My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 31 Kangbo Biotech’s special operations

"Sha Xuelia, 42 years old, works for Kangbo Biopharmaceutical Company as a logistics supervisor. He lives in Unit 2, Unit 601, Building 5, Xiuchun Villa, Ninth Street, South District. His wife, Wu Baoyue, is the manager of the financial department of Hongfa Shopping Mall, and his eldest son, Sha Changyu, , 17 years old this year, a senior in high school at Lening No. 1 Middle School, and the youngest daughter, Sha Jiayan, is 13 years old today..."

Fang Keyi looked down at the middle-aged man who was tied to the chair and spoke of the other party's information in an indifferent tone. Although he did not say any threatening words, the threat was self-evident.

In the entire abandoned factory, there were only two of him and Sha Xuelia, who was tied up, while his two cronies were guarding outside the factory.

When Fang Keyi fell silent after reading the information, Sha Xuelia's heavy breathing sounded extremely clear, like an enraged bull.

He raised his head and glared at Fang Keyi.

"What do you want to do?"

"Since you know that I am the logistics director of Kangbo Biotech, you should also know that the backend of Kangbo Biotech is a multinational pharmaceutical company in heaven. Even the officials and warlords dare not deal with us casually. Do you know the consequences of arresting me?"

"I don't care who you are, let me go immediately, otherwise, no matter what your background is, no matter how powerful you are, I won't be able to protect you."

Fang Keyi sneered:

"Now that I know your identity, investigated so much information about you, and arrested you, I have naturally considered all possible consequences."

"I might as well tell you that I am Fang Keyi, the president of the Golden Shield Society, and my backstage..."

As he spoke, he leaned into the other person's ear and said softly in an almost whispering tone:

"...It's the Nirvana Society."

Hearing this, Sha Xueli's pupils suddenly shrank.

Fang Keyi stood up straight and said with a smile:

"I told you all this secret, you should know what this means, right?"

"Today, you either cooperate with me, or your whole family will die."

"Your so-called backstage cannot protect you around the clock, let alone your family. They can only prevent you from being bullied on the surface, but they can never stop our assassination."

"Tell me, do you choose to keep the secret of Kangbo Biology, or do you choose to cooperate with us?"

Sha Xuelia's eyes flickered.

The power behind Kangbo Biotech is considered a giant in the world. After all, it is a big company from the Kingdom of Heaven.

But the Nirvana Society cannot be underestimated either.

Or rather infamous.

The vast majority of people at the bottom have never heard of the name Nirvana Society, but people with a slightly wider horizon have heard of the organization's notoriety from various channels.

Many terrorist actions around the world, as well as coups, local wars, divisions and civil strife in some small countries, have more or less the shadow of the Nirvana Society behind them.

Although he is a management employee of a multinational company and is protected by the company, this protection is limited to protecting them from bullying by local forces. It is impossible to provide them with good security measures, let alone deal with the Nirvana Society.

He believed Fang Keyi's words. If he didn't cooperate, he would definitely end up dead.

As for whether the other party is really a member of the Nirvana Society, he has no doubts. After all, no one will act in the name of the Nirvana Society, especially knowing the backstage of Kangbo Biology Company and dare to go against it. Apart from the Nirvana Society, there are basically no others. Powerful.


The risk of betraying Kangbo Biotech, the multinational capital behind it, and cooperating with the notorious Nirvana Society is too great. Once you fall into it, there will be no chance of looking back.

Just when he was in trouble.

Fang Keyi added quietly:

"Are you worried that cooperating with us will bring risks to you?"


"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. If I don't get enough valuable information from you today, you will only die. There is no need to consider any risk issues."

"If you want to live and your family live, your only option is to tell me all the information you know about Kangbo Biology and pray that it contains the important information we need."

"Of course……"

"We will not ask for this information in vain. We will reward you accordingly according to the value of the information, ranging from a million to hundreds of millions."

"The organization behind me is able to prosper all over the world. There are so many people willing to cooperate with them. Even I am willing to become their peripheral member. Guess why?"

"They have money and are willing to give money."

"So, you don't need to doubt the truth or falsehood of what I said. You only need to consider whether you can provide information of corresponding value."

"Sha Xueli, let me ask you one last time."

"Are you going to kill your whole family? Or do you want money?"

This kind of multiple-choice question can be done by any fool.

After Sha Xuelia's eyes were tangled for a while, he decisively chose to compromise and told all the information he knew about Kangbo Biology.

Fang Keyi took his mobile phone and recorded his words verbatim, asking questions from time to time.

However, after all, Sha Xuelia was only the head of the logistics department and had no access to the core secrets, especially the research content, and was almost completely unaware of it.

But this is also the reason why Fang Keyi chose to arrest him. After all, those high-level or core members are protected secretly, and there may be various high-tech equipment in their homes, cars, and bodies to prevent them from being taken away.


Catching those core members will almost certainly lead to exposure. Even if valuable information is obtained, it will arouse the vigilance of Kangbo Biotech.

In that case, the information would be meaningless.

As for Sha Xuelia, although he can be regarded as a manager, he can only be regarded as a grassroots manager at best and has no access to core intelligence. Because of this, it is easier and safer to arrest him. At the same time, through the intelligence from his mouth, it may be possible to indirectly analyze Some more important information.


While listening, Fang Keyi suddenly interrupted Sha Xuelia and asked solemnly: "You just said that the security department applied for two hundred rounds of ammunition today? Is it for special operations?"


"Elaborate on this."

Sha Xuelia nodded and began to tell:

"Our senior security personnel are generally equipped with guns. Except for a few important positions, everyone is equipped with six rounds of ammunition. Only special operations will temporarily request more ammunition."

"Just today, the security department submitted an application to receive two hundred rounds of ammunition, eight pieces of body armor, and other weapons and equipment."

"You also know that the country has very strict control over bullets. To apply for so many bullets at one time, you usually need to indicate the specific purpose, not only for internal review, but also for official filing. But this application has not only the signature of the security department manager , as well as the signatures of the director of the R\u0026D department and the general manager of the company, which means that this special operation is confidential, and all consequences will be borne by the company’s senior management. We have no right to interfere, so we directly approved it.”

Fang Keyi's face became extremely ugly.

"Two hundred rounds of ammunition are enough for a small-scale thermal weapons battle."

"Could it be that Kangbo Biological Company already knows that someone is going to target them? Are they preparing these ammunition to deal with us?"

"Or, could it be related to the fire that happened during the day?"

Thinking of this, he quickly asked:

"By the way, wasn't there a fire in your company's warehouse today? What exactly happened?"

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Thank you from Tianshan North!

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