My Pokémon Player

Chapter 226 The Calamity Cub that came to your door

Ryan had already said what he should say. He knew that too much was too much, so he was ready to serve tea to see the guests off, but before that, he wanted to ask Aisha for someone.

Although relying on Elsa to raise the Poseidon Temple can bring great benefits and assistance to Ryan, this goal is too far away and cannot be achieved in a while.

So Ryan wanted to get some compensation first. He couldn't let his acting go to waste. He had sacrificed his own reputation.

"Lord Aisha, since we have reached a cooperation, can I ask you for someone?"

Ryan didn't beat around the bush and asked Elsa directly.

"Oh? Baron Lane has so many elite soldiers and generals, why do you still like my guardian knight?"

Elsa glanced at Knight Commander Moni beside her and said, she also knew that Ryan wanted her Knight Commander.

"Which lord would dislike having so many talents under his command, and Knight Commander Moni has rich theoretical and practical experience, making him very suitable to be an instructor. My Warcraft user also recognizes him, and I also asked Lady Aisha to part with me."

Ryan told his reason. He had long been coveting Knight Commander Moni, but he never had the chance to turn him over.

"I didn't expect Baron Ryan to value Knight Commander Morny so much. Of course I am willing to lend him to you, but I have always respected Knight Commander Morny, so it still depends on his own wishes."

Elsa turned to look at Moni. In fact, she really hoped that Moni could stay with Ryan.

In the next period of time, their main energy will be spent on building the branch temple. Knight Commander Moni can't help much if he stays with her, so it is better to let him help Ryan.

In this way, Moni can become the link between the two parties, and the relationship between them and Ryan will be further deepened.

She knew in her heart that Ryan wanted to win over Moni, but not to mention that Moni had a very firm belief in Poseidon and would not be easily won over by Ryan.

So what if Moni is won over by Ryan? From the moment the cooperation is reached, her and Ryan's interests are tied together, and it doesn't matter who Moni works for.

So she would not refuse Ryan, but Knight Commander Moni was a person, not a commodity. She had to ask Moni's opinion to avoid Moni being unhappy.

Even though she knew that Moni recognized Ryan's ideas very much, and coupled with his loyalty to herself, he shouldn't refuse the proposal, but he still had to go through the formalities.

Sometimes a small detail can affect a person's perception, and Elsa can't help but be careful. Especially when she is in a bad situation now, she must treat every guardian knight properly.

Sure enough, Moni directly agreed to Ryan's invitation without too much hesitation.

"I have no objection. It's my honor to be able to help Mr. Ryan, but"

There was a hesitant expression on Moni's face.

"Knight Commander Moni, do you have any difficulties? Don't hide it, just tell me and I will try my best to help you solve the problem."

Ryan said with a big wave of his hand.

"It's not a big problem, it's just... Can Lord Ryan give me some elf coins as a reward?"

Moni made the request hesitantly, and then quickly explained with a shy face:

"Of course I want to help Lord Ryan for free, but I have already agreed to those Warcraft users and will hire them to build a branch hall in the next few days. But I don't have much elf coins. I originally wanted to be an instructor for Lord Ryan. Who would have thought about making some money?”

Before Money could finish explaining, he was interrupted by Ryan's laughter.

"Hahahahaha, what was the problem? Don't worry, Captain Moni. I always know rewards and punishments. Even if you don't mention it, I will pay you. Don't feel embarrassed. This is you. Well deserved.”

Ryan said with a smile.

When Moni heard what Ryan said, he was no longer entangled. He made a knightly salute to Ryan:

"Thank you for your understanding and generosity. I will definitely work hard to teach your Warcraft users, teach them everything I have learned, and never let down your expectations!"

"Very good, you can stay with me from today on. I will pay you in advance so that you can have elf coins to continue hiring those Warcraft users."

Ryan said grandly, anyway, the elf coins in the player's hands will have to be used to pay off the mortgage, and after wandering around, they will still have to be returned to his own hands. This is equivalent to wasting a fighting force in vain.

Of course, Moni didn't understand this, and he still happily thanked Ryan.

"Okay, let's talk about this today. I know that you are in very complicated moods right now, and you don't have the energy to discuss detailed plans. Let's wait until you have digested all the information, and then we will discuss what to do next."

Ryan began to see off the guests. He still had many things to deal with and did not have time to digest the information with Aisha and the others.

Aisha also knew that her mind was in a mess right now and it was not suitable to continue talking. She needed to go back and sort out the information, and then carefully consider her future.

