My Pokémon Player

Chapter 195 Baron Bach Vomits Blood

The militiamen struggled for a long time and finally woke Bach up.

"Lord Baron, are you okay?" the militia captain asked nervously.


Bach woke up and shook his head in pain. When he regained consciousness, he immediately asked the militia captain for details.

"How many people came to Firefly Town? Are all knights here?"

The militia captain replied cautiously: "There are about thirty or forty of them here. It seems that only the leader is a knight, and the others are all magic beast users."

He originally wanted to exaggerate the strength of Yinghuo Town and reduce their responsibility for failing to guard the city gate.

But many people in the town should have seen the army in Firefly Town. Bach will know the true situation sooner or later. If Bach knows that the militiamen have deceived him, they will definitely suffer more severe punishment.

Therefore, the militia captain honestly explained the real situation to Bach. After all, they were just ordinary militiamen. It was normal for them to be unable to defend the city gate in the face of so many Warcraft envoys.

Of course Bach knew this, he just didn't understand where Ryan found so many Warcraft users.

When he was in Rose Town, he had roughly estimated the army brought by Ryan. There were thirty or forty Warcraft users anyway, which was quite a lot.

He originally thought it was Lane's entire army, but he didn't expect that Lane also had Warcraft envoys under his command. There were seventy or eighty Warcraft envoys in total, far more than the average baron.

Are the Poseidon Temple so confident about Ryan? They actually allow him to control so many Warcraft users. Aren't they afraid that in the end they will be unable to stand up and be eaten up by Ryan?

That's right, until now, Bach still believes that Ryan's strength and army come from Poseidon Temple. He did not lose to a young child, but to Poseidon Temple.

"Why are there no signs of resistance around you? Did you just open the city and surrender?"

Bach glanced at his surroundings, and then asked the militia captain with an unkind expression.

"No, absolutely not! Please listen to my explanation. The leader of the enemy was wearing the armor of our Knight of Ironthorn Town and riding a one-horned rhinoceros. We thought he came back to publicize the victory, so we did not guard against him. Who knew he would He is the knight of Firefly Town.”

"After discovering his true identity, we immediately picked up weapons and prepared to fight to the death. However, he was very powerful and had the support of Warcraft. We could not defeat him for a while. In addition, he had the support of Warcraft, so we were eventually defeated. Once it was defeated, the city gate was also lost, and we don’t know the rest.”

"It is indeed our responsibility to fail to guard the city gate. You can punish us at will, but please believe that we really resisted desperately. However, our strength is limited and we are not the opponent of those Warcraft users at all."

The militia captain said something he had planned in advance. His words were half-truth and half-false, which not only had high credibility but also minimized the militiamen's responsibility.

Sure enough, after listening to his explanation, Bach frowned and said:

"Again, he used a despicable method of pretending to be someone else's identity. He has no sense of honor as a nobleman. Although you have responsibilities, your responsibilities are not big. I can forgive you."

The militiamen were pleasantly surprised when they heard this, and they quickly expressed their gratitude to Bach.

Bach waved his hand and said: "There is no need to say more words of thanks. You guys, please watch the big steel snake carefully here. If there is any movement, you will sound the warning horn immediately. If there is any problem again, I will never spare you!"

"Yes!" the militiamen shouted in unison.

After Bach took a deep look at the militiamen, he turned and rushed towards the castle.

In fact, he didn't believe what the militia captain said, and there was no trace of the fierce fighting in the city gate passage despite the desperate resistance.

And if they really resisted desperately, how could there be no casualties? The injuries on the militiamen were not enough to make them faint. They were definitely lying to themselves.

Of course, the first half of the militia captain's sentence may be true. After all, pretending to be someone else's identity is a common method in Yinghuo Town, but the second half of the sentence is very likely to be false. After the knight deceived the militia, the militia should know it. He was defeated and surrendered directly.

The reason why Bach did not expose the militia captain and punish him severely was because he now had no strength at all. If he pushed the militiamen into a hurry and they jumped over the wall in a hurry, he might be in danger.

Although the militiamen were intimidated by his majesty and might resist very little, nothing could happen, and there was no need for Bach to risk his own life.

