According to the plan before the creation of the world, Qingtian may face four situations after his defeat:

Or taking advantage of Su Xin's carelessness, they used colorful light to lure Qing Tian back.

Either Qingtian is killed, they can also bring Qingtian's body back and resurrect him.

Or Qingtian is caught, they have the ability to communicate with Qingtian's mind at any time, and have the confidence to resurrect the other party at any time, and they are not worried about Qingtian betraying the confidential information of the God Realm.

The worst is the fourth situation——

Qingtian was killed and his body was hidden.

Originally, Qingtian's mind has always been connected to the heart master. As long as he is not dead, no matter where Su Xin takes him, they can sense Qingtian's exact position in real time. As long as Su Xin is careless, they can take him. Bring back.

However, once Qingtian is killed, this spiritual connection will be completely disconnected. If you want to reconnect, you need to use your ability to find Qingtian before you have a chance to reconnect.

Now, Qingtian has been killed, which means that the spiritual connection is completely broken, and the body has been taken away, which means that it may be difficult for them to find Qingtian.

They all know that Su Xin has the ability to resurrect. Once Su Xin hides Qingtian somewhere and resurrects him, no one can guarantee whether Qingtian will really succumb to Su Xin's hands.

"This time you steal the chicken but lose the rice..."

Chuangshi felt a little heavy in his heart.

The reason why he arranged this plan was that he saw that Su Xin was becoming more and more lawless and did not want Su Xin to continue to destroy the world order.

On the other hand, he knew that he could not do anything to Su Xin. The only chance to completely subdue the other party was to lead him to the God Realm and use his control over the God Realm to suppress the other party.

Therefore, he would arrange for Qingtian to come forward and let Qingtian and Su Xin have a battle. If they win, that would be great. But if they lose, then he will reveal some information about the God Realm to let Su Xin. Xin became interested in the divine world——

Entering the God Realm, you can live forever and stay young forever. After becoming one of the gods, you can also bring your relatives into the God Realm. At the same time, there is also a cultivation method that Su Xin is more interested in. This is extremely beneficial to anyone. Big temptation.

Even though Su Xin may have the ability to live forever, based on their previous investigations and trials, they found that Su Xin was unable to rejuvenate others, let alone immortality.

If Su Xin becomes concerned one day, has a family, and wants to make his family immortal, he will probably think of seeking refuge in the God Realm.

Therefore, the most important purpose of specially arranging for Qingtian to come out to fight with him this time was to reveal the information to Su Xin.

This is equivalent to planting a seed in Su Xinxin. When the time is right, it will naturally take root and sprout and bear the fruits they want.

But now, the information they wanted to reveal was indeed revealed to Su Xin smoothly, but Qingtian also completely fell into the hands of the other party.

If Qingtian reveals more secret and important information, it may also be a big trouble for him.

Chuangshi pondered for a moment.

He had guessed this possibility before the plan started, but in order to get Su Xin to take the bait, he had to do it even though he knew there was such a huge risk.

And in order to win Su Xin's trust as much as possible, he chose to send Qingtian instead of an ordinary divine attendant.

For this reason, he actually made a plan to deal with this situation - that is, he implanted a micro-positioning device in Qingtian's body in advance.

The reason why he was hesitant about whether to use this micro locator was because he was worried that if the locator was activated and the signal was detected by Su Xin's people, then the micro locator would be found soon and then forcibly removed. .

In other words, if Su Xin is more cautious, this locator may only be used once.

After using it, if Su Xin kills Qingtian again and moves his body again, then they will really never be able to find Qingtian.

He couldn't really take such a big risk.

Therefore, his best solution now is to activate the micro locator, find Qingtian quickly, and kill him completely.

But, in this case...

He will definitely lose the hearts of the people, and the other gods will definitely feel sad and dissatisfied with his behavior, and they will renounce morality from then on.

The rules and promises he made must be greatly compromised in the hearts of the other gods.

After a while of entanglement, Chuangshi still had a stern look on his face, and through the spiritual communication network that the Heart Master had already established, he gave the order to the divine envoy in the human world:

"Activate the locator in Qingtian's body. Once something is discovered, report the coordinates as soon as possible!"

The divine envoy Jiang Shandong immediately responded:


In a small base.

