My Pastor, What The Hell Is Cancer Cell Proliferation?

39. The Mutation Skills Of The Underworld!

39. The mutation skills of the underworld!

"LV Level 30!"

"Also, the skill tree has been refreshed, so you can learn new skills!"

Lin Luo said excitedly, and then opened his Occupational Skills list.

"I gained five skill points before, and I added them all to Black Death Outbreak."

"I just gained some skill points on the twenty-fifth floor, plus the skill points rewarded at LV Level 30, now I only have two skill points!"

He opened the skill list and his face lit up.

"This is... a list of four skills!"

"There are actually four skills for me to learn!"

Lin Luo's eyes were fixed on the skill list, and his eyes became more and more...weird.

"What the hell kind of skills are these?"

On the skill list, there are four skill icons flashing in the LV Level 30 column, indicating that these four skills can be learned.

First one: Sexual Fish Euphoria!

[Sexual Fish Euphoria: A mutation skill that can make the target's sexual fish greatly improve in a short period of time, suppress its own sanity, and make any behavior with any surrounding creatures, any kind, and any gender at any time, in any place, in any state, including And it is not limited to sexual intercourse, self-reading, taste and other behaviors to vent desires. ]

The corners of Lin Luo's mouth twitched. What the hell is this?

Isn’t this more useful than postpartum care for sows?

Staring at so and so for being pregnant!

If anyone offends Lin Luo in the future, who can withstand a Sexual Fish Euphoria thrown at him?


Any creature, any kind, any gender...

Doesn’t it mean that sex is also okay?


He almost vomited.

Shaking his head, he looked at the second skill.

Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division!

[Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division: Mutation skills can cause the target to be infected with the HPV virus in a short period of time, and erupt into a large area and large number of Genital Warts. The growth areas include but are not limited to the lower body, mouth and nose, soles of feet, circumference, imperial organs, leg roots, and guide passages. It emits severe pain and stench and cannot be cured for life. ]

Damn it...

Lin Luo was speechless.

Do you want to be so perverted?

Is this a skill?

These things grew out of that place, and they couldn't be cured for life, so I didn't dare to see anyone anymore.

Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division, so scary!

He looked at the third mutant skill in fear.

Sure enough, I didn’t let myself down!

Gonorrhea Transmission!

[Gonorrhea Transmission: A mutation skill that can cause the target to be infected with Gram-negative diplococci in a short period of time, causing moderate to severe Gonorrhea. It causes the target to urinate frequently, urgently, and painfully, and causes pus and ulcers on the penis in men and the cervix or vaginal tract in women. It also causes severe pain and is accompanied by contagion. ]

Damn it!

This kind of ghost skill again?

I am a manly man who can learn such sinister skills. Are you kidding me? !

Genital Warts and Gonorrhea are already there, so the next one won’t be...

The fourth skill is indeed...

Syphilis Outbreak!

[Syphilis Outbreak: The mutation skill can cause the target to be infected with the pallid (Syphilis) spirochete virus in a short period of time, triggering one phase of Syphilis, and growing to three phases of Syphilis in a short period of time! ]

[Invasion of the central nervous system can cause meningeal vasculopathy, tuberculosis, and paralytic dementia. Violating the cardiovascular system can lead to aortitis, aortic valve insufficiency, aortic aneurysm, etc. ]

[Treponema Pallidum damages the bones, eyes, respiratory tract, digestive tract and other systems, causing tissue and organ damage, loss of function, and in severe cases, disability, lifelong incurability, and death. ]

[PS: After three episodes of Syphilis, there is no cure and death is inevitable. ]


Lin Luo took a breath of cold air.

Compared to Syphilis, the previous Genital Warts and Gonorrhea are simply little brothers.

Especially in the third issue of Syphilis, people will kill people, and Buddhas will kill Buddha!

Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Syphilis…

Why are these LV Level 30 skills more terrifying than the other?

What kind of terrifying mutation skills are these!

In comparison, Sexual Fish Euphoria is so heart-warming!

Looking at these four skills, Lin Luo fell into deep thought.

Do you want to study?

He now only has two skill points and can only learn two skills.

Or is it to improve the skills you have mastered before?

Until now, among the several mutant skills he has mastered, only the Black Death Outbreak skill has reached LV Level 7.

Without gold skill points, it has already reached the minimum level.

As for other skills, they are only level one.

Skin Burst TechniqueLV1

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant BurstLV1

Pain Amplification TechniqueLV

Mental ChaosLV1

Alzheimer's ArtLV1

Influenza Viral LysisLV1

Blood Burning TechniqueLV2

Black Death OutbreakLV7

"Sexual Fish Euphoria? Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division? Gonorrhea Transmission? And Syphilis Outbreak..."

"Of these four skills, the first three are control or dubuff skills, and only the fourth, Syphilis Outbreak, is a damage skill."

Lin Luo thought: "I already have the Black Death Outbreak, a big killer, and the damage is enough. In that case..."

His smile gradually became a little abnormal!

"Learn Sexual Fish Euphoria, and... Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division!"

A control, a dubuff, they are all magical skills!

Two rays of light flashed, and two runes with complicated patterns appeared in Lin Luo's mind, proving that he had learned these two mutant skills!

"Lin, Lin Luo, your smile is a little scary..."

Lian Yining's voice suddenly came, but Tang Cheng on the side said: "What's so scary, that's a perversion!"

"Brother Luo, the way you laughed just now was so perverted, just like the villains in the movie..."


Lin Luo coughed dryly and said, "It's nothing. I've reached LV Level 30 and just learned two skills."

Tang Cheng quickly asked: "Huh? Brother Luo, you are learning a skill again. What skill is it?"

"I think it's better for you not to know..."

"All right……"

Thinking of Lin Luo's perverted smile just now, Tang Cheng shrank his head subconsciously.

"By the way, Lin Luo, didn't you say you have a job transfer certificate? Let's see what the mission is?"

"All right."

Lin Luo followed his example and took out the only hidden career transfer book.

After a flash of light, the ruthless voice of the world's will appeared in his mind again.

[You have activated the only hidden career transfer book, and you are about to undergo a second transfer mission. 0 ]

[After using the unique hidden profession transfer book, the will of the world will be derived into the unique hidden profession based on your profession at the time of the transfer, your own four-dimensional attributes, and your own skills. ]

[Please choose one of the following two hidden professions as your upcoming second career! ]

[Note: These two hidden professions are unique. After choosing one of them, the other will disappear permanently! ]

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