My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 48 Alien beasts break in, shocking the world

After solving the troubles of the second aunt's family, Chu Ming's life seemed to return to normal.

He first hired a few decoration workers to renovate his yard and replace the gate.

Qin Mingcheng came here once during his period, and he was finally able to complete the first form of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and he was very happy.

He said that he didn't want to be the boss anymore, and wanted to hang out with Chu Ming.

Chu Ming asked him to go back to his advertising company first and choose a few young people with good character to join the practice team.

When there is time, Chu Ming will teach them the exercises together.

Qin Mingcheng was very happy. He felt that he had been reused. If Chu Ming founded the sect in the future, he would be regarded as a veteran.

Qin Mingcheng's thoughts coincided with Chu Ming's. If what grandpa said before is true, then it is really necessary to establish a sect.

For the next time, Chu Ming chose to practice his inner strength quietly.

Theoretically speaking, Chu Ming can now have two hundred and fifty years of skill, but the skill was consumed too much before, so he must find a way to recover as soon as possible.

In fact, Chu Ming has three choices if he wants to recover his skills.

First, redeem directly in the system mall.

Now, Chu Ming's prestige value has reached more than one billion, and one hundred years of skill only needs one million prestige points, which can be easily completed.

Second, use the star-absorbing method to absorb other people's skills.

Of course, this kind of practice is not very kind. It is a bit cruel to suck the skills that others have worked so hard to practice.

Moreover, the skill absorbed through the star-absorbing method is too mottled and not pure, so it is not very popular for people who are obsessed with cleanliness.

Of course, Chu Ming has no obsession with cleanliness, and if he sees someone who is unhappy in the future, he can give the other party a suck.

The third is to exchange for a skill-enhancing skill from the system mall, so that you can practice it when you are free.

Also, if you accept apprentices in the future, you can also pass it on to your own apprentices.

Chu Ming is not short of skills now, and there is no rush to restore his skills.

In fact, with his current skill, he can already instantly kill most of the hermit masters.

Therefore, Chu Ming chose the third plan and exchanged a copy of "Beginning and Unfettered Sutra" in the system mall, preparing to practice by himself.

This technique consumed a full one million reputation points.

You know, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is only worth 10,000 reputation points, and the Beginning Freedom Sutra is worth 1 million reputation points. It can be seen from the price that the latter should be very powerful.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging the Beginningless Happy Sutra, the system has issued it, please check it, reputation value: -1000000 points. 】

As the mechanical system prompt sounded, Chu Ming felt his head froze, and a huge amount of information suddenly burst, pouring into his memory frantically.

Chu Ming was shocked on the spot. Why is there such a huge amount of data in the Beginningless Happy Sutra?

Chu Ming's current situation is very similar to installing software in his head. The memory required by the software is too large, and Chu Ming's brain is almost running out.

In the past, the exchange of exercises was completed in an instant, but this time it lasted for three minutes before it ended.

Chu Ming's eyes were red, he was panting heavily at this moment, his whole body was dripping with sweat, and he was almost collapsed.

This is mental exhaustion and has nothing to do with physical fitness and skills.

Chu Ming paused for a while, and suddenly felt that he still needed to exchange for a skill that increases mental strength.

Chu Ming realized that the total amount of his mental power is equal to the memory of his brain. The stronger the mental power, the bigger the memory, and it will not be so difficult to exchange for powerful exercises next time.

However, Chu Ming's current state is not good, and the memory in his brain is almost full. If he continues to exchange exercises, his brain may freeze.

After thinking about it,

Chu Ming still felt that it would be better to exchange for new exercises after fully digesting the Beginningless Xiaoyaojing.

For the next time, Chu Ming locked himself in the room and silently ran the Beginningless Happy Sutra.

If you don't practice, you don't know. Once you practice, you will be shocked.

The Beginningless Xiaoyaojing is really too domineering. As soon as it started to run, Chu Ming felt that all the skills in his body were working.

Wushi Xiaoyaojing is a technique that specializes in practicing internal strength, and the upper limit is extremely high. With Chu Ming's current level of strength, it is impossible to bring out the true power of this technique.

Even so, this method is very powerful for the increase of skill.

Chu Ming obviously felt that there seemed to be an energy vortex in his dantian, which was slowly rotating under the urging of the exercises at this time, and it seemed to be turning faster and faster.

The rotation of skills produced a huge cohesive force, causing a special suction to appear in the dantian, which directly spread to the limbs and bones.

The air molecules around Chu Ming's body became active, and some of the energy floating between the sky and the earth was pulled by this special suction, and entered Chu Ming's body one after another, turning into billowing power.

Chu Ming breathes and breathes in a special way, and his skills are rising, and the skills that were consumed before are being replenished at an extremely fast speed.

The Beginning Free and Unfettered Sutra is worthy of being a skill worth one million prestige points, and the speed of recovery of skill is really too fast.

Gradually, Chu Ming was immersed in this practice state of rapidly increasing skill, temporarily forgetting the time.

At the same time, after Chu Jianghe underwent a drastic rectification, the company finally got back on track.

However, due to previous food safety issues, Chu Jianghe has stricter management of the company, and important positions must be controlled by his own people.

At the same time, Chu Jianghe is preparing to transform the company, gradually reducing food products and gradually entering artificial intelligence.

In fact, Chu Jianghe had planned a long time ago to transform towards new energy or artificial intelligence, but he has not been able to make up his mind.

After all, the Chu family was originally a food company, and if it were to transform, it would take a long time.

But after this painful experience, Chu Ming saw the disadvantages of the food industry and made up his mind to transform.

The most important thing is that he has to help his son gather a group of people, and with the factory as an assistant, he can provide high-quality resources no matter in terms of manpower or capital.

Time flies, and it is seven days in a blink of an eye.

During these seven days, Chu Ming selected ten people from thousands of people as the base training for his own sect.

Qin Mingcheng also called a lot of people there, and after some review by Chu Ming, only three people were left to join the practice team.

Liao Bo, a computer hacker who had helped a lot before, got the news and joined in.

Chu Ming felt that he was a talent who might be useful in the future, so he accepted him together.

All together, there are fifteen people in total, who are the bottom class members of Chu Ming's sect in the future.

Just when Chu Ming was planning to develop indecently, a terrible news came, which exploded throughout China like a bolt from the blue.


The portal of the different-dimensional space in Xizang opened, and millions of monsters from different dimensions appeared, launching a fierce charge against Huaxia!

The Hongmeng Legion rose up to resist, but due to insufficient troops, some alien beasts broke through the defense of the Hongmeng Legion and poured into Huaxia.

During this time, please try to reduce going out as much as possible, and give the Hongmeng fighters time to wipe out the monsters!

Hongmeng fighters have the ability to destroy monsters in the shortest possible time. Please don't panic, don't spread rumors, don't believe rumors, and stay at home with peace of mind. "

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked!

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