Su Xin suddenly teleported away just now, and then entered the hidden state before approaching again. On the one hand, it was indeed because the way forward was blocked, and on the other hand, he was worried that the other party might be picked up by the colorful light at any time.

After all, with such a powerful ability, this person is most likely to be from the God Realm.

He didn't want the other party to escape easily.

At least you have to plant a life and death talisman for the opponent, and leave something behind so that he can trigger his freedom ability at any time in the future.

Fortunately, he managed to catch the other person before he escaped, and while he was catching the other person, he pulled down a little of his hair.

Moreover, in order to avoid being discovered by the other party, he deliberately asked that sentence.

In fact, when he first saw this long-haired man, he felt that he looked familiar. In addition, Kou Shiwu's name was mentioned when he communicated with the owner of Jiuji Martial Arts School some time ago, which further deepened his impression. At this time, I immediately thought of this person.

After hearing Su Xin's question, the long-haired man who looked like Kou Shiwu was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Yes, that name is the name I used when I was in the human world. Now, my name is Qingtian, the sixth god in the God Realm, Qingtian!"

Su Xin's eyes were dull for a moment:

"Are you one of the gods?"

"Is this the only strength you have?"

In Su Xin's previous imagination, although he never thought that the so-called god would be stronger than himself, at least, he should not be so weak.

Of course, compared with everyone he had seen before, Qingtian's strength was definitely No. 1.

But this level of strength really doesn’t match the word ‘god’.

This made him a little disappointed in the divine world.

The Sixth God is only like this, and the other gods must not be much stronger.

By the way, Qingtian and the three people who attacked him at the beginning were wearing the same uniforms. Since Qingtian is the sixth god, those three people must also be gods.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Is this kind of strength worthy of being called a god?"

"There are four gods coming out now? Besides, three of them appeared at the same time, but they didn't take down me who had just activated the system?"

The more Su Xin thought about it, the more disappointed he became.

Regarding Su Xin's words, Qingtian felt aggrieved and couldn't help but feel angry.

He activated his ability, skillfully controlled the air to simulate the vibration of his vocal cords, and made a sound:

"If you don't use your teleportation ability for sneak attacks, there's no way you can defeat me!"

"If you hadn't awakened so many powers and used any of them to fight against me, you would be worse than an ant in front of me. What right do you have to look down on me!"

Su Xin has not achieved his goal yet, so he will naturally not fall into the opponent's provocation.

He smiled coldly: "If you win, you will win, and if you lose, you will lose. How can there be so much nonsense! Weak people will only make excuses for themselves!"

As he spoke, his body struggled a little, and then said: "Remove your ability quickly, or I will kill you now!"

The reason why the two of them are still suspended in the air is because they are wrapped in Qingtian's ability.

Hearing this, Qingtian did not resist and obediently removed his powers.

The two bodies were about to fall down when Su Xin released a body arrow at himself, leading Qingtian to fly quickly to the ground.


The two of them hit the ground hard, creating a big crater and sending up a large amount of smoke and dust.

Fortunately, both of them were very strong and didn't care at all about this level of impact.

Su Xin still didn't let go of his hand. He held up Qingtian's tall body and walked to a place with less dust. He asked casually:

"You are my prisoner now. Tell me something about the situation in the God Realm."

Qingtian's face turned dark when he heard the word prisoner.

Just now, he had a high-spirited posture, full of the majesty and momentum of God, but before he could show off for a minute, he was caught in Su Xin's hand, and he had almost no power to resist. In this case, he really was not qualified to refute this. sentence.

He could only say with a dull face:

"Can you let me go if I tell you?"

"Of course."

Qingtian didn't know whether he believed it or not. When he heard Su Xin's promise, he said:

"There's nothing to say. The divine world is another world. There are seven gods including me, and there are also divine attendants and divine servants below."

"Basically every year we select some talents from the human world and bring them to the divine world, granting them eternal life. Some of those who have contributed can be rejuvenated and even bring their families into the divine realm."

