My practice narration is weird

Chapter 208: Strange Appearance

Woo woo woo...

A whistle from somewhere came through the window.

Ye Wuyou listened for a while, then didn't care.

This was the third day he had heard this strange whistle.

The tip of the pen gently fell on the book.

After recording today's events, Ye Wuyou turned over a page, thought a little, and wrote a few lines.

1. In the strange domain, identity determines everything.

2. If you violate the rules of identity, you will get lost, but you will not be affected.

3. Every day, someone's identity changes.

How to find the weird?

It's very simple.

Just break the rules.

Instead of going to the mountains to search, it's better to let the weird appear on its own.

Ordinary people will lose themselves immediately when they enter this weird domain.

People with weirdness can still retain their self when they enter this weird domain, but they cannot break the rules.

I am not afraid of all this.

This weirdness does not have a magical power that can kill, but only has an impact on the mind, which is very much in line with my mind.

Ye Wuyou can defy a higher status than himself without being affected.


A buzzing sound came from his ears, and Ye Wuyou was stunned for a moment, then took out something.

A jade token.

This was something Lu Zhaolin had given him before, saying that he would use it to communicate.

The previous owner of this thing was Cui Yuan.

However, Cui Yuan later got lost in this strange domain, so Lu Zhaolin took everything from Cui Yuan with the idea of ​​not wasting resources.

Ye Wuyou looked at the jade token in his hand, and then took out a similar jade token.

This was obtained from the man from the Luo family.

At first, I thought it was a defensive magic weapon, but I didn't expect it to be a communication tool.

Words appeared on it, representing Lu Zhaolin's words.

"My identity has changed, and I am now an inner disciple. How about you?"

"No change." Ye Wuyou replied.

For two consecutive days, his identity did not change at all.

But the people around him kept changing.

At last, he asked again.

"Are you ready?"

"Anytime, but... I have a strange feeling now."

Strange feeling?

The reply came quickly.

"I have spent twelve days here. This is my fifth identity. I was a errand boy twice, an inner disciple twice, and an outer disciple once..."

"I have more memories of them in my mind. Although I have always put them behind me, those memories will still come up from time to time..."

Ye Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, and then carefully thought about the meaning of this sentence.

There are memories of his current [identity] in his mind.

This is not strange, because Ye Wuyou also has two more memories in his mind at this moment, one from the eldest brother "Sun Yue", and one from the so-called "third elder"

Ye Wuyou did not care, but roughly scanned these memories and put them behind him.

His cognition is very clear.

But it seems that Lu Zhaolin's cognition... is not right.

Could it be that even if nothing is violated, as long as you are in this strange domain, you will be affected little by little over time?

What would happen if Lu Zhaolin was trapped here all the time, his identity kept changing, and ten memories, a hundred different memories flooded into his mind?

I can't wait any longer.

Ye Wuyou sent a message to the other party, and then he flashed out and left the current house.


On Zizhu Peak, people came and went, it was so lively.

The peak was even more lively, and the ancient hall was full of guests at the moment.

Just because today is the 500th birthday of the master of Zizhu Peak.

Congratulations came one after another, and everything was exactly the same as a normal secular sect.

Lu Zhaolin stayed in the crowd, looking around constantly, with a very serious look.

"He said that if I come here, weirdness will appear, but where is the weirdness?" Lu Zhaolin's eyes showed confusion, and he obviously didn't understand what he meant.

A loud voice.

"Welcome the old peak master."

Many people stood on tiptoe to look, with envy and curiosity in their eyes.

But after waiting for a long time, the old peak master did not appear.

Just when someone was puzzled, a strange sound suddenly came.


A head was thrown out from the back, adding a touch of brightness to the festive red carpet.

The head looked like a boy.

It was the peak master of Zizhu Peak today.

He was also Ye Wuyou's "disciple" the day before yesterday, and Ye Wuyou's master the day before yesterday.

He had no cultivation level, so Ye Wuyou cut off his head without any effort.

Ye Wuyou broke the rules and killed someone with a higher status than himself.

Of course, he was not lost, and he didn't even feel anything.

At this moment, he walked out from behind the curtain with a knife, took a deep breath, and then looked at the people around him.

"He is the peak master, I am just an elder under him, I will kill him now."

"So tell me, you bunch of ghosts, what are you going to do now!"

The noisy scene just now suddenly fell into silence.

Not silence, but dead silence.

Lu Zhaolin felt a chill in his body for no reason, he gritted his teeth and looked around carefully.

Everyone's face was dull and their eyes were empty at this moment.

Just like a normal person suddenly lost consciousness and became dull.

