My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 11 New Mission [Corpse Eater]

Perhaps because the kneeling incident caused too much sensation, Chi Lixiu collected the 400,000 yuan shortfall in medical expenses in just one morning.

Su Xin also received the system prompt.

"You didn't spend a penny, but you got 130 causal points? This is higher than any previous profit!"

Su Xin couldn't help but feel secretly shocked.

At the same time, this incident also verified some of his previous conjectures.

Obtaining causal points does not require the approval of the recipient. After all, Chi Lixiu did not know that Su Xin was secretly helping her. No one in the world even knew that Su Xin was helping her. On the contrary, in the hearts of countless netizens, Su Xin was The greatest villain.

At the same time, how much you pay does not seem to be that important.

In this incident, I simply posted a few replies and donated 10,000 yuan. I did almost nothing else. I just waited for public opinion to ferment and for netizens to donate money.

That's the end of it.

What Su Xin is most curious about is why he was able to obtain up to 130 causal points this time.

It’s not that the returns this time are ridiculously high.

But because——

When I first donated 10,000 yuan to Chi Lixiu, I gained 32 causality points. The 10,000 yuan only accounted for one-fortieth of the other party's funding gap. If calculated purely in proportion, helping the other party raise all the funds, the causality points should be as high as 1,200, even if divided among many donors, his profit should be more than 130 points.

Su Xin thought secretly:

"It should be like what I thought before. It's the icing on the cake, rather than providing help in times of need."

"When I donated, the other party was in despair. The 10,000 yuan was already a large amount of money, which gave the other party hope. Now, many netizens are rushing to donate, and soon they have collected 400,000 yuan. The kindness of 400,000 yuan obviously cannot be 40 times that of 10,000 yuan.”

"This should be the mechanism."

After putting down his cell phone, Su Xin put the system and the kneeling incident behind him, took out a tutorial book and continued to study on his own.

After all, he is a student. In addition to falling in love and enjoying normal social life when he comes to school, he is actually very serious about studying.

However, since he had memories of his previous life since he was a child, he really couldn't listen to the teacher's knowledge about children, so he developed the habit of self-study and advanced learning since he was a child. He usually didn't listen in class, but he didn't mean to be independent. I just don't want to waste this time.

The future he plans for himself is to be a small successful person who is outstanding but not top-notch, outstanding but not dazzling, and wealthy but not rich. In addition to writing online articles, he also wants to start a career in the future and become a valuable middle-level person. Build your own network, just like his parents did.

Otherwise, in this small country where public security is not very good, even if you have money, you will only be considered the bottom of society and can only be exploited by others.

In his plan, a good resume and a good academic qualification are both necessary.

Moreover, the free and ordinary life that Su Xin has always dreamed of does not mean doing whatever he wants, let alone wanton indulgence. In fact, he still has very high requirements for himself.

For example, it is mandatory to exercise every morning and evening, to study on time, and to code every day. Unless there are special circumstances such as illness, it will never be interrupted.

In the eyes of many teachers who have taught Su Xin, Su Xin only achieved good results because of his talent and had no discipline at all. But in fact, he was just abiding by his own discipline.

After all, his learning progress and lifestyle are very different from anyone else's. If he only foolishly follows the same disciplines as others, he will only delay himself.

The day passed peacefully.

When the last class was held at five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Xin, who was still immersed in self-study, suddenly heard another system prompt in his mind.

"Ding! Trigger the mission [Corpse Eater]"

Su Xin's body trembled, his face showed joy, and he quickly began to check the details of the mission.

[Corpse Eater: Eat ten complete animal carcasses, current progress is 0/10. 】

[Task reward: one chance to awaken]

"Huh? Animal carcasses?"

"Chickens, ducks, and fish should all be counted, right?"

"But, what does complete mean? Why should we emphasize it so much? Shouldn't it...even include fur and blood?"


Su Xin unconsciously thought of the scene where he was holding a chicken and gnawing it, his mouth full of blood and chicken feathers.

Any slightly larger animal needs to go through a series of treatments when eating. If the fur, internal organs, and even bones are really included, then it will be impossible to eat it.

Unless it's a tiny animal like an ant.

But that's even more disgusting.

"Maybe it's not as complicated as I thought. I'll try ordering a fish at a restaurant later."

The sudden triggering of the task made Su Xin no longer interested in studying. He put down the pen in his hand and began to think about the rules of the task.

I took out my phone and checked the time.

"The system is activated on Friday, and it seems that the first task is triggered around five o'clock."

"The two triggering tasks have something in common. One is that they are in the same school, and the other is that the time is similar. Other than that, there seems to be no pattern."

"It shouldn't have anything to do with the school. After all, this isn't anything special. So it's most likely just the law of time."

"The two trigger tasks were three days apart."

"Could it be that the system automatically triggers a new task every three days? Doesn't it require me to do anything proactively?"

"It would be great if this were the case. On average, I would awaken one causal power every three days, and I would be invincible in the world before long."

"What I have to do is complete the tasks according to the system requirements, earn more money at the same time, donate online, continue to obtain causal points, and continuously upgrade and improve these abilities."

While I was thinking, the school bell rang.

Su Xin declined the invitation from his friend to play basketball, walked out of the school alone, went to a restaurant near the school, and ordered three dishes.

One of them is braised fish.

And specifically asked the store to burn a whole piece.

Not long after, the three hot dishes were brought out by the waiter.

Su Xin picked up the chopsticks and ate happily.

The braised fish in the store was very authentic and tasted very delicious. Su Xin almost ate the braised fish from beginning to end, and even wanted to lick the soup off the fish bones.

But until he finished eating them all, there was no change in the progress of the mission.


"It seems that I really want to eat it whole."

Su Xin's face began to look ugly.

From this point of view, in order to complete the task, he would have to eat ten chickens, ducks and other poultry with hair, bones and blood still attached. But he was not a large beast, so he could not swallow them whole in one bite.

The most likely way to accomplish the task is to eat ten microscopic animals such as ants.

But this... is too disgusting.

When the boss not far away saw this scene, he thought there was something wrong with his braised fish. After all, he watched the student eat the braised fish so cleanly that he even licked the fish bones clean. He thought the student was being braised by his own braised fish. The fish was conquered, but he didn't expect that the student's face would become so ugly just after eating.

"Boy, are you okay?"

The boss approached and asked carefully.


Su Xin waved his hand, his expression still very ugly.

There is no way, anyone who thinks about eating ants will not look any better.

But it’s impossible not to eat.

It’s impossible to give up on the mission, right?

This is not just about the causality ability this time. If the task is not completed, who knows whether the system will continue to trigger new tasks in the future?

If the task is not completed and new tasks cannot be triggered, it means that he has to give up all subsequent causal abilities.

Although Su Xin had no worries about food and clothing and just wanted to live a salty life for the rest of his life, now that he had a system, he certainly couldn't be stupid enough to give it up.

Tell me about the update.

As you all know, for the new book issue, there are two updates for the sake of recommendation. I will update the book when it is on the shelves.

Currently it's 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. each chapter.

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