My practice narration is weird

Chapter 255: Fighting on two fronts, don’t go beyond the limits of the rules of the sacred tree

Chapter 255: Two-front battle, the limit of the rules of the sacred tree - Don't go

A ghostly figure appeared in the sky, stepping heavily on the ancestor of the Lu family.

The sixth-level spirit general's figure was scattered, but after all, he was just a spirit general, so if he was destroyed, he was destroyed.

"One by one... come and find that stinky boy."

The ancestor of the Lu family had messy hair, and his eyes lightly swept over Luo Yue who was protected by a spirit general behind him, and then pointed at the sacred tree and grinned.

"Look for him, look for him, he has long been a part of the sacred tree, how dare you dare to break into the sacred tree."

Luo Yue's eyes were slightly stunned, she actually had the idea of ​​coming to the Lu family.

But then she received a message from Ye Wuyou later, so she hurried over, but she didn't expect to meet...

Luo Yue's eyes looked at the sky on the side, the woman with a cold breath around her.

Luo Qinghan.

Why is she here too?

However, after hearing the words of the ancestor, Luo Qinghan's eyes showed a strange look, and then he was not angry but happy, and hurriedly said.

"He's dead?"

The Lu family ancestor was stunned when he heard this, thinking that you didn't come to him for a double rest, why did he look so happy without you.

"Yes..." The Lu family ancestor answered doubtfully.

"Are you sure?" Luo Qinghan smiled, and even his voice became a little calmer.

The Lu family ancestor already had a guess in his heart that Luo Qinghan didn't seem to be here for double cultivation.

"That's natural. Those who rashly step into the sacred tree will be affected and lose their original heart. Even I dare not step in easily. This is the secret of the sacred tree. Today I tell you..."

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Luo Qinghan's expression became silent, and the joy in his eyes disappeared.


Luo Qinghan was silent for a while.

In the weird world, that guy can violate the weird rules at will, but will not be affected by the weirdness.

Luo Qinghan looked at the sacred tree, thinking.

She had come to the Lu family with Lu Zhaolin and had seen the branches of the sacred tree.

For people with strange powers, the branches of the sacred tree can suppress the erosion of strange powers, and the temptation is naturally great.

But she didn't take it in the end.


On the one hand, it was Xu Qingyuan who had made an appointment at the beginning. When he was about to arrive at the Lu family by cloud boat, the other party said that his house was on fire, so he left.

Luo Qinghan remembered this very clearly.

On the other hand, it was the bone in her body, the supreme bone.

The supreme bone can help her smooth out some of the erosion.

And when she saw the branches of the sacred tree, she instinctively felt dislike in her mind, and she couldn't tell the reason.

This feeling of dislike came from the supreme bone.

But when she stood under the sacred tree, the idea of ​​digging out the entire sacred tree emerged in her mind...

But it was Lu's family's thing after all, and Qinghan didn't like to fight for it.

The main reason was that it couldn't be dug away.

So she didn't take the branch of the sacred tree in the end, but the sacred tree still left a deep impression in her heart.

There is a long way to go, maybe in a few years, after entering the seventh realm, she can take the sacred tree...

Luo Qinghan thought silently in his heart that he was about to enter the seventh realm, and he would no longer worry about the strange erosion, and he could also meet the little stutterer openly, and then tie her back to get married. The sacred tree is the dowry of the Lu family.

"Ye Wuyou, this person... what does he want to do with my dowry?" Luo Qinghan frowned.

The ancestor of the Lu family then pointed at Lu Chen, who had a gloomy face.

"Lu Chen, do you think I can't guess your calculations? Don't act like a good guy. When you punched him into the sacred tree, you probably wanted him to die a long time ago, right?"

Lu Chen's face remained unchanged, and he waved his hand quietly and said indifferently.

"No, the existence of the sacred tree is not important to the Lu family. I had some expectations for him. After all, I also want to know about the posthumous child..."

He paused for a moment, then changed his words.

"I also want to know how far Lu Qingshan can go. He won't really let him die, right?"