Besides, Bach has no time or time to hold the militiamen accountable. He wants to know the situation of his wife and children most. Those militiamen only know that the Yinghuo Town army has just entered the city gate, and they don’t know anything about other things. This makes Bach I was very worried.

"Madam, and little Hal, please don't let anything happen to you!"

Bach murmured to himself as he rushed to the castle.

He regrets it very much now. If he had known earlier, he would have listened to his wife and left some knights to garrison Ironthorn Town. This would not only retain some effective strength, but also Ironthorn Town would not be easily breached.

"The Warcraft user I met before was probably the one who attacked Ironthorn Town. Damn it, I just ran away and didn't pay attention to whether my wife and children were inside."

Bach gritted his teeth and said, if he had known that there might be his wife and children in that team of Warcraft envoys, he would have saved his family even if he risked his life. He attaches great importance to the relationship with his family.

"There is a secret passage in the castle courtyard that can be used to escape. If they can get the news in time, they should be able to escape through the secret passage."

Bach still had luck in his heart. Nobles cherished their lives. When building castles, they would often dig a secret passage for escape, and Bach was no exception.

He kept praying in his heart, hoping that his wife and children could escape from the secret passage.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be the opposite. When he arrived at the castle, the servants explained the situation to him with panic on their faces.

When he learned that his wife and children had not had time to escape and were all taken away by the knights of Firefly Town, he almost fainted again from the successive blows.

With the help of the servant, Bach managed to stand firm. He shook his head vigorously, feeling that his head was about to explode, and he also felt a disgusting feeling of depression in his heart.

But he also knew that he couldn't faint now. If he was caught by Ryan who came over, he would never be able to save his wife and children.

So Bach endured the pain and staggered to the warehouse.

Although he had already been mentally prepared for the warehouse to be ransacked, when he saw the mess in front of him, he still felt furious and a few traces of blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

He was really beaten by Ryan and the players.

The Rose Town he wanted to occupy was picked by Ryan. Well, he could endure it and there would be a chance to get it back in the future.

The knights under him were defeated by the player and the whole army was annihilated. Well, he could endure it, but at worst, he would spend more money to redeem them later.

His wife and children were robbed, which was indeed a bit unbearable, but he gritted his teeth and could endure it. It was useless for Ryan to ask for his wife and children anyway. He could still spend more money to redeem them. Come.

But his warehouse was robbed and not even a single copper coin was left for him. How could he endure this?

Without money and treasures, how could he redeem the knight and his family, let alone make a comeback.

Thinking of this, Bach couldn't hold it back and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Ryan!! I will never let you go!!!"

Bach shouted with a ferocious face, then drew out his sword and slashed at the surroundings, venting his anger.

It wasn't until many gaps appeared on the blade that Bach gradually calmed down.

He slumped to the ground, panting and thinking about what to do next.

When he slashed with his sword just now, he wished he could take revenge on Ryan now, but after he finished venting his anger and returned to his senses, he gave up the idea.

Now he only has one magical beast in his hand, the Big Steel Snake, and he is also seriously injured. Without long-term treatment and training, he will never be able to return to his original state.

Even if the Big Steel Snake fully recovers, just one Big Steel Snake cannot deal with Ryan and his dozens of Warcraft users.

The most important thing is that all his treasures have been robbed by Lane's knights, and he now has no money to hire Warcraft envoys and ask for support from other nobles.

At this point, he can only rely on the power of the Shadow Church.

"Those bastards will definitely use this as an excuse to put forward more conditions to me, and may even directly exclude me, but I can't control that much now, as long as they can rescue my wife and children and help me I can endure the humiliation of being sidelined if I can avenge my shame.”

"I can even join Poseidon Temple. Compared to Ryan's hairless kid, I'm definitely more valuable as an investment. Besides, I also have information about the Church of Shadows, so they will probably be interested in it too."

"It's just that the risk of taking refuge in Poseidon Temple is not small. If they find out that I have cooperated with the Shadow Church before, my end will be very miserable. So I still have to contact the Shadow Church first. If the Shadow Church is unwilling to help me, I will contact Poseidon again." Temple.”

