My Pokémon Player

Chapter 520 How can one give himself a title?

Nord brought Mr. Tan back to the captain's cabin and said cheerfully:

"Little one, come and meet your future companion."

"This is Victini. It can transfer energy to you and make you stronger. It is revered as the God of Victory in legend!"

"The one guarding the door is Nidoking. He is the monster that has followed me for the longest time. He is always hardworking and never complains. He is a good big brother in the team."

"This seemingly arrogant monster with its arms crossed is called the Flame Chicken. In fact, it is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, making it very easy to get along with."

"The last monster that can lie down but not stand up is Xidulan En. He is also the strongest in the team and is revered as the God of Volcanoes!"

Not only was Nord introducing companions to Mr. Tan, he also wanted to leave a first impression on Troubadour and arouse his interest in writing.

Sure enough, when Trobado heard that there were two gods in Nord's team, he immediately became energetic.

He took out the animal skin roll and quill from his backpack, and observed the appearance of Victini and Sidroane with interest.

But he didn't rush to write. The price of the animal skin roll was not low, and he didn't take many gold coins with him when he ran away from home.

Therefore, the money he had on him could not buy a few animal skin scrolls. Each animal skin scroll was very precious. He would not write lightly before he confirmed the authenticity and excitement of the story.

Tan Xiaoshi said hello to the seniors one by one, and Victini and the others were also very happy to have another partner.

"I remember your name is Tan Xiaoshi, right? You sneaked onto the ship and wanted to join us. It must be to become stronger, right?"

Nord knows that Tan Xiaoshi likes to protect the weak. Only by becoming strong can he protect more weak people.


Tan Xiaoshi nodded first, then shook his head.

Nord looked at Sidoran curiously, wanting Sidoran to translate.

Xi Doran said helplessly: "Can't you guess what Warcraft wants to express? Why do you need me to translate?"

"It's because I've been with Victini for a long time that I can guess its general meaning. I still can't understand the words of other monsters." Nord said confidently.

Sidorane sighed and said to Victini:

"In the past, if you didn't learn telepathy well, I would turn a blind eye, but I won't do it anymore. You should learn telepathy quickly to avoid troublesome translation for me."

Victini's face dropped when he heard this, how could he still be dragged to it?

Telepathy is too difficult to learn, this is making things difficult for Victini!

Victini protested angrily, but Nord said the protest was invalid.

If Victini still can't learn telepathy, I won't buy him dessert when buying supplies in the future.

Hearing this, Victini instantly withered and accepted the learning task honestly.

Seeing that there was someone succeeding in the translation work, Xi Dolanen immediately translated in cooperation:

"Tan Xiaoshi said that it followed you to become stronger, but it also wanted to ask you how to protect the weak."

Tan Xiaoshi nodded, and then looked at Nord expectantly.

Nord thought for a moment and replied: "There is no standard answer to this question, because there are many ways to protect the weak."

"Standing directly in front of the weak like you is the most direct way to protect them."

"Besides, there are other ways, such as making the weak stronger, or killing the villains who bully the weak like I did."

"So I can't answer you now. The answer that really suits you can only be found by yourself."

"But you have to remember that you are protecting the weak, not the weak enemy."

"Being blindly benevolent as a woman will only harm yourself and other weak people in need of help."

Looking at the thoughtful Mr. Tan, Nord continued:

"Finally, I would like to remind you that you are not the servant of the weak and there is no need to meet all their demands."

"You can save them once, maybe you can save them a second time, but it's hard to save them a third time."

“Instead of making them dependent on you, they can become powerful themselves.”

"Whether it's a human or a Pokémon, only by strengthening yourself can you avoid being bullied by others!"

After hearing this, Tan Xiaoshi showed an expression of sudden realization. It patted its chest, indicating that it knew what to do and was happy to become Nord's partner.

Nord said dumbfounded: "Okay, you little guy weren't testing me just now, were you?"

"If my answer is not what you want, are you going to find an opportunity to sneak off the ship?"

Tan Xiaoshi scratched his head in embarrassment, and the flames on his body became weaker, obviously feeling guilty.

Nord laughed loudly and said: "You really can't hide things in your heart. Don't be nervous. I don't mean to blame you."

"After all, only by recognizing each other can we become trustworthy partners."

