My practice narration is weird

Chapter 239 Two Souls in One Body, Cut in Half

At some point, the area around Linlang Palace, which was previously sparsely populated, has now changed, with a few more people gathering.

These are all members of the Lu family.

Some people sighed, some looked sad, and some looked downcast, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

There were not many people who showed fear.

But no matter what, everyone's eyes were now looking at the woman in the palace who was crying while holding an urn.

Someone whispered.

"Poor, poor, is the ashes of her posthumous child in her arms?"

An old man with gray hair took over the conversation.

"Alas, I have seen that child before. He was quiet and didn't talk much. But at that time, the child had a quarrel with his family for some reason, and finally made a big fuss, even alarming the ancestor."

"Young and energetic, he left the family directly. Decades have passed, and he didn't expect to come back like this."

"Poor parents in the world, the old man sends the young one away."

Although the voice was lowered, it still couldn't escape Ye Wuyou's ears.

At this moment, his eyes slightly moved away from the crowd, and then looked at the old woman in front of him who was crying and had gray hair.

The ancestor of the Lu family seemed to have not come yet, but someone heard the news and came here first.

Although Ye Wuyou had never seen the other party, the eyebrows and face that were seven points similar to Lu Qingshan made Ye Wuyou know that she was Lu Qingshan's "biological mother".

Lu Shuang.

She was not dead, and even stood in front of him alive.

She didn't practice much either. She was about seventy years old, and at this moment, she was only a realm of cultivation.

A living person, an old woman of the first realm, stood in front of Ye Wuyou and cried bitterly, not to mention the "biological mother" of his master.

If everything was normal, Ye Wuyou should have comforted her.

But at this moment, Ye Wuyou felt a little cold in his heart.

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath, and he couldn't help asking himself in his heart.

"Lu Qingshan, what do you want to do?"

He didn't think that his master would lie to him, at least there was no need to lie to him about this matter.

But the facts were in front of Ye Wuyou.

The ancestor of the Lu family was not dead.

Lu Qingshan's mother was still alive.

Is it weird?

Ye Wuyou thought so, but then shook his head slightly, revealing a helpless smile.

The idea in his mind was a bit absurd, but at this moment he actually hoped that the other party was some kind of weird incarnation, and even hoped that this was a change brought about by a weird domain.

But it wasn't.

Ye Wuyou has been exposed to quite a few "weird things" now, but he didn't feel any "Dao aura" at the moment, and even the narrator didn't speak.

Everything was normal in Tianyan.

In the picture deduced by Tianyan, he handed the ashes to Lu Qingshan's biological mother, Lu Shuang.

Then the ancestor of the Lu family came and seemed to have a conversation with him. He left the Lu family safely, with a relaxed smile on his face, as if he had received some kind of gift from the other party before leaving.

Everything was very normal.

Is it to believe what you see in front of you, to believe Tianyan.

Or to believe Lu Qingshan's words?

"No, there is definitely a problem."

Ye Wuyou stood up at this moment, first stepped forward, and helped the woman named Lu Shuang up.

In secret, he injected a wisp of Qi.

A wisp of imperceptible breath wandered on Lu Shuang's body.

This is a person, a living person.

[Hey, you have sensed it. The meridians in this woman's body are so transparent that they are different from those of ordinary people. They are comparable to the innate Taoist body. If she were not old and ugly, and her cultivation was low, she would be an excellent furnace.]

Don't say anything, Ye Wuyou said lightly in his heart.

Then, he faced the woman in front of him and whispered.

"My condolences."

Then, Ye Wuyou took back Lu Qingshan's urn from the other party without changing his expression.

Footsteps came from the back of the hall.

The surrounding chatter suddenly stopped, and then, in a moment, the woman's faint complaint came from the silent hall. Not long after, two figures appeared in Ye Wuyou's eyes.

One of them was a graceful woman who looked quite young, with a charming look in her eyes. At this moment, she naturally held the arm of an old man beside her.

But seeing so many people gathered in the hall, the woman was startled, stunned, let go of her hand, and then jumped happily to someone's side.

The woman stood in front of Lu Wenjing, stretched out her hand and knocked on the man's chest, and then complained.

"Husband, why didn't you tell me you were here?"

"What's there to say? How can I disturb the interest of the ancestor and you?"

"Oh, nonsense, I am discussing Taoism with the ancestor with my sister-in-law."

Lu Wenjing responded with a chuckle, then leaned over to the woman's ear and whispered something, as if telling a joke, which made the woman laugh and laugh.

