My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 91: One-person show

Mortal warriors are fundamentally different from grandmeng warriors.

Although they are also guarding China, compared with ordinary fighters, Hongmeng fighters obviously lack a sense of mission.

In the past, the Hongmeng warriors stood tall and guarded the battlefield in other worlds, and at the same time gained a lot of rights and status.

The Hongmeng organization manages the ancient martial world. As long as the ancient martial world does not affect the normal life of the ordinary society, generally no one will deliberately govern them.

The significance of the existence of the Hongmeng organization is mainly to guard the space portal and resist the invasion of alien beasts.

However, at such a critical moment, they actually retreated.

Retiring makes people feel angry!

Head Chen and his soldiers originally came to assist the Hongmeng soldiers, but at this moment, they became the main force on the battlefield.

The hot weapons had no much effect. More than a thousand Huaxia soldiers gave up their firearms and raised their swords one after another.

At this moment, a powerful aura of iron and blood erupted at the same time, and they collided with the group of alien beasts without fear of death.

Due to the popularization of ancient martial arts body training, Huaxia warriors have reached the state of seventh-rank warriors per capita, so when they wield their knives, their power is particularly strong.

The Huaxia soldiers have a strict military appearance and are undergoing the most arduous training all the time, with excellent skills.

Especially now, with the skyrocketing strength, their combat effectiveness has shown exponential growth.

More than a thousand Huaxia warriors actually blocked the attack of the alien beast group.

You know, the Hongmeng Legion, which has more people than Huaxia soldiers, was defeated in one face-to-face!

Although everyone knew that this state could not last long, but they really blocked it!

Behind the battle formation, Wei Zhongyuan, Lan Canghai and others looked at the mortal warriors rushing forward with cold eyes and ugly expressions.

From their point of view, these people just have holes in their brains, knowing that they must die and rush forward.

Just now, the two men rushed forward aggressively, it was just to put on a show, so that the ordinary warriors would think that they had done their best.

But unexpectedly, the other party's brain is still a muscle.

It's all right now, and the Hongmeng Legion doesn't know whether to advance or retreat.

On the edge of the battlefield, Chu Ming stood there with gloomy eyes and witnessed the whole process.

In fact, he could have already made a move.

However, he wanted to take a look at the combat status of the Hongmeng Legion, so as to gain a deeper understanding of the opponent.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

The Hongmeng Legion is a group of bastards who eat human blood!

Chu Ming really couldn't believe it. Why was such an important task of guarding the battlefield in another world entrusted to them?

Perhaps, a long time ago, the Hongmeng organization was not like this.

But now, the performance of the Hongmeng organization is very disappointing.

Just now, they clearly still had the strength to fight again, but they retreated hastily.

Well, this is very majestic.

Recalling all the dealings he had with the Hongmeng organization, Chu Ming gradually felt relieved.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, he felt that it was time for the Hongmeng Organization to be eliminated.

Huaxia should be handed over to someone with a more sense of mission to guard it.


Chu Ming took a deep breath, and he decided to make a move.

If he didn't make a move, the Huaxia soldiers might be unable to stop him. This was not the situation he wanted to see.

Even if the Hongmeng Legion died, Chu Ming would not feel sorry for him. If one of the Huaxia soldiers was injured, he would feel infinite regret.

Therefore, this battle is full of firepower!

Thinking of this, Chu Ming exploded with momentum, and jumped towards the battlefield violently.

On the battlefield, Commander Chen led the soldiers to form a thick line of defense. Everyone raised their swords high and killed the strange beasts that tried to break through.

However, without the fire suppression of thermal weapons,

Millions of strange beasts rushed in, and the violent pressure had already overwhelmed everyone.

In the current state, it won't be long before Huaxia warriors will be surrounded by alien beasts, and then they will be filled with hatred.

But the fighters don't regret it, since the moment they became Huaxia fighters, life and death have been ignored.

It is an honor to die for the country!

Suddenly, a fierce breath erupted in vain.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, a figure soared into the sky, smashing towards the camp of alien beasts like a cannonball.

Sword light flashed all over Chu Ming's body, and a bright long sword was revealed.

This is the weapon that Chu Ming exchanged in the system not long ago: Youlong Qingguang Sword!

Chu Ming didn't reach out to hold the hilt of the sword, his brows glowed, and his golden godhead shone brightly, making Youlong Qingguang sword swim around him at a high speed.

Chu Ming actually directly controlled Youlong's Qingguang Sword with his spiritual power, and slashed and killed the strange beasts at an extremely fast speed.

The sword light is like water, sharp and boundless, blowing with the wind, blood rains down the sky.

As soon as You Long's green light sword came out, those powerful beasts that could resist the bullets were cut apart like radishes and cabbages, and died here one after another.

While Chu Ming used his mental power to control Youlong Qingguangjian, his body was not idle.

He stepped on Lingbo microsteps, and his figure shuttled quickly among the group of alien beasts. With one finger, a majestic sword qi spewed out from his fingertips, and accurately pierced through the head of a true vein realm alien beast.

Chu Ming was worried that the Huaxia warriors would suffer too many casualties in the battle with the alien beasts, so he rushed directly towards the most intense direction of the warring parties.

One yang finger and the six-veined sword were continuously pointed out, killing all the strange beasts directly.

The Eighteen Palms of the Subduing Dragon chanted and roared as the tiger roared, and sent countless alien beasts that had rushed over into the air.

The Seven Killing Fist continued to be punched out, and the shadows of the fists hit the flesh, breaking the bones and tendons of the strange beast.

In particular, the sword light flashing in the sky is like the scythe of death, constantly harvesting the lives of strange beasts.

As soon as Chu Ming made a move, the pressure on the battlefield was greatly reduced.

Everyone looked at Chu Ming in shock, at this majestic figure like a god descending from the earth.

Soon, Chu Ming killed the alien beast and pierced through it, making the Huaxia warriors completely out of danger.

On the periphery of the battlefield, the Hongmeng Legion saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded in shock.

They all knew that Chu Ming was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong.

Entering a herd of thousands of beasts is like entering the land of no one.

Every move is a killer move, he is like a terrifying killing machine, killing all the strange beasts he encounters.

Chu Ming's eyes were reddened, and he fell into an inexplicable excitement.

Every time a strange beast is killed, the karma on the opponent's body will dissipate, transform into a little bit of golden merit energy, and escape into his godhead.

At the same time, his mental strength continued to grow stronger with the growth of his godhood, and the Youlong Qingguang sword that killed alien beasts in the sky became even sharper.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, kill 1 True Vein Realm Alien Beast, merit +100, task completion progress 2/100. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, killing 5 real beasts, merit +500, and the task completion progress is 7/100. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, killing 10 beasts in the True Vein Realm, merit +1000, and the task completion progress is 17/100. 】

A mechanical system prompt sounded in his mind, and Chu Ming became more and more courageous in the battle, and launched a frenzied killing.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, the alien battlefield became Chu Ming's show.

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