My practice narration is weird

Chapter 240 No time to mourn for Ye Wuyou, the next one to appear is

In a secret room where the classics are stored in the Luo family.

Her fingertips slid across the secret scrolls one by one. Luo Yue searched along the bookshelf for a long time. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she stood on tiptoe and reached for the top classic.

Her sleeves fell slightly, revealing the arm that had already appeared with spots of corpses.

"The erosion is getting more serious..." Luo Yue frowned slightly.

[Binding the Spirit and Dispatching the General] does not have such powerful, complex and unsolvable rules, but only powerful combat power.

She once used twenty-five fifth-level spirit generals and six sixth-level spirit generals at one time.

Compared to Ye Wuyou, who took half a year to reach the limit of [Ghost] erosion, Luo Yue only took one month to complete about half of Ye Wuyou's journey.

However, the weirdness of the Luo family is a special existence, and it is tightly bound to the bloodline of the Luo family with magical powers.

Although it is a bit of a hell joke, it is true - the Luo family is not afraid of death, but is afraid that no one will die.

In addition, Luo Yue is now a "dead person". Even if the erosion reaches the limit, her body will only rot and decay, but she can still retain consciousness.

Just like the Luo family ancestor who once lay in the coffin, as a real living dead.

However, no one knows how much of this consciousness can be retained, and whether people have found some ingenious methods under the erosion of the weirdness, or whether the weirdness has completely invaded people's consciousness.

Luo Yue doesn't want this.

No one wants their body to rot and decay. Even if her current state is similar to that of a "corpse", there is a difference between a well-preserved corpse and a decayed corpse.

So she is constantly looking for ways.

"The magic of the gods can suppress the erosion... Is it just suppression? The seven families will gather in two months, and you can go and see it."

"Can the seventh realm have a turnaround? But I don't even have the fourth realm now..."

"The branches of the sacred tree... Lu family."

When she saw the last path, Luo Yue couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

What kind of sacred tree is this that can suppress weirdness?

Why didn't the Luo family ancestor use it before?

With these questions, after carefully reading the not-so-detailed records, Luo Yue's mind gradually became firm.

She was going to the Lu family to ask for the branches of the sacred tree. If she could learn the magic arts in the future, she would...

"What is this?" Luo Yue suddenly saw the last line of words in the record.

That line of words was newly added by someone, and the handwriting was quite new. It must have been not long ago, maybe a few years, maybe ten years?

"Although the sacred tree is good, Qinghan doesn't like to fight for it, so it's not that it can't be grabbed."

"In this case, it's just a rotten wood."

Luo Yue's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt and surprise.

Is this handwriting Luo Qinghan?

Yes, there is something strange about her, but why doesn't she ask the Lu family for the sacred tree?

However, with only these shallow records, Luo Yue certainly couldn't understand the meaning.

She put down the book of records, and then sat on the ground a little tiredly.

The dead and pale hand touched the cheek that was still lifeless despite the heavy makeup, and the other hand held a dim bronze mirror, staring.

She smiled, and the dead face showed a pale and stiff smile. She changed several postures and angles, but the face in the mirror was extremely stiff, and even in the eyes of ordinary people, it looked a bit scary.

The woman's smile gradually enlarged, and she laughed out tears for no reason. Finally, she pointed at the bronze mirror and said with a smile.

"What an ugly woman."


Linlangtian, Linlang Palace.

At the moment when the old man of the Lu family was cut in half, Lu Chen, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly had a certain spirit in his eyes.

One body and two souls, the ancestor of the Lu family today is no longer the ancestor of the past.

Although the former ancestor had a very old-fashioned personality, followed the rules and insisted on his principles, it was not an exaggeration to say that he was rigid and corrupt. In their eyes, many things the former ancestor did were very stupid and unreasonable.

Otherwise, how could they abruptly expel 'Lu Qingshan' and 'Lu Caiwei', two people with obvious talents, from the family?

But maybe the other party has lived for too long, and there is something strange on his body. Although he still looks normal, his mind has been affected a little bit? Who knows?

But a family is a family after all. No matter how old-fashioned the former Lu family ancestor was, there is always a reason.

Although everything is done according to the rules, even if it is wrong from the current perspective, it is not too wrong.

But now this person has inherited everything from the ancestor and has the powerful combat power of the ancestor, but his mind is undoubtedly like a madman.

On the day when the ancestor was replaced, Lu Chen had already made up his mind to end it all.

Standing with him is Lu Wenjing, his younger brother.

Lu Chen, Lu Wenjing.

When he was a child, he grabbed the highest hanging sword directly, while his younger brother took the Taoist books.

Although this move is just an illusory expectation and cannot be taken seriously.

But one is literary and the other is martial, and the family is also happy.

Their parents named them because they hoped that their brother, who had taken the sword directly, would be calmer and not become a vulgar warrior who followed the crowd. So they named him Lu Chen.

As for Lu Wenjing, they hoped that he would be as quiet and gentle as a scholar.

But as time passed, Lu Chen became the head of the Lu family. The family affairs and mundane things he had handled over the years had already tempered his temperament. As the name suggests, the word "Chen" explains everything.

As for Lu Wenjing.

Lu Wenjing used to be as quiet and gentle as a scholar, but the aspirations in a scholar's heart are far from being "quiet".

Facing the strangeness of the Lu family's ancestor, Lu Chen, who was "holding a sword" at the time, thought that he could not fight against him, and could only rely on secret planning and looking for opportunities to finally end it all.

But when Lu Wenjing saw this absurd scene at home, he couldn't swallow the anger in his heart. He was reading alone and resolutely took up his sword and left without saying a word to him.

His hair pointed at his crown, and his anger rushed to his long tassel.

The final outcome was as Lu Chen expected. As expected, Lu Wenjing lost.

He should have died after losing.

But when Lu Chen arrived, he saw his brother Wenjing, whose face was familiar but whose words and deeds were extremely unfamiliar.

Lu Chen looked up quietly and looked at everything in the field.

His thoughts and what happened in the field were just a moment.

Young people are full of ambition. Obviously, all the absurd things are indeed a great gift to Ye Wuyou.

But looking at Ye Wuyou's sword-drawing that Lu Chen couldn't explain, there was no reason at all.

Reason ultimately only exists in people's hearts.

Will he win?

The next moment.

The light in Lu Chen's eyes gradually dimmed, and finally turned into a calm silence.

"After all, I can only rely on myself..." He sighed in his heart.

In the center of the hall, red blood flowed, staining the ground red.

The ancestor of the Lu family, who should have been cut in half, looked a little pale at this moment, as if he had consumed a lot.

But his body was intact.

In contrast.

It was Ye Wuyou whose eyes trembled, but his body suddenly broke from the waist and turned into two pieces.

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