My practice narration is weird

Chapter 207 Junior Sister, Junior Wife, and Wife

Lu Zhaolin walked along the desolate path, crossed several low wooden beams, and ignored the numb and tired-looking group of errand disciples.

He came to a dilapidated house.

This is Lu Zhaolin's residence.

Or rather, it is where his current "identity" is.

An ordinary errand disciple in a sect.

He did not return to the house immediately because the things belonging to his identity were not yet completed.

In this strange domain, if you want to maintain your own survival, you must act according to your identity.

He also has to do what the errands need to do.

Lu Zhaolin was ordered around.

Carrying water, cleaning, farming, repairing...

How can the hand holding the gun hold the hoe?

Lu Zhaolin felt very uncomfortable, but in the end he still did it all silently.

A shrill cry came from the side.

Lu Zhaolin glanced and retracted his gaze.

An outer disciple was whipping a errand boy.

Bullying is a very common thing. At the beginning, Cui Yuan, who was with him, was like this.

But Cui Yuan couldn't stand it and killed the bullies directly, but he lost himself.

Here, cultivation can't determine everything.

Identity determines everything.

Finally, everything is done.

"Suddenly I feel that these things are much more tiring than cultivation."

Lu Zhaolin smiled and then lay on his bed made of broken wooden boards.

As a great supernatural power of the fifth realm, these things are not actually "tiring".

But this kind of fatigue is not from the body.

Lu Zhaolin lay on the bed, silently recalling everything in his past in his mind.

He was born in the Lu family, a famous family of five surnames and seven families in Daxuan. He showed a talent for cultivation beyond ordinary people since he was a child.

He also went to the sect to study, and was taught by a famous teacher. His parents, relatives and clansmen all recognized and loved him. Apart from this weirdness on his body, it was a trouble, but other than that, he had hardly experienced any human suffering.

He didn't even know what the so-called "odd job" disciples were in the sect, and what they should do.

He really couldn't see them, and there was no need to understand them.

But he was also very hardworking. Such excellent talents and family background did not make him develop the temperament of a second-generation playboy, but instead he always remained focused.

His daily life was to practice, practice, and also to be a knife for the family.

Since he accidentally integrated a weird into his body, the family rarely looked for him, because the family knew that the weird would erode themselves.

Only when it involved weird things would they come to him.

The Lu family treated him very well, and he also cared about the Lu family.

So he almost never saw suffering.

Maybe if he saw it, he would just take a light glance and would not take it to heart at all.

Until today...

After experiencing it personally, he discovered something.

So the lives of the lower class people are so difficult?

These so-called odious disciples are just like cattle and horses.

Lu Zhaolin shook his head and said silently.

"It shouldn't be. It may be because of this strange domain. It's like this in the strange domain because everything here is fake."

"In the outside world, in the real world, everyone should live well, how can it be so difficult?"

Lu Zhaolin thought silently.

He thought of Ye Wuyou's words before.

That person is very mysterious and has a strangeness.

Why did the other party step into this place?

Ye Wuyou didn't answer his question at first, and Lu Zhaolin didn't care.

Whether Ye Wuyou was accidentally involved in this place or came for this weirdness, he didn't care.

Because no matter what, as long as he can solve this weirdness, it's fine.

At the same time, he also wants to "live" out and doesn't want to get lost here.

He can still maintain himself now because he has always abided by the rules of identity in this strange domain.

But Lu Zhaolin is worried that if he stays for a long time, will he also get lost in this sect?

As for how to deal with this weirdness in the end, Lu Zhaolin doesn't care.

"Cui Yuan is lost. Now he doesn't know where he is or what his identity is..."

"That Luo Qinghan, her identity on the first day was the head of the Goddess Peak, second only to the leader of this ghost place, but now she is unknown and where she is..."

The two of them can't be relied on, Lu Zhaolin can only pin his hopes on Ye Wuyou now.

"I need to prepare for a while to use my own weirdness, and I have agreed with him within three days."

"But I don't know how he will find that weirdness..."



A dull thunder roared in the gloomy and dark sky, and a shrill lightning flashed across the night sky, illuminating the entire mountain in an instant.

It's thundering...

"Will there be thunder in this place?"

Ye Wuyou looked at the inky night outside the window, watching the purple-red lightning paint the entire sky.

Very real.

All this is too real.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his hand, and his fingertips gently brushed the fine water droplets on the windowsill, and then felt the raindrops pouring down on his palm.

He shook his hand, and his soul and mind swept across the side room.

Yesterday's master's wife, today's wife, the purple-dressed woman was sleeping soundly on the bed, her full chest rising and falling with her breathing.

The purple-dressed woman was in the fourth realm.

Ye Wuyou could even feel that she had a soul in her body.

Whether it was people or objects, everything in this strange domain was extremely real.

It was like another independent world.

Beyond the secular world, is this the influence of the remains of the Great Dao?

"But no matter how real it is, everything here is an illusion to me."

How can a world where identities keep changing be real?

Ye Wuyou wants to find that weirdness and then take it down with Lu Zhaolin's blow.

Speaking of which.

"【Identity Replacement】 is the remains of the Great Dao without an owner. In the Dao domain formed, its instinct will continue to change people's identities."

This is easy to understand.

What if 【Ghost】 is also ownerless?

What kind of Dao domain will be formed?

Could it be that the entire Dao domain is full of the six kids in the Calabash Brothers? No one can see anyone?

As he thought about this, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his mind.

Ye Wuyou was in a trance for a moment.

The thunder stopped.

The lightning that had just appeared in the sky suddenly solidified on the sky, like a ferocious purple-red snake.

The next moment.

Ye Wuyou stood up and his mind swept around.

I am still standing in the house.

The door of the room was opened.

"Husband, why are you still standing here? Come and rest?"

The purple-dressed woman on the bed has disappeared.

Instead, the one standing in front of me is my former "junior sister"! The girl with twin ponytails!

Ye Wuyou swept his mind and saw that the boy and the girl with twin ponytails were gone.

They turned into two different figures.

His identity changed again.

The former junior sister became the master's wife, and became his wife.

As for himself, he was still the so-called elder.

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