"It's a pity that the result seems to be the same as I thought. Lu Qingshan still didn't expect the boy's temperament. He is as stupid as Wen Jing and too impulsive..."

The questioning voice came, but it was Luo Yue who said with anger in her eyes.

"Then, Master Lu, since you already knew it, why did you put him in the sacred tree?"


"Because he is not a member of the Lu family." Lu Chen responded calmly, but sighed softly in his heart.

Ye Wuyou saw too many secrets of the Lu family that could not be told, and even... scandals.

Lu Chen did not agree with Ye Wuyou's statement, but he did not deny Ye Wuyou's statement. There was no right or wrong between the two.

But from the perspective of the head of the family, many things are not simply considered from a moral perspective.

So Lu Chen didn't give Ye Wuyou a chance to choose, and beat him straight into the sacred tree.

Lu Chen originally thought that if Ye Wuyou could really survive, and he also suppressed the ancestor, and the Lu family returned to its former peace...

He would keep Ye Wuyou in the Lu family and find a Lu family woman for him to marry.

If one is not enough, then two?

After all, he is the descendant of Lu Qingshan, and marrying into the Lu family is not a disadvantage, right?

This kid has good talent, although sometimes he seems to be impulsive, but this is also normal, Lu Chen has no intention of mocking him...

Could it be that a young man in his twenties can be as shrewd, cold-blooded, scheming, and unfathomable as he has experienced over the years...

Then I really dare not keep him.

But now the sacred tree is obviously unstoppable, so I have to work hard on my side.

It just so happened that Ye Wuyou seemed to shake two people before entering the sacred tree. At that time, the boy's reaction seemed to be sending the wrong message.

Unexpectedly, these two people... actually helped a lot.

Lu Chen spoke lightly at this moment.

"Master Luo, the conditions I mentioned before are all true. The branches of the sacred tree and even the industry of the Lu family can be provided to the Luo family."

"Sir Saint, have you considered what I said before?"

The old ancestor only knows how to practice dual cultivation. How can the shrewd Lu Chen clearly state the pros and cons and lure people with benefits?

Look, the old dog is still barking now.

"You two sisters from the Luo family, one of them is still like a [zombie], dead... dead people are fine, I have never seen a dead person, good, good, double cultivation."

Look, a brainless thing.

But although the old ancestor is brainless, he can't help but have a deep connection with the sacred tree.

"These ghost things on you are annoying, but they are nothing in front of me!" The ancestor of the Lu family said fiercely.

"Please ask the sacred tree... to seal the weirdness here."

"Please ask the sacred tree for help."

The sacred tree trembled slightly.

Luo Yue's eyes were slightly startled, and then the ghost spirit in front of her disappeared.

[Spirit Confinement and General Dispatch] was sealed.

Counting [Infinity] and [Time Zero] sealed on Luo Qinghan.

This is the third weirdness that has been sealed.


In fact, it's more than that.

Lu Zhaolin, who was looking up at the sky and eating melons in the distance, was startled.

The phantom behind him suddenly trembled, and then he couldn't call on any power.

No, he's sick.

Why did he not take action, but was also sealed?

This is the fourth weirdness that has been sealed.

And Luo Yue, who was only in the third realm, naturally fell from a high altitude, and she couldn't fly in the air yet.

Luo Qinghan showed a hint of annoyance in his eyes, and then waved his hand gently. A gentle force threw Luo Yue aside and inserted her upside down into the haystack.

At the same time, a mysterious light appeared at the fingertips of the ancestor.

Lu Chen's face changed, and then he clapped his hands.

The mountain Dharma, the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked.

The raging sea, the sea is boundless.

There was already a hint of doubt and horror in his heart.

Even if the ancestor was really stronger than himself, why could he borrow the power of the sacred tree like this?

Even without borrowing the extremely precious dead branches of the sacred tree as a medium, he could seal the weirdness?

Lu Chen said hoarsely.

"Be careful, this is the seventh realm magical power performed by the sacred tree..."

Seventh realm magical power?

Luo Qinghan's eyes showed a hint of joy, but then turned into depth.