Bach was planning in his mind. He knew that both the Shadow Church and the Poseidon Temple wanted to use their nobles to gain access to worldly power.

His title of baron is his biggest bargaining chip now. He has to find a way to sell this title at a good price.

"We can't hesitate any longer. That bastard Ryan is going to bring his men to fight over soon. I have to leave Ironthorn Town as soon as possible."

Bach stood up and walked quickly to the rest room of Warcraft, where there was a secret healing medicine that he bought at a high price.

The players left in a hurry and only turned over the warehouse without searching other rooms, so the secret healing medicine was not taken away by them.

After Bach got the secret healing medicine, he breathed a sigh of relief. He finally had good news. If even the secret medicine was taken away, he would really have no way to escape. Without the big steel snake as a mount, he would not be able to escape at all. Can't escape the pursuit of Firefly Town.

"By the way, there are still a few one-horned rhinoceros monster eggs in the training ground, and they probably haven't been discovered yet. Should I go and take them out?"

Bach suddenly thought of the one-horned rhinoceros monster eggs in the training ground. These monster eggs were originally reserved for training knight followers, but now his knight followers have also been captured by Yinghuo Town, and there is no need for these monster eggs. .

Rather than letting Ryan and the others take it away and use it to improve the strength of Yinghuo Town, it is better to take the money from the sale first. He is penniless now and only took some jewelry that his wife bought before. It is when he is short of money. .

"But those monster eggs are being hatched by the one-horned rhinoceros, and there are still untamed one-horned rhinos among them, so it's a bit difficult to get them."

Bach was very confused. In the past, when there were big steel snakes and diamond-horned rhinos, those one-horned rhinos naturally didn't dare to resist.

Over time, the one-horned rhinos will become afraid of him. He usually enters and exits the training ground at will.

But it's different now. There isn't a single magical beast around him. Bach really doesn't have the confidence to take the magical beast egg right under the nose of the one-horned rhinoceros.

The monsters during the hatching period have a very violent temper, and they may overcome their fear and attack themselves.

Unless he cured the big steel snake first and then used it to scare the one-horned rhinoceros, he could safely take out the monster egg. But he didn't have so much time to waste. Who knew when Ryan would come to kill him.

"Forget it, it's just a few one-horned rhinoceros eggs. When I retake Ironthorn Town, these eggs will still be mine."

Bach decided to escape first. He didn't want to waste the best opportunity to escape for a few monster eggs.

He returned to the city gate and used secret medicine to treat the injury of the big steel snake.

Although this secret medicine is not as effective as Ryan's good wound medicine, it can still restore some mobility to the big steel snake.

After the big steel snake recovered a little, Bach climbed directly onto the big steel snake without any ink marks and left Ironthorn Town.

The militiamen couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they saw this. They couldn't understand what was happening now and why the Baron had to leave just after he came back.

"Captain, Lord Baron, what's going on? He's in such a hurry that he hasn't punished us yet."

One of the militiamen asked the captain in confusion.

The captain also felt something was wrong when he heard this. He had been too scared just now, fearing that Bach would hang them. Now that he calmed down, he also discovered some problems.

For example, Bach came back alone this time, without a single knight from Ironthorn Town around him. Another example was that Bach's big steel snake was seriously injured and lay on the ground unable to get up. The other horned rhinoceros also disappeared.

Coupled with the way Bach left in a hurry just now, it looked like he was running away, which gave the captain a bad guess.

Is it possible that they were defeated by Iron Thorn? Is Baron Bach running away in such a hurry because knights from other territories are about to attack?

".Captain, captain!"

The shouts of the militiamen nearby interrupted the militia captain's thoughts.

"Ah? What's the matter?" the captain said in a daze.

"Why did you suddenly stop talking and your face turned ugly? Do you think the Baron will punish us in the future?"

The militiaman said with fear on his face.

The militia captain shook his head upon hearing this, with a wry smile appearing on his lips.

"Don't worry, Lord Baron will never have the chance to punish us in the future."

"What do you mean?" the militiaman asked doubtfully.

The captain did not answer him, but turned to look at Tiezhen Town with a very complicated expression on his face.

"Tiethorn Town is going to change!"

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