My Pokémon Player

Chapter 194 This is not the water I want!

Not long after Ryan and others left Rose Town, they encountered players and knights' retinue who had finished cleaning the battlefield.

They were escorting a dozen prisoners, and behind them were several corpses of Ironthorn Knights.

In fact, the players originally thought of digging a hole and burying these corpses, or directly burning them to avoid causing problems such as plague.

However, the knight's followers firmly disagreed. Although they had not been canonized as formal knights, they had also learned relevant noble knowledge. The corpses of ordinary militiamen and Warcraft users could be burned or buried on the spot, but the corpses of knights could not be disposed of so casually.

Doing so will have a bad impact on the reputation of Firefly Town and will also cause dissatisfaction among other noble groups.

Just like the common rule that it is best not to kill the nobles who surrendered, but to exchange them for ransom, it is also an unwritten rule among nobles that they cannot dispose of the corpses of nobles at will.

The nobles could not guarantee that they would not die on the battlefield. They did not want their bodies to be disposed of randomly after death, so they came up with this rule.

There was no other way, so the players had no choice but to endure the discomfort and bad luck in their hearts, and prepared to transport these corpses to Rose Town and hand them over to Ryan for disposal.

Ryan frowned when he saw these corpses. There were so many broken rules among the nobles. Even the corpses of enemy knights could not be disposed of at will. This made Ryan even more disgusted with the noble enfeoffment system.

But then again, I am now enjoying the convenience brought to me by this system, and naturally I have to follow the rules among nobles. I can't pick up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to scold my mother.

Although he will slowly abolish this system in the future, that will have to wait until Pokémon and humans can live in harmony and humans can use the power of Pokémon to increase productivity.

Ryan was also a liberal arts student in his previous life, so he naturally understands the principle that the economic base determines the superstructure. Only when productivity is improved can the existing aristocratic system be changed.

Of course, in the Pokémon world, it is not only necessary to develop productivity, but also to have strong strength. If Ryan has conquered a few mythical beasts now, let alone abolishing the aristocratic system, no one would dare to have an objection even if he changes the system every day.

This is also the reason why the big villains in previous games and animations all wanted to rule the world by capturing mythical beasts. Those mythical beasts that destroyed the world did have this ability.

It's a pity that Ryan doesn't even have a quasi-god anymore, let alone a divine beast, so he still has to abide by these broken rules to avoid being ostracized and contradicted by other nobles.

"Knight Commander Sailer, find someone to take these corpses with you. When you arrive at Ironthorn Town, hand them over to the clerk of Ironthorn Town for disposal."

Ryan turned to Sailor and ordered.

"Follow your orders!" Sailer said.

After hearing Ryan's words, the knight followers in Firefly Town all turned their attention to Sailor.

This should be the Knight Commander of Rose Town, but now he is obeying the Lord's orders, which means that he has pledged his allegiance to the Lord.

Damn it, originally they wanted to strive to be the first knight canonized by Ryan, but they didn't expect that this honor would be snatched away by knights from other towns!

The knights' retinues were all disappointed, especially Yalang. When he heard that Ryan did not accept White's allegiance out of respect for White, he made up his mind to become the first knight canonized by Ryan, but it backfired. .

Ryan also noticed that the knight's retinue was not very interested. After thinking for a while, he understood what the knight's retinue was thinking.

It seems that these knights' followers admire him quite a lot. He smiled and said to Yalang and others:

"Knight Commander Sailer is already a knight. He just re-swore allegiance to me. You are the first knights I canonized."

Look, this is called the art of language. In fact, there is not much difference between renewing the oath of allegiance and being canonized as a knight. Sailor is nominally the first knight to be canonized by Ryan, and even the panel recognized this.

But after Ryan said this, Yalang and others felt a lot better.

Yes, they are the direct descendants of Lord Ryan, and they are the first batch of knights that Lord Ryan will confer in the future. Sailer is just a knight who defected halfway, and is incomparable to knights like them.

Thinking of this, the spirit of the knight's retinues instantly returned. They held their heads high and tried hard to make their momentum not weaker than the knights of Rose Town.

Seeler couldn't help but find it a little funny when he saw this. These knights' retinues were quite interesting.

He wouldn't mind what Ryan said. He knew that Ryan only said this to appease the emotions of these knights' subordinates. As a veteran knight, he would not care about these children.

What makes him curious is that these knights' retinues are not strong, and are even weaker than the knights of Rose Town. How did they defeat the knights of Ironthorn Town? Even if the knights of Ironthorn Town underestimate the enemy, they will not be defeated by these novices.

Sailer was puzzled, but he also knew that now was not a good time to ask. Anyway, he had already sworn allegiance to Ryan. There would be more opportunities to ask in the future, and sooner or later he would answer the question.