Su Xin asked: "By what means did you achieve immortality and rejuvenation?"

Qingtian said: "I don't know the specifics. Anyway, you have to enter a place called the Temple of Immortality regularly, and you can extend your life for a period of time every time. As for what this method is, I don't know. These are all done by the first God created and controlled the world.”

"Do you think I believe it?"

Su Xin looked at him indifferently: "Since you are the sixth god of the God Realm and have been in it for more than two hundred years but still don't know anything, what's the use of being the sixth god?"

"Gods have their own territory, and they can recruit their own servants and attendants. As long as they don't violate the laws of the divine realm, they can do whatever they want. This is the benefit of being a god."

Su Xin naturally couldn't believe the other party's words, but since the other party had said so, he also knew that no matter how much he threatened, he could only get a similar answer.

He changed the topic again:

"Is there any cultivation method in the God Realm?"

"Yes, but it can only be practiced in the God Realm. I heard that it is a skill created based on the special environment of the God Realm. This is also one of the benefits of becoming gods. We all have it in our own palace. With more abundant spiritual energy from heaven and earth, the cultivation speed will be faster.”

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

"That's just the way we are used to calling it. I don't know if it is the same thing as the aura of heaven and earth recorded in Taoist classics."

"Then tell me the technique."

Qingtian did not refuse immediately, but reiterated again: "I said that this technique can only be practiced in the divine world. It is ineffective to practice in the human world. Many of us have tried it."

"It doesn't matter, I'll try it myself."

"Okay, but you have to let me go first."

Su Xin's real purpose had been achieved for the time being, and he was not worried about the other party's escape. Hearing this, he decisively let go of his hand and took two steps back.

Qingtian was stunned, as if he didn't expect Su Xin to really let go of him like this.

He rubbed his neck and said seriously:

"Okay! Since you do things openly, I won't hide them. I will teach you the complete cultivation method and all the cultivation experience."

“This cultivation method is actually similar to the physical training method in the human world, but it is more subtle. Coupled with the special environment of the God Realm, our training effect can be greatly improved, and it will have an effect similar to the legendary cultivation method. "

"First, I'll teach you how to think..."

It took more than ten minutes for Qingtian to pass on a training method called Tianshu Gong to Su Xin.

Su Xin's terrifying learning ability amazed Qingtian, but the two sides were in a hostile relationship after all, and he knew that Chuangshi would definitely be monitoring this place at all times, so he did not dare to say anything nonsense, and just said as planned:

"I've taught you everything you need to teach. Now, can we talk about business?"

Su Xin raised his eyebrows: "What's the business?"

Qingtian looked at him solemnly:

"About what you did today - you forcibly snatched one of the world's top conglomerates, which has caused economic turmoil around the world."

"More importantly, your behavior breaks the business rules of this economic era, and we don't know how many subsequent impacts it will have."

Su Xin sneered: "It's ridiculous. For such a crazy company, I have been very kind and restrained without directly killing them from top to bottom. You actually think my behavior is too much?"

"Since you control me so leniently, why didn't you stop thousands of people from their experiments before? Are you here to control me now because you think I'm easy to bully?"

Qingtian's expression changed slightly and he said:

"I don't know what the experiment with ten thousand people you are talking about is, but I am here to advise you this time. I just want your methods to be as gentle as possible. Otherwise, the majority of ordinary people in this world will be harmed."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

Su Xin interrupted him coldly:

"I don't care how influential it is, as long as I find it rotten and it affects me, I will deal with it in my own way. No matter how much harm this process will cause to the world, this is what must be experienced. The labor pain is just like people can’t keep cancerous parts because they are afraid of pain, but have to remove them.”

"Speaking of which, I would like to are chattering to me here, do you think that your so-called God Realm is qualified to manage this world from above?"

Qingtian said: "This world has always developed under the guidance of the God Realm. Only then can we have today's unified culture, writing, and complete and efficient operating order."

