My Pokémon Player

Chapter 519 This is the charm of dreams!

On the shore of an unknown island in the Whirlpool Sea, civilians who had just been rescued by Nord were lining up to board the boat.

Nord gave the Church of Shadow's ships to the civilians, allowing them to sail home on their own.

As for the members of the Shadow Church on the ship, they were naturally thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Before every civilian boarded the ship, he would thank Nord profusely, making him so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, and the haze in his heart was relieved a lot.

"Can they sail the boat?" Sidorane, who came over at some point, asked.

Nord replied: "The Church of Shadows captured the entire ship, including the captain and sailors. They will definitely be able to drive the ship away."

Xi Duo Lan En nodded slightly and then asked: "You seem a little uneasy, is it because you heard bad news?"

"Yes, you just heard that the guardian of the Shadow Church was urgently recalled, presumably for the nightmare god in his hands."

Nord sighed and said: "You should know the strength of the Nightmare God very well. You can't use him to deal with ordinary enemies."

"It seems that the Shadow Church has found traces of the three subordinate gods. I don't know if they are the God of Thunder or the God of Ice."

Sidorane lives on a volcanic island in the Whirlpool Sea, so of course he has heard of the reputation of the Poseidon and the three major gods.

Needless to say, the strength of Poseidon is also very strong. The strength of the other three gods is also very strong.

Fortunately, Poseidon is not very territorial and usually sleeps on the bottom of the sea.

The three gods are territorial, but their relationship is not harmonious.

Not only would they not cooperate, they would sometimes fight, causing Poseidon to come out and physically break up the fight.

Therefore, Xidulan En will not encounter a one-on-three situation. If it is just a god, it is not impossible to fight.

The nearby God of Fire was also wary of Xi Duolan's strength, fearing that he would be injured in the battle, allowing the God of Thunder and the God of Ice to take advantage of the situation.

As a result, the two sides did not interfere with each other, and Xi Dolan was able to stay on the volcanic island.

"Those three birds have a good temper and are not weak in strength. People from the Church of Shadows may not be able to catch them."

Sydoran said disapprovingly, saying that it felt that Nord had overestimated the strength of the Shadow Church.

Magical beasts like them, which humans respect as gods, cannot be captured by ordinary humans.

Nord shook his head: "If the Shadow Church is not sure of capturing the three major gods, they will not confidently search for traces of the three major gods."

"Don't underestimate their abilities. The previous Shadow Church was indeed very weak and was hunted down by the royal family and Poseidon."

"But today's Shadow Church is different. Not only do they know how to hide their strength and bide their time, they also hold great power."

"I have also heard a little about the reputation of the Nightmare God. He is a powerful god as famous as the Dream God."

"The reason why the royal family can still maintain its rule is, on the one hand, the agreement between the Ankylosaurus clan and the royal family, and on the other hand, the legend of the Dream God."

"Just a mythical legend can shock the four major families in the capital. This shows the power of the Dream God."

"The God of Nightmares can be ranked alongside the God of Dreams, and his strength cannot be underestimated."

"Unlike the royal family, the Shadow Church has fully mastered the power of the Nightmare God and is fully capable of impacting the royal family's rule."

"But they are still acting secretly, which is enough to prove that they have a bigger plan!"

Xi Duolan'en said in surprise: "You mean they arrested the three major gods to achieve other goals?"

"Is it possible?"

Nord responded: "Yes, the ultimate target of the Shadow Church is likely to be Poseidon."

Hearing this, Xiduolan almost couldn't help spitting out a ball of fire. It said in disbelief:

"They must be too brave. They dare to provoke Poseidon. Once he gets angry, your kingdom will be destroyed!"

Nord shrugged: "The Shadow Church doesn't care about the safety of the kingdom. Destruction and destruction are their teachings."

"Exchanging the risk of the kingdom's destruction for an opportunity to master the power of Poseidon is a sure-win deal for them."

When Xiduo Lanen heard this, he couldn't help but sigh:

"What a bunch of lunatics. Why do you humans always have such lunatics who are willing to give up everything for power?"

Nord corrected: "To be precise, it's for the dream. Power is just a ladder to realize the dream."

"Are dreams that important?" Xi Dolanen asked puzzledly.

