My Pokémon Player

Chapter 225 Ancient Book Takes All the Blame

Lian saw Aisha and the others were surprised, and realized that he had said too much.

The information about the mythical beasts was extremely secretive. Even in the future alliance period, humans only knew a little about the mythical beasts and could only guess whether the mythical beasts existed through various myths and legends, not to mention the current era of information blockage.

In this era, most humans did not know that the so-called "gods" were actually Pokémon. They still thought that the gods they believed in belonged to the human camp and were sent by heaven to protect them from the harm of monsters.

The few forces that had seen the true body of the gods and knew the truth, such as the Sea God Temple and the royal family, were also trying their best to cover up this fact.

They had to cover it up. If the civilians knew that the gods they prayed to all day were monsters, the mentality of the civilians would definitely collapse, and the fear of monsters would be further deepened. They would live in fear every day, and even their daily lives would be difficult to continue.

Although the status of the civilians was very low, they were the cornerstone of the royal power and faith. After they knew the truth, they would definitely affect the rule of the royal family and the divine power of the Sea God Temple.

So the two major forces finally reached a tacit understanding and used various means to maintain the mystery of the mythical beasts.

For example, laws were promulgated to prohibit people from conducting research on gods. Another example is that the Sea God Temple firmly grasped the right to interpret gods and did not allow others to question or refute.

Under the cover of the two major forces, no matter whether it was the nobles or the common people, they did not know much about the Sea God. They only knew that he was the god in charge of the sea and had the amazing power to suppress the sea.

There were also three subordinate gods, the God of Fire, the God of Thunder and the God of Ice, around him. Each god had the ability to destroy the world and would punish humans who disrespected the Sea God.

But the Lord of the Sea had pity on humans and did not want humans to be harmed, so he would restrain the three subordinate gods and prevent them from appearing easily in the world.

At the same time, the Lord of the Sea God would rescue humans in distress at sea and calm storms and tsunamis.

In short, the Lord of the Sea God was strong and had a good character. It was right to believe in him.

This was also a common propaganda method used by the church. First, the power of the gods was used to make the people in awe, and then the love of the gods was used to harvest faith.

It's just that the gods in the Pokémon world are real, so the Sea Temple doesn't dare to act recklessly, and it hasn't done anything like "indulgence".

The Sea God is like a mountain pressing on the Sea Temple, making them be cautious in everything they do, for fear of angering the Sea God.

This may be one of the reasons why the Sea Temple wants to cooperate with the Shadow Church to control the Sea God. They want to control the faith, not be held hostage by the faith.

Compared with the real Sea God Lugia, they want a fictional god, so that they can spread the faith according to their needs, and don't have to go to great lengths to cover up the information.

Unfortunately, although Lugia is a homebody, he will show up from time to time, and the Sea Temple can only honestly clean up for it and prevent its information from being exposed.

In order to keep this secret, the Sea Temple didn't even tell its own people. Some low-level believers knew about the Sea God just like ordinary people, and only members with higher status could know some of the truth.

As a candidate for the Saint, Elsa certainly knew the truth, and Moni and other guardian knights also knew some of the truth to a greater or lesser extent.

But how did Ryan know? He was just a noble, a low-ranking baron among the nobles. Why did he know so much information about the gods, even the names of the three subordinate gods?

And since he knew the names of the three subordinate gods, it means that he knew that the three subordinate gods were Pokémon, after all, only Pokémon's names would have "birds".

By analogy, would he guess that the Sea God was also a Pokémon? Or did he already know this truth?

Facing the inquiring eyes of Elsa and others, Ryan did not pretend and directly revealed his cards.

"Yes, just as you think, I do know that the Sea God and the three subordinate gods are Pokémon. As for the source of the information, I saw it from an ancient book."

Ryan once again pushed the pot to the ancient book.

"Is it the ancient book with the information about the Violent Turtle that you mentioned last time?"

Elsa asked.

"Ah? Oh, yes, yes, that ancient book!"

Ryan nodded repeatedly.

Elsa was speechless when she saw this. Can you act any more fake?

But Elsa did not expose Ryan's lies. Everyone has secrets in their hearts. They are just partners. There is no need to dig deep.

It is a good thing that Ryan knows the truth about the Sea God. They don't have to hide it when communicating.