Hearing what Nord said, Tan Xiaoshi's eyes lit up, and the flames on his body burned brightly again.

"Karl!" (I will definitely protect you and other partners!)

"Very good! Very energetic!"

Nord praised, then turned to look at Troubadour:

"How do you think about it? My partner can still catch your eye, right?"

Trobbado smiled bitterly and said, "My lord, you are speaking harshly. To be honest, I haven't recovered yet."

"I have never seen a god since I was a child, but there are two in your team. This has a great impact on me. I really feel..."

"You can't believe it, right?" Nord answered.

Trobado shook his head: "It's not that I don't believe it, you don't have to lie to me, and I have personally seen the ability of the Crown of the God of Victory."

"It's just that what I want to write is an epic masterpiece. The characters in the story not only need to be strong, but the key is to have complex and tortuous experiences."

Nord said clearly: "I understand, you want a gimmick?"

"Well, you can say that." Trobaldo admitted awkwardly.

Nord waved his hand: "This is not easy to handle. People like the story of knight's revenge the most. I went to sea just for revenge."

"If the Shadow Church hadn't united with other lords to frame me and my brothers, how would I have given up my territory and become homeless!"

Nord said half-truthfully, he wanted to describe his past experience to be more miserable.

On the one hand, it was to arouse Trobado's interest in writing a book, and on the other hand, it was to protect Lane.

He has ruined the plans of the Shadow Church many times and killed many of their members. He is definitely on the Shadow Church's must-kill list.

His whereabouts are unpredictable, wandering around the sea, but he is not afraid of the revenge of the Shadow Church.

But Ryan has territory. If the Shadow Church learns about his father-son relationship with Ryan, those madmen will definitely attack Ryan's territory.

Therefore, he did not want the Shadow Church to associate him with Ryan, so he rarely sent Nidoking to fight, and would slightly cover his appearance when he acted.

Although the people in the Church of Shadows most likely don’t know what he looks like, there is no big mistake in being careful.

When Trobadore started writing stories, the sailors on the ship would surely come to join in the fun.

These sailors dare to say anything when they are drunk. If the book describes Nord's true experience, then people in the Church of Shadows will know about it before long.

He couldn't let Trobaldo hide him or kill all the sailors.

Trobadore couldn't possibly agree with the former. People write stories just to spread them widely. If they can't be spread everywhere, they might as well write other stories.

The latter is even more impossible. Nord still has a bottom line.

So Nord decided to tinker with his experience a bit, making it more exciting while keeping Ryan out of it.

As for Nord himself, he is eager to attract the attention of the Shadow Church and buy time for Ryan's development.

If he failed in the end, his son would not be affected, and he could even let Victini and the others escape to Ryan's territory, retaining a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, Nord told about his past that was 30% truthful and 70% false.

He has been fond of knightly adventure stories since he was a child. He compiled the stories effortlessly and brilliantly, which made Trobadore excited and nodding his head.

It wasn't until Nord was tired of speaking and took a break that Troubado couldn't help but sigh:

"Your experience has been really full of twists and turns. No wonder you set the eradication of the Church of Shadow as your lifelong goal. It turns out that your territory and family were destroyed by them."

Speaking of this, Trobado suddenly reacted, wasn't he exposing Nord's scar?

So he quickly apologized to Nord: "Sorry, I shouldn't have said this, I just...just"

Seeing Trobadore hesitating and not knowing how to explain it, Nord said empathetically:

"It doesn't matter. The culprit is the Church of Shadow. I won't offend others."

"What do you think of my experience? Does it meet your standards?"

Trobaldo suppressed his excitement and nodded repeatedly: "It's completely consistent! I believe your story will be passed down to future generations!"

"That's good. Now I have nothing. Only your story can bear the traces of the existence of my family and brothers. My life has not been in vain."

Nord was in a state of lamentation as he fooled Troubadour around. Even the waiter Tan felt sad and sad for Nord.

Victini and other monsters who knew the truth looked at each other, and they all saw a bit of speechlessness in each other's eyes.

Nord is really good at telling stories.

If they hadn't heard Nord bragging about Ryan a few days ago, and their ears were about to get calloused, they might all have believed Nord's fabricated story.

