My practice narration is weird

Chapter 256 Who is the Wood Spirit?

The sky, which should have been blue, was now covered with a light green hue.

In May, although Linlang Island was suspended in the sky and was not hot due to the strong wind in the past, it was like winter at this moment. The island was surrounded by a light layer of frost for no reason.

Lu Chen stared at the scenery in front of him in amazement.

The Dharma-Appearance Divine Power he displayed caused mountains to collapse and the sea to crack.

The Dharma-Appearance of the Great Divine Power was displayed by him, changing from illusory to solid, but in the final analysis, it was just a divine power, not the real thing.

The Dharma-Appearance is the Dharma-Appearance, no matter how real it is, it is still the Dharma-Appearance, not that Lu Chen can really create mountains and seas out of thin air.

The mountain is not a mountain, and the sea is not a sea.

And now...

The Dharma-Appearance of the mountain turned into a white snow-capped mountain, and the huge waves condensed into an existence like ice crystals. Even if he had not displayed his magical power, they still hovered in the air and did not dissipate.

The magical power of the Seventh Realm that could easily destroy everything disappeared in this frost and in the incredible eyes of the Lu Family Patriarch.

Luo Qinghan's breath was a little scattered, and he stood there with a frosty face, but his eyes became sharper and brighter, as if he had confirmed something.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you possibly resist the mystery of the Seventh Realm."

"It's just luck, if it happens again, how are you going to take it! God tree, God tree help!"

The Lu Family Patriarch roared hoarsely.

Luo Qinghan's eyes showed a trace of haze.

He has now completely confirmed the path of the Seventh Realm, but he is not the Seventh Realm after all.

But now... is the other party really endless and can use the God Tree to display magical powers beyond his own limits?

If the Lu Family Patriarch has this ability, he can almost be regarded as the Seventh Realm. Why didn't he hear about it before?

"The sacred tree is helping! Why not? Do you want me to chop you with a knife?"

However, as the ancestor of the Lu family spoke, there was no response.

Or rather, there was a response, but it was a bit strange.

A dull roar suddenly came from Linlang Island.

The towering giant tree that had occupied Lu's Linlang Island for a thousand years, at this moment, had a trunk that required dozens of people to surround it, but bursts of thunder-like sounds came from it.

Then the dull roar like thunder gradually turned into a piercing friction and squeezing sound, like the sound of bones in a person being twisted and broken bit by bit.

This sound came from inside the sacred tree.

Everyone present realized all this.

What happened in the sacred tree?

"Is that kid still alive?" Lu Chen was surprised.

But compared to his surprise, some people realized more changes.

Lu Zhaolin tried hard to bite the ice watermelon in his hand that had been condensed by frost, and his eyes were slightly stunned.

His weirdness was not sealed?

One ghost after another will appear around.

Luo Qinghan landed lightly on the dusty ground, walking barefoot, but not a trace of dust was stained, as if something blocked everything.

The ban was lifted.

"The ban has been lifted... so what, you can't kill me... I am the ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Chen."

The ancestor of the Lu family laughed without changing his expression.

But the laughter suddenly stopped with the contraction of his pupils.


What happened inside the sacred tree.

The world inside the sacred tree was originally like the Luo River, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, a paradise on earth, and a blessed land.

But now.

Ye Wuyou looked at all this quietly, looking at the inky black sky.

"My luck is not too bad." Ye Wuyou said to himself.

[Ghost Gate Coffin] is not under his control.

Lu Qingshan once said that this thing can be used once after the ban is lifted.

However, it is impossible to predict who this thing will seal. It depends purely on luck. Because it is strange, Tian Yan can't predict it.

There are only three possibilities.

One, throw it out and seal yourself first, making the enemy laugh to death.

Two, throw it out and seal the enemy, and laugh to death yourself.

Three, seal together, and both will cry.

Ye Wuyou's luck is not too good, but this time, it is not as bad as the worst.

Otherwise, the wood spirit will really laugh to death.

They were sealed together.

The sky is like a magnificent painting, but half of this exquisite painting has turned black, like ink accidentally spilled into it, polluting the painting.

[Strange Door Coffin] is like this.

At that time, countless distances around the Great Yan Imperial City were covered by the Strange Door Coffin, which could only enter but not exit.

