83. Die, die, die! Wen Beast Tide!

"Damn it!"

"Earth Nine!"

"Water Ten!"

Du Cheng shouted angrily, and one of the Fallen suddenly shouted loudly, and his clothes exploded, and his body suddenly swelled, and in an instant he turned into a four or five meter tall earth element giant.

A fist as big as a water tank smashed directly towards Zhao Cheng.

At the same time, the clothes of another Fallen also exploded violently, and the violent water flow condensed, and it also condensed into a huge water element giant.

The sky-blue body kept surging, and a large amount of water mist condensed in an instant.

"Hehe, classmate Lin Luo, in order to catch you, I have made all the preparations!"

Du Cheng shouted coldly, and with the condensation of a large amount of water mist, his body turned into a black hound-like beast, and rushed over viciously!

These two Fallen were masters that Du Cheng had transferred to capture Lin Luo.

Although the strength of the two people was only silver level, their profession was a very special elemental messenger, who could transform themselves into specific elemental creatures for attack.

He found out that Lin Luo had a skill that could make people get Acute Gastroenteritis in a short time, so he specially transferred these two people to restrict Lin Luo's skill!

"Lin Luo!"

Zhao Chicheng shouted, and just wanted to turn around to rescue, but was forced to retreat by the earth guns that kept appearing on the ground.

As for the other two men, they were entangled by the other two Fallen.

Lin Luo frowned at the two earth element and water element giants. His Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst actually had no effect on these two elemental life forms!

"Hahaha, come here, kid!"

In the huge water mist, the water element giant suddenly condensed in front of Lin Luo, and a big hand condensed by the water mist grabbed him.


Lin Luo pushed Tang Cheng away, and at the same time, a large amount of cold air condensed on his body, rushing wildly around.

"Frost Nova!"



The rushing water element giant, along with the big hand, was frozen into a huge ice sculpture, which quickly spread to other parts.

"Boy! You can't escape!"

The black fog condensed, and a strange creature like a hound slowly appeared in the void, rushing towards Lin Luo.

Lin Luo's figure flickered, and suddenly a phantom appeared, and the whole person quickly disappeared.

A broken trash can appeared in the original place, covered by black fog, corroding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Lin Luo himself appeared where the trash can was originally.



Du Cheng's pupils condensed: "Teleport? No, it should be exchanging positions with an item. You kid, you are really hard to catch!"

"Skills like teleportation and flashing consume the most mental energy. I want to see how many times you can teleport!"

He shouted coldly and rushed towards Lin Luo again.

Before he could move, the water element that had already condensed into half of an ice sculpture suddenly opened its mouth towards him and shot out a water arrow with a strong impact!


The water arrow shot out and immediately penetrated his body.

The black fog condensed, and Du Cheng's figure appeared again.

He frowned and looked at the water element beside him: "Bewitching skills?"

On the other side, Lin Luo pointed the magic village in his hand in another direction.

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!


He was fighting with another guard The face of the fallen who was fighting the Daoist suddenly changed, and he quickly retreated while holding the drum tightly, but it was too late.

He was caught up by Zhao Chicheng's men, and he didn't even have time to dodge, and his head was smashed by a punch.

"Damn it!"

Du Cheng cursed, and the black hound suddenly jumped, turned into a phantom and rushed towards Lin Luo.

But Lin Luo's figure disappeared again, and a car replaced him in front of him.


The car was smashed away by his punch, but Lin Luo had already escaped.

Another instant outbreak of gastroenteritis fell on the sixth fallen.

"Gu... ..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the fallen let the sticky feces and urine gush out and quickly retreated.

But the next second, he grabbed the long knife with his teeth and claws and rushed towards the guarding Daoist.

Mental Chaos!


He was controlled by Mental Chaos without any rules, and was again guarded by the guard Daoist killed him!

"Well done!"

Zhao Chicheng shouted excitedly, and his figure suddenly turned into three phantoms, and three gray daggers stabbed into the eyes and neck of the earth element giant.


The earth element giant roared, and the earth elements around his body surged wildly, but it couldn't hurt Zhao Chicheng at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he flashed and appeared in front of the water element giant, and stabbed the dagger in his hand into his body that had not yet frozen.


Accompanied by a light sound, the remaining part of the water element's body was immediately occupied by a large amount of continuously condensed stones.


Zhao Chicheng twisted his body and punched him on the head.

With a "click", the head of the water element giant, half frozen and half petrified, was immediately blown to pieces!

For a moment, only two of the seven fallen who attacked were left in just a few minutes!

One of them was seriously injured, his eyes were pierced by his jaw, and he became blind.

"A bunch of trash!"

Ducheng gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Luo, but there was no intention of giving up in his eyes.

