My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 92: 1 Knife, 2 Breaks

On the battlefield, the killing intent is soaring.

One person and one sword made the strange beasts terrified.

Many alien beasts were puzzled, when did such a strong man appear in the human camp?

Doesn't it mean that humans have a powerful weapon that can explode mushroom clouds?

Why didn't I see that kind of weapon, but a strong human appeared instead?

The strange beast was beheaded by Chu Ming, and the forward momentum dissipated immediately, and the terrifying aura was broken.

Chu Ming worked hard to kill. For him, strange beasts are merits, and the more he kills, the more merits he earns.

He could clearly feel that with his slaying, the godhead between his brows had been wrapped in a mysterious warm current.

The direct result was that his mental power continued to skyrocket, and he became more and more comfortable controlling Youlong Qingguangsaber.

"Still too slow!"

Chu Ming roared in his heart!

The number of alien beasts rushing from the space portal exceeded five million, and as far as the eye could see, it was densely packed with alien beasts.

It seemed that Chu Ming killed a lot, but compared with the massive herd of alien beasts, it was still too slow.

Although the attacks of Yiyang Finger and Six Meridians Excalibur are sharp, they are only single-target attacks, and they don't have much advantage in facing a large number of alien beasts.

In fact, there are not as many beasts killed by the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

With so many merits and virtues in front of me, I feel sorry for myself if I don't accept them as soon as possible.

What if I run away?

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's momentum soared, and the fighting spirit in his heart became more and more tyrannical. He made a one-handed move to the sky: "Sword!"

Immediately, Youlong Qingguangjian uttered sword groans, and after cutting the necks of the three strange beasts, it returned to Chu Ming's hands as quickly as possible.

The moment Chu Ming held the long sword, his whole body was shaken, and his aura instantly became fierce.

His eyes were like lightning, and there seemed to be sword energy whistling in his mouth and nose, and the high-pitched buzzing of sword chant made the air in the whole area sharpen.

The endless sword intent wrapped his whole body, making him look like a sharp knife out of its sheath, showing its sharpness!

"Since you dare to break into the earth, you must be prepared to be killed."

"Hateful beasts, keep them all!"

"Dugu Nine Swords!"

Chu Ming let out a roar, and the endless sword intent turned into substance, and there was a sword light beating in his eyes, as if it would burst out at any time.

Dugu Nine Swords, there is no retreat!

Every move is offensive, you have to defend when attacking the enemy, and you don't need to defend at all!


Chu Ming exhaled, and the sword light whizzed out from his mouth. At this time, he was like a peerless sharp blade, rushing directly into the group of strange beasts.

The next moment, countless sword lights bloomed around Chu Ming's body, and the long sword in his hand swung at a high speed, densely packed sword lights shot out like electric lights.

The sword light is sharp, splitting the void, destroying the dead along the way, and slaughtering the surrounding beasts.

With the power of a single sword, all the beasts within a radius of 100 meters were slaughtered!

Such a tyrannical sword caused a huge commotion among the alien beasts, and the alien beasts who felt the terrifying sword light forced back one after another, trying to avoid the sharp edge of Chu Ming's long sword.

However, the alien beasts at the back didn't know the horror of the battle ahead, so they rushed forward one after another.

As a result, they collided back and forth, many alien beasts were knocked to the ground, and the entire herd of alien beasts suddenly became chaotic.

Aware of this, Chu Ming certainly would not give up this good opportunity, and charged forward again with Youlong Qingguang Sword in his hand.

The horrible killing broke out again!

On the periphery of the battlefield, the Huaxia soldiers watched with excitement, their swords trembling with excitement, and the fighting spirit in their hearts was hard to suppress.

Head Chen looked at Chu Ming, who was so intent on killing, and immediately burst out laughing.

"My Huaxia actually has such a hot-blooded man. If that's the case, why are you being polite to strange beasts?

Soldiers, keep up with each other and kill all the beasts! "

Commander Chen let out a long roar, and rushed up with a sword in his hand, directly entering the battle formation.

