Back on Monday morning.

Su Xin, who had almost recovered from his cold, had a leisurely breakfast as usual and wandered around the community before going to school.

He has never been in the habit of morning self-study or evening self-study. He usually runs on the treadmill for about half an hour before going to school. However, since he has not completely recovered from the cold and is not suitable for strenuous exercise, he temporarily gave up the running plan, so today The time in the morning seems particularly abundant.

But when Su Xin slowly came to school, he was called into the office by the head teacher.

"Su Xin, I heard that you missed the last class on Friday afternoon in front of Teacher Jiang?"

Su Xin didn't explain, just nodded:


The head teacher said sincerely:

"Before, you slept in class and didn't attend morning or evening self-study. I acquiesced to it. I also asked other teachers not to control you too much. It's because I know that you are sensible and measured, and your grades can always be in the top 30 of your grade. , but your behavior on Friday was really too much."

"Teacher Jiang is a senior teacher who has just joined our school. He has a somewhat serious personality and can't tolerate sand in his eyes. Your behavior is tantamount to provoking him in person and makes him a little embarrassed."

"Moreover, you ignore classroom discipline, which not only delays your own learning, but also affects the learning atmosphere of the class. You have to know that we are a key class in a key high school, and the classmates around you are all top students and have very high pursuits... …”

"I know."

Su Xin directly interrupted the head teacher:

"Teacher Zhou, I have my own study habits and my own ideas. I don't want to change myself, so I said before I entered my senior year of high school that I wanted to be assigned to a regular class because I didn't want my habits to affect the students in the key class. But you all won’t let me.”

"Teacher Zhou, what you said is probably because you have some measures to deal with me. You might as well say it directly."

The head teacher was silent for a moment.

The student in front of him had no respect for the teacher at all and had extremely poor discipline. However, his grades were always among the top 30 in his grade. He really didn't know how to control him.

Asked to write a review?

Su Xinhui refused directly.


Su Xin didn't care at all.

Transfer him to a regular class?

With Su Xin's grades, he would at least be admitted to a key university in the future, and they were reluctant to give away such a good seedling.

Looking for parents?

Even more useless.

He still remembered that when he called Su Xin's mother on Friday, the other party didn't care at all about his son's skipping classes. He just asked with concern whether Su Xin was feeling unwell, and then began to explain to the teacher how serious Su Xin was. Be sensible and ask the teacher to be more tolerant to Su Xin...

How can we manage this?

Not to mention that Su Xin's father and even Su Xin himself had a good relationship with the principal, so serious punishment could not be implemented at all.

But if Su Xin is not punished, class discipline will be ineffective in front of him... although it has never been binding.

After sighing, Teacher Zhou said helplessly:

"I arranged a new seat for you, in the last row by the window, in a separate position."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Zhou."


Teacher Zhou glanced at him speechlessly and waved his hand: "Okay, you go back to the classroom."

After returning to the classroom.

Su Xin and several familiar friends moved all their personal belongings to the exclusive high-end sun spa area in the last row.

By the way, I took out my phone and checked the news.

The kneeling incident has begun to ferment, causing many online media and self-media to reprint it, and it has even become a hot search topic on blogs.

The overwhelming abuse directed at the "good Samaritans" also attracted countless people's attention to the tragic Chi Lixiu family. Some people expressed their goodwill towards Chi Lixiu and began to donate to her.

In fact, Su Xin did not take the initiative to contact the media. The reason why this matter developed as he expected and exploded quickly was that the central square where Chi Lixiu knelt and walked in a circle was a well-known square in Wanghai. Shengdi has attracted much attention, but when the kneeling incident occurred, this topic immediately attracted all media.

Of course, if this is the case, the development of this matter will be similar to similar incidents in the past, causing some discussions among netizens, a few people donating some money, and then calming down.

In a modern society where information is extremely developed, this kind of thing often doesn't last a day.

However, when Su Xin published a humiliating reply in the name of a "good Samaritan", it immediately aroused the indignation of countless people.

In this incident, netizens were more dissatisfied with the "good samaritans", especially the "good samaritans" who used the condescending attitude of a wealthy man to mock and humiliate an already miserable mother, which aroused countless people. strong hostility.

People's negative emotions tend to be more intense than positive emotions.

Positive emotions such as pity, love, gratitude, joy, adoration, etc., all fade away easily.

But hatred can last a lifetime for many people.

For example, when a couple is getting along, one party may spend thousands or tens of thousands to create romance and be moved by it, but they may be forgotten the next day.

But the dissatisfaction caused by a certain trivial matter is likely to make the other party feel resentful for a lifetime. Once there is a quarrel, it will be brought out again and again.

For example, in online shopping, most people don't bother to give positive reviews when they buy a product they like. Even if they are 100% satisfied with it, that's it.

But if there are some flaws, you must complain to the merchant, or even give a one-star negative review. If you fail to give a negative review, you may not even be able to eat for the whole day.

The same is true in the kneeling incident.

If kneeling alone arouses discussion, most people will just treat it as a topic of conversation after dinner. They lament that the hemp rope is only cut at the smallest point, and the incident will soon subside without attracting too much attention.

But when the negative image of a 'good Samaritan' appears, people's negative emotions are greatly aroused, and the abuse continues. The incident becomes more popular and attracts more and more attention.

In today's society, why are there so many negative news on the Internet?

On the one hand, as information dissemination becomes more and more developed, things that were unknown in the past can easily spread to the entire Internet. There are tens of billions of people in dozens of countries in the Baishan Star. Even negative events with low probability will not be affected on such a large scale. Based on the population base, it will also appear very frequent.

On the other hand, it is because people are more likely to be provoked by negative emotions, and the enthusiasm for good things will soon subside. Many unscrupulous media will deliberately make an ordinary thing negative and exaggerate negative events in order to gain traffic and attention. , so the topicality will be higher.

This can be regarded as the bad money driving out the good money in the media industry.


What Su Xin did this time can be regarded as an unscrupulous media taking advantage of people's negative emotions.

The only difference is that he's not doing it to make a profit, but to save people.

By the way, earn some karma points.

"Ding! Get 130 causal points."

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