"Let's divide the people. Some people are content with the status quo and get by, while some people will sacrifice their lives for their dreams."

Nord looked at the civilians who were boarding the ship one after another, and his eyes were a little complicated.

"Although most people in the Shadow Church are scum, some of their top leaders still have dreams."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't risk being hunted down to rebuild the Shadow Church, let alone covet your power."

"It's just that their dreams come at the cost of lives lost, so in our eyes, their dreams should be called conspiracy."

Xi Duolan said blankly: "I still don't understand what you humans think, but I still don't think the Shadow Church can capture those two wild birds."

"They are not like me. They can only be trapped on the island. If you can't defeat them, they can still fly away."

Nord said with a serious expression: "You think too simply. Not all gods are as flexible and flexible as you."

"Some gods value their faces more than their lives. You also said that the three major gods have bad tempers and they will not escape easily."

Xi Duolan'en's head was full of black lines and said: "Why do you sound so awkward when you say this? Are you calling me shameless?"

Nord said helplessly: "I'm obviously complimenting you. It's normal to run away if you can't fight. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"As long as your life is still there, you will be able to take revenge sooner or later, so why worry about temporary gains and losses."

Xiduolan nodded with satisfaction: "Well, I like to hear this!"

Nord continued: "And even if they want to run away, they are still strong enough to run away."

"You have seen the power of the Nightmare God before. Coupled with the black crystal that can make monsters explode in a short time, even the three major attribute gods will find it difficult to take advantage of him."

"Not to mention that they are always proud and will most likely underestimate the enemy. They will definitely suffer a big loss then."

"The most important thing is that the Shadow Church may not only have the Nightmare God. Don't forget that the Nightmare God was also controlled by them after being defeated."

"Ordinary monsters are no match for the Nightmare God. Maybe the Shadow Church has other powers in its hands."

Hearing this, Sidorane also felt that what Nord said was reasonable. The white-haired move was disgusting, and it could fly into the sky and escape into the earth (sneaking into the shadows). Ordinary monsters really couldn't catch it.

"Then what should we do now? Sabotage their operation to arrest the three gods?"

Xiduolan was a little anxious, it was also targeted by the Shadow Church.

If the Shadow Church catches the three major gods and targets them again, then it will never think about living a stable life in the future.

"We don't even know where they are moving, and we can't destroy them even if we want to."

"For the current plan, we can only find the God of Fire one step ahead of them." Nord said with a frown.

"The God of Fire has a bad temper. Will he believe what we say?" Sidorane asked worriedly.

Nord replied: "I definitely didn't believe it at first, just give him a beating."

"Poseidon just uses physical means to break up fights. We can try that too."

"Speaking of which, can you beat the God of Fire? Xiaobi can improve your strength, but if the strength gap is too big, it will be difficult for you to win."

Hearing Nord questioning his own strength, Sidorane immediately became angry.

In its view, among the three major gods, except for the God of Thunder, which is somewhat troublesome, the God of Ice and the God of Fire are not to be feared.

The former is because of attribute restraint, and the latter is because fire attribute moves are useless to it and will instead enhance the power of its moves.

So Xiduolan said confidently: "Huh, even if Xiaobi doesn't transmit energy to me, I can still suppress it and fight!"

"Really?" Nord asked deliberately suspiciously.

Xiduolan said categorically: "Just wait and see, as long as Xiao Bi transfers his ability to me, I can burn the God of Fire into a roast chicken!"

"Okay, okay, I feel relieved with your words. You are worthy of being the God of Volcanoes."

Seeing that the provoking method was successful, Nord no longer provoked Sidorane, but said good things.

Sydoran looked at Nord suspiciously, always feeling like he was being plotted by the other party.

It looked at Nord and sighed: "Why did you suddenly become smart? Not only can you analyze the plans of the Shadow Church, but you can also use words to arouse my fighting spirit. Didn't Xiaobi say that you are a reckless person?" Husband?"

Nord scratched his head in embarrassment: "I don't know. Ever since I left the territory, my mind has become clearer and clearer. I didn't want to use my brain before. Maybe it was because there were too many chores in the territory, which blocked my thoughts. ”

Victini next to him almost rolled his eyes when he heard Nord say this.

