My Pastor, What The Hell Is Cancer Cell Proliferation?

84. Low-Level Mutation Skills With Miraculous Effects!

84. Low-level mutation skills with miraculous effects!

After rushing into the group of beasts, Lin Luo felt the strangeness of the beasts.

They look like monsters made of black mist and look like hounds.

But after contact, I found that these are just appearances.

They are more like twisted black mist, controlled by inexplicable energy.

He could even pass through the bodies of these beasts and quickly approach Ducheng.

In the thick fog, Ducheng was still laughing.

The lower half of his huge body had almost formed an illusory mist state, and the beasts poured out of it and rushed in the direction of Lin Luo and others.

After getting close, Lin Luo threw Mental Chaos on Ducheng.


Ducheng roared fiercely and slapped down a dozen beasts, turning them into dregs. The mist spread and they couldn't die anymore.


Ducheng reacted instantly, his eyes condensed, and he subconsciously looked towards the ground.

There, Lin Luo had transformed into a body shape and looked at him indifferently.

"Damn boy!"

Ducheng roared angrily and slapped him again!


Lin Luo disappeared again, and the next second appeared behind Ducheng, and a stone appeared in his original position.

"Sexual Fish Euphoria!"

The Sexual Fish Euphoria, which reached LV Level 7, took effect immediately. Ducheng immediately lay down on the ground and crushed a bunch of beasts to death with his huge body.

This time, it took more than ten seconds for Ducheng to react. He opened his huge mouth in embarrassment and sprayed out the fire from the mouth.


The underworld fire surged, submerging everything in the direction Lin Luo was standing.

Lin Luo appeared again in another direction, with the staff in his hand pointing again.

"Skin Burst Technique!"


A huge crack immediately appeared in his 067's huge body, but the black mist surged and quickly disappeared.

"Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division!"

Ducheng subconsciously clamped his legs, but there was no reaction.

"Gonorrhea Transmission!"

"Syphilis Outbreak!"

"Influenza Viral Lysis!"

“Pain Amplification Technique!”

One mutant skill after another was thrown at Du Cheng, causing him to roar again and again, but no matter how he used it, he could not attack Lin Luo.


In the distant house, Zhao Zhicheng, who felt that the attack of the monster beasts had slowed down a lot, looked strangely into the distance.

There, Ducheng's huge body kept moving following Lin Luo's flashes, roaring again and again, but it could only be a powerless rage.

"Holy shit! Brother Luo is walking the dog!"

Zhao Chicheng couldn't help laughing, this description was really vivid.

"Captain! Hurry, Yang Zi can't survive!"


Zhao Chicheng's expression changed and he rushed to his men.

I saw that Yang Zi had collapsed on the ground, and his body was full of wounds from the beasts.

The entire right arm and right leg were completely swallowed, and the underworld fire was constantly burning on his body.


"Damn it!"

Zhao Chicheng roared angrily, rushed out of the door, and headed towards Ducheng.

"Ducheng, I will kill you!"


Ducheng roared angrily and slapped Lin Luo again.

"Boy! I don't believe that you have so much mental power!"

He has already made up his mind that after this kid's mental energy is exhausted, he must extract his soul and burn it in the underworld fire for a hundred years!

"Pain Amplification Technique!"

Ducheng roared again and stared at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo also breathed a sigh of relief. Almost all the mutation skills had been used, but the effect was not great.

(bdch) After all, the opponent is a gold-level professional, and he is only one step away from the epic realm.

"In this case, we can only try the ability of the surgical space..."

He raised his hand casually and threw out another mutation skill.

"Blood Burning Technique!"


A shrill scream suddenly came from the mouth of the giant beast, and Lin Lu was startled by him.

"what's the situation?"

But he saw a fiery red light burning on the body of the huge dark beast, and rushing towards Ducheng's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Blood Burning Technique!

Lin Luo's mind raced and he quickly guessed the answer.

Blood Burning Technique is a mutation skill that acts directly on blood, which can cause the blood in the target's body to burn in a very short time.

Although the Wen Beast is known as an invisible beast, it has a real body, which is the black mist.

This black mist is the main part of their bodies and plays the role of blood in their bodies.

Without the protection of their bodies, their blood was directly exposed in front of Lin Luo.

One move of the Blood Burning Technique can easily make the blood in their bodies, that is, the black garden, burn!


The flames broke out again, and most of the huge Yan beast's body was actually covered in fiery red flames!

His huge body began to struggle.

The beasts on the ground were also contaminated by these flames and burned crazily.

In just over ten seconds, a sea of ​​fire appeared in the entire world controlled by the Root of Black Mist!

"W-what's going on?"

Zhao Chicheng, who had just rushed into the beast group and was about to start a killing spree, was frightened by the sea of ​​fire and subconsciously stopped.

In the distance, Ducheng's huge body also gradually collapsed under the burning flames.

"Damn it!"

Ducheng cursed angrily, and his huge body gradually collapsed, shrouded in black mist, and transformed back into the Perfect Being.

The difference is that he still has a lot of flames burning on his body.

