After all, Su Xin already had some experience with system tasks after completing two tasks before.

The three missions so far are obviously not very difficult, but the biggest thing they have in common is that they have strange designated rules.

The first mission, for example, requires him to escape.

Simply leaving the classroom satisfies the condition.

The second task required him to eat an entire animal carcass, which he accomplished by stuffing a dozen ants into the bread.

But this time when he saw the new mission, Su Xin immediately had his own understanding of the mission requirements.

The so-called different methods in the mission are nothing more than obtaining a total of five items from others through different means such as asking, exchanging, buying, stealing, robbing, and deceiving.

Of course, the specific methods must be verified through actual actions.

Now that the new mission has been triggered, Su Xin has no intention of chatting anymore. He is eager to complete the mission tonight and awaken his new power, so he picks up his phone again and prepares to turn down Fang Mengzhu's invitation.

I saw Fang Mengzhu just sent a message: "If you really think so, then stay with me well first. If you have fun with me, then I will spend the night at your place tonight/Shy smile."

Su Xin hesitated for a moment.

But he quickly slapped himself.

Between the woman and the supernatural power, I hesitated for a second. It was really inappropriate. This was simply disrespectful to the law of cause and effect.

A woman can accompany you anytime.

The sooner the ability awakens, the better.

He typed a reply: "I do have something more important tonight. Let's make an appointment tomorrow."

The chat box shows that the other party is typing.

After a while the prompt disappeared again.

Then the input is displayed again.

It wasn't until a while later that Fang Mengzhu sent a reply: "Okay!/Smiley face."

But this time.

Su Xin had already stuffed his cell phone back into the desk drawer and continued to think about the task.

Regarding the five methods required for the task, Su Xin just thought of six methods at once, and it seemed that they could be completed easily. But now that he thought about it carefully, he felt that some of the methods might not be much different in nature.

For example, exchange and purchase should be essentially the same, and asking and robbing should also be essentially the same.

As for whether his understanding is correct, he only needs to verify it in these six ways.

"Stealing and robbing can only be attempted at night. I haven't had any income for a few days. I went out at night to earn some Karma Points and see if any organization is looking for me."

"Purchasing is even easier. Just go to the convenience store after school and buy something."

"There are also requests, exchanges, and deceptions..."

After pondering, Su Xin took a pen and lightly poked the shoulder of the girl at the front desk. When she saw the other girl turned her head in surprise, she moved closer and whispered:

"Yanfei, can you give me a pen? I've run out of pens. Just give me one."

Yan Fei glanced at the pen in his hand and said nothing. She turned back and quickly took a pen and handed it to Su Xin: "Here, here it is."

"Thank you."

Su Xin took it.

Sure enough, the system dinged.

The mission progress has become 1/5.

However, Su Xin also knows that tasks like this type are definitely the easiest at the beginning. As long as you successfully get other people's items, no matter what method you use, you can achieve the task progress.

The further you go, the more likely it is that the method does not meet the task requirements.

There is no difficulty at all in completing the first one or the first few.

The key is the back.

"Next, try the exchange method."

Su Xin stabbed Yan Fei again with a pen.


Yan Fei turned back in confusion.

Su Xin leaned over and whispered: "I don't like red pens. Can you exchange for a pen of another color? Any color will do."

"But I only have red ones."

"Red is fine, let's change it."


Yan Fei glanced at Su Xin strangely and murmured in her heart: "Does this playboy have any evil thoughts towards me? He even used such a poor excuse to strike up a conversation. If it weren't for your good looks, he would have done it long ago. Ignore you."


Su Xin asked.


Yan Fei was speechless and took another pen, replacing it with the exact same pen she had just given to Su Xin.

"Thank you."

Su Xin took it with a smile.

"Another little progress."

"Only three more."

"Simple, too simple."

Su Xin couldn't help but grin.

"Request and exchange, both methods are successfully achieved, and the next step is...deception."

"You still have to find an acquaintance to do this kind of thing. You can still treat it as a joke by cheating on something small. Yan Fei, don't blame me. You are the only classmate around my seat."

Although thinking this way, Su Xin still hesitated. After all, deceiving people is a difficult job, especially to defraud other people's things. It is not easy for non-professionals to do it.

After much thought, Su Xin didn't think of a suitable method until the school bell rang.

Seeing that the teacher had announced that school was over and the students were starting to pack up and leave, Su Xin had no choice but to put aside the matter of 'cheating Yan Fei' for the time being and wait until he tried other methods at night.

Clear the desk.

He took out his cell phone and walked outside.

When I was about to put it in my pocket, I found that the screen showed a missed call, but I didn't hear it because my phone was muted during class.

The name on the caller ID made Su Xin startled, and he dialed back after thinking for a moment.

"Hello, this is Lening Police Station."

"Hello, I saw you just called me because I didn't receive it during class."

"Wait a minute, let me take a look... Su Xin... your name is Su Xin, right? Your parents' names are Su Jiwei and Ju Shizhen, right?"

"That's right."

"Please come to the funeral parlor in Xicheng District."

Hearing this, Su Xin was immediately startled, even breathing a little faster, and asked quickly:

"What happened?"

What else could go to a funeral home do?

Su Xin guessed it the moment he heard the name of the place, but he just found it unbelievable.

The police officer on the other side of the phone also knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden from him, so he said directly: "Your parents were killed and are now in the funeral home. We only found your contact information based on the relative list of Kangbo Biological Company. Please forgive me." Come and take a look and confirm your identity.”

"How can it be?!"

Su Xin couldn't help shouting: "They went to work well and had no grudges with anyone. How could they be suddenly killed? Absolutely impossible!"

The police officer didn't care about his tone. He just sighed and said, "Classmate Su, I don't need to deceive you about this kind of thing. In short, you can find out when you come to the funeral home and take a look."


What's the point of lying to him about such a thing.

Whether it is true or not, you will know at a glance.

Su Xin slumped down helplessly.

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