Su Xin smiled: "You mean, you have led the development of this world and established the order of this world, so you are the masters of this world, right? Everyone must do things according to the rules you set, right?"

Qingtian shook his head:

"I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that since the order of this world has been established, the whole world lives in harmony, develops rapidly, and cooperates efficiently, and tens of billions of people live and work in peace and contentment. Compared with any previous era, this world is already very prosperous and prosperous. It’s beautiful, there’s no need to destroy it.”

Su Xin said indifferently:

"This is just what you think is good."

"Besides, since it is such a beautiful world, we cannot allow those crazy chaebols to continue to exist, otherwise it will only make the world more and more rotten."

Qingtian sighed softly, seeing that Su Xin's attitude was so firm, he knew that there was no point in saying anything.

Su Xin suddenly changed his voice and asked again:

"Since you know so much about this world and can guide the development of this world, you should have your own intelligence power, right? Also, how do you control this world?"

"Sorry, this is confidential..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Xin suddenly rushed in front of him, punched him hard in the chest, grabbed his neck, and said coldly:

"Qingtian, don't think that because I said a few words to you angrily, you got your identity wrong. Remember... you are my prisoner!"

"I ask you again, by what means do you regulate this world?"

Su Xin's strength was so great that Qingtian could hardly breathe. He struggled for a while before finally taking a few breaths. He could only blush and barely control the air vibrations to speak:

"Su Xin, you are so lawless. You are like a virus to the whole world. We cannot eliminate you or expel you. Because of this, I will never allow you to destroy our connection with this world. Otherwise, sooner or later the whole world will be destroyed by you."

"I tell you so much information just to show our sincerity and want to sit down and have a good talk with you. But if you continue to treat us as enemies and want to use a strong attitude to suppress me, I will never yield."

"Okay, then I'll lock you up until you surrender!"

Su Xin snorted coldly.

He did not choose to kill the other party.

Because his transformation has not been triggered yet.

The other party cannot die before that.

But the two have been talking for a few minutes, and the time has almost expired. If they wait a few more minutes, the life or death of the other party will not matter.

Of course, he also wanted to test whether the ability to attract the colorful light could take away the bound target.

Su Xin immediately used his mind to contact Zuo Shuanghui, who was thousands of miles away, and asked him to arrange for someone to quickly prepare some thick iron chains and cages.

There are people with metal manipulation powers in the organization who can deform the metal they come into contact with. As long as there are enough metal materials, it is extremely easy to make the chains and cages Su Xin requires.

With Su Xin's order, the organization was extremely efficient, and it was completed in just five or six minutes.

The next moment he received the report, his ability to transform into freedom was successfully triggered——

"Qingtian, male, 288 years old, formerly known as Kou Shiwu, currently living in Qingtian Palace in the God Realm..."

Su Xin casually broke Qingtian's neck, killed him, teleported to a base with the opponent's body, put Qingtian's body in a cage, and then used a thick iron chain to pass through the metal fence. , one end was connected to different positions around him, and the other end tightly locked his neck and limbs.

the other side.

At the moment Qingtian was killed.

In the God Realm, the Heart Master, who has been sensing Qingtian's position through his ability, suddenly discovered that Qingtian's mental fluctuations disappeared, and quickly reported to Chuangshi:

"Qingtian's mental fluctuations disappeared, and he should have been killed by Su Xin."

"I see."

The ability of Chuangshi itself is not convenient for monitoring the outside world, but the ability of the Heart Master can keep their minds connected at all times, and he can sense Qingtian's position at any time, even if he is in a different space, it will not be affected at all.

Seeing that Su Xin killed Qingtian without hesitation, he waved his right hand, and an oval mirror similar to a dressing mirror appeared in front of him, showing the scene where Qingtian and Su Xin had just been.

But at this time, both of them were gone.

"He also took Qingtian's body away."

Chuangshi's face darkened.

The worst-case scenario in the plan happened.

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