Ye Wuyou, whose body was covered with wounds and white turbidity, sat cross-legged quietly, his face was silent, his eyes were full of compassion, but he was chanting softly to the gradually decaying bodies in front of him.

"After all, dust returns to dust, and earth returns to earth."

Then, he looked up and looked into the distance.

For some reason, the wood spirit never left the sacred tree.

But there was no other way to deal with him.

There were still white fruits hanging on the tree, and corpses were wrapped inside.

It was meaningless.

It was not that only these members of the Lu family died in the past thousand years, but there were only a thousand people who practiced cultivation.

But he seemed unable to leave here.

Compared to Luo He, who could leave as long as he drew out his mind, the inner world constructed by this sacred tree had no source.

At least the source did not belong to Ye Wuyou.

It seemed that another cluster of treetops on the sacred tree had withered.

Ye Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, and he saw this scene.

"Interesting, you didn't attack me, but where did this change come from? From the outside world?"

The tree spirit of the sacred tree did not respond.

So Ye Wuyou thought about it.

"Let me leave." Ye Wuyou spoke calmly to the figure on the treetop in the distance.

The wood spirit was silent for a while, and then the voice came with anger.

"Leave? Ridiculous, you think..."

"I'm not discussing with you."

Ye Wuyou stood up gently and said leisurely, "I just informed you for the last time."

The wood spirit said angrily.

"Do you think you can leave? You can't leave. My Lord's sacred tree can go through thousands of years, and you, how many hundreds of years can you live?"

"Can't leave?"

Ye Wuyou waved his hand gently, as if something was spilled.

"Then no one should leave." Ye Wuyou's expression was full of joy.

The figure of the ghost appeared behind him.

But the ghost was suppressed.

Forgetfulness was suppressed.

The right eyeball is now also a new road, which has been suppressed.

Ye Wuyou muttered to himself at this moment.

"I really want to know, you are just the firewood separated from the past. With your remaining body, how many great ways can you suppress?"

The sacred tree can suppress weirdness, but it will never be without limit, nor will it be without any cost.

Because if it is really infinitely suppressed without any cost, then there will not be so many disasters caused by weirdness in this world.

"Come, sacred tree, let me see your limit."

One by one, the items exuding the breath of the great way were lined up by Ye Wuyou and revealed.

[Ghost] [Forgotten] [Right Eye] These are the three weirdnesses on Ye Wuyou now.

It's not over yet.

A constantly changing human face is revealed at this moment.

Ye Wuyou unlocked the seal on it.

[Thousands of People, Thousands of Faces]

The human face was about to flee, but was stepped on by Ye Wuyou, and then it was suppressed by the sacred tree.

A bloody key was obtained from Cui Yuan.


The sacred tree was trembling slightly at this moment, and leaves were falling.

It seemed to have reached its limit.

Ye Wuyou didn't care.

Seeing the [Key], Ye Wuyou's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

He had never seen the strange ability of the [Key], but he heard from Lu Zhaolin that it was a backup plan for them to leave when they entered the strange domain.

He suddenly thought, if he unsealed the strangeness of the [Key], could he leave from here?

After leaving, would he appear in the Lu family, or somewhere else?

But Ye Wuyou didn't do that.

He unsealed the [Key] and stepped on it.

Mu Ling's voice came with a hint of heaviness and confusion.

"Why don't you leave?"

Mu Ling didn't suppress the [Key].

Why don't you leave?

Ye Wuyou looked into the distance, shook his head gently, with a smile.

"I said, no one wants to leave."

He stretched out his hand and showed the last thing.

It was a small wooden box, like a coffin that was shrunk countless times.

[Ghost Gate Coffin]

Mu Ling's eyes showed a trace of horror, and his words were also a bit anxious.

"You, you, I will let you go..."

"No, I said, don't leave."

"You will die..."

"This is the difference between you ants and me, it's ridiculous that you actually care about death?" Ye Wuyou sneered.

Ye Wuyou's face was indifferent, all living beings had no form, and he was detached from everything.

And now, the coffin lid was opened.

Today is two chapters, one chapter is 4000, and the other chapter is 3600...

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