Thinking of this, Elsa said frankly:

"Since you know the information about the Sea God from that ancient book, let's just tell each other the information we know, check for gaps and make up for them, and make plans to obstruct the Shadow Church."

"No problem."

Ryan naturally would not object. He just wanted to weaken the halo of the gods a little, so that Elsa and others would not be timid when facing Lugia and the three idiots and three holy birds, and drag him down.

So in the next period of time, Elsa and others' impression of the Sea God and the three gods was unprecedentedly impacted.

"Ah? Lord Poseidon also has a family, there is not only one Lugia in the sea?"

"There is not only one of the three gods, there are even other forms?"

"What? Lord Poseidon has no water attribute? How is this possible?! He is the God of the Sea!!"

Aisha and others showed unbelievable expressions. If they didn't know that Ryan had no need to lie to them, they would have thought that Ryan was playing a trick on them.

Lian did not continue to reveal more information. The information he just said was enough for Elsa and the others to accept and digest for a while. If he said more, I am afraid their mentality would collapse.

The previous actions of the high-level officials of the Sea God Temple had already shaken their beliefs a lot. Coupled with the information revealed by Ryan, even the most noble beliefs would be affected.

And this is exactly the purpose of Ryan revealing the information. Do you really think he just wants to satisfy his desire to talk?

Well. Well, he did want to satisfy his desire to talk, and he also wanted to see the shocked look of Elsa and others to satisfy his own bad taste.

But the main purpose is to weaken the sacredness of the sea god, so as to open a gap in the beliefs of Elsa and others, slowly draw them over, and leave their own nails in the Sea God Temple.

The reason why Ryan agreed to help Elsa was also for this purpose.

Ever since Ryan learned about the church power of the Sea God Temple, he has been thinking about how to control the Sea God Temple in turn.

Because in Ryan's view, the Sea God Temple is the potential biggest enemy.

Among the two major forces in the Kingdom of Arad, the royal family has lost its ruling power over the local area. As long as the nobles nominally recognize the ruling status of the royal family, the royal family will not take action against the nobles, so Ryan will not be an enemy of the royal family for the time being.

But the Sea God Temple is different. They have always had the idea of ​​​​overheading the lord before, and now they are cooperating with the Shadow Church. They are destined to be Ryan's enemy.

Compared with enemies such as Baron Bach and the Shadow Church, the Sea God Temple is more difficult to deal with. They will use the beliefs of civilians to continuously expand their influence. Although they have no actual power, they are slowly realizing the spiritual rule over civilians.

Not to mention other places, there are many people who believe in the sea god in Firefly Town, Ryan's base camp.

Ryan has always been deeply worried about this. Once Ryan and the Sea God Temple are enemies, these civilians who believe in the sea god will be the biggest hidden danger.

Although the civilians can't do anything now, Ryan will definitely promote the National Trainer Plan in the future for the harmonious coexistence of humans and Pokémon. By then, the civilians will have the power to cause riots.

If you want to eliminate this hidden danger, you can either terminate the National Trainer Program and prevent civilians from gaining power, or control the Sea God Temple and let them operate according to their own will.

Of course, there is a more drastic method, which is to strictly prohibit the spread of the Sea God Temple's beliefs and prevent civilians from believing in the Sea God.

But this method is difficult to achieve. Belief is a product of the development of the times and cannot be cut off at all.

Since its birth, faith has never disappeared. Even in the future when technology and ideas are extremely developed, faith will still exist.

Simply cutting off the spread of faith will only backfire and will be targeted by the Sea God Temple.

Ryan did have the idea of ​​creating a new belief, which can be seen from the creator god in the background story he told to the players.

But he finally gave up this idea. He didn't want to provoke the two major forces of the Sea God Temple and the royal family at the same time.

If the Sea God Temple is not allowed to spread faith in the territory, it will only attract the secret targeting of the Sea God Temple, and the royal family may support Ryan to do so.

But if he created a new faith, it would be equivalent to declaring war on the Sea Temple, and the royal family would also regard Ryan as an enemy. After all, the Sea Temple is the state religion of the Kingdom of Arad. If you, a noble, build a new church, wouldn't that be a slap in the face of the royal family?

