Sha Xuelia shook his head:

"The company has blocked the news about this matter. I don't know the inside story. I only know that someone seemed to be causing trouble in the company, causing a lot of damage, causing this fire, and several people died."

"By the way, the application for this special operation was made about an hour after the fire broke out."

Fang Keyi fell into thinking.

"It's similar to the information I collected. Sure enough, more than one person died in the fire, and the damage caused was relatively large."

"With the background of Kangbo Biological Company, it is impossible for security to be so bad that it could be set on fire by an ordinary person and cause such great damage."

"It seems that the arsonist reported in the news was just trying to cover up the fire."

"The real arsonist should have escaped."

"Considering that Kangbo Biological Company is actually one of the secret experimental bases of the consortium, they should also be researching superpowers, so the so-called arsonist may be a superpower who escaped from the laboratory. "

"The so-called special operations of Kangbo Biotech should be used to prevent arsonists."

"It all makes sense."

Thinking of this, Fang Keyi frowned.

"Damn it! Why is it now!"

"Combo Biotech has now taken precautions. Even if they are not used to guard against us, it makes our actions more difficult."

"How can you steal information?!"

After thinking for a while, Fang Keyi put the matter aside for the time being and let Sha Xuelia continue.

But until the other party finished speaking, he didn't find any valuable information.

Turning off the recording software on his phone, Fang Keyi said: "You stay here first, and I will communicate with the people above. If it is determined that your information is valuable, we will release you later."

"Okay, okay!"

Sha Xuelia nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that Fang Keyi was about to turn around and leave, he asked expectantly: "By the way, if my information is valuable, the money you just mentioned..."

Fang Keyi paused and said calmly:

"Don't worry, I will never break my promise to you, but the specific amount depends on the value of the information. If there is anything you haven't said yet, you still have a chance to tell me now. Otherwise, not only will you get less money, but you may not even be able to save your life. .”

Hearing this, Sha Xuelia panicked and quickly recalled all matters related to the company.

Not to mention, in a life-and-death crisis, human potential is indeed unlimited. He quickly remembered a piece of information that seemed inconspicuous, but might be of some value if he thought about it carefully.

He was full of joy and said quickly:

"I remembered one more thing!"

"The R\u0026D department was very busy some time ago and worked overtime until late every day. Many experimental materials were consumed very quickly, but it has been less busy since last week. Many R\u0026D staff expressed a sense of relaxation and happiness. Some R\u0026D personnel have also begun to take vacations, which should mean that R\u0026D has made great gains."

Sha Xuelia actually didn't know about the company's secret human research, let alone the existence of superpowers. He only knew about the company's superficial pharmaceutical business. Therefore, he didn't know that Fang Keyi's main goal was the company's human research data. He didn't mention these little things about the R\u0026D department, but in order to save his own life, he still wanted to say as much as possible.

Maybe this is also the information the other party wants.

Regarding this news, Fang Keyi's reaction was very dull, and he just nodded casually:

"I see."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Before leaving, he reminded again:

"By the way, regarding today's secret, once these are leaked, it will not be of any benefit to you or me. You should know what to do, right?"

"I know, I know! I must keep it secret! Never say a word to anyone."

Faced with this warning, Sha Xuelia breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that this meant that he might really be let go.

After leaving the abandoned factory.

Fang Keyi arranged for two of his cronies to guard Sha Xuelia in the room, waiting for instructions.

Then he called the cronies on the other side who were investigating the man in black:

"is there any news?"

On the other end of the phone, a deep male voice reported: "The man in black robe has not appeared anywhere in Lening City in the past two days. However, I accidentally saw someone on an online forum saying that there were also people in Tongwa City the night before yesterday. A mysterious black-robed man who can teleport appears."

"He is also covered in black robes, and he can teleport, just like what the brothers in the club said."

Fang Keyi's tone was full of disbelief:

"How can it be?"

"Have you verified the news? Could it be that someone happened to have misread it, or even the two brothers deliberately posted on the forum to mislead you?"

"How can there really be teleportation in this world?"

In the past two days, Fang Keyi sent his cronies to inquire about Kangbo's biological information. On the other hand, he also asked his men to pay attention to clues about the man in black robe.

However, in order to pretend that he did not understand the existence of superpowers, he gave an order to his subordinates - they must capture the man in black robe and avenge his brothers in the society.

On the other end of the phone, my subordinate’s voice sounded extremely solemn, even exclaiming:

"I have verified the news. It was indeed posted by tourists from a foreign country, and more than one person said they saw a man in black robes who could teleport."

"The social software of these people comes from different countries. Judging from the activity level, they are all real people. There is no intersection with each other, and there is no interest relationship. This is enough to prove that these people are not colluding to publish fake news."

"What's more, it doesn't make any sense for them to publish this kind of fake news, and the fake news they published is the same as what the club brothers said? This kind of thing makes no sense."

Fang Keyi took a deep breath and solemnly said:

"It seems that the other party really has this magical ability. Yin Hao, please don't spread this kind of thing casually, or even mention it to anyone except me. Maybe the existence of such a person has already touched The secrets from the upper echelons may lead to death, you know?"

"Okay, boss."

"Also, no matter whether the man in black robe is real or not... By the way, from now on, do not mention the word "superpower" on any occasion, so as not to cause trouble... In short, no matter whether that person is It’s not really that special. He has beaten my brother now and will probably continue to cause trouble to the club in the future. We can’t just let it go and we must find out his identity.”

"So, you continue the investigation, but be more covert. Don't let anyone, including the club brothers, know that we are investigating such a person, and don't let more people know that the other person is so special."

"I see."

"Well, then you can continue the investigation."

After hanging up the phone.

Fang Keyi quickly contacted Huoshan and arranged to meet alone at a dark street corner.

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