What does it have to do with you that there are so many chores in the territory? Isn’t it all handled by White?

Nord also saw Victini's little expression, so he found another suitable reason:

"Maybe it's because I prefer taking risks. Human beings always stimulate their own potential in the process of realizing their dreams."

"It's a dream again. Do you humans value dreams so much?" Xi Duolan asked doubtfully.

Nord did not answer Sidorane directly. He just raised his chin and said with a smile:

"Have you seen that boy named Trobado? I can bet you that the reason he is holding back on boarding the ship is because he wants to join us."

"Oh? Why are you so sure?"

Sydoran also saw Trobados, who was indeed lingering in the same place and looking at them from time to time.

"The reason is very simple. He just said that he was a bard and went to sea to find materials, based on which he could write an epic that could be passed down to future generations."

"It's easy to tell from his dress and conversation that this boy is definitely from a noble family, and his family's title may be higher than mine."

"A noble would rather give up the fine clothes and food at home and go to sea to become a bard, which shows that he is the kind of person who chases his dreams."

"So he will not give up easily. Even if he encounters danger and almost dies on this island, he will still continue to pursue his dream."

As soon as he finished speaking, Trobados, who was not far away, seemed to have made up his mind and walked towards them resolutely.

"Lord Nord, can I join you?"

Nord smiled triumphantly at Sidoran: "Look, this is the charm of dreams!"


"Weigh anchor!!"


With the sailors shouting loudly, Nord's ship slowly sailed away from the island.

The sailors on the ship all knew what Nord had done, but their hearts did not waver at all.

In this era, sailors who dared to go to sea had their heads tied to their belts, and they were all mentally prepared to die at sea.

Not only will you encounter ferocious monsters on the sea, but you will also encounter vicious pirates, and even merchant ships will rob each other.

Therefore, the sailors have long been accustomed to murder and arson, not to mention that Nord killed members of the Church of Shadows, and they couldn't wait to applaud.

And the stronger Nord is, the more their life safety can be guaranteed.

The sailors had no time to compliment Nord, so how could they blame him for killing people casually.

So amidst the flattery of the sailors, Nord happily brought Troubado to the captain's cabin.

He sat down on the chair and said to Troubadour, who was a little nervous:

"Don't be nervous. I used to be a nobleman. We may be related to each other."

"Are you also a noble?" Trobaldo said in surprise.

"What? It doesn't look like it?" Nord joked.

Trobado shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, no, it's very similar. No wonder you have a sense of nobility."

Nord laughed loudly and said: "Forget it, where does my nobility come from? I am just a down-and-out lord who wants to avenge his brother."

"You should be able to tell that I have a grudge against the Shadow Church and will continue to fight against the Shadow Church in the future until one party wins the final victory."

"So the days ahead will be extremely dangerous. Do you regret getting on board now?"

Trobado thought for a moment, raised his head and replied:

"I have no regrets, as long as I can write a magnificent work, it will be worth it even if I pay for it with my life!"

Although he was scared to death after being caught by the Shadow Church, he also felt extremely regretful.

But as death approaches, what he thinks about is not his family and maid, but that he will never be able to complete his epic masterpiece.

It was also at this moment that he truly understood the meaning of his life.

He must write a masterpiece before he dies, otherwise he will die in peace!

Looking at Trobado's firm eyes, Nord's smile became even brighter:

"Okay, actually it's too late for you to regret it. I just need someone who can record my adventures."

"If I am unlucky and die in the hands of those bastards, my son and descendants will still know what I have done, and my life will not be in vain!"

After hearing this, Trobado said with some hesitation: "What I want to write is an epic masterpiece. If your experience is not exciting enough, I will not spend time on you. At most, I will write a character story for you." Biography."

When Nord heard Trobado's blunt words, he smiled instead of getting angry:

"Hahahahaha, your character is to my liking."

"Don't worry, my story will definitely meet your requirements."

"Think of me back then."

Before Nord finished speaking, he heard a commotion outside.

He got up and walked out of the captain's cabin and saw the sailors surrounding a monster.

When he saw the appearance of the monster clearly, the corners of his mouth could not help but turn up slightly:

"I knew you would follow, Mr. Tan!" (End of Chapter)

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