They didn't seem to know what to do, because no one of low status could kill a person of high status.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment.

The next second.

The dead silent crowd returned to normal.

Under Ye Wuyou's stunned eyes, a middle-aged man walked out of the crowd, step by step, to the main seat.

The middle-aged man bowed to the people around him, with a smile on his face.

"Meet the old peak master!"

Congratulations were heard.

No one looked at the head on the ground again.

It was obvious that the boy was the peak master the moment before.

"Want to ignore me?" Ye Wuyou was so angry that he laughed.

What is this?

Just like a script, everything has been arranged. Even if there is one actor missing, just pick another one from the crowd to fill it?

Ye Wuyou just didn't want this play to continue.

When he cut off the head of the new peak master again, the crowd fell into dead silence again.

Another person was chosen, he replaced the original middle-aged man and became the new leader of Zizhu Peak!

"Do you really think you can be endless?"

The sword was launched with wind and thunder, and the crowd around was affected.

The crowd finally stopped being silent as before, and gradually became agitated.

"Who is he! He killed the old leader! He violated the taboo!"

"That's the third elder, why did the third elder do this!"

"Call someone, call someone, the third elder violated the biggest taboo, why didn't the sect leader punish him!!"

Sect leader?

Oh yes, in addition to several peak leaders, there are also sect leaders whose status is higher than mine.

I will chop it off later.

Since this weird instinct is to change the identity, then I will let this weirdness be unchangeable.

Ye Wuyou looked at the turbulent crowd indifferently, and at this moment, everyone was faintly surrounding it.

There are many people in the fifth realm in the crowd.

But their status is too low.

They are just disciples.

Ye Wuyou even suspected that those high-level disciples were not aware of their own power, and had only realms but no place to display them.

If placed in the real world, these people rushed forward, and with so many fifth-level disciples, Ye Wuyou would have been beaten to death long ago.

But here, they were full of fear.

Why not show up?

Someone shouted loudly.

"Third Elder, you killed the peak master, your crime is extremely serious!"

"When did the peak master owe you anything? Why did you do this!"

"Go to hell!"

But among so many voices, there was one voice that seemed particularly abrupt.

"No, Sanlang is usually very good and treats us very well. He must have been confused. Let me talk to him."

"I am his Taoist partner, I can definitely persuade him."

The girl with twin ponytails staggered to Ye Wuyou at this moment, tears in her eyes, trembling with a puzzled expression.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Weren't you fine just now?"

Ye Wuyou glanced at the other person lightly, and then he remembered that this woman was his "Daoist partner" now.

The grief and pain in the other person's eyes did not seem fake, but very real.

But Ye Wuyou smiled.

She was his junior sister the day before, and his Daoist partner the next day, what's that?

It's just fake.

"I'm not your Daoist partner, don't show up in front of me."

Hearing this, the woman's eyes showed sadness, and she stepped back a few steps in panic, but then she opened her hands to block Ye Wuyou.

"Sanlang is a good man, Sanlang is a good man..."

A voice came from the horizon.

"The sect master has ordered to kill this official with all our strength, and this action does not violate taboos!"

The next moment, the crowd was boiling.

The people who were originally weak and did not dare to take action, now waved their hands and countless magical powers suddenly appeared and attacked Ye Wuyou.

Taboo? What taboo?

Why can the sect master's order make these people take action?

The dark blue figure blocked everything in front of him, and Ye Wuyou's figure fell into hiding.

When he appeared again, he was already in the crowd.

The blood turned into blood-colored threads, which flowed out from his fingertips and then continued to extend in all directions, sweeping like a blade-like thread.

At the same time, the majestic vortex of qi directly shattered everything.

Too weak, too weak.

These disciples have high realms, but the magical powers they display are extremely weak.

Ye Wuyou even saw a disciple in the fifth realm rushing towards him with bare hands.

Is all cultivation just for boxing?

Several elders did display decent magical powers, but their realms were low and not enough to pose a threat.

All messed up.

The crowded crowd and countless disciples were almost killed by Ye Wuyou alone at this moment.

When the blade passed through the neck of one of them, the man suddenly turned around and said with lifeless eyes.


What why?

I want to attract that weirdness!

You, a bunch of fake beings in the weirdness, also come to question me?

But then, Ye Wuyou's figure paused slightly.

The questioning sound came like a wave, deafening.

All the remaining people around, all those who had just fought with him, including the girl with ponytails, paused at this moment.

They stood there motionless, their eyes were lifeless, and they looked at Ye Wuyou with a dull look, and shouted stiffly.




Ye Wuyou was stunned at first, but then he understood something and looked around sharply.

Is the weirdness finally going to show up?

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