The soldiers yelled one after another, jumped out of the bunker, and rushed out with Commander Chen.

For a moment, the human camp began to fight back against the alien beast herd, forcing them back continuously.

Behind the battlefield, the soldiers of the Hongmeng Legion were shocked. Looking at the Huaxia soldiers who started to fight back, their hearts were full of disbelief.

The Huaxia warrior actually went back?

Does this mean that Hongmeng fighters are not as good as Huaxia fighters?

Among the Hongmeng warriors, there are also many passionate sons and daughters. Seeing such a scene at this time, they were immediately ashamed and ashamed.

Their hearts were full of enthusiasm, and they wanted to join the team fighting ahead.

However, they are Hongmeng fighters, and they must obey the orders of Hongmeng's high-level officials.

Many Hongmeng warriors felt great hatred in their hearts, they really wanted to rush up immediately and kill all these hateful beasts!

Murong Xue stood on the edge of the battlefield, looking at the battle scene ahead, her delicate body trembled slightly.

"Why is this happening?"

"Why do you want to retreat?"

"We can still fight again, why did we retreat?"

Murong Xue grew up in the Hongmeng organization and has a strong sense of belonging to the Hongmeng organization.

She attaches great importance to the honor of the Hongmeng organization and does not allow anyone to harm the interests of the Hongmeng organization. She has a kind of fanatical worship for the Hongmeng organization.

But at this moment, her soft heart was shaken.

This primordial organization seems to be different from what she imagined.

The Hongmeng organization in her impression should be a strong backbone that would rather die than surrender, and shed the last drop of blood to protect China.


Murong Xue clenched her fists tightly, and the light-white jade hand holding the long sword turned white due to excessive force, and a layer of mist covered her beautiful eyes.


Murong Xue let out a long breath, as if a boulder was stuck in her heart, making her extremely depressed.

Finally, with a long sigh, she made a decision of some kind.

"I'm going to fight, you protect yourselves!"

Murong Xue said to everyone in the Hongmeng training camp, her voice was extremely calm, just like her heart at this moment.

At this moment, Murong Xue seemed relieved, a calm smile appeared on her fair cheeks, and her figure floated forward.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yuan was shocked, and hurriedly reminded: "You can't go, this is disobedience to the military order!"

Murong Xue didn't stop, and responded in a cold voice: "If Hongmeng judges me to disobey the military order, then I will disobey the military order!"

The strong wind blew past her, making her slender figure look extremely fragile.

However, her gaze was firmer than ever before.

"I have no regrets in entering China in this life, and I will not be a Hongmeng person in the next life. From today onwards, I, Murong Xue, will break with Hongmeng!"

The cold voice came, shocking everyone's mind.

Mu Yuan was shocked. He really didn't expect that Murong Xue, who had been devoting herself to the Hongmeng organization, would openly rebel.


The sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed came, Xiaoya pulled out the standard long sword in her hand, and said in a cold voice: "I am a member of the Hongmeng training camp, and I have not yet become a full-time member. Now I announce that I will give up competing for a place in the Hongmeng Army."

Before the words fell, Xiao Ya's slender figure rushed out. Although she was only a seventh-rank warrior, her aura was indomitable.

Fan Mengmeng blinked her bright eyes, and said to Mu Yuan and Xia Wei: "Bosses, I signed up with Sister Xiao Ya, and I will go wherever she goes!"

While speaking, Fan Mengmeng jumped up and down with her long sword in hand, closely following Xiaoya's footsteps.

Seeing this scene, many Hongmeng fighters were shocked.

In the face of powerful alien beasts, even delicate women dare to fight the enemy bravely. As a hot-blooded man, how can he retreat without fighting?

"At the beginning, I joined Hongmeng to protect China and the frontier. Now that alien beasts are attacking, why should we retreat?"

"This Hong Meng is really aggrieved, I quit!"

"Fuck Hongmeng, I'm just a Chinese!"

"For the whole family!"

"For the handful of loess in my hometown!"

"For the one I love!"

"For those who love me!"


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