My practice narration is weird

Chapter 153: Reeds and bushes

After comprehending the Shinto Pillar, the erosion on his body has subsided a lot, which is good news.

The comprehension in front of the Shinto Pillar can indeed suppress the weirdness very well. As the text records I read before, the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Technique can even completely remove the erosion on the body, instead of the remaining part like now.

But that will cost the price of sex change, which Ye Wuyou cannot bear.

[You are disdainful in your heart, but it is just two pieces of rotten meat on your chest. What is unacceptable in pursuing the great road? ]

The method of Tianyan has finally reached the third level.

This head is not in vain.

But compared with the Tianyan method in Lu Qingshan's hand, Ye Wuyou can't imagine how much time and cost it took to achieve it. Can anyone really cultivate to a higher level?

Lu Qingshan looked at the black little man in Ye Wuyou's hand who could kowtow three times in a row, and said.

"Wuyou, to prevent you from wasting your time, I will remind you first, don't think of using Tianyan to deduce the weird."

"Huh? Can't you?"

"Both are remnants of the previous era, and their weird abilities are ever-changing. The changes they bring will disrupt all the secrets of heaven... But it is possible to deduce their locations, otherwise how do you think those things in the Tianlao were caught?"

"But some weird abilities are special, and even have the effect of covering themselves... Do you still remember the child in the Tianlao?"

"True or false?" Ye Wuyou certainly remembered.

"Master has also thought about deducing whether the next sentence it said is 'true' or 'false', but unfortunately the accuracy rate is only 50%."

[Is the wreckage of the Great Dao so easy to deduce? 50%? You despise it in your heart, disdain it, and you are just bragging like a book bag]

Nonsense! Narrator You have a dog brain, there are only two options in total, I can get 50% even if I toss a coin!

But Ye Wuyou understood what Lu Qingshan said.

Just like the series of changes brought about by the judgment of true and false, this is unpredictable.

For example, the Tianyan method sees that the ox cart will hit the pedestrians in the next moment, but after the judgment of true and false, the ox cart is gone, so the deduction is naturally impossible.

Ye Wuyou thought about it and said, "That Xu Qingyuan, he is a little bit wrong."

"Master knows that he came here to find a glimmer of hope, but now he has no chance." Lu Qingshan said, as if he thought of something and added.

"The existence of the second Shinto pillar is a secret. Even if you can't use it, don't let anyone know."

Ye Wuyou nodded lightly, hesitant, but finally revealed the secret.

"What he mastered is backtracking."

Lu Qingshan was silent for a while, wanting to ask, but finally smiled lightly and didn't ask Ye Wuyou why he knew it.

"Is that so? No wonder Master couldn't deduce his future, but was disrupted by himself."

Deducing a person's future...

Lu Qingshan's Tianyan has reached this level?

After a while, Ye Wuyou turned and left.

Lu Qingshan did not go back, but wandered aimlessly in the imperial city with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and no one stopped him.

The Golden Palace was still magnificent and shining under the light of dusk.

He stepped up, but stopped for no reason.

As if he had a feeling, he felt that he needed to deduce something.

Lu Qingshan stretched out his hand, and the method of Tianyan was performed. The black man kowtowed six times, the sixth level of Tianyan.

No one knows why this method can be cultivated to the sixth level.

The background of 530,000 kowtows, but the picture is still blurry at this moment.

After a little silence, Lu Qingshan's eyes were stern, and the black man kowtowed for the seventh time with trembling.

The picture finally became clear.

When is this?

Still in this imperial city, still on this wide step.

The starry sky is full of stars, and I am standing here.

On the square in front of the palace, there were corpses everywhere, and everything was lifeless.

And among the corpses, there was only one person walking alone.

The figure was covered in blood and holding a long knife, but his steps were always slow and his eyes were full of compassion.

The man's face was blurred, as if there were two faces constantly changing. It was impossible to tell who it was, but it was inexplicably familiar.

Lu Qingshan was stunned.

The self in the picture did not make any movements, but just watched the other person step on the blood mark step by step, and finally walked in front of him and stood side by side with him.

Then, he finally turned his head and saw the pair of compassionate and indifferent eyes, and the extremely familiar face.

Ye Wuyou!


Lu Qingshan wanted to continue to deduce, but the Tianyan that had always been successful seemed to have failed at this moment. The sixth level of Tianyan could see the secrets of heaven, but could not deduce anything else.


Bai Lu was sitting in the yard at this moment, with one hand on his chin and the other holding a green pear, and took a bite hard.

But Bai Lu's eyes did not look at her hands, but instead stared at the branch beside her.

That... maybe it was a turtle dove?


Bai Lu opened her mouth, her silver teeth slightly exposed, and then she bit the pear fiercely.

Then perhaps she thought of something, and the charming girl smiled cunningly while sitting on the chair.

As Bai Lu said before, it only takes time for her practice to return to normal.

Ye Wuyou's figure came over, and perhaps because his steps were a little too big, he disturbed the cuckoo bird on the tree, and the bird flapped its wings and flew away.

Bai Lu then retracted her gaze, still chewing the pear flesh in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, and three fox tails were swaying gently behind her.

Ye Wuyou looked at her with amusement, her eyes were focused on the other person, curious, and she didn't say anything.

Bai Lu slowly ate the green pear in her hand, and then spoke with a strange look in her eyes.

"Are you dumb?"

"No... just this."

Ye Wuyou stretched out his hand, originally wanting to touch it, but thinking of the previous experience, he finally just pointed.

There are two white and red, furry fox ears there.

There were no such ears before.

It seems that seeing Ye Wuyou's strange look, Bai Lu said nothing, and the two fox ears instantly retracted and disappeared.

"Why are you retracting them?" Ye Wuyou was curious.

"I am happy." Bai Lu raised her eyebrows, her expression full of joy.

Ye Wuyou scratched his head, perhaps because the two of them were getting familiar with each other, this little fox completely lost his awe of himself.

"Tomorrow Luohe, are you going? If you go, I'll take you with me."

Bai Lu looked a little surprised, "This is the Imperial City."

"What's wrong with the Imperial City? Don't think of yourself as a demon. You are auspicious."

Bai Lu was speechless. The word "auspicious" sounded strangely nice...

Thinking about it, the two fox ears stood up restlessly again.

A hand reached up.

A fox tail wrapped around the hand and then moved it away casually.

Then the hand reached up again.

Bai Lu now rested her chin, her eyes slightly narrowed.

She suddenly said, "You are quite... How do humans say it, a gentleman?"

"Why do you say that?"

Bai Lu shook her head gently and said nothing.

But what she was thinking was clearly conveyed to Ye Wuyou's heart.

Ah, that time in the bath?

At that time, she was really like Liu Xiahui who could remain calm even when a woman was in her arms.

[Ye Wuyou, when are you going to practice dual cultivation?]

[Today, today! 】

Ye Wuyou felt that he was probably influenced by the narration. After a moment of silence, he spoke slowly with a firm tone.

"A gentleman... A gentleman hides his ability and waits for the right time to act."

Bai Lu's education level is not high.

"What do you mean?" She was very confused between her eyebrows.

But she soon knew.

Ye Wuyou had picked her up without knowing when, walked into the room, closed the door, blew out the lights, and drew the curtains.

Teaching by example is obviously more touching than writing, and it is more memorable.

Reeds are lush, and white dew turns to frost.

Reeds are dense, and white dew is slightly refreshing.

Reeds are harvested, and white dew has not yet dried.

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