"You go back to Rose Town first and cooperate with Clerk Herman in rescuing the wounded, posting notices, stabilizing people's hearts, and preventing Xiaoxiao from taking the opportunity to cause chaos. Clerk White should have taught you what to do."

Ryan continued to tell Yalang and others that although he had taken away some of the knights in Rose Town, and the remaining knights who pretended to be injured did not have Kentero and were unable to cause trouble, but just in case, there were still some knights in Rose Town. His people.

"When I come back from Iron Thorn Town, I will examine your results. If you are satisfied with it, I will canonize you as knights after the war is over!"

When the knights' followers heard that there was a chance to become knights, they were all excited. They said to Ryan excitedly:

"I obey your orders. Please rest assured that we will not let you down!"

"Okay, I believe you. Go quickly."

After the knights' followers left, Lao Ye handed over more than 20 Poké Balls in his arms to Ryan.

"Lord, these Poké Balls contain the unicorns of the Ironthorn Knights. None of them are dead. They are all here. Please check."

The unicorns are different from the Ironthorn Knights. They have thick skin and flesh. The damage from just colliding with each other is not enough to kill them.

In addition, the players used the three-powder tactics, which weakened the resistance of the unicorns, so they were not seriously injured and were all subdued by the players with Poké Balls.

These Poké Balls were given to the players by Ryan before the war. The original intention was to use Poké Balls to catch the Ironthorn Knights off guard. As a result, the Poké Balls were not used and the Ironthorn Knights were defeated.

Ryan accepted the Poké Ball, and now the newbies can also have a unicorn mount.

"Well done, I heard [Silent] and others tell me about the general situation of your encounter this time. You all performed very well and did not disappoint me. After the war is over, I will reward you heavily."

As soon as Ryan finished speaking, the players cheered. They knew that Ryan always kept his word. It seemed that the reward this time must be very generous, and maybe they could pay off the bank loan!

Especially those players who took out loans to buy move learning devices are full of expectations for the rewards. They spent a lot of money this time, and they only left some Pokémon coins to buy food for their Pokémon.

If the reward this time is not generous, they may not even be able to eat black bread in the future, and they may have to sleep on the streets. After all, if they can't pay back the loan, the house will be taken away after it is built.

Ryan pressed his hands down, and the players instantly quieted down.

Seeing this scene, Saylor couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Lord Ryan's prestige is really high. His magic beast masters are very obedient, almost to the point of enforcing orders. No wonder they can defeat the Knights of Ironthorn Town.

Little do they know that the players are only honest in front of Ryan, and that is a synonym for chaos elsewhere. If you want them to be honest and obedient, unless you also have the power to ban the title, otherwise the players will let you know the power of the "Fourth Disaster".

"This war is not over yet. Although I have defeated Baron Bach and you have defeated the Knights of Ironthorn Town, we have not occupied Ironthorn Town yet, and the civilians and Pokémon there are still suffering."

"So we can't stop. After we capture Ironthorn Town, we will celebrate together and drink the wine of victory together!"

Ryan said loudly. As the saying goes, the first time is raw and the second time is familiar. This time, Ryan didn't feel embarrassed when he encouraged morale.

The players still gave face and responded loudly, which infected the knights of Rose Town with some blood boiling.

After the players joined the team, Ryan led them to continue to move towards Tieji Town.

The players were chatting with each other, discussing how much rewards they could get after this war.

"Why didn't we see those newbies? We've finished the battle, but we didn't see them."

Xu Ruofeng asked curiously.

"Yeah, where did they go? Could it be that Guoba took the wrong way again?"

Other players were also confused.

"It's impossible. He has walked the road from Firefly Town to Rose Town once. How could he not recognize the road?"

Old Ye didn't believe that there would be someone in the world who was so bad at directions.

"Don't tell me, he might really get lost. Although I don't interact with him much in real life, I have heard a little about his deeds. I heard that he would get lost even if he followed the navigation."

Xu Ruofeng knew Zaliang Guoba in real life, and he thought that this guy was probably lost.

"Fuck, there really is such a person, the real version of Sauron, right?" Old Ye said in shock.

"What should we do now? Should we report this to Lord Ryan?" Lingdang asked from the side.

"Forget it. Although Guoba doesn't know the way, the newbies will sooner or later notice something is wrong. They will remind Guoba at that time. It's just a pity that they can't catch up with this war activity."

Chen Yan shook his head and said, he was afraid that after telling Ryan, the favorability of Zaliang Guoba would drop.

"Wait a minute, look ahead, is that person Guoba? There is a large group of newbies following behind him."

Xu Ruofeng pointed to the front and shouted,

Everyone looked forward when they heard it, and they saw Zaliang Guoba riding a unicorn rhino in front.

"Fuck, it's really Guoba, how could he be here, isn't this road from Qiangwei Town to Tieji Town?" Old Ye said in surprise.

"Who knows, I have to ask him in person later." Xu Ruofeng also wanted to know the answer.

