My practice narration is weird

Chapter 205 Rules of Identity

What happened!

Ye Wuyou pushed everyone away and jumped out.

He jumped down the steps of the mountain road of Zizhu Peak in a few steps, but paused for a moment somewhere.

It was still a familiar place, and the voice was still familiar, but a man with a different face was being intimate with the woman he saw yesterday.

If Ye Wuyou was dismissive yesterday.

Now, he pulled the two people out from the side, ignoring their frightened faces, and asked sternly.

"Where is the person from yesterday? Where is the person from yesterday!"

A man and a woman were disheveled, with a look of fear and confusion, and answered in a panic.

"Third Elder, what are you talking about? What person from yesterday?"

So I am the Third Elder?


Ye Wuyou covered his forehead with one hand, then pointed at the woman alone and asked.

"I saw you in this bamboo forest yesterday... Where is the man with you?"

The female disciple looked confused, "Elder, what are you talking about... I didn't do those things."

At this time, the male disciple looked fierce and knelt down directly.

"Elder, if you want to punish me, punish me, it was me yesterday! I was possessed by the devil."

Ye Wuyou immediately refuted.

"No, that person yesterday was not you!"

The male disciple was stunned, but after looking at Ye Wuyou's determined face, he looked at the woman next to him.

The male disciple's expression gradually changed.

"Okay, you actually had a tryst with others behind my back! Isn't three times a day enough! You witch, bitch!"

After saying that, he slapped her with a palm, but then a regretful face appeared.

The woman staggered slightly, slowly raised her head, and looked at her childhood sweetheart with eyes full of resentment.

"We are over!"

The male disciple looked at a loss, and the woman looked resentful.

Only Ye Wuyou was silent for a while, turned around and left silently.

He seemed to understand all this.

Identity, identity changed.


No, not everyone, but many people's identities have changed again.

Yesterday, I was the eldest disciple under the seat of the third elder of Zizhu Peak.

Today, I am the third elder.

No wonder the faces of all the people in my memory are blurry.

No wonder those people have different cultivation levels, and the cultivation level of disciples can be higher than that of elders.

Because it is not important at all.

Their identities will keep changing.

"What's the point of this? Weiyi acts on instinct, and constantly changing identities is his instinct?"

Ye Wuyou really couldn't understand it, and at the same time, he had another memory about "himself" in his mind.

He took a quick look and threw it behind his mind.

"I am Ye Wuyou, I am Ye Wuyou."

After Ye Wuyou repeated this two or three times, he sighed heavily, leaned on the railing, and looked into the distance.

Yesterday, I was a disciple, today I am a master, what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?

Will I become a master's wife?

At this moment, the crowds around have increased. The disciples of the sects are smiling, gathering and dispersing.

Ye Wuyou even saw a few familiar faces among them.

The law enforcement elders yesterday have become disciples today.

If all this is excluded, the rest is just like a normal sect.


Ye Wuyou looked at this scene silently, but there was an indescribable weirdness in his heart.

They all seemed to act only according to their own identity standards.

Disciples are disciples, menials, outer sects, inner sects, true disciples, elders.

There are obviously many elders who have poor cultivation, and there are also many high-level practitioners among the disciples.

But even a disciple of the fifth realm, seeing the elder with no cultivation, also showed fear.

It's not that there is anything wrong with this.

It's just that this is unreasonable for practitioners whose personal power is almost above everything else.

Identity is more important than cultivation?

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

"You are just a errand disciple, why do you come to the inner gate? Do you want to steal?"

"Who allowed you to come in?"

"Who do you think you are? You are so arrogant here, do you need to ask the law enforcement elder?"

Ye Wuyou looked in the direction of the voice, but saw a group of people surrounding one of the disciples, with unfriendly eyes.

This matter may not be a big deal in any sect.

But Ye Wuyou can see that the disciple called errand is in the fifth realm.

And the group of people around him, there is not even one in the middle third realm.

