My practice narration is weird

Chapter 175 Let me destroy it myself (3000)

Late at night.

The area sealed by the Tricky Door Coffin stretches for nearly a hundred miles. Not only Tai'an, but also the sky further away is now covered with a layer of black gauze.

The huge capital city has become a prison that can be entered but cannot be exited.

But even though they are banned, for many people, nothing has changed, and they have not even noticed any abnormalities.

This is only the first day.

A group of great practitioners of supernatural powers worked vigorously for a long time, but made no progress.

There was uneasiness in someone's eyes. Could it be that they were really locked up in this place?

Is there really no solution to the strange power?

Um? Wait, is there someone on the horizon?

With everyone's surprised eyes, a cloud boat did appear on the horizon, slowly approaching.

Yunzhou drove into the capital, into the imperial city, and entered the forbidden area.

who are they?

Why did they come in?

Don't they know this place has been banned?

But looking at them, they looked confident.

People looked at the group of cultivators who did not seem to be Great Yan with deep doubts, and thoughts continued in their hearts.

Several of them seemed to exude auras that were no worse than the master of the Sword Sect.

The old man from Daozong was silent for a while, then came forward to talk alone.

The words were extremely soft, but the look on the old man's face changed from solemn to surprised, and then to a faint hint of joy.

"Let's go, you can leave this place."

leave? Where to leave?

There were only two people in the group, but soon, they saw that the group of people took out something in their hands.

A bloody finger bone, the pale finger bone still covered with fresh and bright red blood.

The old man of Daozong stared closely at the finger bones, or in other words, at the blood on the finger bones.

Finger bones are weird things.

And that blood, is it really something strange?

They had prepared this, had they anticipated all this?

The leader was a man, with a graceful temperament and a kind-hearted smile.

"This is the [key]."

A gap appeared in the sky.

Some people hesitated, but more figures left immediately. In the end, the hesitant figures also put down all their worries.

The sect practitioners gradually left.

"Is Zhang Shixuan dead?"

"It should be, otherwise it wouldn't be out of control."

"Unfortunately, if it were Xu Qingyuan, this would not be the case."

Their eyes finally converged at a place below the imperial city.

Collapsed side hall, broken steps.

A middle-aged scribe sat there alone. He did not raise his head when facing everyone's gaze. Instead, he frowned and the look in his eyes flickered.

All the noise and movement around him seemed to have nothing to do with him, and he was completely unaware of it, as if he was immersed in something.

After a while, gentle words came from the air.

"Six realms of inner demon calamity..."


Lu Qingshan sat alone outside the hall for a long time.

Countless questions kept echoing in my mind, and it seemed that many things I had ignored were being remembered.

I don't know how long it took, but when the voice of calling came from beside me, Lu Qingshan came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Master Lu, Your Majesty is awake and calls you forward."

Lu Qingshan seemed not to hear clearly.

When the words were heard twice again, he responded softly and nodded.

Lu Qingshan slowly stood up from the steps. It was only then that he noticed that there seemed to be more figures in the sky.

Those people's eyes were staring at me closely, either curious or wary...

Lu Qingshan withdrew his gaze and walked towards the main hall, his eyes calm.

There are many guards standing there with solemn faces.

The medicinal aroma is strong and gradually pungent.

Lu Qingshan walked past them step by step until he came to the man.

In front of the hospital bed, Emperor Yuan's face was a little pale, but he still sat up at this moment, with bright eyes.

The injury on his chest was covered up, and when he put on his clothes, to outsiders, he didn't appear to be fatally injured.

The palace maids and guards on the side had already been pushed back at this moment.

There was silence in the hall for a moment, and then Emperor Yuan smiled and spoke.

"Senior brother, I found that Taoist elixirs are really good. If I hadn't known about them in advance, I wouldn't have felt how injured I was."

Only then did Lu Qingshan slightly raise his eyes, looking at the familiar face that was full of death but still radiant at this moment.

Li Yuan was dissatisfied with his senior brother's reaction and smiled proudly.

"Brother, I'm going to die."


After Li Yuan glanced briefly, he moved his eyes to the side and took a deep breath.

There was something careless about his words.

"Senior brother, it was me who actually killed senior sister in that war."

"The troops split into two groups. It's not your fault."

Emperor Yuan was silent for a while and said in a low voice.

"Yes, if we go together, no one can escape. If we separate, at least we can survive."

"But I mentioned it that way on purpose."

"Because I know my senior sister's temperament very well. She will not just watch me die."

Specializing in martial arts, the four realms' great supernatural powers had a much higher success rate in dividing their troops to escape encirclement than Emperor Yuan at that time.

But the fact is that a bright scorching sun suddenly appeared in the night sky that night.

Attracted countless eyes.

Emperor Yuan's breathing suddenly became panicked, and he did not dare to look at his senior brother's eyes.

But all he heard was Lu Qingshan's plain words coming from in front of him.

"Well, I knew that a long time ago."

A few moments.


His voice was calm, as if he didn't care.

Li Yuan's eyes were slightly startled, but in the end he didn't mention this again. He raised his eyes slightly and glanced outside the hall.

He stood up.

Just like the exact same words just now.

"Brother, I'm going to die."


"Brother, please leave."

There was a hint of questioning in his voice.

"Leave?" Lu Qingshan smiled.

"Where to go?"

Li Yuan responded.