So Aisha stood up and resigned, leaving the reception room with confusion about the future and a little hope.

Moni also left. He would follow Ryan in the future, and the responsibility of protecting Elsa naturally fell on Mayol.

To be honest, he was not at ease with Mayor, so he specifically asked Ryan to give him some time to make a good handover with Mayor and arrange work for the hired players.

Ryan agreed to this request. He looked at the backs of Aisha and the others leaving, feeling very happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the problem of faith that had troubled him for a long time suddenly found a solution. The top management of Poseidon Temple were really a group of good people.

Ryan, who was in a good mood, took care of government affairs for the first time, but after just handling a few things, his mood became bad.

"Why do I have to deal with the matter of the guy next door peeking at the widow taking a bath?!"

Ryan complained loudly, and White, who was assisting him on the side, explained:

"Master, this is your responsibility as a lord. The common people grow food, perform labor, and pay taxes and land rent for you. You need to protect their personal safety, handle disputes between common people, and make reasonable judgments. "

Ryan was speechless upon hearing this. Most of the aristocratic territories in this era did not have judges. Lords rarely handed over important judicial power to others, but chose to act as judges themselves.

Yinghuo Town is no exception, he has to deal with such trivial matters.

In this era, there was a two-way contractual relationship between lords and civilians. When the civilians fulfilled their obligations, the lords had to assume corresponding responsibilities, otherwise they would cause dissatisfaction among the civilians.

Of course, he can also choose not to deal with it. The Pokémon world is different from the previous life in the Middle Ages. The lords here have the powerful power of Pokémon and are not afraid of civilian resistance at all.

No matter how dissatisfied the civilians are, they will not affect the lord's rule. At most, they will flee the territory.

However, there are so many wild Pokémon outside the territory that most people dare not leave the protection of the territory. Civilians will not flee unless they have to.

This is also the reason why the lords of the Pokémon world usually oppress the civilians unscrupulously. They also don't handle government affairs like Ryan. If they have this time, they might as well go out and play.

But Ryan is different. He still values ​​​​the people's support in the territory. Only by gathering people's support can his future plans be promoted smoothly.

Therefore, Ryan had to bite the bullet and deal with these trivial matters. He said helplessly to White:

"I know this is my responsibility, but they don't need to report everything to me. Do you usually deal with these things?"

White nodded and said: "Yes, I deal with such small things on weekdays, but these things are small things in our eyes, but they are big things in the eyes of civilians. The reason why they report everything to you is also Because they trust you and trust you to make the decision for them.”

"I heard that the former Baron Bach did not have such troubles. All civilians who complained to him would not have a good end. The lighter ones would be flogged, and the severe ones would be executed directly. Over time, civilians no longer dared to complain to him. "

"But just because they don't say it doesn't mean they don't have resentments in their hearts. This time our takeover of Ironthorn Town went extremely smoothly, with almost no resistance. The civilians will even help our knights maintain law and order."

"You have to know that we are mortal enemies with Iron Thorn Town, but they would actually welcome us to take over Iron Thorn Town. This shows the consequences of being unpopular."

"As long as the civilians of Ironthorn Town dare to conquer Pokémon, Baron Bach will not have the energy to attack Rose Town. The civilian riots alone will be enough to give him a headache."

Ryan understood that White was teaching him the importance of people's hearts by saying these words, but he was really not good at dealing with these things.

It seems that the plan to establish the Public Security Bureau must be brought forward. I don’t know if there is a Junsha family in this parallel world.

Even if you can't find the Junsha family, you can still let the players handle these matters. They like to eat melon the most, and they will probably be interested in this kind of conflict between neighbors.

Thinking of this, Ryan said to Xiao Luo who was sitting on the desk and working hard on the question:

"Xiao Luo, help me select some visitors from the God Realm who understand the law. If there are none, you can also find some who like to meddle in other people's business."

"Okay Lotto~"

After hearing this, White couldn't help but take a few more glances at the Aerial Rotom. Although he had seen it many times, White would still express his heartfelt admiration every time he saw the Aerial Rotom.

It is indeed a helper given to the young master by the gods. Not only can it speak, but it can also help the young master handle things. It is truly a magical Pokémon.

After Ryan finished explaining Xiao Luo, he continued to deal with things with a frown. It would take two days for new players to go online, and he had to handle the government affairs for these two days.

But he was a little too excited just now, so he opened his mouth and took over all the government affairs.

It's hard to regret it now. After all, he already regretted it last time. He can't push the government affairs to White this time. He also wants to lose face.

