My practice narration is weird

Chapter 115 It turns out that I am so strong

Xia Anmeng fell into silence.

She was a strangely created existence, a person in the mirror, immortal and indestructible, with infinite energy. Except for the lack of soul, this seemed to be an extremely perfect state.

But this "perfection" still has shortcomings.

As time goes by, it will eventually dissipate slowly.

She doesn't care about anything in the outside world, and she doesn't care whether Ye Wuyou tells her the news about himself in the outside world.

Because she knows that it doesn't make any sense.

But now, when the hope of life is placed in front of her, her heart, which has been silent for a long time, finally shakes slightly.

She didn't move for a long time.

"It seems that you still need to think about it for a while, it doesn't matter."

The fake Ye Wuyou smiled lightly, didn't look at her again, but passed by her figure.

Except for the demon who didn't attack them, and Fang Ning and the other two who could only sit on the futon and couldn't make any movement.

There are only two figures left in the field at this moment.

Oh, there is also a little monk hiding in the corner, but no one seems to care about him at the moment.

"Look, finally no one comes to disturb us."

The fake Ye Wuyou chuckled, but his fingertips had already grasped the hilt of the knife.

Ye Wuyou slowly drew the knife and said lightly.

"If you want to fight, then fight. Why are you talking nonsense?"

There seemed to be no more words between the two.

The eyes met.

Just for a moment.

The aura suddenly appeared, and the two figures rushed out almost at the same time, rushing towards each other.

Burning blood!

The sword rises with wind and thunder!

The exact same moves appeared in the narrow corridor of the hall in an instant.

The only difference is perhaps the expressions of the two?

One of them looked arrogant, with a look of contempt and a grim smile.

The other looked calm, with sharp eyes and a thoughtful look.

The sound of metal and stone interlacing continued to come, and the two extremely clear knife lights had replaced the figures in the field at this moment.

As the fight between the two intensified, the aura burst out, and a very rampant word came from the field.

"My body is immortal and has infinite energy. If you fight me, what can you do? Or are you going to rely on the two lives of the fox in your arms?"

During the battle, a white light went towards Fang Ning, and was caught by the latter. It was Bai Lu.

"Take care of her." Ye Wuyou said to Fang Ning.

Fang Ning nodded subconsciously, but then her beautiful eyes showed fear. She opened her mouth and stretched out her hand to point forward.

The extremely cold but smiling voice spread all around.

"You still have the mind to care about others? You deserve to die!"

Just now, Bai Lu was thrown to Fang Ning. Although it was only a moment, the fake Ye Wuyou seized this opportunity and cut it with a knife.

But Ye Wuyou's expression was extremely calm, as if he had known this scene for a long time.

The dark blue ghost hand spread out and pierced the fake Ye Wuyou's figure.

Then, a sword-like move raised wind and thunder, and the fierce aura was like a vortex, directly crushing the opponent's body.

Crack, crack...

The blade turned into fragments and fell to the ground.

It was just an ordinary knife, which could not withstand the huge aura at all. At this moment, it had completely shattered.

As a replica, the man in the mirror knew all his own moves, his own Wuxiang Heart Sutra, and always maintained the state of "selflessness".

He had an immortal body and almost infinite aura.

But he could not copy the weirdness.

The figure of the fake Ye Wuyou slowly condensed on the other side, with a smile on his mouth, but his eyes were extremely pure.

He was not surprised at the scene just now. He deliberately sold out the flaws to lure himself into the trap, and then killed the opponent with the ghost hand, all in one go.

Because he is Ye Wuyou, he would do the same.

It's just that he doesn't have a "ghost".

He looked at Ye Wuyou quietly with his eyes and said indifferently.

"How many times can you use the ghost? Look at your body, I'm afraid it will be completely corroded."

"Then you don't have to worry about it, killing you is enough."

"Wrong, I should say I don't have to worry about it, after all."

The figure suddenly rose up, and both of them had no weapons in their hands. Now it was a pure martial arts collision.