At that time, Ye Wuyou did not understand what "Strange Domain" was, but after seeing the Guiyuan Sect created by [Identity Replacement], he realized that the Strange Door Coffin seemed to be like a Strange Domain.

It is not just a simple ban.

There is more to the strange domain than this. As time goes by, more strange things will happen.

This time may be a few days, a few months, or a few years...

However, the [Strange Coffin] at that time had just been separated from Zhang Shixuan, and everything that was formed was just a confinement. It was captured again in one day.

Ye Wuyou looked at the cliff where he was standing.

It was no longer a cliff, but a dark muddy ground.

Under the mud, there seemed to be something churning faintly... but it could never break through the mud.

"Is it the existence that the Strange Coffin had imprisoned before?" Ye Wuyou looked calm and disdainful.

The ink marks above the sky were expanding.

Until it swallowed all the mountains here, polluted the rivers, and finally came to the island where the sacred tree was.

The wood spirit stood up from the cross-legged position.

The ink could not move forward any further.

The power of the strange door coffin was suppressed a little.

Ye Wuyou showed surprise in his eyes, and whispered with doubt.

"I now have three remains on my body, including the three uncontrollable ones in my hand, a total of six..."

"Could it be that five is not your limit? You also suppressed other remains?"

The sacred tree can suppress weirdness, but there is also a time limit, a limit, and even a price.

[Ghost] [Forget] [Right Eyeball] [Thousand People Thousand Faces] [Key] [Strange Door Coffin]

In the inner world constructed by this sacred tree, any weirdness will be suppressed, as if it is some kind of instinct of the sacred tree.

As long as the weirdness is revealed, it will definitely be suppressed by the sacred tree.

Ye Wuyou tested it bit by bit before, and when he took out the [Key], it was no longer suppressed.

【Ghost Gate Coffin】was taken out by him last.

So he speculated that the limit of the God Tree was five? That is, the God Tree could only suppress four strange things unconditionally?

But now... five is not right, why?

Ye Wuyou didn't know that in the outside world, the God Tree also borrowed power to suppress four strange things.

So the limit of the God Tree in front of him was to suppress eight strange things at the same time within a certain period of time.

And now, the power of the outside world has been taken back by the God Tree.

The dark ink spots still exist, and the Ghost Gate Coffin covers most of the sky, leaving only a little clear light above the island.

The black fog surrounds, but the clear light did not dissipate after all.

But the black fog did not dissipate either.

The influence of the Ghost Gate Coffin still exists.

Because this is a completely "wild" wreckage that is not controlled by people, it is much more terrifying than the 【ghost】 on Ye Wuyou's body now.

Even if the God Tree suppresses the 【Ghost Gate Coffin】 at this moment, it cannot eliminate the influence it brings.

Because this world is originally fictional, it does not really exist.

Mu Ling's voice came with undisguised anger.

"You, do you know what you have done!"

"You destroyed the paradise that took thousands of years to form!"

Ye Wuyou spread his hands and chuckled.

"Blame me? You didn't let me go in the first place."


Something touched him.

Ye Wuyou looked at the dark mud under his feet, but saw a dark hand stretched out.

The palm was spread out, as if it wanted to grab him, or maybe shake hands with him.

With his eyes back, Ye Wuyou stepped heavily and crushed the dark hand into mud.

"You are unforgivable, unforgivable..." Mu Ling's words were full of anger.

Ye Wuyou didn't care about Mu Ling's words at all. He looked around, but he couldn't find any trace of the [Ghost Coffin].

It is now completely out of Ye Wuyou's control, hiding between this dark world.

To be honest, Ye Wuyou is really curious.

"You are so angry now, why are you still as calm as a mountain and unwilling to move even a step?" He chuckled.

The wood spirit gave him the feeling that he could not resist. If the other party was willing to leave the tree canopy, he could easily defeat him.

The wood spirit was silent for a while, and then spoke with suppressed anger.

"Go find that thing, it is suppressed by me, find it, take it away, and I will let you go."

"I said, I won't leave."

"What do you want to do!"

Ye Wuyou stretched out his hand and gently tapped his forehead with his fingertips.

"What to do... I don't know."

"At first, I wanted to help my cheap master destroy your sacred tree, but later I felt it was too pity. The sacred tree is just a tree, and there is nothing wrong with the tree. As long as you, the wood spirit, are destroyed, no matter what changes happen in the end, the master is dead anyway."

"But now..." Ye Wuyou paused slightly, and then said again.

