My practice narration is weird

Chapter 176 The mountains remain green, the water flows forever, see you later (5000 words))

Chapter 176 The green mountains will not change, the green waters will flow forever, we will meet later... (5000 words))

Ye Wuyou, who was about to say something to Xia Anmeng, suddenly raised his head.

As if aware of something, he looked towards the sky in the distance.

There is obviously nothing there.

After a while, he finally moved his steps and walked towards the imperial city, somewhere.

Xia Anmeng's doubtful words and questions came from behind.

"Who...are you?"

no answer.

Only the man's pace is getting faster and faster.


The black curtain covering the sky disappeared at some point.

The originally quiet sky was revealed.

The starry night fills the sky.

The moon is bright and clear.

Lu Qingshan stood outside the hall, and at some point there was a small black box in his hand, which exuded a strange aura.

It was quiet, quiet.

Quiet to the point of death.

His eyes stared at the sky blankly, and then slowly lowered their eyes.

He looked in front of him.

Lu Qingshan suddenly thought of something, and there was a daze in his eyes.

That’s how it turns out…

Is this what Tian Yan saw?

It's still in front of the glorious palace, still on the wide steps.

I am standing here.

On the square in front of the palace, there were corpses everywhere, and everything was lifeless.

The man who came from Daxuan and had a graceful temperament also fell among the corpses, his face showing unbelievable horror.

Ye Wuyou didn't do all this.

But I did it myself.

Click, click...

The sound of muddy footsteps came bit by bit from outside the huge square in front of the temple.

The moonlight illuminated the figure.

He was covered in blood and held a long knife, but his steps were always unhurried and his eyes showed compassion.

At this moment, in Lu Qingshan's eyes, the man's face was blurry, as if there were two faces constantly changing.

Lu Qingshan looked stunned.

But in the end, he still clearly saw that familiar face.

Ye Wuyou stood in the center of the square, stepping over corpses step by step, his expression always calm.

All living beings have no appearance, so how can all living beings be more important to me?

At this moment, he didn't feel much about this scene.

But when he walked in front of Lu Qingshan, his footsteps finally stopped lightly.

The pair of eyes full of compassion narrowed slightly at this moment, looking past Lu Qingshan and looking behind him.

There, the original black illusory figure symbolizing [Death] was no longer there.

Just one more... rotting corpse.

And a book that emerged from the original illusion.

Ye Wuyou finally stepped onto the steps gently and stood beside Lu Qingshan, his eyes silently looking at the rotting corpse.

That corpse looked familiar.

Even though it's decayed, even though it doesn't fit the whole picture, even though it's been dead for a long time...

But that corpse was Lu Qingshan.

It was the younger Lu Qingshan.

His eyes, which had always been calm, were filled with waves at this moment.

The "perfect" state of mind derived from the absence of all living beings seems to be on the verge of being broken.

After a while, Ye Wuyou looked at Lu Qingshan beside him.

His voice came with confusion.

"What's this?"

Lu Qingshan lowered his eyes slightly, but after hearing Ye Wuyou's words, he finally smiled softly.

Then, he seemed a little tired and sat down, leaning on the wide steps.

"Wuyou, I told you before that there are two Shinto pillars in Dayan."

Ye Wuyou was silent.

Shinto art - clone.

Lu Qingshan's words came again.

"This is a clone derived from Shinto magic."

"Is he a clone?" Ye Wuyou asked.

Lu Qingshan shook his head slightly, with a smile on his lips.

"No, I am the clone."

Ye Wuyou's mood finally showed a slight change.

He turned his head and scanned Lu Qingshan carefully from top to bottom.

Lu Qingshan didn't care about Ye Wuyou's gaze, but his words were slightly tired.

"Wouyou... maybe you are right."

"I once asked you if you are willing to accept another version of yourself that is exactly the same as you. He has exactly the same memory, appearance, realm, everything, everything is the same as you."

"You... seemed unable to accept it at the time."

"Now I seem to understand a little bit more."

Ye Wuyou said.

"Did you always know that you were just a clone?"

