“To get something, you have to give it first.”

Su Xin reminded himself.

The reason why the first mission was so simple may be because the system specially gave it a sweet taste.

Come to think of it, how can it be so easy to obtain the Law of Causality when it is so magical?

Compared with ordinary people, it is a great blessing to have the opportunity to awaken various powers. Just eating ten ants can awaken a magical law of cause and effect. I am afraid that anyone would not be able to do so. Do it with hesitation.

What should I hesitate about?

His eyes gradually became firm.

After paying the money and leaving the restaurant, Su Xin was about to go home. When passing by a convenience store, he suddenly remembered something and walked into the store to buy a bagged soft bread.

Eating ants directly is still too disgusting.

Wrap it in bread and try to hypnotize yourself that you are eating bread, but with a little more protein filling, so the psychological pressure will be much less.

Thinking like this, Su Xin returned to the community where he lived, squatted down by a flower bed in the community, and began to look for traces of ants.

Fortunately, this kind of creature is very common. He quickly found a group of ants that were struggling to carry small pieces of steamed buns. He directly punished them and caught ten ants and stuffed them into the bread.

But think about it.

He grabbed three more and stuffed them inside.

If the mission fails due to some ants losing limbs or other reasons, it's impossible for me to eat ants again, right?

Anyway, there is no difference between eating ten at a time and eating a dozen. It’s just a bite.

Nausea is only nausea once.

In order to prevent the ants from escaping from the bread, Su Xin squeezed the bread tightly and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Sure enough, wrapped in bread, the nausea was reduced a lot. Instead, my mouth was filled with the sweetness of bread, which tasted pretty good.

"I'm really smart!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. The mission [Corpse Eater] has been completed. The reward is a chance to awaken the power. Do you want to use it?"

Su Xin couldn't help but smile.


"Ding! Awakening the power [Unyielding Dead]"

At this time, Su Xin suddenly saw a cute little girl about three or four years old standing not far away, looking at him in surprise.

"Brother, are you eating ants?"

Su Xin was in a good mood and immediately smiled and said:

"No, I'm eating bread."

"You're lying. I clearly saw you caught a lot of ants and put them in the bread. Brother, are ants delicious? Are they better than bread?"

"How is it possible? Ants are inedible. You just saw it wrong."

Su Xin explained with a smile. He was not in the mood to tease children at this time. After speaking, he turned around and left, and at the same time began to check the introduction of the new ability.

[Unyielding Dead LV1: After death, it can be automatically resurrected for one hour. 】

[Upgrade progress: 0/100. 】

The little girl behind him walked to the flower bed, imitated Su Xin's example, grabbed a small ant, and muttered:

"Everyone is lying. You obviously ate so many ants, but you still say you can't eat them."

"Ants must be delicious."

"Big Brother smiled so happily while eating ants. He must be afraid that I would take away his ants."

As she spoke, she put the ant into her mouth.

"Tongtong! What are you eating?"

"Put it down quickly!"

At this moment, a slightly frightened female voice sounded from the other side, and accompanied by rapid footsteps, a young woman trotted over.

But the little girl named Tongtong was afraid that the ants would be snatched away, so she quickly stuffed them into her mouth.

"Tongtong, what did you eat? Bah, bah, bah! Spit it out quickly! You can't pick things off the ground to eat!"

The young woman looked anxious.

Tongtong smacked her lips in confusion: "It's not delicious at all. Why was that big brother eating so happily just now?"

"Have you swallowed it? Tongtong, tell mom, what did you just eat?"

"Ants, mom, are ants delicious?"

"Ants? Why are you eating ants? That one is inedible! Who told you to eat it?"

"I saw a big brother secretly eating ants here. He was very happy. I thought it must be delicious, so I wanted to eat it too."

Hearing this, the woman looked angry.

She didn't think anyone else really ate ants. She must have deliberately tricked her daughter into eating ants.

This kind of behavior is really too bad.

"Where is the big brother you mentioned?"

"Big brother is going there."

The little girl Tongtong pointed in the direction Su Xin left, but at this time, Su Xin had already walked around the corner and disappeared from the sight of the two people. After taking a look, the woman had no choice but to look away.

But she remembered that when she just walked out of the store, she saw a boy wearing the uniform of Lening No. 3 Middle School standing here from a distance.

That boy from Lening No. 3 Middle School must be the little villain who tricked Tongtong into eating ants.

"The resurrection power is a good thing."

"But why only an hour? Give me a chance to say your last words? Or give me a chance to identify the murderer after being killed? Or even take action to avenge myself?"

"What's the use of this damn thing!"

The moment he saw the introduction of the superpower, Su Xin was speechless.

Moreover, since there is a clear time limit for resurrection, even if the ability is upgraded, it can only be increased in this time, or other conditions can be improved. It is basically impossible to directly cancel the time limit.

So, this resurrection ability...

Wait, that’s not right!

Su Xin suddenly had an idea.

He remembered that his superpower was not an ordinary superpower. If it were just an ordinary superpower, maybe it was what he thought. There was only one chance to be resurrected, and it was only one hour.


His powers are all based on the law of cause and effect. According to the system, as long as the cause that meets the prerequisites is met, the corresponding effect will definitely be achieved.

The precondition of [Unyielding Dead] is ‘death’, and the result is ‘resurrection for one hour’.

According to normal understanding.

After 'death', he will be 'resurrected for one hour'.

After one hour is over, of course he will die again, but this meets the prerequisites and will achieve the result of 'resurrection for one hour'.

In other words, once you die and trigger the ability of [Unyielding Dead], you will continue to cycle endlessly between death and resurrection.

Put another way.

He dies and is resurrected every hour.

The only possibility of an accident is that after the one-hour resurrection time is over, will you end up in a special state of neither life nor death? Or even directly erased from existence?

No, no.

How can there be any state of neither life nor death?

Even a vegetative person is still a living person. Since the introduction to the superpower clearly states that the person can be resurrected for one hour, it is impossible for him to be alive after the end of the hour.

in addition.

Isn't direct erasure also death? It will definitely trigger the one-hour resurrection result.

But...what if?

Even the system has appeared. Who can guarantee that this strange state of neither life nor death, which is beyond human cognition, absolutely does not exist?

"So, although this power has a high probability of giving me the magical ability to be immortal, death should be avoided if possible. I still have to keep a low profile at ordinary times. I am still far from invincible."

"Even if you can really resurrect infinitely, it would be quite painful to have to die every hour."

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