My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 40 What can a high school student do?

Around six o'clock.

In a funeral home in Xicheng District, Lening City.

Su Xin met his parents.

There was no blood on their faces, and their eyes were closed quietly. There was a clear bullet hole on the father's forehead, Su Jiwei, and there was a neat wound almost crossing the left and right sides of the mother's neck, and the pale flesh was rolled up.

Apparently both had been dead for a long time.

This was the first time in his two lives that Su Xin saw a dead person so clearly and so close. However, he did not feel scared at all. Instead, he had no emotion and just stood there blankly.

"Dad, Mom..."

Su Xin's mind was almost blank. He cooperated with the staff to register, claimed his parents' bodies, and signed various documents.

The picture of his parents getting along with him replayed in his mind again and again.

When he first traveled to this world, he was just a baby. All parts of his body were not yet developed. He couldn't see everything around him clearly, couldn't understand the language of this world, and couldn't even turn over. He could only lie in the crib all day long, waiting to be fed. , it was not until a few months ago that he began to have a clearer consciousness, but even at a few months old, his vocal cords were too fragile to speak, his hands and feet were too weak to stand, and even crawling was a bit difficult.

It was his parents who had been with him in this life, taking good care of him, cleaning up his shit, and asking for help, so that he could grow up smoothly and have an extremely happy childhood and adolescence.

So far, Su Xin has always felt that his life is perfect, and all this is inseparable from the love and understanding of his parents.

Although he has had memories of his past life since he was a child, this does not mean that he has no feelings for his parents in this life. On the contrary, his feelings for his parents in this life are much deeper than those in the previous life.

Because in this life, he was not as confused as he was when he was a teenager in his previous life, nor did he go through a long period of erosion. Instead, he witnessed and clearly felt all the dedication and care given to him by his parents in this life from an early age.

All this was firmly etched in his mind.


It can be said that in his two lifetimes, which totaled more than forty years in total, the people Su Xin valued and cherished the most were his parents in this lifetime!

And now.

The parents died suddenly.

Was killed!

"who is it!!"

"Who killed them!!"

Su Xin murmured, and then let out a heart-rending roar. Tears flowed down his cheeks without knowing when, and continued to drip to the ground.

He suddenly came to his senses and looked around.

Officer Wang, who was calling him on the phone, was startled by his roar. The moment he turned his head, he happened to meet Su Xin's eyes, but he was so startled by the murderous look in his eyes that his heart trembled inexplicably.

After coming back to his senses, he quickly walked to Su Xin, pressed Su Xin's shoulders, and persuaded:

"Student Su, calm down!"

"Tell me who killed them!!"

Su Xin looked at Officer Wang coldly. Even though he was wearing a school uniform and had a childish face, it was difficult to conceal the fierce and intimidating aura exuding from him.

Suddenly, Officer Wang almost thought that he was facing a beast that was eager to devour people, and it seemed that it was about to pounce and bite him at any time.

This made him feel a chill in his heart unconsciously.

He has seen too many family members who went crazy and killed because of hatred, and also seen too many cruel and cold-blooded murderers. Su Xin's eyes at this moment were almost the same as those of those people.

You don't need to guess to know that if Su Xin learns who the murderer of his parents is, he will fight him desperately.

In this case, it is certainly impossible for him to tell the other party who the murderer is at present.

Of course.

They haven't found the murderer yet.

"Your father was killed on his way to a business trip. Twenty-one other people in the convoy were killed with him, as well as some passers-by. The crime occurred around 4:30 in the afternoon."

"The perpetrators were a group of gunmen. According to witnesses, there were about ten to fifteen people. We don't know their purpose at the moment, and we haven't found out their identity. We are investigating based on clues. If there is any progress, , we will announce it to the public as soon as possible.”

"Your mother was killed while working at Kangbo Biotechnology Company. Seven other people were killed with her. The crime occurred at about 4:30 in the afternoon."

"Both the two murderers from the company are dead, and the identity of the other party is still under investigation."

After Officer Wang finished speaking, he sighed lightly, patted Su Xin on the shoulder, and said: "This matter is of a very bad nature, and the higher-ups take it very seriously. Don't worry, we will do our best to investigate and provide justice to all victims." .”

"No one wants to see something like this happen, but since it has already happened, you should also grieve and accept it, and don't do stupid things. Your parents' spirits in heaven also hope that you will live well."

"By the way, your parents should be considered dead in the line of duty, and Kangbo Biotech is a big company. There should be a fairly generous pension for you. This money can be regarded as the last thing your parents left for you. A gift can at least guarantee you a stable life for a long time. Don't let them down, do you understand?"

Su Xin looked at the other party expressionlessly:

"Any clues now?"

Officer Wang shook his head: "I'm sorry, we can't disclose this yet. I've just said everything I can, and the rest has to wait for the results of the investigation."

"okay, I get it."

Su Xin calmly wiped away his tears, stopped asking questions, turned around and strode away.

He did not expect the murderer to be brought to justice for his parents' hatred, but planned to seek revenge in his own way in order to calm the hatred in his heart.

It's best if the police can find the murderer. Even if the police can't find it, he will use his own methods to investigate and then kill all the suspects!

Looking at Su Xin's leaving figure, Officer Wang shook his head.

He could also tell that Su Xin had any plans. He just wanted to investigate or take revenge, but the other party was just a high school student, so what could he do?

The murderer of this case was able to mobilize so many people, use so many thermal weapons, and commit such a big case without leaving any obvious clues. He is obviously an organized crime group, let alone a high school student like Su Xin. Even if he is himself, he may not be able to do anything to the murderer.

In his opinion, what Su Xin was going to do would either be in vain or seek death.

No matter which one, he didn't have the time to dissuade him. Anyway, he said what needed to be said and what needed to be persuaded. The other party had a face of hatred and was seeking death, and he couldn't stop him.

There are many victims in this case, and I still have a lot of work to do. I don't have time to pay attention to an ordinary high school student who is trapped in hatred.

Soon, the noise from the other side attracted his attention, and he forgot about Su Xin's existence.

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