"Yeah, I always knew."

Lu Qingshan responded, then smiled softly.

"There is an interesting story, Wuyou, don't you often ask me why you always read those shameful books?"

"Actually, I didn't read them before. In other words, my true form never looked at those imperial uncles. I even hated them so much that I only read the books of sages."

Lu Qingshan's smile gradually grew stronger as he spoke.

"But as a teacher, I think it looks pretty good."

Ye Wuyou opened his mouth, but ultimately couldn't speak.

The female general he met in Luohe told him that Lu Qingshan never read those books.

People will become...

After a while, Ye Wuyou asked.

"Why is this? Your body is strange and the remains of the great road?"

Lu Qingshan shook his head and explained in a calm tone.

"Wuyou, my master told you before that [Death] only gave me seven chances. Every time I use this power, I will take out one-seventh of my life."

"At that time, all seven opportunities were used up. That was my true form."

"But at that time, Great Yan had not stopped fighting yet..."

"My main body thought of a way, haha, it was really audacious, but it was really successful."

"He used Shinto magic to separate me, and then before he was completely eroded, he made another contract with me in some way."

"Maybe it's the contract, or maybe it's my own obsession that keeps him by my side. I don't have weirdness, but I'm connected to him. The final result is that he bears all the erosion of [death], and I... …You can use this power without limit.”

Ye Wuyou was silent and chuckled a few times.

"what is this?"

"My teacher doesn't know either." Lu Qingshan shook his head slightly. Obviously, he didn't understand the logic.

This was just his first attempt before it was completely eroded, but he succeeded in the end.

Ye Wuyou's calm eyes showed thoughts.

Is it obsession or a so-called contract?

Buying and selling does not break leasing?

Ye Wuyou shook his head and looked at Lu Qingshan.

"Then what's your situation now?"

Lu Qingshan turned around, glanced at "his" body, and said calmly.

"Maybe I deviated from [my] original intention."

"What's the original intention?"

"Great inflammation."

Lu Qingshan said lightly, then turned around with difficulty and looked at "his" face that had fallen to the ground and had decayed.

"My teacher said that when I was young, I was arrogant and arrogant. At that time, I was high-spirited and had only one goal in my heart."

"That is to build an ideal country with your own hands. Dayan is regarded as the most cherished existence by me."

"I inherited all my memories, my ideals, my goals, and I fulfilled my ambitions."

“I’ve always thought that I am who I am.”

There was a pause in the words.

"But in the following years, more than thirty years, I found that everything has changed."

"Perhaps the Shinto magic clone is exactly the same as myself. I am me. Whether it is the main body or the clone, it is Lu Qingshan."

"My cultivation realm has always stayed at the fifth realm and has stopped moving forward."

"I don't dare to break through the six realms, because the six realms are plagued by inner demons."

"Because that day, when I tried to break through for the first time, I discovered that my inner demon... was Great Flame."

Is this the origin of that sentence?

Is Dayan...important to me?

"At that moment, I suddenly felt that I had just inherited an empty shell of memories and ideals." Lu Qingshan said slowly.

Ye Wuyou was silent for a while and said slowly.

"Lu Qingshan, you are in the sixth realm."

Lu Qingshan chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm in the sixth realm, but it turns out I made the wrong choice."

"Because of this, my obsession has dissipated, the contract is useless, and [Death] has left me."

Lu Qingshan looked up at Ye Wuyou at this moment.

The gray and doubtful eyes met the eyes that were neither sad nor happy.

"Wouyou, tell me, are 'me' and I really the same?"

"Should I really be Lu Qingshan?"

Ye Wuyou looked at Lu Qingshan and then at the corpse on the ground.

He replied calmly.

"I only know that you are my master."

Lu Qingshan pointed to his body lying on the ground and asked.

"What about him?"

Ye Wuyou shook his head firmly, "He's not."

The doubts in Lu Qingshan's eyes seemed to be slightly lessened.

Ye Wuyou thought for a while and said softly.

"People change."

"Lu Qingshan, at the age of twenty you are high-spirited and your ideal and goal is to build your own ideal country. This is you."

