My practice narration is weird

Chapter 257 The Lu Family Ancestor's Plan What Happened to My Child?

Chapter 257 The Lu Family Patriarch's Plan - What Happened to My Child

Outside, Lu Family Linlang Island.

At the moment when the wood spirit in the sacred tree dissipated, the pupils of the Lu Family Patriarch who was standing in place suddenly shrank.

His breath weakened little by little, and he felt that a certain existence of his was gradually dissipating.

Not only him.

There were many others.

There were about hundreds of Lu Family children, whose pupils were dissipated at this moment, and then they fell to the ground.

"Why? What happened?"

The sudden change made Luo Qinghan's eyes slightly condensed, and he did not act rashly.

The pupils of the Lu Family Patriarch trembled constantly, and he finally knelt down with his hands on his head and a painful expression, muttering to himself in a low voice.

"I am a wood spirit?"

"I am the wood spirit of the sacred tree? The incarnation of will, monitoring everything in the Lu family?"

That's why he can unscrupulously borrow the power of the sacred tree, and even suppress the weirdness without the dead branches of the sacred tree.


But then, a flash of madness flashed in the eyes of the Lu family ancestor.

"Go to hell, this wood spirit is not even worthy of being a dog. How can a wood spirit be better than the ancestor? The ancestor can practice dual cultivation, but the wood spirit can only be with wood!"

"It's all fake, all fake."

"How dare the broken sacred tree deceive me!"

"This sacred tree has already died!"

The Lu family ancestor's breath was scattered, but he still gritted his teeth, stood up staggeringly, and then ran towards the towering tree without looking back.

"Lu Chen, you don't need to do anything, I will destroy the sacred tree first!"

Lu Chen: "?"

But the ancestor's figure did not run far.

He was originally a wood spirit.

As the wood spirit in the sacred tree dissipated, his life was like a candle in the wind.

Finally, he slowly came to the sacred tree.

He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the sacred tree, but he couldn't do it after all.

So he used up his last strength and hit the sacred tree head-on.

Luo Qinghan stared at the scene, frowning slightly, but couldn't understand why it was like this.

On the contrary, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly flashed, as if he had figured out something.

He immediately took action and took out something from the ancestor's body.

[Damage Transfer]

Lu Chen's eyes were extremely solemn, and then he took out a dead branch of the sacred tree and put it together.

After doing all this, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes became a little alert, and he slightly clasped his fists towards Luo Qinghan.

Luo Qinghan looked calmly at the sacred tree and frowned.

"What exactly is this sacred tree of your Lu family? Why is it so absurd..."

Lu Chen had some guesses in his mind, but it was inconvenient to mention it at the moment, and he wanted to say something.

Violent tremors came from under his feet.

Is it a sacred tree?

No, the entire Linlang Island is shaking.


Inside the sacred tree

The figure of the Lu family ancestor flashed back from the dark sky, took back a small black box in his hand, stared at it, and then threw it to Ye Wuyou.

The [Ghost Gate Coffin] that Ye Wuyou had difficulty finding was taken back by the other party with extreme ease.

Ye Wuyou sat cross-legged on the ground, looking calm.

"So, everything I did was to prepare for your wedding dress?"

The wood spirit had never left the sacred tree before, just to prevent the Lu family ancestor from taking everything away.

But how did the Lu family ancestor become a wood spirit?

Wasn't he killed by Lu Qingshan with [Death]?

The blue-gray figure, the Lu family ancestor turned around gently, did not care about Ye Wuyou's words, but asked back.

"Didn't you eat that Tao fruit? Let's talk about it..."

The Lu family ancestor sat cross-legged in front of Ye Wuyou, still with that stiff and rigid face, but his words were a little softer.

"All this was originally an agreement with your master Lu Qingshan."

"I let him go back then, on the one hand, because he was no longer bound by the mark of the sacred tree and could leave the Lu family, and on the other hand, to leave some hope. After all, he is the blood of the Lu family. If what I did failed, the Lu family would be destroyed."

"By the way, there was a girl in the Lu family a few years ago. She was destined to obtain seven leaves, but one day she lost all her cultivation. Haha, I have to thank that remnant soul."

"That remnant soul seemed to have some means and swallowed the girl's cultivation. As a result, even the mark of the sacred tree was broken."

"It seems that the loss of cultivation is a bad thing, but I don't think so."

"It just happened that she was expelled from the Lu family by something and secretly guided her to Lu Qingshan."

Ye Wuyou listened quietly and only then knew everything that had happened.

Lu Qingshan broke the mark of the sacred tree because of his parents.

Lu Caiwei broke the brand, it turned out to be Xia Anmeng...

The ancestor of the Lu family looked leisurely, looking at everything around him, looking at the sacred tree under his feet, his expression finally relaxed a little.

"I have seen everything that has happened since you landed on the island. I know you have a lot of doubts. You can take your time."

Ye Wuyou's eyes were clear, and he thought for a while and said.

"Lu Qingshan killed you with [Death]. Did you intend to?"