His granddaughter Du Xiaoman is the ancestor's favorite blood descendant. If he knew that Xiaoman was killed, he would not avenge her.

Even he would have to walk around without being able to eat!

He immediately made a decision in his mind.

He clasped his hands together and muttered something, and one after another, the black mist hound Monster appeared beside him!

Seeing this situation, Zhao Chicheng's expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously shouted: "Kill him quickly! He wants to summon a beast!"

He quickly approached, and the dagger in his hand easily tore apart one black mist hound after another.

Unfortunately, there are so many Black Mist Hounds that they cannot be cleared out in a short time.

Two men also rushed forward, and even Lin Luo waved his staff. The earth element giant next to Ducheng turned around and punched it down.


Along with a loud shout, at least hundreds of densely packed Black Mist Hound Monsters rushed out and rushed towards a few people.

The two guard Daoist men were immediately rushed to the ground by more than ten Yan beasts, and they fought hard.

Even Zhao Chicheng himself kept retreating.

"Hahaha... Eat them all! Eat them all! Become the food for my babies, hahaha..."


The Yan beasts swarmed forward, and the earth elemental giant closest to Ducheng was immediately pounced on and torn into pieces.

Zhao Chicheng and others fought and retreated, but the corpses of the other fallen ones were actually swallowed directly!

Lin Luo frowned at these strange Monsters and asked, "Senior, what is a beast?"

Zhao Chicheng gasped and said: "The beast is an invisible beast, good at illusion, invisibility and ghost fire attacks. He has a mother beast, and he must kill this mother beast to completely kill these child beasts, otherwise he will There will be a steady stream of intruder beasts!"

"Do you smell the mother beast?"

Lin Luo looked at the darkness not far away. Ducheng's figure had long since disappeared, replaced by rich black dew.

One after another, Yan beasts rushed out of it crazily and fought towards them desperately.

"Too many!"

He waved his hand, and nine bloody teleportation arrays appeared around him, and soon nine-headed lizardman warriors rushed out.

They roared, grabbed the heavy weapons in their hands, and smashed them into the group of beasts.

These lizardmen are summoned creatures, and they are not afraid of death. Even if the beast's hellfire burns them, Xi can't force them back.


Zhao Chicheng's eyes lit up, Lin Luo actually had hidden strength!

Looking at these beasts, Lin Luo started to try.

“Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!”


A beast roared angrily, but its body did not change at all. Instead, it bit harder.

"It doesn't work?" Lin Luo dropped another skill.

"Black Death Outbreak!"

The rich Black Death Virus surged out, but it still couldn't cause any harm to these beasts.

"The smelling beast is an invisible beast, and ordinary virus attacks will not work...

"Brother Luo! Come back quickly!"

Tang Cheng rushed over in a hurry and pulled Lin Luo back to a house.

Zhao Chicheng and others stood at the door of the room, resisting the endless herd of dark beasts around them.

"Mental Chaos!"

Among the Yan beasts, a beast suddenly went crazy and bit its fellow beast next to it.

"it works!"

Lin Luo's eyes were filled with joy, but he found that the dark beast that had been hit by the chaos spell was quickly torn into pieces by other dark beasts.

"Too many?"

He landed another skill.

“Sexual Fish Euphoria!”

Sexual Fish Euphoria with a level as high as LV Level 7 immediately took effect, and at least a dozen dark beasts went crazy again.

The difference is that this time, a dozen beasts rushed towards each other, looking for the smell of each other's private parts, but found nothing, which made them even more violent.

Zhao Chicheng wondered: "What are they doing?"

"Ah!" A team member screamed, and a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off his arm, and the Hellfire spread like maggots on the tarsal bones.

"Captain! I can't hold on anymore!"

"Damn it!"

Zhao Chicheng cursed secretly and looked towards the darkness in the distance.

If you want to deal with so many beasts, you must kill the female beast Ducheng.

It's a pity that he can't get close to Ducheng at all!

Lin Luo hesitated and said: "It worked, but it's a pity that there is no distinction between male and female..."

In the distance, Ducheng's figure slowly appeared. At this time, he turned into a giant black mist beast with a height of seven or eight meters. He squatted there, and his hoarse voice came again.

"Hahaha, guard Daoist, hand over that boy, and I can let you live!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Zhao Chicheng roared angrily, it was impossible for him to hand over a student to the fallen!

Lin Luo's eyes lit up. Looking at the approaching dark beasts around him, he had an idea in his mind.

His figure flickered, black mist surged, and he turned into an open beast!

While Zhao Chicheng and the others were still resisting the tide of smelling beasts, he immediately sneaked in.

Sure enough, the ability to demonize runes made the beast he turned into no different from these arm beasts.

He easily rushed into the herd of beasts and dived towards Ducheng.

Capture the thief.........capture the king first!.

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