Therefore, Ryan can only choose to give up the plan of universal trainers, or try to control the Sea Temple.

Ryan chose the latter without hesitation. Universal trainers are related to his dreams and future, and he can't give up.

Besides, since the Sea Temple wants to undermine him, it is reasonable for him to want to undermine the Sea Temple in turn.

When Ryan only had one town, he had such an idea, but he was too weak at that time. It was good not to be undermined by the Sea Temple, so he could only hide this idea in his heart.

Now he is not strong, and he can't compare with the Sea Temple. He originally thought of developing for a period of time before dealing with the Sea Temple, but the Sea Temple gave him a chance.

They actually destroyed their own beliefs and chose to cooperate with the Shadow Church.

To be honest, Ryan almost laughed out loud when he heard the news from Aisha just now.

As expected of the top leaders of the Sea God Temple, their heads are full of seawater!

Originally, Elsa and others had a firm belief in the Sea God, and Ryan couldn't find a breakthrough, so he could only try to win over Knight Moni first.

As a result, the top leaders of the Sea God Temple directly made a wave of smart operations, actively shaking the beliefs of Elsa and others, forcing them to cooperate with themselves.

Elsa is a candidate for the Holy Maiden, and she is qualified to run for the Pope.

As long as Ryan continues to influence Elsa in the cooperation and let her recognize his ideas, when she is elected Pope, the Sea God Temple will not be an obstacle to him, and may even be a helper for Ryan.

This goal may be too far away, but it is not impossible to achieve.

Moreover, after reaching a cooperation with Elsa, there are many benefits in the short term. At least Ryan can slightly change the beliefs spread in his territory and let the beliefs serve his rule.

That's why Ryan revealed so much information to break Elsa's inherent ideas. Only in this way can Elsa and others accept his ideas.

After a long time, Elsa calmed down her agitated emotions.

She looked at Ryan with a very complicated look. She didn't expect Ryan to tell her so much unknown information. She thought Ryan didn't know much information and could only say the names of Lord Poseidon and the three major gods at most.

Who would have thought that Ryan would say so much? Not to mention Elsa, even the Pope of the Sea God Temple knew very little about this information.

How did Ryan get this information? Is there really an ancient book?

Elsa, who was shocked by so much information, has lost her original wisdom and calmness, and actually suspected that Ryan has an ancient book.

Just when Elsa was about to ask to borrow the ancient book, Ryan took the lead and said:

"You may not be able to accept the information I told you for a while, but it doesn't matter. You can go back and digest it slowly. After you completely accept it, we will discuss the next plan."

"In fact, I told you this information just to let you separate the Sea God Lugia and the Sea God Temple. It is not because of the existence of the Sea God Temple that Lugia will protect humans, but Lugia itself is close to humans and does not want to see humans die in shipwrecks."

"It is like other Pokémon. It has goodwill towards humans, but the top leaders of the Sea God Temple want to use this goodwill to hurt Lugia. What is the difference between doing this and the Shadow Church."

"You can also think about it when you go back. Do you believe in the Sea God Lugia or the Sea God Temple?"

Elsa and others were silent when they heard this. They were also thinking about the problem Ryan said.

In order to stabilize the mentality of the guardian knights, Moni said that they believed in the Sea God, not the Sea God Temple, and Elsa also agreed with this statement.

But they knew in their hearts that this was only a stopgap measure, and they would have to return to the Sea Temple and abide by the Sea Temple's doctrines in the end.

But Ryan's words gave them different ideas. Since Lord Poseidon was just a Pokémon close to humans, what was the meaning of the various doctrines of the Sea Temple?

The senior officials formulated strict doctrines to restrain the believers, but they took the lead in violating them and were madly preparing to attack Lord Poseidon. Is such a Sea Temple still worthy of their belief and protection?

Ryan saw that Aisha and others were lost in thought, and he knew that what he said had worked. He didn't think about changing Aisha's and others' ideas now. The Sea Temple had brainwashed them for so many years, and it was not something he could easily change with a few words.

But there was still a long time to go. What he said today was like a few flames. It looked insignificant, but Ryan believed that one day the flames would turn into a raging fire and burn the Sea Temple that hindered him completely.

He would rebuild a brand new Sea Temple in the ashes that was in line with his own ideas! (End of this chapter)

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