White had no intention of persuading Ryan. He was still worried that Ryan's mentality would drift after winning a big victory. He was thinking of ways to calm Ryan's mentality, but Ryan came over on his own.

It would be good to let him handle more government affairs, which would allow him to stabilize for a period of time, and with his help, Ryan wouldn't be too tired.

Just as Ryan was thinking about what to do with the guy next door, there was a knock on the door.


Ryan said without raising his head.

"Report to the lord, the caravan from Guanhai City has visited again and has now arrived outside the city gate."

Captain Raymond opened the door and walked in, reporting the situation to Ryan.

"Just come here. They should be here to buy potions this time. Just let them go directly into the city. Why do they need to report to me? Do they still want me to greet them?"

Ryan said with a frown.

Raymond also noticed that Ryan was in a bad mood and quickly explained:

"No, they came this time with a lot of supplies and Pokémon eggs, and even a mysterious Pokémon. According to them, that Pokémon is some kind of 'natural disaster' cub."

"According to the laws of the kingdom, merchants are not allowed to bring Pokémon into the town, so I don't know if I should let them enter the city."

Ryan didn't pay much attention to Raymond's words at first, until he heard the words "scourge cub", Ryan instantly became energetic.

"What did you say? Scourge cub? Are you sure you heard correctly?"

Ryan asked with a shocked look on his face.

"I must have heard it correctly. The businessman who took the lead repeated it several times. I also saw the natural disaster cub, which is quite cute."

Raymond replied.

"What a calamity cub! Have you seen it with your own eyes? What kind of Pokémon is it? Is it a mini dragon? Or a round shark? Or an iron dumbbell? No, according to your aesthetic point of view, the iron dumbbell is not cute. , what kind of Pokémon is it?”

Ryan continued to ask eagerly.

"Well, I don't recognize it, but it looks like a long strip and has no limbs."

Raymond tried his best to describe the appearance of the mini dragon.

"Don't you know? I remember that you also participated in the knight selection and received a noble education. How come you don't even recognize the 'natural disaster'?"

Ryan said doubtfully.

Raymond scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard this. White explained for Raymond:

"Master, this guy was originally chosen because he didn't know much about literacy and couldn't master noble etiquette and Pokémon knowledge."

As White spoke, he glared at Raymond with a look of hatred.

He was very optimistic about Raymond at the beginning. Raymond's physical fitness was very good, but his theoretical knowledge was not up to par. White could only reluctantly eliminate Raymond and let him become a militiaman.

Who would have thought that after so many years, Raymond is still unwilling to learn theoretical knowledge, and can't even recognize the natural disaster cubs? It's really a rotten tree that cannot be carved!

After hearing this, Ryan could only make a guess based on Raymond's appearance description.

"Long shape? That's a mini dragon. Multi-Dragon Mecia is also possible, but Multi-Dragon Mecia has two small hands, so it's most likely a mini dragon!"

"Hahahaha, I can be fat too!"

Ryan looked very excited. Since the businessmen of Guanhai City brought the mini dragon to Yinghuo Town, it meant that they most likely wanted to use the mini dragon to make friends with him.

So what Ryan said was correct, and even if Guanhai City didn't intend to give him a mini dragon, he would still find ways to get it.

Everyone has sent the mini dragon to Firefly Town, can Ryan let them take it away again?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. Once you reach Firefly Town, the mini dragon belongs to Ryan and no one can take it away!

Ryan stood up and prepared to go to the city gate to personally greet the merchants of Guanhai City.

"Master, this is government affairs."

"The government affairs will wait until I come back. Let Captain Raymond handle it for me first. He is responsible for the security of Yinghuo Town and he must know how to handle these things."

Ryan took advantage of the situation and pushed the government affairs to Raymond.

"Ah? I have a rest in the afternoon."

Raymond was a little confused. He just came to report the situation, so why did he get into trouble?

"Why rest? You are still young. Don't waste your time. If you don't work hard now, you will regret it when you get old."

Ryan said earnestly, Are you kidding? He didn't even take a holiday on New Year's Eve in his previous life, and he never had a day off in this life. You, a subordinate, still want to take a rest? !


"No but, I entrust you with the job because I trust you. Others who want to handle government affairs have not had this opportunity, so don't let me down!"

Ryan patted Raymond on the shoulder, and then left the study happily with White to meet the mini dragon that he had longed for.

Raymond was left looking at the government affairs on the table with a confused face.

After a while, Raymond said what he had just unfinished with a sad and angry face:

"I want to help, but I can't read! Lord, why don't you keep Knight Commander White!!"

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