"Just wait and see!"

With a flash of his body, he rushed towards the distance, already planning to escape.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

Lin Luo sneered and raised his sword with one hand [to slash ten times in the direction of Ducheng!



In an instant, Ducheng's head and limbs were cut into pieces!


Lin Luo secretly shouted again. The surprise on Du Cheng's face had not disappeared yet. The head, body and limbs quickly combined to form a monster that was turning upside down.

"Damn! What the hell kind of ability is this!"

Ducheng opened his mouth to sing, and a strange chanting sound came from his mouth.

The limbs of the body began to melt and turned into black mist again.

However, at this time, Lin Luo dropped another skill.

Alzheimer's Art!

Alzheimer's Art, which reached LV Level 7, immediately broke out on Du Cheng.


A cluster of blood instantly exploded from his head, and the backlash of magic instantly caused him to be seriously injured.

"Blood Burning Technique!"


The blood around him, as well as the blood on Ducheng's body, immediately started burning crazily.



On the ground, the tide of Hao beasts also roared.

Their figures slowly disintegrated and disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

And Ducheng's body, or corpse, was also burned into a puff of smoke.

"Kid! The night watchman can't spare you!"


His body was constantly burning, and he was unable to save himself as he was caught in the backlash of magic.

Lin Luo's body flashed, and before Ducheng was completely dead, he pulled a ring from his hand.

Space ring!

The space ring of a Gold Realm professional and one of the leaders of the Night Watch, there are definitely a lot of good things in it!

Following Ducheng's death, a black round bead suddenly fell from mid-air and was firmly caught by Lin Luo.

"What is this?"

The bead in his hand is only the size of an egg, and its appearance is transparent, but inside it is a constantly rotating black mist that is constantly rolling, condensing, and dissipating.

"This is the Pearl of the Beast!"

Zhao Chicheng came over and gave the answer.

"This is something that will only be dropped after the death of the dark beast mother. It is similar to the dragon crystal of the dragon, but it can only be used by special means and special professions. It is of no use to ordinary people."

Lin Luo put it away casually: "Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts. Are you okay, senior?"

Zhao Chicheng was stunned, shook his head and said: "It's okay."

He was originally thinking about how to get this Pearl of Smelling Beasts. It is of no use to ordinary people, but for Shou Daoist, there are indeed many people who can use this Pearl of Smelling Beasts!

"Classmate Lin Luo, thanks to you, otherwise we would probably die here!"

"Why are seniors here?" Lin Luo asked.

Zhao Chicheng took a deep breath and said, "I'm here to invite you. Our director would like to invite you to come over and have a meeting."

"Your director? Who?"

"Director Guo Shouyi..."

"Director Guo Shouyi?" A familiar figure appeared in Lin Luo's mind: "Isn't he the deputy city guard?"

"Part-time deputy city guard." Zhao Chicheng said: "Classmate Lin Luo, the director appreciates you very much and wants to invite you to join the guard Daoist!"

"As long as you join Shou Daoist, you will immediately receive the title of official professional, and Shou Daoist can advance all the expenses for your college career in the next four years. You can also become a civil servant of the Dragon Kingdom and be qualified to investigate any criminal acts in the Dragon Kingdom. Even your mother would…………

"And you will also be provided with a separate residence, and the lowest-level Daoist member will also receive a fixed salary of 10,000 gold coins per month."

"After completing the mission, you will also receive bonuses from the bureau..."

Zhao Chicheng talked eloquently and talked about all the benefits of guarding Daoist.

"So many benefits?" Lin Luo asked.

Zhao Chicheng nodded quickly: "Of course, classmate Lin Luo, let's go to the director now. The director values ​​you so much that he will definitely give you the status of a second-level investigator!"

Lin Luo smiled and said: "I refuse."

"You, what? You refused?" Zhao Chicheng asked in surprise: "Why?"

Lin Luo said: "I am used to freedom, and I am not used to rules and regulations."

"Senior Zhao, please go out and tell Director Guo that I appreciate his kindness."

"Classmate Lin Luo, you...

Zhao Chicheng was about to say something, but Lin Rong's figure disappeared instantly.

Beside him, a trash can appeared spinning in place.

Looking at Lin Luo appearing in the distance, Zhao Chicheng shook his head and said: "To actually reject Daoist's invitation so simply and neatly, it seems different from what the director imagined!"

With the death of Ducheng, the surrounding black fog dissipated, and several people reappeared on the road.

Tang Cheng asked strangely: "Brother Luo, what is that person looking for you for?"

"He wanted me to join Daoist."

"Shou Daoist?" Tang Cheng said excitedly: "That's to keep Daoist, a national organization. Brother Luo, have you agreed?"

Lin Luo shook his head: "No."


"I'm too lazy to go, I still like to be more free."

"Well, I heard that Shou Daoist has great power. Many officials dare not offend Shou Daoist...

Tang Cheng chattered endlessly, but Lin Luo touched the space ring that was pulled off from Du Cheng's hand.

"The space ring, I don't know what good things will be in it...".

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