Ye Wuyou looked at all this silently.

But only his eyes were looking at all this.

No one cared about this scene.

It seemed that everything had become commonplace.

The old man who practiced with the woman before was naturally the ancestor of the Lu family.

Another sixth-level Tianquan.

The Lu family ancestor ignored the rest of the people present and walked straight to Ye Wuyou.

There was no killing intent.

There was no threatening aura of oppression.

There was not even a hint of malice.

The old man, who was now wearing a red robe, looked at Ye Wuyou with strange eyes, and then reached out and patted Ye Wuyou's shoulder gently.

The two eyes intertwined in the air at this moment.

A faint blue figure appeared involuntarily behind Ye Wuyou, and behind the ancestor of the Lu family, there was also a faint shadow surrounding him.

Both sides obviously realized something.

There is something strange about the other party.

Just like the elders taking care of the younger ones, the ancestor of the Lu family said with a rather easy-going look.

"You are Ye Wuyou, the disciple of that boy Lu Qingshan? There was some delay earlier, otherwise I should pick you up personally."

"Don't worry, Lu Qingshan was very kind to me. Unfortunately, he is still dead. Then you are his heir, so I will repay you well!"

Then, the ancestor of the Lu family stood in front of Ye Wuyou and let out an extremely hearty laugh. His joy was not fake at all.

"Lu Wenjing, go and bring me ten branches of the sacred tree. I want to give you a gift!"

Then, the ancestor of the Lu family laughed.

"The branches of this sacred tree are a good thing. Is it effective? Haha, it can suppress the erosion of that damn thing on your body. What do you think of this gift, little friend Ye?"

Ye Wuyou also smiled.

At this moment, everything was just like what Tian Yan had inferred.

If everything was normal, he should smile and chat with the other party for a while, then take the branch of the sacred tree that seemed to be able to "suppress" the strange erosion, and then leave the Lu family safely.

However, a certain emotion kept amplifying in Ye Wuyou's heart.

It was an extremely disgusting emotion.

Why do you feel disgusted?

Is it the Sutra of Six Desires Transforming Demons? This body tempering method will continuously amplify some of your own emotions.

However, this body tempering method has just completed its first round of practice. According to Ye Wuyou's understanding, it is now a "quiet period" and his emotions are normal.

So it has nothing to do with any psychological impact.

I really hate it!

I hate this morally and ethically corrupt behavior from the bottom of my heart.

Especially after seeing the calm expressions of the other people here, as if they had never seen or heard anything before, the feeling of disgust almost reached its peak.

"Why?" Ye Wuyou said softly at this moment.

"Why?" The ancestor of the Lu family said with a smile.

Ye Wuyou pointed at Lu Qingshan's biological mother behind him and said calmly.

"My cheap master is not a good person. With his brain, it would be very simple if he wanted to lie to me, but he would not make fun of his biological mother."

"So, in my understanding, she should be dead."

The voice of the words was not covered up, so the overwhelming sound of accusations came in an instant.

"What is this guy talking about?"

"Is he still human? He actually cursed his master's mother to die!"

"Let me just say that the posthumous child was not a good thing at the time. The apprentice is just like the master. It's pity that her mother gave birth to him alone, but ended up like this in the end."


The insults and accusations were overwhelming.

The ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes slightly, then gently stretched out his hand and made a silencing gesture.

Suddenly no one spoke again.

Even after hearing Ye Wuyou's words, the old ancestor of the Lu family did not show any anger on his old face. Instead, he asked with a slight smile.

"But she is standing here, and you, like me, have a strange appearance. After careful inspection, you can naturally tell whether she is a real person, so what are you still doubting?"

Ye Wuyou's eyes flickered slightly and he responded seriously.

"Yes, just because she is standing here now, it is difficult for me to doubt what I saw with my own eyes, so I even doubted whether I remembered something wrong, or maybe Lu Qingshan lied to me. I really thought about it like this. "

But then, Ye Wuyou shook his head gently, held his forehead and sighed.

"If it hadn't been for you, I would have really thought that Lu Qingshan made a joke to me, even though it was an innocent joke."

The ancestor of the Lu family smiled and looked calm.

Ye Wuyou then spoke calmly.

"So, how did you survive [death]? Are you standing in front of me now really the ancestor of the Lu family?"

There was silence for a moment.

Lu Chen, who had been sitting aside, as if everything here had nothing to do with him, his eyes flickered slightly at this moment.