"But you've already done it. Decades from now, will your goals and ideals still be the same as they were then?"

The doubts in Lu Qingshan's eyes solidified slightly.

After a while, accompanied by clear laughter, it gradually dissipated.

He got it.

He is himself, he is Lu Qingshan.

People change.

The achievement of one goal will lead to the next goal and ideal.

There was nothing wrong with my past self.

There is nothing wrong with me now.

But the obsession from more than thirty years ago turned into this contract and into a powerful and strange [death], which has always firmly bound me.

"Who said you don't have to pay the price for being weird?" Lu Qingshan chuckled.

This obsession that comes from the past is like a shackle, preventing you from deviating even a little in the future.

No changes can be made.

This is the price.

Lu Qingshan leaned on the steps, and Ye Wuyou stood aside.

The night wind came and blew up the bloody ground.

Lu Qingshan's eyes were a little dazed and dazed.

"I still did something wrong."

Ye Wuyou wrote lightly.

"Their intention was to forcefully take possession of your possessions, right?"


"What's wrong with that? Lu Qingshan, do you think you are a good person?"

Lu Qingshan frowned and hummed.

"Isn't it?"

"Really? Shouldn't you say at this time that you killed more people than I ate?" Ye Wuyou retorted.

Lu Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then bent down, with a smile that could no longer be concealed at the corner of his mouth.

In front of the bloody hall, two clear and cheerful laughter came.

After a while, the laughter stopped.

Lu Qingshan looked at Ye Wuyou. In his sight at this moment, Ye Wuyou's face was very clear.

It was the original Ye Wuyou.

He spoke softly.

"Wouyou, my teacher is going to die."


Ye Wuyou clearly knew that he was affected by [Identity Replacement].

Weirdness has no solution.

When the world has only life and death, the wreckage of the avenue seems to give way.

Only then can we realize this.

Then, Ye Wuyou asked as if he was unwilling to give up.

"You didn't suffer any strange erosion, why did you die?"

Lu Qingshan did not speak, but picked up the book that fell on the ground from behind.

The book is densely packed with names.

This is a book that can grant [Death].

There is no difference in killing methods, regardless of any realm.

But now, with [Death] gone, this is just an ordinary book.

Lu Qingshan turned the book to the last page.

His eyes were calm and gentle, and his fingertips lightly brushed the names on the page.

There are only three words on it.

Lu Qingshan.

Plain words came.

"Actually, I died a long time ago, but I survived through 'myself' behind me, through [death]."

"After seven opportunities are used up, [Death] will record the holder's name. This is the final price."

So, is this the origin of that sentence?

It’s just a dying body of the Great Dao...

Ye Wuyou was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the book directly.

Tear, tear...

His eyes were always calm, but his hands tore it apart bit by bit.

With only one arm left, he grabbed it with one hand and bit it with his teeth with the other.

Broken pages scattered all over the sky.

Lu Qingshan shook his head slightly and smiled.

"It doesn't have to be like this, Wuyou, you are very calm now, which is good."

Ye Wuyou frowned, discarded the last page of the book, pointed at his chest with his right hand, and said calmly.

"No, I'm very sad here."

He pointed to his head again.

"I'm very lucky that I'm as cool as I am now. I'm sad, but I don't seem to be too sad."

Lu Qingshan blinked, he didn't seem to understand.

He gently took out two items and handed them to Ye Wuyou.

A long, dark, small box - a treacherous door coffin.

An ever-changing human face - thousands of faces.

"Wouyou, you seem to have a second weird one on your body... It will be useless in this case, but this [Sly Door Coffin] can be used once, but whether it is to imprison you or the others, or to imprison it together , it depends on your luck.”

Lu Qingshan smiled, "By the way, I used ban on these two weirdnesses and imprinted them on them. You should learn from them."

Ye Wuyou put away the two weirdos silently.

Lu Qingshan was still chattering, but his voice became weaker and weaker.

"Wuyou, you will go out to the Great Fire for me later. Don't keep my body. Send me back to the Lu family and bury me with my mother."