It seemed that I had to find an opportunity to explain the real situation to Mr. Tan, so that Mr. Tan would not think that he had been deceived.

"By the way, when you write a story, you'd better give me and Victini a resounding title to replace our names."

"In this way, it will not only prevent the bastards of the Shadow Church from getting the information, but also arouse people's interest and allow them to spread it spontaneously."

"Just like the legendary Stick Hero, no one knows his name, but his and the title of Warcraft are still passed down to this day."

After listening to Nord's suggestion, Trobaldo said hesitantly:

"But shouldn't the title be obtained based on your style after people recognize you? How can anyone give themselves a title?"

Nord retorted: "You also know that people's recognition is the most important, and titles are just a form of recognition."

"Then why can't we take the title first and then get people's recognition of the title?"

"Having a title from the beginning can make our image deeply rooted in people's hearts and help spread the story."

"The most important thing is to prevent them from giving some unpleasant names. From the title of Stick Hero, it is easy to see that their naming skills are worse than mine."

"Xiao Bi, do you want to be called the big-eared warrior?"

"Bimmy!" Victini shook his head like a rattle.

Trobado also felt that what Nord said made sense. It was indeed more reliable to choose a title by oneself than by the general public.

So he looked up at Nord and asked, "What title do you want?"

Nord was about to speak when he felt the threatening gazes of the three monsters beside him.

He had to say embarrassedly, "Our literary literacy is not as good as yours, so you should choose our titles."

Trobado would naturally not refuse. He looked at Nord and his monster and pondered:

"Since Lord Nord was a lord before, it is better to indicate your identity in the title."

"Your monster is the knight you personally appointed. What do you think?"

Nord nodded slightly: "Lord and knight, it sounds good. It can make me remember my past experiences and hatred. Continue."

Trobado Bardo continued, "Yes, in fact, before boarding the ship, I asked other civilians about their impressions of you. They all said that your arrival was like the sun, bringing them hope of life."

"And most of your monsters have fire attributes, as hot as the sun, so why not honor you as the Lord of the Blazing Sun."

Nord muttered in a low voice: "Lord of the Blazing Sun? This title is quite domineering, I like it!"

"Bi Mi!" (And me!)

Victini shouted eagerly, it didn't want to be called Little Vi anymore.

"Your Majesty can choose a title according to your own priesthood."

Trobado still didn't dare to give the gods a title, but let them decide for themselves.

"Good idea, then Little Vi will be called the Knight of Victory. As for Sidolann, he is the God of Volcanoes and the God of Lava. Which title do you want?" Nord asked Sidolann.

Sidolan said lazily: "Lava, it's closer to my power."

"No problem, what about Flame Chicken? Call you Flame Knight?" Nord turned his eyes to Flame Chicken again.

"Flame Knight is a bit ordinary. Your monsters can all take this title. I still think Kamen Rider is more suitable for Flame Chicken."

Trobado said as he looked at the red comb on Flame Chicken's face that looked like a mask.

Compared to Flame Knight, Flame Chicken himself also prefers the title of Kamen Rider.

"Okay, what about Tan Xiaoshi? Wait a minute, where did Tan Xiaoshi go?"

Nord glanced around and found the figure of Tan Xiaoshi.

At this time, it was standing in front of a set of armor, with desire in its eyes.

Nord walked to the side of the little servant Tan, also looking at the armor, muttering to himself:

"This set of armor was passed down to me by my father. Compared with the current armor, its defensive ability is not outstanding."

"But every time I wear it, I always feel more confident and courageous. It has accompanied me through countless battles, won victory after victory, and welcomed the cheers of people with me."

"It's a pity that it was severely damaged in the battle against the beast tide and can no longer be worn."

"Why? Do you like this set of armor?"

The little servant Tan nodded vigorously. It always felt that this set of armor had an inexplicable attraction to itself.

Nord smiled indifferently, took the armor from the wall, and handed it to the little servant Tan:

"Since you like it, then this set of armor will be your gift for joining the team."

"Kaer?" (Really?)

"Of course it's true, accept it."

After hearing this, the little servant Tan could no longer suppress his desire in his heart, and carefully took the armor.

At the moment when Tan Xiaoshi took over the armor, the light of evolution suddenly burst out from it.

Nord said in disbelief: "This is evolution?" (End of this chapter)

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