My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 85: The Beast King Appears in the Void Realm, Xi Zong Falls!

The people from the Guwu family left.

Chu Ming said that as long as the members of the ancient martial arts family do not take the initiative to provoke, the mysterious strong man will not easily attack them.

After getting this answer, Liang Yuchen and Zhao Yifei were naturally full of joy, they could finally go back to their business.

However, their task is not over yet, because there are still a hundred helicopters to be transported to Pearl City.

Of course, these are small things.

Qin Mingcheng also left. There are a lot of 100 helicopters, and he needs to re-plan a place to park them.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Ming and Lan Canghai were left in the VIP room again.

But this time, there was an obvious change in the momentum between the two, and Chu Ming had counter-pressed Lan Canghai from all aspects.

Chu Ming reached out and pressed on the red certificate in the middle of the table, without opening it at all, and directly returned it to the other party.

"Your gift is too heavy, and I dare not accept it lightly. You should know that I prefer freedom."

Chu Ming expressed his point of view.

Lan Canghai frowned, he didn't expect Chu Ming to refuse.

Chu Ming continued: "If the Hongmeng Legion needs my help, I am willing to define it, but I have never thought about joining the Hongmeng organization."

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Lan Canghai responded: "If you are worried about your personal freedom, there is no need for it at all, and you don't have to be appointed by Hongmeng."


Chu Ming's eyes suddenly brightened. If he doesn't need to take up the post, he can think about it.

Lan Canghai once again pushed the Hongmeng appointment card in front of Chu Ming.

This time, Chu Ming did not refuse, and took the commander's certificate in his hand.

With this certificate, it should be much more convenient to hunt and kill alien beasts in the alien battlefield in the future.

Chu Ming checked the system time, and it was 62 hours before the end of the task.

There are only two more days left, and it will take at least half a day from here to the nearest foreign battlefield.

Therefore, for Chu Ming, time is already very tight.

When Lan Canghai saw that Chu Ming had accepted the commission certificate, he immediately showed a relieved smile.

He pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Actually, I've been thinking about something for a long time, and I still don't know whether I should tell you."

"Oh? Is there any relationship between us?"

Chu Ming asked curiously.

Lan Canghai responded, "How much do you know about your grandfather?"

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes immediately, and his eyes became serious.

Not long ago, my father mentioned to himself that my grandfather was a member of the Hongmeng Legion and belonged to the 14th Hongmeng Legion.

If it wasn't for the alien beasts breaking into the earth, my father wouldn't have told himself this.

There is no way, the Hongmeng organization has a strict confidentiality mechanism. People who join Hongmeng, their family members are not qualified to know except the closest ones.

For example, only the father knew about the fact that the grandfather was a Hongmeng warrior, and the second uncle didn't know until now.

Of course, the second uncle is now in prison, and it is very safe there, so there is no need to worry about the strange beast.

In fact, for those who joined the Hongmeng organization, once they entered the Hongmeng organization, they were separated from the ordinary world, and they became people of two worlds from then on.

When Chu Ming heard the other party mentioning this matter, he did not lose his composure, but pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Grandpa has passed away for many years, why do you mention him?"

Chu Ming never had a good impression of Hongmeng, whether it was the other party's behavior style or system, it was hard for him to accept it.

Why do people who join Hongmeng have to leave the ordinary society?

Becoming a Hongmeng fighter will lose family, friends and everything in the ordinary society. What benefits can fighters get from Hongmeng?

Just because people in the ordinary society are not allowed to know the hidden world of ancient martial arts?

This is too unfair!

Lan Canghai looked into Chu Ming's eyes,

The voice said solemnly: "Your grandfather is a member of the Hongmeng Legion!"

Chu Ming shook his head and said, "You lied, Dad said that grandpa has been dead for a long time!"

Lan Canghai sighed, and said: "What I said is true, your grandfather is really a member of the Hongmeng Legion."

Chu Ming: "I don't believe it!"

Lan Canghai: "..."

Okay, it seems that we can't communicate well.

Lan Canghai originally wanted to use this incident as an opportunity to increase the relationship between the two parties, so as to enhance their sense of intimacy.

Now it seems that things are out of their control.

At that moment, Lan Canghai narrated Chu Tiankuo's affairs in detail, including when he entered the Hongmeng training camp and when he arrived in the alien battlefield.

Until he finally became the head of the Longwu Squad, went deep into another world, never returned, and his life and death were uncertain.

Hearing Lan Canghai's words, Chu Ming couldn't help frowning.

Father told himself that grandpa had already died in battle in another world, but according to what Lan Canghai said, grandpa seemed to be still alive?

When he was nine years old, Chu Ming met his grandfather once.

The grandfather in my memory is a strong and strong man with a resolute face, a righteous body, a loud voice, and very rough palms.

I remember that when he hugged himself, he kissed himself on the face, and the hard stubble is still fresh in his memory.

Is grandpa still alive?

In another world?

Chu Ming's heart shook, and his eyes became serious.

"When did they enter the other world?"

Chu Ming took a deep breath, stared eagerly at Lan Canghai and asked.

Lan Canghai's expression froze, and he responded, "Eight years ago."

"Eight years ago?!"

Chu Ming's gaze became sharp, and he said in a blunt tone, "Don't you think your words are ridiculous?"

Lan Canghai showed a trace of shame on his face, and said:

"At that time, ten groups of Dragon Warriors entered the foreign world to perform missions, and the other nine groups came back. It is said that the mission was successful, and the Dragon Warriors led by your grandfather did not encounter any danger."

"so what?"

"So there's a good chance they're still alive!"

The atmosphere in the VIP room suddenly became quiet, and Chu Ming stared at Lan Canghai unkindly, his sharp eyes piercing people's hearts like a knife blade.

Lan Canghai didn't avoid his eyes. Regarding Chu Tiankuo's Longwu battle group, he always believed that this team was still alive, but couldn't return to Earth for some reason.

Lan Canghai took a deep breath, and said in a vicissitudes of voice: "If one day the strength becomes stronger, you can go to another world to have a look, maybe you can find the lost Longwu battle group."

Chu Ming didn't answer, thinking a little.

It's not easy to enter the alien world, the endless army of alien beasts can grind people to death.

At this moment, Lan Canghai's phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the caller ID, Lan Canghai's complexion changed drastically, and he connected immediately.

"What? The herd of alien beasts tore through the defense of the West Zombie Battlefield? Is there a beast king in the sky?"

"Notify the soldiers to hold on, I'll be right there!"

Lan Canghai stood up suddenly, and said in a hurried voice: "There has been a change in the battlefield of Xizhuo. There is a flying-level beast king appearing. I have to rush there as soon as possible."

Hearing Lan Canghai's words, Chu Ming's eyes flashed, and he asked, "Do you need my help?"

Lan Canghai immediately showed joy: "I can't ask for it!"

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