Su Xin stood in front of the metal cage, looking at Qingtian who was tightly bound. With a thought, he activated a life talisman in the opponent's body.

In a cage.

Qingtian, whose limbs, neck and waist were tied up with chains that were three fingers thick, suddenly opened his eyes. He first looked at the chains on his body blankly, and then looked at Su Xin in front of him. Only then did I understand the situation at this time and what happened before.

His expression suddenly changed.

Su Xin said calmly:

"With my ability, you can never die or escape. You will be trapped here forever and suffer the torture of loneliness."

"Or, you can ask your companions to rescue you. I just want to see if that colorful light is so magical, and if you can be rescued when you are tied up so tightly."

Qingtian's face became increasingly gloomy.

Not only because of Su Xin's words, but mainly because of the broken spiritual link in his mind.

He knew that this meant that he had completely lost contact with the God Realm, and his life and death were completely in Su Xin's hands.

But at the same time, this also means that the God Realm has lost its monitoring of itself...

Qingtian was suddenly troubled for a moment.

But he quickly firmed up:

"No, I can't say it!"

"If I say... I will be completely abandoned by Creation and lose the chance of immortality."

Just as he was thinking this, a consciousness suddenly broke into his mind.

"Qingtian, hold on, we will save you, but we need to wait for a while. You have just been caught, and he will definitely prevent you from escaping. If there is any movement, he may teleport back as soon as possible."

"So, don't show any abnormality during this period, pretend to have lost contact with us, and don't reveal any confidential information."

"Wait for the moment!"

Qingtian's heart moved and he quickly responded:

"I see!"

The words fell and the spiritual connection was interrupted.

Spirit world.

Chuangshi breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

He had originally made up his mind to kill Qingtian as soon as he found him, but when the locator was activated, Su Xin was still teleporting again and again, so he had to wait for the opportunity.

As a result, when he found that Su Xin had finally stopped with Qingtian, and while he was waiting for the right time to take action, he found that Su Xin seemed to have resurrected Qingtian with just a thought, and then he heard Su Xin's words: I can make it so that you can never die and you can never escape.'

Only then did he realize that Su Xin's resurrection ability seemed to be more powerful than he imagined.

If he really kills Qingtian and Su Xin resurrects him, then this will almost actively push Qingtian to be his opposite.

Therefore, he cannot kill.

He can only gamble.

Bet Qingtian is tight-lipped.

Bet Qingtian has confidence in the God Realm, has confidence in him, and will not betray him.

He had just deliberately observed for a while and found that Qingtian really had no intention of revealing the information, so he allowed the heart master to connect consciousness with Qingtian.

Moreover, the signal of the locator has been turned off remotely. As long as Su Xin didn't suddenly think of a careful investigation, it should be impossible to find out.

Things weren't as bad as he thought.

In fact, it did take several minutes for Su Xin to teleport to this base, so the coordinates were locked by the people who created the world during the teleportation.

There was no way, the metal manipulator was not at the headquarters, but at this sub-base. Su Xin had to use the chains and cages he made as soon as possible, so he had to take the initiative to find him.

In addition, Su Xin did not expect that there would be a micro-positioning device in Qingtian's body, and had no idea of ​​detecting Qingtian's body.

Seeing that Qingtian still refused to reveal the information, he had no intention of continuing to fight with the other party.

Because the system task has been triggered just now, he has no time to pay attention to the other party now.

He said coldly:

"Qingtian, considering that your strength is quite good, I won't torture you to save you some face, but remember, if you dare to hurt my people, then don't blame me for humiliating you in various ways. ”

"Just take care of yourself."

After saying that, Su Xin turned and left.

After giving some instructions to the base staff, he planted five life talismans for everyone in the base.

Then he teleported away.

He first sent a lock of Qingtian's hair that he had quietly torn off during the teleportation back to the secret base to hide, and then opened the mission panel.

[Super Locksmith: Use technical means to crack five different types of locks. 】

[Current progress: 0/5. 】

"Five types of locks..."

Su Xin pondered for a moment.

The first three things he thought of were mechanical locks, electronic locks, and information locks.

The so-called information lock, which is his own definition, refers to encrypted websites or software, which is obviously not the same type as electronic locks.

But there were two other ones, and he couldn't think of them for the moment, so he simply didn't think about them and decided to give them a try based on the current three ideas.