"I am yourself!"

On top of burning blood, burning blood for the second time!

Crazy squeeze every inch of the energy in his own acupoints.

Ye Wuyou not only did this, facing the fake attacking him, he moved his mind, and the shadow of the soul and Dharma appeared behind him.

It was a sword.

The shadow of the Dharma seemed to be endowed with moves at this moment, and sent out that clear sword move, and the sword raised the wind and thunder!

Fakes, normally, have no soul.

But now it is obviously not possible to reason with common sense.

The figure of 'Ye Wuyou' stayed in place, stretched out his hand, pointed forward lightly, and then plucked the air with five fingers, just like a woman playing the piano.

The shadow of the Dharma image, the piano and the sword sounded together.

He uttered softly.

[Sound Dao Killing Move - Heavenly Sound Wave]

[Sound Dao Killing Move - Echo Strike]

[Sword Rising Wind and Thunder]

Ye Wuyou seemed to understand something in his heart. This was the change brought to the opponent by the "Wu Xiang Heart Sutra".

This skill can devour people's souls!

The superposition of three magical powers is more powerful than the previous one performed by the Hanyue Fairy.

After all, Hanyue is only a crippled fourth realm with half a soul, while the fake Ye Wuyou at this moment is a real third realm Yaoguang peak, with infinite aura.

There was a loud bang in the field!

Two figures lightly swept out, one figure was extremely floating, and one of them retreated several feet in succession.

Ye Wuyou raised his head slightly, his face showing a trace of paleness after the blood color faded.

[You ridiculed in your heart, but it was just a fake, how dare it fight with you! ! ! ]

[How can this be tolerated! Although the state of no self is powerful, you also have a back-up plan that is superior to him]

[Just fight with him! All living beings have no form! ]

Ye Wuyou did not enter the second level.

Although all living beings have no form, it does not seem to be the best choice to face the "self" who cannot be killed in front of him.

"Who said that fakes are not as good as the real thing? You, a miscellaneous cultivator, are no more than this even if you have strange things."

'Ye Wuyou' chuckled, and then he turned slightly and looked at Fang Ning on the side.

"Fang Ning, tell me, who is the real one and who is the fake one?"

There was a hint of warning in his words.

Fang Ning clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, but said with a firm look.

"You are fake."

The smile on Ye Wuyou's face faded in an instant, and he raised his hand, ready to use his Qi.

A fist gust of wind came, and Ye Wuyou's body moved swiftly, and then when his fist was about to hit the opponent, he kicked again.

Ye Wuyou's expression was indifferent. He was immortal anyway, so what if he was given a flaw?

But then, his expression paused slightly. Although he was in the state of selflessness without any confusion, his eyes still trembled at the moment.

Ye Wuyou kicked the opponent's crotch, and directly shattered the opponent's foundation into dust.

"You really deserve to die!"

The two gradually fought into a ball.

The magical powers intertwined, and the shadows of the Dharma images kept changing.

Qi, moves, fists and feet, everything, were all played out at this moment.

Ye Wuyou's face looked a little paler.

He was at a disadvantage, and could only defend himself with difficulty.

The opponent is in the state of selflessness, and his state is one level higher than his. Even the use of the Dharma Image Shadow is much better than his.

Even so, Ye Wuyou's eyes are getting brighter.

He did this on his own initiative. Even if the opponent is immortal, he will suffer a great loss no matter how he fights.

But after several fights, he has a new understanding of the Dharma Image Shadow. The "intention" in the Three Realms Yaoguang that he had never understood before has also been answered at this moment.

Let me ask, is there anyone in this world who knows me better than me? The feeling of feeding moves with a stronger self is really... extremely refreshing!

The fake is like a pioneer of himself, stepping on the state of "selflessness", walking in front of him, exploring and using his infinite possibilities, and showing him one by one.

So, can I be so strong...

I have to go out of town tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow. The update may be a little later. I don't know if it can be finished in the early morning... But I will still update it

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