My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 86 Exchange Sword Technique

On the Hongmeng armed helicopter, Chu Ming sat in the cabin, looking calmly at the clouds outside the window.

It was the second time I took Hongmeng's armed helicopter, and my mood was very different.

From the previous forced suppression to the current strong counterattack, for Chu Ming, it is a witness of growth.

In fact, Chu Ming is completely free now, he can choose to go, or not to go, everything is up to him.

The reason why he took the initiative to volunteer was mainly to complete the system tasks.

The system mission required him to kill 100 real-veined alien beasts within 72 hours. Apart from the alien battlefield, he really couldn't think of where there were so many alien beasts.

To complete the mission, he must go to the battlefield in another world.

While completing the task, it is a good choice to reap a wave of favors from the Hongmeng organization.

Before leaving, Chu Ming called Qin Mingcheng, Liao Bo, Pang Quanyong, Zhou Zhihao, Xu Mingliang and others to speed up the construction of the research institute.

Now, Chu Ming has obtained a large amount of funds from the Guwu family, which can be used for project construction.

The body of the strange beast is still kept in the cold storage. It may be too late to study it by myself. If it doesn't work, let's stew it.

At the same time, Dad's artificial intelligence robot processing factory also needs to be upgraded. He wants to try to make some different products, which may be used on the battlefield in other worlds.

Sitting on the armed helicopter, Chu Ming's mind was silent in the system interface, checking his harvest.

It has to be said that with the spread of the seven-level ancient martial arts training technique, his reputation has been soaring.

At the beginning, 10 billion prestige points were exchanged for a godhead, and now, the prestige points are almost reaching 10 billion again.

This time, foreign friends helped contribute a considerable part of the reputation.

Because they couldn't succeed in cultivation, they kept practicing and failed repeatedly, until they finally learned the reason of the blood.

During this process, they contributed a lot of reputation points to Chu Ming.

Because of too many reputation points, Chu Ming turned off the system notification sound, otherwise it would be annoying to death.

"The last time I redeemed the Beginless Passage, I almost used up the memory in my head. Now that I have a godhead, the memory seems to be infinitely expanded."

Looking at the dazzling array of systematic exercises, Chu Ming suddenly remembered the past.

Now, he no longer has to worry about his lack of brains.

When he arrived at the alien battlefield, he would definitely have to fight alien beasts, so he had to prepare a weapon.

Although moves such as Yiyang Finger and Six Meridians Excalibur are very sharp, the weapons are still easier to use.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans can use tools.

A weapon is actually a tool.

Tool of slaughter.

Chu Ming entered the weapons and equipment column, and kept watching among the countless weapons, looking for the one that was at hand.

In fact, Chu Ming didn't have any weapons at hand, because he had never used any weapons.

He wanted to find a more coquettish equipment, which was enough to bluff people, and had enough lethality.

Shura battle axe, Fang Tian painted halberd, golden ring sword, bright silver spear...

After looking at most of the weapons, he still thinks the sword is more beautiful.

There are all kinds of long swords in the system, some are as cold as snow, some are as thick as mountains, some are sharp, and some are as cold as an abyss.

The sword is double-edged, the body is straight and the head is pointed, it can hurt people horizontally and vertically, and the stabbing can penetrate armor. It is extremely dangerous, and it is born to kill.

The most important thing is that Chu Ming has a lot of sword skills here, and when used with a long sword, it should be able to exert a good power.

Chu Ming thought of Wu Xi's Binggang Sword again.

The sword has a sword spirit, which can contain sword intent. Once activated, it can make the warrior burst out with an attack that exceeds his own strength, and can kill the enemy by leapfrogging.

Back then, Wu Xi's sword was enough to kill the Scarlet Eyed Beast King,

It's just that the other party was too alert and predicted the crisis in advance and avoided it.

After much deliberation, Chu Ming finally decided to choose the sword as his weapon.

There is no way, because there are too many sword skills in the skill list, it would be a bit wasteful not to use them.

"Nine Swords of Dugu", "Deadly Chain Sword", "Taiji Sword", "Taiqing Sword", "Heavenly Demon Sword", "Nine Tribulations Sword", "Evil Exorcising Sword Manual"...

Chu Ming scanned through many sword techniques, and finally stopped on the "Evil Resisting Sword Manual".

Obediently, could this be the legendary sword technique?

With a rigorous attitude of seeking knowledge, Chu Ming exchanged the evil sword manual.

As soon as he opened the first page, Chu Ming quickly closed it.


"If you want to practice magic skills, you must first..."

Okay, I can't afford to mess with it, and change it.

Chu Ming exchanged another copy of "Dugu Nine Swords", and the exquisite sword moves quickly condensed in his mind.

This feeling is very similar to an empowerment. The system directly instilled the full version of Dugu Nine Swords into Chu Ming, making Chu Ming seem to know this sword technique originally.

Of course, in order to use it proficiently, Chu Ming still needs to practice more to master the content instilled in the system.

Chu Ming thought for a moment, and exchanged a copy of "Taiqing Sword" and "Heavenly Demon Sword" from the system, and then quietly experienced the profound meaning of swordsmanship.

Although he still has a lot of reputation points, he doesn't want to squander them casually.

After all, he only has three layers of skills left. If all the skills are spread, then the source of his reputation will be gone.

Chu Ming tried it. He spread the martial arts skills such as the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which did not increase his reputation.

Only the spread of ancient martial arts can generate reputation points.

Just in case, let's keep it.

As for the following exercises, I am not in a hurry to release them, let's wait and see for a while before talking about them.

Since he was on the armed helicopter, after Chu Ming chose the long sword, he did not choose to exchange it.

There were Lan Canghai and others sitting beside him, and there was an extra sword in his hand for no apparent reason, which seemed a little difficult to explain.

Chu Ming counted the time silently, closed his eyes slightly, and waited for the moment when he arrived at the battlefield in another world.

At the same time, the West Zombie Battlefield.

Wei Zhongyuan was drenched in blood, leading the Hongmeng warriors to fight the enemy bravely.

Not long ago, a flying-level beast king suddenly appeared here, directly tearing apart the defense of the Hongmeng Legion and devouring many Hongmeng warriors.

If it weren't for the missile base's support at the critical moment, I'm afraid Huaxia's defense line would be broken through by the alien beast again.

On the battlefield, blood mixed with the mud on the ground, rendering the entire area into a scene of Shura's hell.

There are stumps and broken arms everywhere, some from alien animals and some from humans.

Numerous large pits were blasted out by missiles on the hard ground. Many strange beasts were lying on the bottom of the pits, some of them were still alive, and their bodies were constantly twitching.

"Which wave is this charge?"

Wei Zhongyuan wiped the blood and sweat off his face, and asked in a cold voice.

Next to it, a burly young soldier responded: "It's already the seventh charge. Judging from the current strength, we can't stop their next charge."

Hearing this, Wei Zhongyuan frowned even tighter.

What the hell is going on with these strange beasts, why are they attacking so persistently?

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