Since the task requires technical means to crack it, it should be impossible to open it with a key or forcefully destroy it.

But Su Xin still had the mentality of not trying, so he bought some mechanical locks and tried two of them, but the result was that it didn't work.

"It seems that I still need to practice my skills..."

Su Xin checked the structure of the mechanical lock on the Internet, and then relied on his super physical fitness-mainly using his strong hearing to use a thin wire to rotate in the keyhole to identify every item in the lock core. Slight changes easily open an iron lock.

Electronic locks are also very simple.

Su Xin came to the lock shop and bought an electronic lock with the worst safety performance. He used a small black box with electromagnetic pulse to open the electronic lock instantly.

Two consecutive points of improvement in mission progress made Su Xin confirm his thoughts——

The so-called different types of locks indeed refer to locks with completely different principles, because in the process of opening the mechanical lock, he also bought some mechanical locks with greatly different structures. As a result, after opening the lock, the task progress did not improve.

This means that next he has to come up with two other different types of locks - different from mechanical locks, electronic locks and information locks.

"Forget it, let's open the information lock first and then talk about it."

Su Xin opened the website and was about to learn hacking techniques to crack passwords. Suddenly a good idea came to his mind and he quickly contacted Zuo Shuanghui with his mind.

"President Zuo, immediately arrange for someone to create a small website. It doesn't matter what the content is. It must be protected by a password, but the password should be the simplest and easiest to crack. After you create it, tell me the website. I won't care if someone cracks it. "

"By the way, tell me in advance what kind of encryption method the website plans to use."

Zuo Shuanghui was a little confused when he heard Su Xin's order, but one of his great advantages was that as long as Su Xin gave an order, no matter how strange or unreasonable the order was, he would resolutely execute it.

After all, Su Xin had issued similar strange orders not once or twice.

After interrupting the conscious communication, Su Xin silently praised his wit.

Although it was not difficult for him to learn hacking knowledge from scratch, he found it troublesome.

In this case, just reduce the difficulty of the problem and it will be much easier to solve.

This is the benefit of having subordinates.

If you want to do something small, just say a word.

Soon, he received a report from Zuo Shuanghui and knew which encryption method the technicians were going to use, so he studied the corresponding cracking tutorial online.

It only took less than half an hour. By the time Zuo Shuanghui sent the website, Su Xin had almost learned it. He turned on the computer and started to follow the tutorial to crack it step by step.

"Ding! [Super Locksmith] Progress +1."

At this point, three points of progress have been achieved.

As for the remaining two types of locks, he really couldn't think of any, so he searched aimlessly on the Internet, trying to find inspiration.

The wisdom of the crowd is infinite.

It may be difficult to think on your own, but through the wisdom of netizens or various news reports, you may be able to find some inspiration.

He will pay attention to the content of any link with a locked word.

Until after turning page by page.

At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly lit up and he noticed a news report:

"...The police have cordoned off the crime scene and launched an urgent investigation..."

"Blockade...manual blockade, or isolation belt blockade, this should also be considered a lock, right?"

Su Xin immediately turned to search for the nearest crime scene and teleported there.

This is a murder scene in an alley. Both sides of the alley are blocked by isolation tapes, and there are several police officers inside who are searching carefully.

Seeing Su Xin's figure, one of them was about to go over and stop him. Suddenly he saw Su Xin's appearance and was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak.

Su Xin originally wanted to pull the isolation belt away directly, but he didn't know whether this would be considered sabotage, so he didn't do it. Instead, he ordered:

"Dude, please move this thing out of the way."

The police officer ignored discipline and quickly moved forward to remove the isolation tape, allowing Su Xin to walk into their isolation area like a leisurely stroll.

Mission progress has not improved.

But Su Xin did not give up. Instead, he teleported to the other end of the alley and put away the isolation tape.

Several police officers looked at him stupidly, confused by his series of actions.

Su Xin ignored these, but raised the corners of his mouth slightly and disappeared in a teleport.

"Ding! [Super Locksmith] Progress +1."

"Sure enough, as long as a key is not used and the lock is not damaged, it can be regarded as a technical means. It is also possible to directly close the isolation belt..."

"Only the last bit left."

Su Xin fell into thinking again.

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