Will he resist?


Lu Zhaolin looked at the people around him in silence.

He heard the news yesterday that a true disciple returned to the sect, and then killed people indiscriminately, and his behavior was extremely strange.

It was so strange that he was familiar with it.

He was almost certain that it was also a cultivator from the "outside world".

Lu Zhaolin wanted to find the other party, he wanted to find the other party urgently.

He wanted to leave this place!

This place is too crazy and too absurd!

This weirdness is indeed not lethal and will not cause death.

But the scenes shown are more terrifying than death.

Cui Yuan has been completely lost, and Luo Qinghan has also lost contact.

It is estimated that there is no hope.

He sighed softly, looking at the people around him who looked unfriendly, and smiled helplessly.

If these guys were placed in the outside world, he would not pay any attention to them at all, and they were not worth a second look.

But now...

He was silent, cupped his hands, and apologized.

"Apologize? What's the use of your apology as a servant?"

"Kneel down and kowtow, and I'll consider sparing your life."

A hint of sternness flashed in Lu Zhaolin's eyes, and an invisible shadow appeared behind him.

But in the end, the illusory figure disappeared.

He was very entangled.

He thought of the fate of his companions.

Do you want to kneel?

The understated words came from above.

"I want this person."

Who is it?

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, but saw Ye Wuyou standing on the high platform with his hands behind his back.

"Third, Third Elder?"

"Don't worry, Third Elder, we will never touch this person."

"What are you doing, go and pay your respects to the Third Elder."

At this moment, Ye Wuyou's eyes were looking at this scene with interest.

At first, he just wanted to see the direction of the situation with an understanding mentality, but unexpectedly, he saw an interesting scene.

The servant disciple had the aura of the remains of the Great Dao.

It was not an identity replacement, but some other unknown weirdness.

But why didn't he choose to resist?

Ye Wuyou didn't understand, but he could see the entanglement in the other's eyes, so he spoke out to stop it all.

Because this was a "living person", unlike everyone else here, he also stepped into this realm from the outside world.

After a while, Lu Zhaolin came to Ye Wuyou in silence.

He seemed to know something.

The other party was the person he was looking for.

He was a servant.

Ye Wuyou was an elder.

If everything was normal, the other party would never say "save" him.

In this absurd sect, only outsiders are abnormal.

"I am Lu Zhaolin from the Lu family, thank you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, you should be able to see that I am an outsider like you, let me ask you, why did you want to kneel down before?" Ye Wuyou threw out such a question.

"You are in the fifth realm, and you have a strange thing with you. Even if there are really powerful guys here, you can run away, right?"

Facing Ye Wuyou's words, Lu Zhaolin was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

"Sir, you seem to know nothing..."

"Here, all cultivation realms are extremely limited, and identity determines everything."

"If you don't do things according to the rules of identity, something terrible will happen."

Ye Wuyou frowned and asked.

"Don't do things according to the rules of identity? What do you mean?"

Lu Zhaolin hesitated, these are all very important information.

But he finally confided it.

Because if he doesn't grasp Ye Wuyou in front of him now, he will be completely alone.

"If you don't do things according to your identity, you will be completely lost...I had a companion before."

"At that time, his identity was the same as mine now, a miscellaneous disciple. After a dispute with these disciples here, he killed those people."

Lu Zhaolin said, revealing a trace of lingering fear in his words.

"But then, he completely became a errand boy... He could no longer remember who he was."

As he spoke, Lu Zhaolin pointed at the disciples in the sect here.

"Just like these people, their identities kept changing. They seemed normal, but they had no real consciousness and were completely lost."


Ye Wuyou thought that he did not act according to his status. He started killing people as soon as he arrived.

But he was slightly surprised.

Yesterday, he was a true disciple, and the people he killed were all people of lower status than him.

The words of the law enforcement elder were still lingering in his ears.

"What's the matter, because your status is higher than theirs."

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