Ryan also found Zaliang Guoba in front, and he stopped Sailer who was about to intercept Zaliang Guoba.

"Don't be nervous, those in front are my people."

"Your people? But why did they appear from the direction of Ironthorn Town?"

Sailer was puzzled. He just thought these people were reinforcements from Ironthorn Town.

Ryan remained silent. He couldn't say that he didn't know anything. Who knew what tricks these players would play again.

And Zaliang Guoba also looked at Ryan and others opposite with a confused look on his face. Wasn't Lord Ryan in Rose Town? Why was he here? Could it be that the war was over and they also had to go back to Firefly Town?

But they were probably going to the north gate of Yinghuo Town, so why did they meet him who was going to the west gate.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, maybe Lord Ryan has taken the wrong path, I can’t expose him, I can’t let Lord Ryan lose face, and I have to ask for credit from the lord.

The multi-grain rice cooker came to Ryan's side and began to report the results of the battle to Ryan:

"Report to the lord, we took advantage of the empty defense of Ironthorn Town and launched a raid on Ironthorn Town. Not only did we seize a large amount of money and treasures, but we also captured the family members of the lord of Ironthorn Town."

As soon as these words came out, the players immediately caused an uproar.

"Damn it, did I hear that right? Guoba and Mengxin took down Tiezhan Town?"

"Awesome, it took us a long time to capture Rose Town, but they immediately captured Ironthorn Town."

"You can't say that. If we hadn't contained the knight of Ironthorn Town, he wouldn't have captured Ironthorn Town so easily."

"But one thing is for sure, his strategy and courage are really admirable."

"That's right, I'm afraid Baron Bach wouldn't have thought that his home would be stolen. I really want to see his expression when he learned about this situation."

Ryan was also shocked when he learned that Zongliangguoba and Mengxin had captured Ironthorn Town. As he said before, he just wanted to capture Rose Town at the beginning. He had no idea about Ironthorn Town, so he naturally didn't think of sending anyone. To steal a home.

As a result, these players thought of it themselves, and actually defeated Iron Thorn Town. It was truly worthy of being called the "Fourth Natural Disaster", and it really did not disappoint him.

At this moment, he also wanted to know how Baron Bach would behave when he learned that his home had been stolen. He wouldn't just faint from anger, right?

The corners of Ryan's mouth raised slightly, he really wanted to see this scene.

Baron Bach, who was being talked about by Ryan, had just arrived at the gate of Ironthorn Town. After his big steel snake exploded to its full potential, he fell to the ground from exhaustion.

Bach himself was also very uncomfortable. The sand and gravel in the ground made him miserable. Even when he reached the ground, the oncoming wind hurt his face.

But he still didn't dare to let the big steel snake slow down. He wanted to return to Ironthorn Town as soon as possible and take away the treasures and family members in the castle.

That's right, Baron Bach has no intention of continuing to defend the city, and he is not stupid. He knows that with his current strength, he cannot resist Ryan's attack.

Therefore, he planned to take his family and belongings and escape first, leaving Ironthorn Town to Ryan. Then he would use these belongings to hire some Warcraft users, and then borrow the power of the Shadow Church to recapture Ironthorn Town.

"The journey went quite smoothly. I didn't encounter any pursuers. I just encountered some Warcraft users halfway. But as soon as I saw them, I let the big steel snake dig a hole and escape. I probably didn't attract their attention."

Bach murmured to himself that his escape was relatively successful this time, but for some reason, he always had an unknown feeling in his heart.

"It must be my misunderstanding. I have already failed miserably like this. No matter how unlucky I am, I can't be more unlucky. I can't have my wife and children taken away."

Bach couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. He really thought too much. How could anyone dare to rob his wife and children?

He calmed down and prepared to send someone to the castle to get some secret medicine to treat the Big Steel Snake's injuries.

But he shouted at the city gate for a long time, but no one came to answer him. This also made Bach realize that something was wrong. Why was there no militiaman standing guard outside the city gate or on the city wall?

Is it possible?

Bach hurriedly walked into the city gate. He saw a group of militiamen lying on the ground in the corridor, and his heart suddenly pounded.

He quickly untied the rope from one of the militiamen and called him up to ask what happened.

Seeing that Bach was back, the militiaman pretended to have just woken up and carefully reported the situation to Bach.

When Bach learned that the knights from Firefly Town had invaded Ironthorn Town, he felt dizzy.


Bach roared angrily, then his vision went black and he fainted.

The other militiamen didn't pretend to be faint when they saw this, and quickly gathered around.

"The Baron has fainted, go find water!"

The militia captain said anxiously that if anything happened to Baron Bach, they would all be hanged.

"There is no water source near us!"

"As long as it's water, hurry up and find it!"


"What are you doing? Pull up your damn pants! This is not the kind of water I want!"

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