My practice narration is weird

Chapter 206: Strange Domain and Plan

Ye Wuyou's current mood can be summed up in one sentence.

When I woke up, everyone around me had changed.

Everyone’s sense of identity is constantly changing.

The apprentice becomes the master, the mistress becomes the junior sister, the junior sister becomes someone else's Taoist companion, and someone else's Taoist companion becomes one's own Taoist companion.

But all this is just changing in Ye Wuyou's eyes.

I can tell all this clearly.

But Lu Zhaolin can't do it, and neither can anyone else.

In his eyes, all this is normal.

He could only speculate on all these changes based on his own situation.

"My current identity is Zhang San, a handyman disciple, but when I first entered this strange realm, my identity was an inner disciple, and my name was Hu Wei."

"Different identities and names are also different. Although I noticed all this through clues, I couldn't tell their changes."

Lu Zhaolin frowned, with helplessness in his eyes.

He looked at Ye Wuyou, raised his finger and pointed at his face, sneering.

"It's ironic that my face should remain the same, but my identity is constantly changing, and so should the people around me."

"Their identities must have changed, and their looks are different, but in my eyes, this is an extremely normal scene. I can't remember their appearance in my mind."

Lu Zhaolin racked his brains to use words to describe all this.

The scene that happened now was obviously beyond his expectation.

Ye Wuyou understood it, and also understood why his memories were extremely vague when it came to appearance.

For example, yesterday Ye Wuyou knew that the girl with ponytails was his "junior sister".

If Ye Wuyou's identity does not change, then tomorrow, or maybe the day after tomorrow, this junior sister will still exist.

But she is no longer the girl she was before.

A new person will take over the identity of this "junior sister".

The original "junior sister" will have another identity.

"What did you mean by being lost earlier?" Ye Wuyou asked patiently.

Lu Zhaolin wanted to hide something before, but he had already spoken halfway and there was no reason to hide it.

Perhaps he was under too much mental pressure these days, so he confided everything without any further hesitation.

"It's Cui Yuan. He is from the Cui family. On the first day he entered this place, he was a handyman disciple."

"At that time, someone asked him to pick out night fragrance..."

"He is the young master of the Cui family. He couldn't bear this kind of anger, so he immediately killed the group of people, including the outer disciples and elders."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Lu Zhaolin's words, and he smiled.

Obviously, because his current status is also a handyman.

"As a result, after he killed people, he could no longer remember who he was... He had completely forgotten that he was Cui Yuan and what he came to do. He became like these people and became this weirdo. A true handyman disciple in the domain.”

"We were shocked at the time, because our original idea was to clean up the place first, and we just wanted to observe it for a few days, but we didn't expect that he would help us find the place."

Ye Wuyou looked thoughtful and asked softly.

"Uncanny realm?"

The narrator calls it Dao Domain.

"Yes, these weird and ownerless things appear randomly all over the place, and strange realms like this often appear. Since you are in Daxuan, sir, you must have heard of the burning immortal city, right?"

Ye Wuyou certainly remembered that it was the impact of Wuzhu's [Destruction].

Is that also a strange realm?

Perhaps he had finished what he said. At this moment, Lu Zhaolin took a gentle breath and asked.

"Sir, why did you enter this place? And how did you enter this place."

He knew that Ye Wuyou was not an ordinary person, and just like him, he had something strange about him.

Because ordinary people will immediately lose themselves when they enter this place, even if they do nothing.

Only the strange body can resist this erosion.

Ye Wuyou did not respond to this question, but asked instead.

"Why did you enter this place?"

Lu Zhaolin had no intention of hiding it, or in other words, this issue was not worth hiding in the first place.

"Because we want to solve this mystery and imprison him." Lu Zhaolin said seriously.

It is true that Daxuan is a sect in the world, and all matters big and small are discussed by the seven forces.

It doesn’t matter if it’s for profit or exploitation, but at least if something really comes to the fore, then the one who deserves the top priority is still the top one.

The same goes for facing weirdness.

"In the outside world, the area it currently covers is still very small and has not touched people's lives. But if it is left unchecked, if it covers three cities like the black flames, it will inevitably lead to a huge disaster."

"Just imagine, if the identities of all the people in a city change, then..."

Ye Wuyou nodded gently and said calmly with his eyes.

"Then what's your situation now?"

"It's considered a failure..." Lu Zhaolin smiled bitterly.

Not only was it a failure, but there was no way to leave.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be willing to expose so much information to Ye Wuyou.

Because there is really no other way.

Now that you have entered the realm of mystery, it is difficult to leave.

Cui Yuan, who was lost here in the first place, is the [Key].

The key that can unlock everything.

Even this strange realm cannot stop him.

Unfortunately, he is lost.

Lu Zhaolin sighed, "Now his identity keeps changing. I no longer know where he went and what his identity is."

"As for the other person... except for the first day she was with us, I haven't seen her again and can't contact her in the past ten days. I think it's a bad thing."

Lu Zhaolin's voice paused slightly and then asked.

"So, Sir, do you have a way to leave this place?"

Ye Wuyou shook his head gently.

Lu Zhaolin's eyes showed disappointment.

Ye Wuyou didn't care about the other party's emotions and said calmly.

"Tell me about your plan. Since you chose to enter this place in the first place, how can you not be unprepared?"

If you catch this weird thing, you can naturally leave.

But this question made Lu Zhaolin lower his head and fall into silence.

He was hesitating.

Finally, he raised his head and said slowly.

"There is a plan, but it involves some personal secrets of mine, so I can't fully tell you."

Is it related to weirdness?

"I can only tell you that if I can find that weird place, just point it out and I will definitely be able to capture it!"

Ye Wuyou shook his head and said, "That weird thing can change between different people. Are you sure you can take it down?"

I have failed twice in my life.

What answered him were Lu Zhaolin's affirmative and confident words.

Ye Wuyou's eyes showed surprise.

The [key] that can open everything is the backhand.

In addition, Lu Zhaolin said that he would definitely be able to pull off the weird method.

What will the third person be?

He was quite well prepared.

Let’s not talk about the two people who already know whether they are alive or dead. Ye Wuyou is different from the others.

His memory and mind are not affected by the strangeness of this place. No matter how the surroundings change, he can clearly distinguish everything.

Plus narration guidance.

He can find out the weirdness, but he will escape from it.

Isn't this a coincidence?

A faint smile flashed in Ye Wuyou's eyes at this moment, and he looked at Lu Zhaolin.

"If what you say is true, then I have a plan."

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