, a fierce force shot out along the fingertips, and rushed into the opponent's body instantly from the palm of his hand.

The second aunt's complexion changed, and then she screamed, her body trembling involuntarily.

She was horrified to find that a violent air flow penetrated into her arm along the palm of her hand, smashed along the way, and exploded towards all parts of her body.

Heartbreaking pain came from all over her body, and she was horrified to find that the blood in her whole body seemed to stop flowing, and everything was blocked by that airflow.

She took two steps back tremblingly, and then her body fell back weakly, and fell hard towards the ground.


Chu Zheng and Chu Xia, who were filled with righteous indignation, were shocked when they saw this scene, and rushed to their mother's side in a hurry, their faces full of shock.

At this moment, the second aunt was lying on the ground straight, unable to move her body. She tried her best to open her mouth, but she couldn't say a word.

The sharp energy that Chu Ming sent out just now was actually a Yang finger. In the words of the ancient martial arts world, the blow just now had destroyed the meridians of Second Aunt's whole body.

In other words, from this moment on, Second Aunt became a high paraplegic,

A conscious vegetable.

Chu Zheng is the eldest son of the second aunt's family. At this time, seeing his mother fall down for no reason, he immediately looked at Chu Ming angrily.

"Chu Ming, you bastard, what did you do to my mother?"

While speaking, Chu Zheng picked up the scattered stones and threw them at Chu Ming.

Chu Zheng is Chu Ming's cousin, and he is also an ignorant guy. He has been full of hatred for Chu Ming since he was a child, hatred born of jealousy.

Both of them are equally ignorant, but Chu Ming is rich and can easily settle things every time he gets into trouble, but he can't.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Ming is called a dude, but he is called a bastard.

He has long disliked Chu Ming.

On the opposite side, Chu Ming looked at his cousin who was throwing a stone at him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The aura fluctuations on the opponent's body are not weak, and it should be the strength of a second-rank warrior. It seems that the exercises he spread are really popular, and almost everyone is a second-rank warrior.

Chu Ming flicked his fingers, a white light flashed, and precisely hit Chu Zheng's lower abdomen.

Chu Zheng's body shook, and he fell to the ground with a bang, bowed in pain like a shrimp.

He was horrified to find that the power in his body was losing crazily, and there seemed to be a hole in his abdomen, and all the power leaked out from this part.

Chu Ming's blow just now destroyed Chu Zheng's dantian, and no matter what kind of exercises the other party practiced, he would not be able to retain any trace of strength.

"You, what did you do to me?!"

Chu Zheng raised his head in horror. He covered his abdomen with one hand, and supported the ground with the other hand. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't stand up because of the pain.

Chu Ming stood on the spot with an indifferent expression, and said in a bad tone: "Chu Zheng, you are not young anymore, you should be clear about the good deeds your family has done."

Chu Zheng gritted his teeth, and said with hatred: "My dad is doing the right thing. My dad said that the reason why uncle can make so much money is because he embezzled grandpa's inheritance. My dad just took what belongs to us. Just come back."


Chu Ming laughed angrily.

If he didn't know that his grandfather was still alive, Chu Ming would have almost believed his nonsense.

Grandpa came back more than ten years ago. At that time, he divided the money he earned in the Hongmeng Legion between the two brothers equally, so there was no inheritance.

However, for Chu Ming, this is not important anymore.

No matter what the reason is, it is unforgivable to cheat one's own father.

If there are no accidents, there will be no intersection between the two in the future.

"Chu Xia, take the two of them away, and don't let me see your family again!"

Chu Ming said coldly to the trembling Chu Xia.

Chu Xia was horrified to find that Chu Ming seemed to be a different person now.

Not long ago, when I lived in my house, I even beat and scolded him.

But now, he is as terrifying and intimidating as a wild beast.

Especially his pair of icy eyes, when looking at him, there is a chilling feeling.

Chu Xia also has the strength of a second-rank martial artist, and she has a lot of strength. She immediately picked up her mother who fell to the ground, and dragged her brother to leave the place.

Chu Ming looked at the figure walking away in embarrassment, with a cold look in his eyes.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the heaven spare.

When they cheated their father back then, they probably never thought that such a day would happen to them!

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