"Because except when my lifespan is about to end, I can't die. The will of the sacred tree won't let me leave Linlang Island, nor will it let me die."

The ancestor of the Lu family explained.

"The sacred tree was taken out from a relic by my Lu family ancestor. At that time, the sacred tree was just a small sapling."

"After thousands of years of cultivation, it has become a towering giant tree."

"As the so-called ancestor of the Lu family, my cultivation is somewhat different from others. My body, mind, life, and even my bloodline have long been bound to the sacred tree. Therefore, the Lu family can be blessed by the sacred tree."

"The blessings of the Divine Tree at that time were different from now. Each family member can improve his qualifications and talents. As for whether it has obscured the original destiny, I don't know, and I don't need to care. But at that time, the children of the Lu family could There is no such thing as not living past the age of twenty.”

Was that the sacred tree of blessing?

"It's a pity that in my generation, six hundred years ago, the sacred tree gave birth to the wood spirit."

"The sacred tree has spirit. This is actually a good thing. I didn't pay attention at the time."

"But one day, a child of the Lu family who was supposed to be dead appeared in the Lu family alive, and I realized that something was wrong."

The ancestor of the Lu family spoke in a deep voice.

"The self-awareness of the wood spirit of the sacred tree is a bit too strong. If it was said that the sacred tree could bless the Lu family in the past, but now, it is better to say that the sacred tree draws on the Lu family as nutrients."

"It still allows the children of the Lu family to have extremely excellent qualifications, but compared to the past when everyone could improve their qualifications, now the proportion has been reduced, and there are even children who have never obtained a leaf."

"I want to change all of this, and even want to seek death with secret methods. I am bound to the sacred tree, and I want to replace the existence of the wood spirit... But the sacred tree directly set up a clone of the wood spirit in me. I can compete with the seven realms. , no one can kill me, and I can only watch the dead come back to life and appear in the Lu family. "

"In these years, my end is approaching. If I die normally, the spirit of the sacred tree will replace me."

"Although the Lu family at that time was still the Lu family, the real leader was the sacred tree."

In fact, many people in the Lu family already have the will of the sacred tree.

The sacred tree is learning all this, and they have become members of the Lu family and live together.

Ye Wuyou didn't care about what the other party said, but instead chuckled.

"That's why you asked Lu Qingshan to kill you? But I'm more curious, how did you fool Mu Ling into thinking he was your brother?"

"The sacred tree is wise, but its IQ is not very ideal. This is not difficult." The ancestor of the Lu family responded.

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, then opened his eyebrows and asked.

"What did you agree with Lu Qingshan? Just to kill you with [death]?"

The ancestor of the Lu family explained.

"It used to be like this, but I had a conversation with him a few months ago."

Was it the time at Dayan Palace?

"When Lu Qingshan was young, he had hatred in his heart and wanted to destroy the sacred tree, but he has figured out some things over the years."

The ancestor of the Lu family hesitated before speaking again.

"In other words, it's like he's become a different person."

"I can replace the tree spirit and Fuze Lu family. To a certain extent, our goals are the same."

"He mentioned to me that he has a disciple whose mind seems to be unaffected by anything."

Ye Wuyou's eyes were calm and he didn't care.

This is not a secret thing.

Lu Qingshan knew about this a long time ago, and the other party even tested him.

Even if he didn't know it earlier, when he told Lu Qingshan about the existence of [Backtracking], the other party should have realized this.

The ancestor of the Lu family continued.

"Such a person is rare. I suggest that he go back to the Lu family with you."

"It's a pity that he died in the end, otherwise things wouldn't be so troublesome..."

Not common?

Ye Wuyou suddenly thought of something and said calmly.

"The brand on Lu Qingshan was lifted by his father, right?"

The ancestor of the Lu family nodded.

"Yes, that is also a child with good qualifications."

"Then how did he attack the sacred tree and do all this without being affected?" Ye Wuyou asked.

He was very interested in this person.

Is it possible that there are others like me?

The ancestor of the Lu family fell silent for a moment, and finally said calmly.

"No, he was actually affected in a very different way than you."

"Then why?" Ye Wuyou's calm eyes finally revealed a trace of confusion.

People under the influence almost worship the sacred tree as a god, let alone resist.

"It's obsession." The Lu family ancestor said softly.


Ye Wuyou's eyes were puzzled.

"Didn't you see his body controlled by the sacred tree before?" asked the Lu family ancestor.

Ye Wuyou nodded slightly, he had indeed seen it before.

Even if the opponent dies, his combat power will be greatly reduced compared to when he was alive, but the pressure he will bring to him will still be considerable.

He even used words to disturb his mind for a moment and seriously hurt himself.



Ye Wuyou's calm expression was a little confused, but then he shook his head with sneer and disdain.

The ancestor of the Lu family didn't care about Ye Wuyou's sneer, but said silently.

"The sacred tree spirits can never understand the emotions in our human hearts. This emotion has nothing to do with cultivation, but sometimes, it is greater than everything else..."

The corpse of Lu Qingshan's father could only repeat one sentence.

"How is my child Qingshan doing?"

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