On the way home by car, Su Xin took out his mobile phone. Before he could actively search for local news, several news pop-ups popped up.

"Shocking exposure! A major shooting occurred in Lening City, killing more than 20 people."

"A major criminal case occurred at Kangbo Biotechnology Company, and the murderer killed several researchers."

"A shocking case..."

There is no doubt that these pop-up news reports are about the death case of Su Xin’s parents.

Su Xin clicked in and took a look.

The content inside is similar to what Officer Wang said, and is even more detailed, such as the location of the crime, how it happened, the testimonies of some eyewitnesses, etc., which are all written in the report, as well as some pictures of the scene.

After reading this, Su Xin had a better understanding of the entire case. Although he still didn't know who the murderer was, the attack was obviously targeting Kangbo Biological Company.

Especially the attack that occurred within Kangbo Biological Company, where the other party suddenly attacked others in the laboratory.

There is no doubt that the murderer must be an insider of Kangbo Company. After all, it is impossible for outsiders to enter the laboratory of such a large company.

Moreover, the attack in the laboratory of Kangbo Biological Company and the attack on Jiu'an Road happened almost at the same time, and the victim was also a person from Kangbo Biological Company.

There is no doubt that the murderers on both sides are the same group of people, and the same organization is behind the plan.

In other words, this was an organized, premeditated, and targeted attack. The mastermind behind the scenes arranged for people to infiltrate Kangbo Biological Company in advance, and arranged a unified operation today.

Su Xin quickly guessed this.

This information may not seem to be of much use, but in fact, it can lock the man behind the scenes into a clearer scope——

The other party has a big grudge against Kangbo Biological Company, otherwise it would be impossible to commit such a shocking crime.

The other party has a very strong power, or it is hidden deep. After all, Kangbo Biological Company has an international consortium background. If the general power had a grudge against them, it would have been wiped out long ago. It would be impossible for them to survive until now and still have a chance to fight back.

The other party has good power in the local area, otherwise it would not be possible to obtain so many weapons and ammunition, even submachine guns and grenades, and the clues can be dealt with quickly afterwards, so that the police and the media cannot find the real culprit for a while.

According to news reports, in the attack on Jiu'an Road, the murderer dispatched three vehicles and more than ten people. As these vehicles drove around on the city roads, they would definitely leave clues. Although the surveillance network in this world It's not as strong as in the previous life, but the surveillance on the main roads is still very complete.

If the murderer was not fully prepared, the police could quickly find the murderer through three vehicles.

You must know that this news has caused a sensation across the country and has also caused many international media to reprint it. The top police officials have also made many statements. If there is good news or clear progress, the official will definitely reassure the people as soon as possible.

But now there is no progress.

This is enough to show that the murderer was very well prepared. After committing such a big case, he was able to eliminate as many clues as possible without revealing even a single flaw in a short period of time.

If it weren't for the strong power in the local area, it would never be possible to achieve this level.

These are not difficult to guess. Su Xin can guess it. He knows that the police can also guess it and will definitely investigate in this direction.

While thinking.

Su Xin returned home, put on a pair of loose daily clothes, stuffed Zhihu into his trouser pocket, and stuffed his cell phone into the other pocket.

But when he was about to go out, he hesitated. It wasn't that he didn't dare, but he was a little confused and didn't know where to start.

He wanted to find the local forces, large and small, to greet them one by one. With the teleportation and resurrection powers, he was not afraid at all. Even if there was a slight possibility that the resurrection powers would only take effect once, he was not worried about it at this time. Risky.

But the problem is that although I have lived in Lening City for more than ten years, I know basically nothing about the local forces, large and small. Except for a few well-known societies, I have never heard of any other forces, let alone Not to mention there are many forces hiding in the dark. He is an ordinary person and he doesn’t know where to contact them if he wants to.

At this time, for the first time, he hated that he had no power, no connections, and only had the magical power of cause and effect. But when faced with the death of his parents, he didn't even know who to seek revenge from.

"Mengzhu, she might know something."

"After all, she is the daughter of the president of the Golden Shield Society. Even if she is not involved in society affairs, she must have heard about various forces on the road."

Su Xin immediately picked up the phone and dialed.

The call was answered quickly.

"Su Xin!"

Even through the microphone, you can clearly feel the joy in Fang Mengzhu's heart.

"Mengzhu, would you like to come to my house?"

Seemingly sensing something was wrong from Su Xin's low tone, Fang Mengzhu quickly asked with concern: "Su Xin, what's wrong with you?"

"I have something very important to ask you for help. Can you come to my house now?"

"Okay, I'll be right over!"

Fang Mengzhu put away his smile, responded seriously, then quickly got up and ran out the door.

"Hey! Mengzhu, where are you going? You haven't finished eating yet... this girl!"

Han Danfeng shouted twice, and when she saw Fang Mengzhu rushing out of the house without looking back, she could only shake her head and sigh helplessly.

Half an hour later.

Fang Mengzhu came to the floor where Su Xin's house was, panting, and knocked gently on the door.


The door opens.

Before seeing Su Xin, Fang Mengzhu was mentally prepared to be deceived by Su Xin. She felt that Su Xin might not really have anything to do with him, but was deliberately coaxing her to come over and want to be intimate with her. She was also prepared to pretend to be angry and then half push him away. Understand the other party's psychological preparation.

But when the door opened, Fang Mengzhu felt a pang in his heart when he saw Su Xin's cold face, lifeless eyes, wet tears on his face, and red eyes.

She rushed forward and hugged Su Xin, then let go and asked with concern:

"Su Xin, what happened?"

"Let's talk after we come in."

Su Xin closed the door, took Fang Mengzhu to sit on the sofa, and asked seriously:

"Your father is the president of the Golden Shield Society. Do you know the major forces in Lening City? Can you give me a brief introduction?"

Fang Mengzhu was stunned and asked: "Why are you asking these questions? Can you tell me what happened? Why are you like this?"

Su Xin took a deep breath and briefly talked about his parents being killed today.

Fang Mengzhu didn't watch the news and had never heard of this incident at all. When he heard that Su Xin's parents had died, he didn't care about the fact that he had been misled by Su Xin before. He just hugged Su Xin's body with pity, hoping to give him Some warmth.

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