"Although the voice in my head is gone, I just want to chop you up for firewood now..."

The wood spirit's words were cold, and its footsteps seemed to move slightly.

"Just you..."

Ye Wuyou held his forehead with one hand, frowning, and endless mixed emotions flashed in his eyes, which finally turned into a smile.

"I have chopped down five trees stronger than you. If you only have this kind of strength..."

The voice was not finished.

The figure of the wood spirit had disappeared above the tree canopy.

That was faster than the speed of the magic of shrinking the earth into an inch. The wood spirit appeared in front of Ye Wuyou in a blink of an eye.

The tall wood spirit, like a giant, stood in front of Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou still had a faint smile on his face, but his chest had been pierced, and the blue-gray arm penetrated Ye Wuyou's body.

The "body" that had recovered most of its vitality was now gushing out red blood and thick white turbidity.

The wood spirit seemed to be furious. It looked at Ye Wuyou and wanted to crush him alive.

But seeing the white mucus coming out of Ye Wuyou's body, especially his chest, it looked at the dark sky around it.

After hesitating for a moment, it finally didn't do it.

The sunk cost was too high...

This guy swallowed the Tao fruit, and the essence was in his body. It would be a waste to crush him.

The wood spirit dragged Ye Wuyou with one hand, and then his figure flashed and returned to the tree canopy.

Looking at the calm treetops around him, the wood spirit breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the time was short and nothing happened..." Mu Ling whispered to himself.

But a faint voice came from beside him.

"You said, why are you all faded?"


Mu Ling frowned slightly, but then his body froze in place.

It is impossible to describe what happened at this moment.

The blue-gray figure was "fading" little by little at this moment.

The blue color that symbolizes vitality gradually dissipated and was absorbed by the branches beside it, revealing the gray inside.

And the gray was also gradually fading.

The blue color symbolizes green leaves, and the gray is the trunk.

Countless branches of the sacred trees extended at this moment, surrounding the body of this wood spirit layer by layer, and tightly bound it.

"Why... I am a wood spirit!" Mu Ling felt his body dissipating little by little, and let out an unbelievable roar.

Ye Wuyou, hanging on the tree, looked at all this while blood and white liquid were oozing from his chest.

A voice answered its doubts.

"You are not now."

"I am."

The voice was old and had a hint of...humanity.

A human figure slowly emerged from the trunk of the sacred tree.

The same blue-gray color, the body made up of tree trunks, but the body was not so huge, but the size of an ordinary person.

Ye Wuyou had seen that old face.

"Lu family ancestor?" Ye Wuyou sneered.

The appearance was exactly the same as Lu family ancestor.

But compared to the ancestor with a lewd face in the outside world, the man in front of him...

To put it nicely, his expression was simple and solemn.

To put it bluntly, he had the stereotyped face of an old antique.

There was madness in Mu Ling's eyes, but his voice gradually became smaller.

" are really still alive, but only two months, how did you do all this!"

The ancestor of the Lu family said hoarsely with a flat face.

"It's only two months in your eyes... It seems you don't know."

"For this day, I have been planning for many years."

The ancestor of the Lu family looked down at Ye Wuyou who was hanging himself on the southeast tree, nodded slightly and said.

"Although the real turning point was only fifty years ago..."

When was fifty years ago?

Ye Wuyou thought for a moment.

When Lu Qingshan was born?

The original wood spirit must not understand these words, it just asked a question with reluctance at the end.

"I, I clearly set up a precaution against you, how could you escape surveillance and do all this..."

The old face of the Lu family ancestor was calm, stretched out a hand, and pierced the chest of the wood spirit.

The ancestor of the Lu family drew a breath from the body of the wood spirit, and then gently waved his sleeves in front of Ye Wuyou.

The wood spirit was about to dissipate, and the hole in Ye Wuyou's chest recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then he responded lightly.

"Are you talking about the will you placed in me, or the wood spirit clone?"

"This is what you will never understand. After all, you were originally a wood spirit. Although you have a superficial wisdom... you don't understand human nature at all, and you can't understand the twists and turns in the conversation..."

"It was deceived by me."

The voice of the Lu family ancestor seemed to have a smile, but it was a mockery.

"I deceived it. It probably thinks I am its elder brother until it dies, and it is my younger brother..."

"It has long forgotten that it is a wood spirit."

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