My practice narration is weird

Chapter 174 Lu Caiwei, what's the point of me lying to a fool?

Boom boom.

The already broken ground suddenly had a deep gully.

Accompanied by the clear and lingering sound of the sword, a figure fell into the bamboo forest in the distance as if it had been hit hard.

The next moment, it seemed that only one-armed figure was left and flew up and hung in the air.

The sword light came again like a meteor.

With the sound of broken wind, it was extremely sharp.

It was the familiar two-stage killing move of Canglong coming out of the water and connecting the sword to the wind and thunder.

The fastest sword plus the most violent killing move supernatural power.

The two figures intersected in the air, and the blades and blades in their hands collided in an instant, and the killing move was easily taken.

The aura was vigorous, and the almost identical sword to the wind and thunder suddenly rose in the air.


Lu Caiwei had a strong doubt in her heart.

Why did he know the change of my sword!

And why can he perform the same sword move supernatural power as me?

Although it looked different, the touch of the magical moves was exactly the same as his own sword moves.

Ye Wuyou still had a faint smile on his face.

He exerted force in his hand and gently pressed the sword blade down a little.

Ye Wuyou's figure got closer to the familiar face, and his loose hair was blown by the aura and flew wildly.

The calm words seemed to have a little more teasing.

"Lu Caiwei, do you really think you can beat me?"

The next moment.

The aura dissipated in an instant, no, it was not the aura that dissipated.

But the sword wind and thunder that Ye Wuyou used was easily disintegrated.

The figure was stunned, and then it was suddenly smashed into the ground by a huge force.

The girl's figure was still standing high in the air.

A glimpse of illusory sword shadow seemed to be mixed with the phantom of the sun and the moon, and it flashed behind the woman.

She closed her eyes gently, as if she was brewing something.

Lu Caiwei's Qi became stronger and stronger, and had already surpassed the fourth realm.

Ye Wuyou lay on the soft ground in the bamboo forest, quietly watching Lu Caiwei getting stronger with the help of Xia Anmeng.

There was no sadness or joy in his eyes, and he silently pondered the scene just now.

What was that?

A new magical move? Or her Dharma image.

Lu Caiwei opened her eyes, and the long sword in her hand suddenly made a loud sword sound. Under the bright moonlight, the sword light poured down like the Milky Way.

Ye Wuyou did not dodge, and the scarlet light in his right eye flickered gently.

The pouring Milky Way suddenly paused.

The girl's figure suddenly stiffened for a moment, and in her eyes, the dead Ye Wuyou appeared.

The condensed sword intent and Qi began to waver with the waves in her heart.

However, in a moment, she realized that all this was fake, an illusion.

But this moment of hesitation, in a real battle, is often the difference between life and death.

The next moment.

The figure lying on the ground had disappeared.

Ye Wuyou slowly walked to the stone wall on the side, raised his head, and looked at the pretty face with hatred and unwillingness with calm eyes.

The long sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

As before, the invisible ghost hand bound Lu Caiwei tightly, and spread his hands and pressed them tightly against the wall.

Under the moonlight, the girl's figure was more graceful, and her long hair gently floated up and down with the breeze at night, covering half of her cheeks, and her chest rose and fell with her rapid breathing.

Lu Caiwei lowered her head slightly at this moment, gritting her teeth, as if she was endlessly unwilling.

The moment of hesitation just now, the result was already a foregone conclusion.

Before Ye Wuyou spoke, he heard the girl's words with strong hatred at this moment.

"Humble... despicable man, kill you."

Ye Wuyou raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

"Lu Caiwei, I'm actually very happy to see you abandon your life and death to avenge 'Ye Wuyou'."

"Wu Wu Wu, you shameless bastard!"

"But you're really too stupid. Although you can't see it, I don't blame you, but can't you even notice a little abnormality?"

"Bastard... bastard! If you want, kill me!"

"You're really stupid. I'm obviously Ye Wuyou, Lu Caiwei, you're so stupid, how can I lie to you in the future?"

The girl's eyes slid down tears, and she trembled with hatred and pain.

"You... this scumbag, you're not him, Ye Ye Ye Wuyou, never lie to me!"

Even Ye Wuyou, whose "self" has already stood above all living beings, was silent for a moment.

This time, he really couldn't bear it.

Although all living beings are like ants in Ye Wuyou's eyes at this moment, but——

How to say about lying...

It's really meaningless to lie to fools.


Ye Wuyou shook his head gently, and then looked at Lu Caiwei calmly.

The two looked at each other silently.

He stretched out his only remaining arm, and gently stroked the girl's delicate face with his blood-stained palm. He didn't care about the murderous intent and disgust in the other's eyes, but gently wiped away a few flowing crystal tears with his fingertips.

Then, his fingertips went down all the way, and there was blood on the palm of his hand that couldn't be wiped off before, but it left a touch of red on that beautiful face.

Ye Wuyou didn't care about the girl's expression, nor did he care about the stuttering insults.

His palm gently grasped the girl's jade neck.

Lu Caiwei's breathing became more and more rapid, and tears flowed down. When she really faced life and death, she felt not fear, but unwillingness to stop here.

The fingertips gently exerted force on the back of the neck, and a touch of energy penetrated. The next moment, the girl's eyes rolled up and her head drooped weakly.

The ghostly blue hand was retracted, and the girl's figure fell weakly. Ye Wuyou caught it and gently put it aside.

Lu Caiwei breathed evenly and fell asleep.

"How long are you going to pretend?" Ye Wuyou suddenly said.

Lu Caiwei, who had fallen into a coma, suddenly opened her eyes. There was no hatred and pain in her eyes, only calmness and fear.

This is Xia Anmeng.

"Who... are you?" Xia Anmeng asked.

She knew that the other party did not seem to show murderous intent at the moment.

It was precisely because of this that she did not use her full strength, because even if she risked her life, she might not be able to defeat the other party.

Ye Wuyou said calmly.

"If I say I am Ye Wuyou, do you believe it?"

"Impossible, he is already dead! Killed by you!"


Ye Wuyou could not deny it, and was unwilling to explain too much to Xia Anmeng.

He changed the subject, and a trace of reminiscence appeared in his eyes.

"I met a monk named Lianchi."

"Then I met a woman who called herself Honglian Tianzun."

"Who do you think that is?"

"Lu Caiwei", or Xia Anmeng at this moment, was stunned, and then showed a trace of disbelief.

She looked down and around, and dug her hands on the ground, her expression a little messy.

"She asked me to tell someone a message."

"She said that if that person still yearns for the Tao, she would let me tell you a message."

"I, Xia Anmeng, have been doing things all my life, why should I..."

The voice was interrupted by the woman's sharp scream.

"No, no, no, don't say it."

Ye Wuyou shook his head slightly and sighed helplessly.

"She also said that if that person has no intention of the Tao, it is better to let go of the obsession and raise children as soon as possible. After all, she is not young anymore, more than a thousand years old."

"By the way, she also said that there are not many young people as good as me."

It's a bit stuck, the capital city finally ended, and there is a big reversal, a very big one

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