My Pastor, What The Hell Is Cancer Cell Proliferation?

40. Second Turn! The Only Hidden Profession!

40. Second turn! The only hidden profession!

[Master of the Kingdom of Death: The only hidden profession, the savior of the Kingdom of Darkness, walks in the twilight, is the spiritual destination of all the dead and the souls of the dead, and is the beacon that guides them forward. ]

[This profession is a hybrid advanced mutation profession of Necromancer and Nightbringer, which has the final authority to interpret some lost souls. ]

[After the job transfer is successful, you will have the opportunity to walk in the material world and the land of hell, and you can control the undead, the dead, all the dead, and the abilities of the dead at will. ]

[After successfully transferring to this profession, the skills you currently master will remain unchanged, and then the skills will evolve into Master of the Kingdom of Death exclusive skills. And get 10 exclusive skill points, which can improve the second-level skills of this profession. ]

[But because you are too close to the darkness, your appearance will be infinitely close to that of the dead, and your body will be permanently transformed into the spirit body of death. Your Charisma towards the dead is permanently increased by 10 points, and your Charisma towards the living is permanently reduced by 10 points. ]

"Master of the Kingdom of Death?"

Lin Luo frowned slightly, seeing that the explanation was a bit like advanced professions such as Necromancer and Necromancer.

It is indeed the only hidden profession, and its simple explanation is extremely powerful.

Can you walk freely in places like the material world and the underworld (underworld, underworld), control the undead, and play with souls?


Lin Luo shook his head.

After changing your job to Master of the Kingdom of Death, your subsequent skills will be converted into undead, undead, and soul skills.

It seems powerful, but compared with the mutation skills I have mastered before, it is still a little different.

He was not sure whether his skills would still mutate after changing his profession to Master of the Kingdom of Death?

The most important thing is...

After changing his job to Master of the Kingdom of Death, his physique and appearance will actually change! Turning into a dead Spirit Body, isn't this a lich?

Who would like a skeleton? !

"I don't know what the second only hidden profession is..."

He looked at the second only hidden profession.

[Doctor of Evil Virtue: Only the most evil doctors with the least professional ethics can obtain this unique hidden profession. There is a certain chance that orthodox doctor Occupational Skills will mutate or have some special additional effects. ]

[This profession is an advanced hidden profession for priests, doctors, pharmacists, etc., and is unique. ]

[After the job transfer is successful, your orthodox doctor Occupational Skills will have a certain chance of mutating, and some special additional effects will appear. Also gains the only skill: Surgery Without Responsibility. ]

[Surgery Without Responsibility: Mutated skill, an extremely dangerous operation. The operator does not bear any risks, does not guarantee the effect of the operation, and is not responsible for the results of the operation. Can only be cast on humanoid or humanoid creatures. After the skill is successfully cast, there is a certain chance that it will be cast on the current target... The system is disordered... The system is being adjusted...]

The cold voice of World Will came again, causing Lin Luo's eyes to light up.

"This... can even the displacement skills obtained by changing jobs to hidden professions mutate?"

[Adjustment successful! ]

[After successfully changing jobs, you can obtain the only skill: Surgery Without Responsibility. ]

[Surgery Without Responsibility: Mutated skill, an extremely dangerous operation. The operator does not bear any risks, does not guarantee the effect of the operation, and is not responsible for the results of the operation. Can only be cast on humanoid or humanoid creatures. After the skill is successfully cast, there is a certain chance to cast Random Disability, Random Deformity, Random Gender Transformation, Organ Transplantation Technique and other skills on the current target. ]

[Random Disability: Mutated skill. After being cast on the target, the target randomly loses hands, feet, legs, eyes, ears, noses, tongues and other parts, and obtains disabled hands, broken legs, blindness, deafness, mute and other disabilities. ]

[Random Deformity: Mutation skill. After being cast on the target, a random part of the target will be deformed. The shape, size, location, or structure of the organ or tissue will be abnormal or missing. Swelling or shrinking of limbs, anencephaly, megaencephaly, cleft lip, polydactyly, cryptorchidism, hypoplasia, etc. ]

[Random Gender Transformation: Mutation skill. After being cast on the target, the target's gender will change randomly. Male, female, eunuch, neither male nor female, mixed male and female, etc. ]

[Organ Transplantation Technique: You can freely transplant any strangeness of any creature to the target, and ensure its survival and integration. ]

[After a successful job transfer, you will receive 10 exclusive skill points, which can improve the second transfer skills and general skills of this job. ]


Lin Luo was full of surprise: "What the hell kind of skill is this?"

"Random disability? Random deformity? Random degeneration..."

"If this were done to someone casually, they would be disabled or even dead..."

"It's a pity that it only works on humanoid or humanoid creatures."

"This Doctor of Evil Virtue's only hidden profession is very interesting..."

The only hidden profession transfer book gave him the choice of two unique hidden professions.

Master of the Kingdom of Death.

Doctor of Evil Virtue.

Simply looking at the explanation of professions, Master of the Kingdom of Death is undoubtedly stronger.

But in Lin Luo's opinion, the profession of Doctor of Evil Virtue is a perfect match for the Goldfinger he hides.

Skills mutate!

The attributes of Doctor of Evil Virtue can also cause the doctor's Occupational Skills to mutate.

What's more, Doctor of Evil Virtue, the only hidden profession, can also be regarded as the advanced profession of the priest, and the two complement each other.

Most importantly, there is... Surgery Without Responsibility!

If this skill is really mastered by him, it will be a magical skill!

After thinking for a while, Lin Luo made his choice.

"I want to switch to the only hidden profession: Doctor of Evil Virtue!"

[You have chosen the only hidden profession: Doctor of Evil Virtue. ]

[You have obtained the only hidden mission: Silver Heart. ]

[Silver Heart: The only job transfer mission. You must kill a silver-level humanoid and humanoid creature BOSS within a month, dissect its heart and hand it over to the will of the world. ]

[Time period: one month. ]

"Silver heart? Within a month, kill a silver-level humanoid or humanoid BOSS and bring back his heart anatomy?"

Lin Luo murmured, it was indeed the only hidden mission with a hidden profession, and it actually asked him to kill a silver-level BOSS!

And it’s a humanoid BOSS!

Among all biological BOSS types, only the humanoid BOSS is the most difficult to deal with.

Although the humanoid BOSS has been invaded by demonic energy and their intelligence has been damaged, they are still humanoid BOSS. As time goes by, their intelligence and consciousness are gradually recovering, and they become sober and cunning from time to time.

If you can't beat the professionals, the humanoid boss will even run away, make traps, and even unite with other bosses, making it very difficult to deal with.

"Is it a silver-level humanoid BOSS? If you want to find this type of BOSS in the wild, it's almost like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's very difficult to find. Even if you find it, it will be snatched away by people from other large forces..."

Lin Luo said softly, recalling the information about the trial tower in his mind.

"It seems that there is a silver-level humanoid BOSS in the trial tower!"

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