The ancestor of the Lu family looked calm, but then he laughed nonchalantly.

"That's it?"

"That's right. He is indeed the descendant of that kid from Qingshan. His suspicions are as heavy as his. It's not a secret."

The ancestor of the Lu family showed a hint of joy at this moment, but he couldn't suppress his smile.

"Of course the ancestor of the Lu family died, but it was not me who died, but my elder brother, my biological brother, my elder brother."

elder brother?

Seemingly seeing Ye Wuyou's puzzled look, the Lu family ancestor laughed without caring about his image.

He smiled and bent down, with tears on his old face.

"Yes, I have a brother. He and I have always shared the same body. According to our spiritual practice, we are one body and two souls! The soul is naturally extremely powerful."

"For three hundred years, it has been my good brother who has been pressing me hard. It is obviously the body of both of us. When he entered the practice, he would still ask me to share his difficulties and solve them, but until he came to High, never let me appear again.”

"It was clearly the two of us who achieved everything, but in the end he had to enjoy the beauty of this world alone. Why? He even blocked my consciousness, so I couldn't even take a look at this world."

"Qingshan did kill the ancestor, but it was my beloved relative, brother who died!"

Ye Wuyou's eyes showed a trace of astonishment.

One body with two souls?

How could it be two souls in one body!

Lu Qingshan didn't expect this, so the guy in front of him survived?

Does this count as two people in the judgment of [death]?

The ancestor of the Lu family paused, and then stopped smiling, his hoarse tone with a kind of biting coldness.

"That's why I'm grateful to you, to Qingshan, the kid. He's very kind to me. If it weren't for him, how could I get out?"

"If my brother didn't die, how could I enjoy everything he left behind?"

As he said that, the ancestor of the Lu family waved his hand, but grabbed a young woman from the Lu family from the crowd. Regardless of the latter's frightened expression, he hugged her to his side, and his big hands kept wandering on her body.

The woman struggled a little, trying to stop all this, but facing the ancestor of the sixth realm, the strength of the struggle was minimal.

The ancestor of the Lu family lowered his head and sniffed the woman's hair gently, then his expression was intoxicated, and he smiled inexplicably.

"Look, this world is full of beauty, gold, silver, treasures, and beautiful women, but it's a pity that my brother doesn't know how to enjoy it. He follows the rules like an ascetic monk all day long. It should have been my turn to enjoy it. My Yin-Yang Hehuan Dao method is unique."

The ancestor of the Lu family clapped his hands gently.

Along with the sound, about ten women in gauze slowly walked over from the back of the hall.

Each of them was in a good realm, and the lowest one had practiced in the third realm.

"Friend Ye, this is the second great gift I gave you. I see that you seem to have just entered the fifth realm not long ago, and your breath is still unstable. You need to adjust it well. You can pick these women at will. What do you think?"

[This old man is interesting. Although he is a little calculating, you don't mind it at the moment]

[You don't wait any longer, take the sacred tree, and practice dual cultivation immediately. With so many furnaces and tripods, first go to the Yuan Yin, then swallow their souls, and squeeze out their last bit of essence. The gap between the fifth and sixth realms can be easily crossed in the blink of an eye]

Ye Wuyou gently closed his eyes at this moment, stretched out his hand and patted his forehead with faint blue veins, and then his eyes swept around.

He saw Lu Chen, who was silent, and saw the group of Lu family members standing in the hall, looking displeased with him.

Finally, his eyes fell on the ancestor of the Lu family who was looking at him with a smile in front of him.

Or rather, he fell on the woman who had given up struggling beside him and had lifeless eyes.

At this moment, the disgust in his heart finally reached the point where he could no longer bear it.

Reason told him that he should not do anything, but should talk to the other party with a smile, and then leave peacefully with the branches of the sacred tree.

But there was a sense of depression in his heart, as if he couldn't get it out, telling himself what to do next.

Ye Wuyou felt in his heart that if he left like this today, his cultivation... seemed to be all fed to dogs!

He looked up at this moment and said softly.

"I think..."

"You seem to be a little sick."

As the voice fell, the smiling ancestor of the Lu family suddenly paused.

The knife light suddenly rose.

Blood flew out.

The ancestor of the Lu family lowered his eyes slightly, and his eyes seemed to want to look at his waist.

But then his upper body fell heavily to the ground, leaving only his legs standing at his waist.

This Lu family's sixth-level Tianquan ancestor who escaped [death] was cut in half by Ye Wuyou on the spot! .

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