My practice narration is weird

Chapter 154 Direct Explosion

"The earth contains all things, the sky hangs down its images, materials are taken from the earth, and laws are taken from the sky. This is to respect the heaven and be close to the earth."

An old man on the stage was talking nonchalantly, as if he was telling something about Luohe.

Bailu was hidden in his arms, and Ye Wuyou listened to a general idea. The general idea was that Luo Shui flows out from the Great Yan earth veins, and once every ten years, it blesses the people of Great Yan, and so on...

The words spoken by the narrator are more detailed in a sense.

[Shit, listen to this old guy’s nonsense! Immediately ran up to him and gave him a slap. If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense]

[If tens of thousands of years ago, this broken river might have been barely considered a paradise, but now it is just a place full of waste]

[The Luoshen is gone, does it deserve to be called Luohe? 】

[Ah ah ah, I can't stand it anymore. You will slaughter all the practitioners here immediately and throw their bodies into this place. You can also call out some spirituality of Luo He during his lifetime, and you can barely step into it.]

[It just so happens that this place is the Imperial Capital, the earthly emperor is above, and it happens that the stinking rotten scholar is also here, you just give them the whole job]

[Suddenly, a madman sharpens his sword at night, and the emperor's star flutters high in the sky - all things are born to nourish people, and people have nothing to repay the sky - the incense formation soaring to the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the whole city is covered with golden armor! 】

Ahhhh, I can't stand it anymore, shut up!

Ye Wuyou hugged his head and closed his eyes, thinking about something in his mind.

But what he saw now was beyond his expectation.

Luohe River is not a river, and Luoshui River is not water.

White mist is like smoke, floating out from the ground in strands, and then flowing forward along the unique channel opened by the royal family.

If you were far away, at first glance you would think it was a river exuding a white aura, but this river was entirely made of mist.

The Luo River is not just in this place, but is a source inside the imperial city. The Luo River first emerged from here, and then followed the opened channels to surround Tai'an, the capital, for three days, one day, or even half a month, but No one knows exactly how long it will take.

During this period, of course not everyone could enter the Imperial City. Except for a small number of people, most practitioners, even if they reached the Three Realms, could only comprehend on their own outside the city or other places along the Luohe River.

It was also the first time that Ye Wuyou knew that there were so many three realms...

Of course, not all three-level Yaoguangs like Zhou Xuanyuan or Fang Ning, Lu Caiwei, and those under thirty years old can only count about a hundred people at a glance?

There are also many people in the Three Realms who are sixty or eighty years old.

He even saw with his own eyes a trembling man of over a hundred years old, who had to be supported when walking, walking into the long river of mist.

The old man is also in the third realm.

It's also... The Yaoguang of the third realm can only live for three decades at most, but if you step into the great supernatural power of the middle and third realms, you can live as long as five hundred years even if you stop at the fourth realm in your life.

Some people have less, three hundred years, and some have more, five hundred years.

Years of hard work, even if you master the soul, are no exception.

It is said that Xia Anmeng once reached the seventh realm, and the lifespan of the upper three realms seems to be different.

Ye Wuyou looked around, first at Lu Caiwei who was standing there alone in a daze, and suddenly looked up somewhere with a feeling.

Lu Qingshan always looked at himself.

No, Master, Master, there are so many female practitioners here who don’t care, why do they keep looking at me?

The narrator's voice came slowly.

【He is afraid of you...】

Ye Wuyou looked stunned and frowned, but then suddenly turned into a helpless smile.

Afraid of me?

Indeed, whenever he fights with Lu Qingshan, he can't kneel down and beg me not to die, right?

Sweeping away the distracting thoughts, Ye Wuyou stepped into Luo "River"

If he hadn't already known about it, and there were so many practitioners with him at the same time, Ye Wuyou would not have dared to set foot in the Luohe River at will.

The reason is very simple. The description is very exciting. Before death, practitioners of great supernatural powers can leave a touch of charm and integrate it into the earth for future generations to understand.

Putting aside the so-called provision for future generations to understand... This is not very auspicious no matter how you think about it, right?

[You suddenly realize what the taboos are here, but it’s a pity that people in the world are ignorant and fail to understand]

At this moment, Ye Wuyou had already stepped into the so-called Luohe River.

I heard from the old man that the moment you step into Luohe, there will be a small illusion of confusion.

People with unstable minds will be screened out here.

Sure enough, the centenary old man Ye Wuyou almost watched him being carried in and then sent out.

"Suyi, why, why did you leave me!" An old face was filled with tears at the moment, and he shouted incoherently.

Ye Wuyou was a little confused. Could this illusion really be able to deal with people?

In my short years of practice, I have verified the worthlessness of illusions countless times...

The next second, Ye Wuyou was also pulled into the illusion.

The red lanterns are decorated with bright colors, and the lanterns are hung high, casting soft light...

Ye Wuyou wore a bright red brocade robe and looked at the luxurious banquet hall ahead.

Um? Why is this illusion the way it was when I got married?

It doesn't matter, no illusion can stop me.

Just as Ye Wuyou was about to break the illusion at will, the next moment, a voice came.

"The bride has arrived..."

Although he was wearing a red hijab among the eight-carriage sedan, Ye Wuyou could tell who that person was at a glance.

Lu Caiwei?


It doesn't matter, a mere illusion can't stop me.

"The second bride has arrived..."

Bai Lu's figure walked in.

[It’s sad that I want to disturb your mind with an illusion. You chuckle and want to escape from this illusion]

Ye Wuyou waved, don't worry, wait a moment.

The crowd moved and Lu Qingshan walked in, startling Ye Wuyou.

Fortunately, my master is only here to send congratulatory gifts.

"Spring peach, summer pear, autumn melon, winter jujube..."

Ye Wuyou blinked, okay, this illusion can only be seen here, the bridal chamber is impossible.

Lu Caiwei on the side suddenly pulled his sleeve.

"I, I have a dowry..."

The woman with the fiery red moon walked in. Ye Wuyou took a closer look and saw that it was Xia Anmeng.


The next moment, Xia Anmeng kicked him on the head.

"Two little bastards, why don't you wake up!"

Ye Wuyou woke up leisurely, and his eyes were still filled with white.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his face, feeling that the last scene was a bit strange and inexplicably real.

At the same time, the little fox in his arms opened his eyes. The fox's mouth opened and opened, speaking human words.

"Why am I second?"

"Who is that person?"

Ye Wuyou was stunned.

Separated by white mist, everyone seemed to be sitting very close to each other, but they felt far apart from each other.

Xia Anmeng's voice sounded in Lu Caiwei's mind.

"Stop your unwarranted daydreams. I'm telling you, although Luohe is generally safe, you have to remember a few things."

"First point, if you encounter someone who is the same as you during your enlightenment, then leave immediately, even if you don't want to have this enlightenment."

Ye Wuyou closed his eyes and his mind sank gently. As a Yaoguang of the Three Realms, he could already explore his soul for the first time.

No one can explain the mystery of Luohe.

But most of the time, the mind will feel that it has come to another place. Here, you will meet many dead practitioners of great supernatural powers. They have no consciousness, but they can use the magic of the soul, but they are not half powerful at all.

And the longer you stay in Luohe, the soul seems to be tempered.

But this is only effective for those in the middle three realms.

Ye Wuyou opened his eyes.

Standing in front of him was a figure who looked exactly like him, his face almost touching his.

[The taboo here is...]

"Fuck you, uncle! Just explode!"

Ye Wuyou threw out a punch and hit the man in front of him hard on the face.

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