My practice narration is weird

Chapter 116 Please, another me

'Ye Wuyou' punched the face that was clearly different from his own, but then his chest was pierced by the punch, and his figure was slightly dented under the huge force.

In the state of selflessness, 'Ye Wuyou' is born purely for fighting. With his immortal body, he is even more powerful. It seems like he is at a disadvantage at the moment, but in fact, Ye Wuyou can only find this with the blessing of burning blood for the second time. A glimmer of opportunity.

The phantom of the Dharma once again exerts its magical power, and condensing the magical power on the Dharma is the so-called "intention"!

The phantom of the piano and sword, the killer move of the sound path, combined with the sudden rise of the sword, wind and thunder, formed a brand new harmony of the piano and sword created by 'Ye Wuyou'!

It was performed by Han Yue's moves.

Seeing Han Yue use this magical power before, 'Ye Wuyou' had ridiculed him for his weak voice, but after all, it was a move that pressed against the bottom of the box in the hands of the great magical power of the Four Realms. How could it be weak?

With the blessing of the "Shadowless Heart Sutra", this magical power became Ye Wuyou's own.

At this moment, 'Ye Wuyou''s ultimate Yin Dao move is far better than Han Yue's!

Thoughts appeared in his eyes, and the next second, the same phantom appeared behind the real Ye Wuyou.

If you have a good sound, my sound will not be disadvantageous!

The phantoms of the law used their magical powers and collided fiercely!

The bodies intertwined and then pulled apart again.

This time, the two were evenly matched, with no one showing signs of weakness.

There was finally a hint of impatience in the plain eyes of 'Ye Wuyou'.

What a loss, what a loss.

In the state of selflessness, he is so powerful that he can even ignore the ordinary four realms.

But right now, even though his realm is higher than that of the real Ye Wuyou, the two have exactly the same magical powers, and they even have similar ideas.

Both of them knew all the weaknesses of the other's moves.

So that guy doesn't seek to fight the enemy at all, but instead parries and resists, and only gives himself a blow from time to time.

This resulted in the fact that even if the opponent's realm was weaker than his own, he could still be invincible under his own hands.

Taught by the same master, they can't break the moves.

But the opponent is just undefeated.

'Ye Wuyou' smiled lightly, he had an immortal body and unlimited energy.

He was injured, but returned to normal within a few moments.

The other party's injuries were real injuries.

Moreover, the opponent's Qi has also weakened. As time goes by, the balance of victory will eventually lean towards oneself.

But why do I feel uneasy?

'Ye Wuyou' narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and all the distracting thoughts in his mind suddenly disappeared.

I am Ye Wuyou. If he can think of it, I can think of it too. Why am I uneasy?

That calm voice came from the front.

"Your Dharma Appearance Shadow has become weaker. How many times can you use it now? The "Shadowless Heart Sutra" can indeed swallow the soul, but after all, it cannot make the dead give birth to a soul."

Divine Soul Dharma Appearance, Divine Soul Dharma Appearance, as the name suggests, you first need to have a divine soul.

The phantom shadow used by 'Ye Wuyou' is rootless water. Once the soul he has devoured is used up, he will no longer be able to use it.

There was a hint of disdain in the cold and indifferent words.

"You are thinking too much. Even if my soul is borrowed, killing me is enough."

'Ye Wuyou' said, glancing at Fang Ning aside, then glanced at the old Taoist from the Five Realms, and said indifferently.

"When I kill a few more monks with great supernatural powers, won't there be a steady stream of souls?"

Fang Ning's eyes trembled and she closed her eyes slightly.

Killing a few monks with great supernatural powers seemed to be as easy as killing a chicken according to 'Ye Wuyou'.

But Fang Ning did not doubt the other party's words at this moment.

These scenes of battle were all reflected in Fang Ning's eyes.

Even though they are phantoms, can they combine their moves like this...

This was an extremely vivid textbook. The comprehension and understanding of 'Ye Wuyou' even surpassed many elders in the Taoist sect.

What kind of fighting genius is that...

Even though he was only at the peak of the three realms, and even though he was just a shadow of the Dharma, that guy's strength was already greater than the average magical power of the fourth realm.

Fang Ning tried to compare herself with the other party.

If he faced the real Ye Wuyou, he would probably lose.

But if you face that 'Ye Wuyou'.

Maybe he can survive three moves...

There was silence again.

The two figures staggered apart, Ye Wuyou staggered slightly, his face changed from pale to an irrepressible rosy color.

On the opposite side, 'Ye Wuyou' gently flicked his sleeves, with an expression as if he had seen through everything, and chuckled.

"Forty-six acupoints have been fully opened to support you until now, but your energy is not infinite after all, and the injuries you suffered are real. Why are you against me?"

Ye Wuyou spat out a mouthful of blood and took a deep breath. His calm expression, which had always been calm against the enemy, finally became rippled at this moment.

He smiled.

"why are you laughing."

'Ye Wuyou' frowned slightly, and the uneasy feeling in his heart became clearer.

The real Ye Wuyou shook his head gently at this moment, his expression was extremely happy, and there was joy and pleasure in his eyes.

"Thank you for letting me know how to take my next step."

"Now that I have learned it, I won't waste time with you anymore."

The ghost emerged gently, and then slowly wrapped his figure. With a strange look on Ye Wuyou's face, he disappeared into the hall.

Absolute anonymity.

‘Ye Wuyou’ looked proud.

He was indeed not weird, but he was not afraid of the other party's next move.

Do you want to use this concealment to sneak attack me?

But I am immortal!

This is a battle that has been destined to end from the beginning, there is no exception.

A trace of aura appeared beside him.

Sure enough, did he sneak attack again?

'Ye Wuyou' looked back gently, as if he had expected everything.

The next second, his expression that had always been calm and calm finally showed a hint of stiffness.

Ye Wuyou did sneak attack.

But the target of his sneak attack was not himself.

It was the blue-white demon who had been standing aside from the beginning and did not attack anyone!

That demon was weird! It was the real wreckage of the avenue!


Ye Wuyou emerged from the ghost, and then punched the demon's head fiercely, making the demon dizzy and his head hurt.

After doing all this, Ye Wuyou fell into hiding again.

Only one cheerful word of his was left in the field.

"Come on, another me!"

Hahaha... the laughter surrounded the hall, and finally disappeared with the figure.

For the first time, the eyes of 'Ye Wuyou' showed extreme gloom.

Between weird and weird, unless there is a special situation, they will not touch each other.

Then Ye Wuyou punched the weird head.

The IQ of the weird is not ideal.

Two Ye Wuyou with the same appearance, body shape, and breath...

Not to mention whether the weird can be distinguished, even people can't tell them apart for a while.

And Ye Wuyou, who did all this, has fallen into absolute [Hidden].

He was the only one left in the field.

The blue-white demon was very angry, touching his head and looking at him, with waves of terrifying breath spreading.

It's broken...

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