Ye Wuyou was silent for a while.

Lu Qingshan seemed to know what he was thinking, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not a good person. Some people like Daxuan are worried about [death] in me, so I just sent them to experience it with their own eyes. I'll go down and say hello to the ancestor of the Lu family in a while."

Ye Wuyou was stunned for a while.

"Master, I have counted you several times before. Although it is extremely vague, your destiny is extremely mixed. If I say that the first time I met you, your destiny was only slightly more than ordinary people, but now, it is Countless threads are intertwined, far more than ordinary people, this is very abnormal. "


Lu Qingshan's eyes suddenly shone with light, he sat up straight and spoke in a gentle voice.

"If you encounter a life-or-death crisis that cannot be solved, you can go to Tianlan City and stay there. I will try to figure it out for you and you will be able to turn around."

"If you encounter a problem that is difficult to solve, go to Tianji Building. The owner of the building owes me a visit. He knows a lot."

"If... there are still things that cannot be solved, go to Dao Zong. You can believe in Dao Zong, but don't believe everything."

Ye Wuyou looked at Lu Qingshan with something strange in his eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Qingshan asked.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were calm, as if he had thought of something.

"I'm thinking, your body has come up with such a backup plan. How can you not have any backup plan without any improvement in your brain over the past few decades?"

Lu Qingshan's eyes were slightly startled, then he chuckled and shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe there is, maybe there isn't."

Then, Lu Qingshan's eyes flashed.

"Wuyou, kill me."

Ye Wuyou frowned, but Lu Qingshan's words came again.

"Aren't you always wondering how to practice the method of Tianyan to reach a higher level?"

"As a teacher, I have also had this thought. Do you want to spend your whole life doing nothing but watching villains kowtow? Haha, I can't finish kowtowing like this in ten lifetimes."

"It was only later that I discovered that apart from ordinary deductions, if you could deduce the fate of destiny and change it...then the improvement would be huge."

"Other than that, it is the inheritance. My Tianyan was also passed down to me by my master. I killed him with my own hands."

"Kill me, and my Tianyan will be yours."

"As for the strange influence you have suffered and your identity has been changed, this is not very difficult."

"Since you have been affected by that strangeness, then the Seventh Layer of Heavenly Derivation is enough to help you deduce the location of that strangeness. Once you find it, there will be a way."

Ye Wuyou's eyes finally changed from calm to stunned. He stretched out his hand, but it just hung there.

Crack, crack...

He seemed to hear a sound of something breaking.

All beings are equal below me.

The state of mind collapsed in an instant.

The sadness and joy in his eyes gradually dissipated at this moment.

It seemed that for the first time, Ye Wuyou did not fall into a coma, but was awake and changed from the formlessness of all beings to ordinary.

[Killing the master to prove the truth, today! 】

The voice of the narrator just sounded.

But the next moment.

The second level of "The Formless Heart Sutra", all beings are formless.

He took the initiative to pursue again, trying to enter the formlessness, but not risking his life, but to escape.

The expression in his eyes was once again neither sad nor happy, and unusually calm.

Ye Wuyou's hand finally rested on Lu Qingshan's hair that had turned pale.

A line of tears flowed from his left eye, but his face was unusually calm. All living beings are just ants, and life and death are just a moment.

"Master, I will send you on your way." Ye Wuyou said lightly.

Lu Qingshan finally smiled and closed his eyes gently.

The aura of the Six Realms of Heavenly Power was revealed for the last time, and the aura was overflowing, but it climbed up little by little, as if a person vowed to climb the highest mountain.

The clear laughter was accompanied by the sound of the wind, the moonlight, and the bloody breath.

"It doesn't matter, the green mountains remain unchanged, and the green waters flow forever."

"We will meet again later..."

A touch of aura suddenly appeared.

The voice stopped abruptly, and the aura gradually dissipated.

Ye Wuyou withdrew his hand, his eyes were calm, and he stood outside the hall with his hands behind his back.

"There will be a deadline." He said lightly.

Today, there is no

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