"Except for Dayan, you can go anywhere."

"Why?" Lu Qingshan shook his head slightly, seeming a little confused.

Li Yuan took a deep breath, then stretched out his finger and pointed at himself, pointing at his pierced chest and the meridians that were already stained with blood.

He gritted his teeth and spoke in a low voice.

"Because I'm going to die! Senior brother!"

"Senior brother, what do you want me to say! I'm going to die, do you understand?"

"If I am still alive, I can naturally give it a try with you. All the difficulties in front of me are not difficulties. Whether it is the sect, the demon clan or the Daxuan, I don't care about these!"

"Because I know you, senior brother, I can trust you completely and let you do whatever you want. Now in the whole Great Yan, I am the only one who knows you best, Lu Qingshan!"

"Today's Great Flame was built by us. The worst result is nothing more than giving everything back. But even then, if I can experience all the magnificence, I won't be able to accept it!"

Li Yuan's voice gradually became louder, his breath fluctuated, and his pale face suddenly turned rosy.

But he still gritted his teeth, stared at Lu Qingshan with extremely serious eyes, and continued.

"But I'm going to die, and I won't be the one accompanying you."

"Besides me, who else understands you, and who else dares to completely believe everything you say and do it?"

"Are you relying on my useless sons?"

"Senior brother, do you believe it? After my child takes the throne, he will compromise with the sect because of the current demon clan, and may also compromise with Daxuan for other issues..."

"But this is actually right... because the king will not put the country on one person, senior brother, I am the only one who can do this."

Lu Qingshan couldn't comment, glanced outside the hall, and finally shook his head slightly.

"What did those people say to you?"

"Da Xuan? You came to me before, and it was still the same thing. You sent troops to deal with the demon clan for us, but you were asked to go to Da Xuan and return to the Lu family."

"They also made threats... haha."

As Li Yuan was talking, he suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly.

"I still refused."

Lu Qingshan nodded slightly, smiled and pointed outside the hall.

"I know, but someone seems to have agreed."

Li Yuan took a few steps forward with a confused expression, but when he saw the silver light under the moonlight outside the hall through the screen, his expression suddenly changed.

The sickly redness and paleness kept appearing on his face.

He vaguely saw the figure of his child Li Zhi.

Li Zhi, his son, the prince, the future...

Yes, he is already in a certain death situation.

The Emperor Yuan, who managed to stand up from his bed, suddenly felt dizzy.

Stupid, unreachable.

He originally thought that the worst outcome would be to benefit the sect.

The sect and the court... are like a pot of porridge. Even if the porridge is cooked to pieces, it will rot in your own home.

But Daxuan is an outsider!

His own blood, flesh and blood, the Great Flame he built with his own hands, and his senior brother Lu Qingshan along the way.

Several options kept emerging in his mind, and Li Yuan stood there with blank eyes.

Lu Qingshan didn't say anything more, turned around and walked out.

But then, he was pulled.

He turned around and looked at his junior brother who was sitting on the ground and holding his arm tightly.

The latter gritted his teeth and shook his head slowly.

"Senior brother, please leave Dayan."

This time, the words were exhortations.

Lu Qingshan was silent for a while and slowly looked away from Li Yuan.

He looked at the illusory figure that was always standing beside him.

Then, he smiled and shook his head slowly.

Li Yuan's eyes trembled, and finally he said slowly.

"Senior brother, leave Dayan!"

The voice was pleading!

Seeing that Lu Qingshan was silent, Li Yuan thought for a while and whispered.

"Senior brother, you know, thirty years ago, when we walked into this imperial city together and stood on the city wall and really looked at the world, that was the happiest time in my life."

"Senior brother, you must have been very happy at that time. You said you wanted to develop your ambitions, so you took me to talk for three days and three nights, and formulated a series of policies and plans."

"Get out of here. Now that I'm here, before things get worse, I go outside and tell them it's going to be okay."

Lu Qingshan lowered his eyes slightly, his gaze was extremely calm, without any disturbance.

He held the other person's hand on his body and said softly.

"Li Yuan, let me tell you."

"You might think that the happiest moment in my life was when I entered this imperial city and established what I am today."

"But it's not."

Li Yuan's rapid breathing suddenly stopped, and his drooped head suddenly raised, looking at Lu Qingshan strangely.

The latter spoke calmly at this moment, with memories in his eyes.

"When the three of us practiced together in that narrow courtyard, that was when I was happiest."

Li Yuan was silent for a moment and said in a hoarse voice.

"That Da Yan..."

Lu Qingshan gently closed his eyes and opened them again, slapped Li Yuan's arm away, and looked directly into his eyes.

"I suddenly felt..."

"I have never been happy in Da Yan."

Li Yuan's hand, which was about to be extended again, suddenly stopped.

His trembling eyes showed disbelief and suspicion at this moment, strangeness, doubt, and fear.

Lu Qingshan gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, turned around, and looked outside the hall.

"I am in the sixth realm."

His voice was very leisurely.

Li Yuan's body was trembling at this moment, and he couldn't hear anything. He didn't care whether the other party was in the sixth realm or what Lu Qingshan was like.

He just got up from the ground, staggered to his feet, and roared at the back of the figure that was going away with a trembling voice.

"This is the Da Yan we built with our own hands!"

Lu Qingshan paused.

The voice came with the bright moonlight.

"In that case, let me destroy it with my own hands."

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